Thursday Y&R Update 7/11/19

The Y&R Update Thursday 7/11/19


Written by Christine

Rey visited Celeste at the hotel. He was sorry he wasn’t there when she first came. She said she knew her kids had priorities. He told her she was always his priority. She was talking about Lola. She implied that Lola kicked her out, and he asked what Celeste did. She said she gave Lola a couple of little suggestions. He said Lola was an adult capable of handling her own restaurant and life. Celeste felt like she was being put out to pasture. He said that Celeste gave them the tools to navigate life on their own. He suggested that Celeste reach out, since she was the parent, but she said she was giving Lola the time and space she’d asked for. Celeste felt that Lola needed the time to realize that she was wrong. She called Lola stubborn, and he laughed, because he thought Celeste was too. She wanted to meet his girlfriend, whom she thought must be special if Rey was willing to lose his job over her. He clarified that he lost his job over a mistake he made, and he said Sharon quit her job in solidarity. “So she quit her job for a man,” Celeste commented. He asked if they could change the subject. She asked why he didn’t call his brother. He hadn’t gotten around to it. She knew he felt hurt, but the baby would be his first niece or nephew, and she thought they had to come together for the child. He thought she was asking too much. She said Arturo had made great strides, and the most important thing to him was being a great father. Rey wished Arturo luck, but he commented on what a bad role model their own father had been. Celeste told him that he didn’t have to speak badly about his father. He apologized. She revealed that his father wanted to come to the wedding and walk Lola down the aisle. “Hell no,” Rey said. He asked why their dad thought he was welcome. She said he was her father, and it was custom. He didn’t think his dad should’ve even called. She admitted that they’d been in touch for awhile – her ex took her to the airport, sometimes they talked about the kids, and sometimes he asked her for money. It made her feel good to have her ex come to her on bended knee after she kicked him out all those years ago. Rey was confused because he thought that her ex left her. Celeste disclosed that she threw him out because he cheated on her. Rey said no one understood the destruction that cheating did more than he did, which is why he didn’t understand how she could let his dad back into her life. She asked if they could drop this, and he agreed, but he told her not to mention this to Lola. He didn’t think it’d be fair to dump all this on Lola right before her wedding.

At Society, Lola told Kyle that she only received one passive-aggressive email after Celeste moved back to the hotel. She was cautiously optimistic that things would work out. Kyle asked if he was free to move back in, and Lola said yes. Theo appeared and asked if there was trouble in paradise. They said no, and they kissed, then Lola went back to work. Kyle explained to Theo why he moved out. Theo thought the power struggle with Celeste was trouble. Kyle could handle Celeste, and Lola was worth the trouble. Theo recalled Kyle saying that about Summer, and the girl from the Met and Klepto-Kate. They recalled all the things Kate stole from them. Kyle thought it served them right for holing up in a party house with a bunch of girls they barely knew. Theo thought it was worth it, but Kyle said he was at a different point now. Kyle thought there was a middle ground between boring and debauchery. Theo felt that Kyle was boring and they had to make the most of the time he had left before the wedding. Kyle didn’t feel like he had anything to get out of his system before marriage. Theo suggested some good clean fun for old times sake so Kyle could remember a time before mothers in law and soul crushing… Before he could continue, Lola returned. Kyle asked Lola to spend the night at his place – they’d have the house to themselves. She liked the idea of using the Jacuzzi. They kissed.

Kyle went home to get the place ready for Lola. Theo called and told Kyle that Don-Don was in town, and he said to grab Lola and come back to the restaurant. Kyle didn’t consider Don-Don a close friend. He said he was already in for the evening, and he’d see Don-Don tomorrow. According to Theo, Don-Don was leaving in the morning, but Kyle refused to come. Lola arrived. They relaxed on the couch, and he worried that Celeste wasn’t okay being at the hotel. Lola was sure Celeste was complaining to everyone, but she was confident that their relationship would be fine. Lola felt that her mom needed to come to terms with the fact that her little girl had grown up. Kyle thought Celeste was coming from a place of love. Lola loved Celeste too, and she’d call tomorrow, but right now she wanted to take advantage of the privacy. They began to kiss, but then someone started banging on the door. It was Theo, and he brought a ton of people with him, including Don-Don, and they all streamed into the house. Kyle was annoyed, but Theo said they wouldn’t stay long. Kyle started to close the door, but Summer walked up, and she came inside too. Kyle apologized to Lola and said he’d kick everyone out, but she said she was fine with the party. Kyle introduced Lola to Don-Don. He also owned a restaurant, and he told Lola about it, but she was confused because his description of it didn’t make sense. Summer suggested skinny-dipping and the guests started stripping down. Later, everyone else except Lola, was wearing towels or in their underwear. She told Kyle she was tired, so she was going to go home. He was going to get dressed and go too, but she told him to stay and have fun and not to read anything into her decision to leave.

After Lola left, Kyle told Theo that this wasn’t her scene. Theo said it was Kyle’s, or it used to be. Theo turned up the music, and people started dancing. Don-Don accidentally broke a decanter, and Kyle threw everyone out. Summer suspected that Lola left because of her. Kyle denied it. Summer didn’t think Kyle ended it because something broke, since he could easily replace it with a swipe of his credit card. She said she stayed away from him and Lola so no one would feel uncomfortable. He said no one did until now. Summer told Theo that he was right – Kyle lost all capacity to have fun. Summer said that Kyle was turning into his father, then she noted that Jack knew how to have fun. She said Kyle was turning into his grandfather, who only cared about business and making his wife happy, to no avail. Kyle ordered Summer to leave his grandparents out of this and take the party somewhere else. Summer passionately kissed Theo and told her to get him out of this stuffy place. Theo thought he and Kyle could agree that it was hot to be bossed around. Kyle snapped that Lola didn’t boss him around, then he shoved Theo. Theo grabbed his clothes, and he and Summer left.

Kyle texted Lola and asked if they could pick up where they left off, but she said she was already in her pajamas. He said he’d get ready for bed too, then he knocked on the door. She pulled him inside, and they kissed. Kyle said the longer he was around the partiers, the more he felt like an alien on their planet. He worried that he was turning into an old fuddy duddy. She said all she saw was her devastatingly hot fiance. They started to undress, then Celeste showed up and called out asking if they could talk. Kyle wanted to just open the door, but Lola wanted to avoid any drama because it was late. She asked Kyle to hide in the bedroom. He grabbed his clothes and did as she asked. Lola opened the door, but she wouldn’t let Celeste inside. It had been a long night, and Lola wanted to wait until tomorrow to clear the air. Celeste accepted this, but she knew Kyle was there, and she yelled out and said goodnight to him before she left. Kyle and Lola laughed.

At Nick’s, Chelsea told Paul that as far as she knew, Calvin was in good health the night he died. Paul asked if Calvin had enemies. Calvin had mentioned some things from his past that he wasn’t proud of, but Chelsea didn’t think anything of it, since everyone had regrets. Paul instructed Chelsea to stay in Genoa City until the new tests on Calvin’s body were finished. She agreed, and she said she wanted answers more than anyone. While Nick walked Paul out, Chelsea sniffled. Nick returned, and Chelsea said Paul was treating her like a suspect. Nick felt that Paul was doing his job, and that the new toxicology report would probably show that Calvin died of natural causes. Chelsea assumed Paul suspected her because of her checkered past. Nick said that was a different time in Chelsea’s life. He reminded her that she’d promised she wouldn’t run again.

Nick found Paul at Crimson Lights and asked if he was looking at Chelsea as a suspect. Paul wasn’t jumping to any conclusions or ruling anything out, but he thought Nick’s choice to track him down was a red flag. Why would Chelsea be worried if she had nothing to do with it? Nick thought Paul knew the answer. Paul noted that Chelsea had done unscrupulous things in her life. Nick asserted that it was in the past, and he added that her wrongs paled in comparison to Adam’s. He said no one had bigger motive than Adam to want Calvin dead. Paul suggested that Calvin was a wealthy older man who left Chelsea a lot of money. Nick said Chelsea wasn’t a killer, and he told Paul to look at Adam. Paul said to let the police do their job – right now there was no proof that this wasn’t a natural death. After Paul left, Rey walked in. Nick said he talked to Sharon on the phone, and she seemed off. Rey confided that the decision to make the trip to Vegas into a romantic getaway was a mistake. He felt that no matter where they went, Adam was in Sharon’s head. Nick said he could find someone else to do the job if this hit too close to home. Rey said even if Nick didn’t pay him, he’d still investigate Adam, because he couldn’t let Adam sink his hooks deeper into Sharon. Rey learned that most of what Adam said about his time in Vegas was true, but he neglected to mention that he’d spent time with Chance Chancellor. Nick was shocked because the Chance he knew was a great guy, nothing like Adam. Rey said he may have changed – Chance was busted for assault, and Adam bailed him out. Chance fell off the grid and Rey wasn’t sure what happened.

Nick went to the Chancellor house and told Jill that her grandson might be the key to winning his custody battle against Adam. He told her that his investigator uncovered evidence that Adam and Chance were friends. Jill didn’t buy it because Chance was honest and decent. He asked if she’d heard from Chance. She hadn’t – neither had his parents, Phillip and Nina. Chance quit the Defense Department for reasons unknown, and his family figured he was figuring out what to do with the rest of his life. She mentioned that Chance liked to travel. Last year he went on a trip to the Himalayas with his father, and he was incommunicado the whole time, so it wasn’t out of character for him to be out of touch, but it wasn’t like him to be in Vegas with Adam. Nick said his source found out that Chance was in Vegas most of last year. Jill said that didn’t make sense. She left a firm message for Chance telling him to call her. Jill looked at a picture of Katherine. “Don’t look at me like that, you old bat,” Jill said to the picture. She knew Katherine loved Chance too, and she said she did not and would not fail her grandson.

Chelsea paced around Nick’s living room, then she searched the internet for information on inconclusive autopsies. Nick came home. She told him how worried she was. He said that she’d be fine and that he told Paul that if Calvin was murdered, Adam was the guilty party. Nick noted that they had no idea what happened when Adam and Calvin met – maybe Adam blackmailed Calvin, and the stress caused a heart attack or stroke. Chelsea blamed herself – this wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t come back to Genoa City. Nick told Chelsea to lean on him, and he hugged her.

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