The Y&R Update Tuesday 8/6/19
Written by Christine
At the park, Nick swooped in and picked up Christian and asked if uncle Adam had been telling him funny jokes. Christian stated that Adam said he was his dad. It wasnt a joke, son, Adam replied. Nick asked Monique to take Christian to get a snack. Adam protested because his court-appointed visit was for the whole day. Nick snapped that what Adam didnt know was that Christian could only take so much heat and sun, before he needed a break. Adam stalked off and sent a text to someone. Nick promised Christian that hed see him at Crimson Lights later.
At their apartment, Kyle kissed Lola. She reminded him that he told Jack he was working from home today. He replied that this was research she was wearing Jabot lipstick and he was testing its durability and kissability. He told her that Mariah was throwing a joint bachelor-bachelorette party. While she said that was great, she didnt seem that happy, and he assumed that it was because of Celeste, and he said hed have Mariah cancel. Lola felt that they deserved to celebrate, and she said she wouldnt let her mom steal any more joy from the experience. Kyle and Lola ran into Nate at Crimson Lights, and they thanked him for what he did for Lola. He didnt think he could take all the credit, because he believed that the love and support she received from her family and friends helped. He told her not to take it for granted. After Lola left, Theo arrived, and he noted that Phyllis had yanked him away before he could get a guest list for Kyles bachelor party. He mentioned that Phyllis was pissed at Kyle because of what he did to Summer. Kyle figured shed have someone else in her cross hairs next week, but Theo thought she seemed like the type to hold a grudge. Kyle warned Theo not to put crazy ideas about him in Phyllis head. Theo asked Kyle for a guest list again, and when Kyle said he didnt want Theo throwing him a party, Theo realized Kyle was still upset about the thing with Celeste. Theo claimed that he only answered Celestes questions, but Kyle thought Theo was full of it. Theo asked if theyd ever be friends again. Kyle stated that hed changed, but Theo said no one, including Celeste and Phyllis, bought Kyles squeaky clean act. Kyle demanded to know what Theo told Celeste. Theo said to chill he still had Kyles back even if Kyle was being a jerk. Keep your mouth shut about New York, Kyle ordered.
At Society, Tessa jotted down lyrics for a song that she was writing. She asked Abbys opinion on rhyming Lola with guacamol-a. Abby was confused, and Tessa explained that she was writing a song for Kyle and Lolas bachelor party. Abby asked since when Lolas bachelorette party was a co-ed event with goofy songs. Since Mariahs planning it, Tessa replied. Abby interrogated Tessa about the party. Later, when Nate arrived for takeout, Abby vented to him. She felt that shed been a supportive and respectful maid of honor, but shed been relegated to being a guest at a party that she should be throwing. Abby grumbled that it was fine if Lola and Kyle wanted a stupid co-ed party with goofy songs. She told Nate that shed need a date, so shed tell him when the party was. Okay Nate responded, sounding uncertain. She thought it was ridiculous that she had to find out about the party from someone else, and she rushed off.
At Crimson Lights, Mariah told Sharon that she was throwing a Miami themed party for Lola and Kyle. She asked Sharon to come. Sharon thought itd be nice to celebrate two people in love and to ease back into the social scene. Um, actually, Mariah started, but before she got the chance to finish, Sharons phone pinged it was Adam requesting her help at the park.
Back at Chancellor Park, Christian said Bye, Daddy, and Adam and Nick both responded. After Christian was gone, Nick and Adam argued about whether what Adam did was harmful to Christian. Nick felt that Adam was so eager to make him look bad that he was willing to hurt Christian. Adam contended that Christian didnt look hurt. He said they were having a great time until Nick showed up and spoiled it. Only you would think blowing up a little boys life would be fun. You cant just throw something like that at a little kid, man. It could be seriously traumatizing, Nick stated. Adam noted that he wasnt the one who made a scene in front of Christian. Nick felt that hed been acting in Christians best interest. Adam said that Nick was out of line. He said he had every right to go off on Nick, but hed restrained himself, because unlike Nick, he put his son first. Nick said this wouldnt be happening if Adam put Christian first. They argued about which one of them was Christians father. Adam planned to continue to tell Christian that that he was his father. Nick thought Adam only cared about claiming Christian like a possession. Nick noted that he took care of Christian when he had the flu, made sure he brushed his teeth and put him to bed at night. Because I wasnt around to take care of him. All right. You really stepped up, Uncle Nick. And I do appreciate that. But Christian deserves to be raised by his real father, Adam stated. Nick argued that blood didnt make a parent. Adam noted that Victor could attest to that. He was surprised Victor hadnt thrown in with Nick on this. Nick snarled that he fought his own battles. Adam countered with a comment about Dark Horse. Nick said Adam bought a bank note with Victorias money, then she and Phyllis gutted Dark Horse he didn't have Christian and he had a worthless company. Adam was satisfied because hed double the return on his investment and because all Phyllis got for her betrayal was a rundown hotel in Detroit. He said Phyllis and Victoria werent as smart as they thought, but they were smarter than Nick.
Adam noted that Sage fooled Nick into thinking Christian was his. Nick said she wanted a father for her child whod never deny him. She needed someone to believe her lie. Enter big brother. The easiest guy in the world to outsmart. We all knew the truth before you. I mean, me, Sage, Dad. Even Chelsea lied to you, Adam wasnt surprised that Nick took Chelsea back, because Nick was the worlds doormat. Wives, exes, kids. Even your loyal sister, Adam stated. Nick replied that relationships were complex, but Adam wouldnt know that because no one gave a damn about him. Adam said hed have to celebrate winning custody of Christian alone. Adam vowed to cut Christian out of Nicks life, but Nick was adamant that Adam could never change the way Christian felt about him. I will rip him away from you so fast and hard you wont recognize him, Nick, Adam snarled. Nick punched Adam in the face. Adam fell and Nick punched him again. Sharon ran up and yelled at Nick. Nick asked if she was taking Adams side. She noted that hed been pummeling Adam. Nick warned Adam that this was just a taste of how far hed go if Adam kept messing with his son. Nick left. Adam thanked Sharon and tried to leave, but she insisted that he stay so she could check him out. He had a couple of cuts on his face. He said he was glad that Christian wasnt there for this. Sharon was sure that neither Nick nor Adam would hurt Christian. Adam said he wouldnt.
Nick went to Crimson Lights and kissed Christian on the head, then he pulled Monique aside. She apologized for what happened with Adam, but he told her that no one could control what his brother said. He appreciated what she was doing for Christian. Nick said he was trying to follow the rules, but he had to make sure Christian was okay. Nick went over and asked Christian if he was upset by what his uncle Adam said. Christian was not upset. Youre my daddy, he stated. Nick promised that hed always protect Christian. They said they loved each other and hugged. Nick left the table, but he lingered in the doorway.
Mariah went to Devons place. He asked how things were going at Power Communications, and she said they were going well. She asked if she could rent the rooftop of the Club for Kyle and Lolas party. He was sure they could work something out. Devon liked the cooking video of Lola that Mariah sent, and he asked her to work on a follow up. She said she would as soon as Lola was back from her honeymoon. She showed him some work she did, and she thought he hated what shed done, but he thought she was doing an amazing job. Elena came home, exhausted after her shower. Devon offered her a massage afterward. Mariah told her to make sure Devon did her feet, and Elena said he always did. She went upstairs. Mariah noted that it seemed like things were going well for Devon and Elena. He told her that he and Elena were officially living together. Mariah was happy, and she hugged him. After Mariah left, Devon gave Elena a foot massage. The doorbell rang, and Elena didnt want to answer, but Devon recalled telling Nate he could come over. When Nate walked in with the food, Elena was buttoning her blouse, and he offered to come back later, but she invited him to stay. He told them that Abby was sending mixed signals pushing him away, then inviting him on dates, and he was starting to feel like he was wasting his time. Elena advised being patient. She was confident that Abby would realize what a great guy Nate was.
Mariah went to Society and was updating Tessa on the party plans when Abby appeared and sniped about Mariah taking over the party. Mariah didnt mean to step on any toes she just thought a joint celebration would be fun and different. Abby snapped that Lola liked traditional things. Playing peacemaker, Tessa said that Lola got that with the shower Abby threw. Mariah asked if Abby had ideas for this party, but Abby said no, and she rushed off. Mariah was worried Abby or Sharon and Rey might blow up the party. Mariah had neglected to tell Sharon that Rey would be there. She was hoping a giant party celebrating love and romance might be just the thing they needed to get them back together, but she admitted it might end badly.
Lola visited Summer at Jabot and told her about the party. Summer assured Lola that she wouldnt crash this one, the way shed crashed the bridal shower. To Summers shock, Lola asked Summer to attend. Summer said she was busy that night, even though she didnt know when it was. Lola knew that her request was weird. Summer asked why Lola wanted her to be there. Lola said she was reminded today how lucky she was today that Summer agreed to be her donor. Summer admitted that she wasnt being completely selfless. Lola said shed forever be grateful for Summer saving her life. Lola wanted to put the bad blood behind them maybe they couldnt be friends, but maybe they could not be enemies. Alright, well part of my livers gonna be there anyway, so why not?, Summer replied.
Kyle visited Lola at work and noticed she was in a good mood. She told him about inviting Summer to the party, and he was surprised. She wanted to put the negativity behind them she couldnt control what her mom did, but she could control the rest. He liked her optimism. They hugged. She asked that they promise each other that they wouldnt let anything ruin what they had.
Theo went to Jabot and told Summer that Kyle was a mess. She figured it was just wedding jitters. He said Kyle never cared what women thought of him, and she said that was the old Kyle. He said the new Kyle was paranoid that Lola would find something out about him that would make her break up with her. He said Lola must be pretty judgmental. Summer admitted Lola wasnt that bad. She asked Theo to go with her to the party, as long as he and Kyle werent on the outs. He was sure hed be able to patch things up with Kyle, and he accepted the invitation.
Chelsea talked with Connor on the phone at Nicks. He was upset because he missed her. She promised that theyd be together as soon as she could get some things worked out. Nick came home, and Chelsea put an ice pack on his swollen hand. She thought she shouldve gone with him to the park, but he was sure he still wouldve punched Adam. He didnt think Christian believed what Adam said. Nick felt that Adam set him up, and he was angry with himself for falling for it. He said he could kill Adam. She urged him to get control of his emotions, but he said it was too late, and hed already given Adam more than enough ammunition to prove Nick was a violent parent. She wondered if the judge would take what Adam did in consideration. Nick said it wasnt just his word because Adam made sure that the one person whod be on his side showed up right as he hit Adam. Nick said he didnt care if Sharon was team Adam. Screw both of them, he added. Nick knew this could be bad, but part of him didnt regret hitting Adam, because it showed Adam what hed get if he kept messing with Christian. Nick wished hed beaten the crap out of Adam. Chelsea said Adams specialty was getting under peoples skin and using it to his advantage. Nick said when he found out Adam was alive, he knew Adam would go after Christian. Chelsea noted that he was going after Connor too. She said Connor wanted to be with her, and she kept making excuses. She was hesitant to tell him Adam was alive, because she was afraid of what he might do. Nick said they had something that Adam didnt they were a team. You, me, Christian and Connor. Together we are stronger than him, he stated. He promised he wouldnt let Adam hurt their boys. They held hands. Then she called Anita and told her to bring Connor.
At the penthouse, Adam told Sharon that she didnt have to drive him home. She wanted to take him to the hospital in case he needed stitches, but he said it was just a scratch. She knew he was in pain, and she told him he didnt have to pretend for her sake. He said hed be okay and he told her she should go, but she refused. She took his hand and led him to the couch, then she went to get the first aid kit. Later, Sharon cleaned Adams cuts and wondered what made Nick go off on him. He said that Nick accused him of traumatizing Christian. He claimed not to know why Nick would think that. He said hed never hurt his son, and if she didnt believe him, she could ask Monique. She believed him, because shed noticed Nick had been blinded with rage ever since the custody hearing. She noted that Adam didnt fight back. He said that he couldnt risk being goaded into a fight because Nick wouldnt hesitate to use that against him. She asked if he was going to use it against Nick. Right now he wanted to rest and remember his time with Christian. He was bursting with pride because Christian quickly picked up the soccer moves Adam taught him. Sharon said there was no better feeling than seeing your child succeed. One of Adams few good memories of Victor was playing soccer with him as a kid, although Adam didnt know Victor was his father at the time. Adam said that if he won custody, he wouldnt have to hide who he was hed be breaking the cycle, so Christian wouldnt suffer like Adam did.
Sharon asked how Adam went from the happy visit to getting punched. Adam claimed that Nick freaked out because he saw Christian having a good time with Adam, then Nick started filling Christians head with lies, and one thing lead to another. Adam said he might need Sharons help regaining Christians trust. Sharon said that if Adam really wanted a relationship with Christian, he needed to carefully consider his next move before he retaliated. He argued that Nick should be held accountable for his actions. Sharon agreed, but she said hurting Nick could end up hurting Adam, and she didnt want to see him get hurt any more than he had. Adam held Sharons hand and said he was sorry he dragged her into this. He thought about all the times she had to rescue him. He didnt think it was fair. She said she wouldnt come if she didnt want to. He said she should go, but she said she didnt need him, Nick, or anyone else telling her what to do. He said he didnt want her getting caught in the middle again she was too important to him. I need you, Adam stated. I know, Sharon replied. He wondered if she really knew how much he needed her, and they kissed. They went up to the bedroom, where he helped her out of her dress, then carried her to the bed.
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