The Y&R Update Friday 7/5/19
Written by Christine
Chelsea and Calvin entered a Club suite after she showed him around town. He revealed that hed gone to visit Adam before he met up with her at the restaurant. She asked why he wanted to talk to Adam alone. He said Adam had a troubled history, and he was worried for Chelseas safety. Chelsea appreciated that, but she was perfectly capable of handling herself, and she was willing to tell Calvin anything he wanted to know about Adam. Adam gave Calvin the impression that he was a loving father who wanted recapture the time he missed with his son. Calvin felt that Connor and Adam belonged together. She refused to give up her son, and she yelled that Calvin loved Connor like his own, and they had a wonderful life together. She asked if Adam made a threat. Calvin made this decision on his own. She snarled that it was not his decision to make, but he argued that, as Connors legal parent, it was his job to act in the boys best interest. Calvin would feel the same way in Adams shoes. He adopted Connor because he needed a father, but now his father was back. He noted that Connor was Adams blood, and thought Connor would thank him and Chelsea one day for honoring where he came from. She snapped that Connor came from her. Calvin wasnt suggesting that they abandon Connor, but he thought Adam should have full custody for now, so he and Connor could reconnect, and Chelsea could visit. She didnt understand how he could feel that a boys mother should be a token presence in his life. Calvin countered that Chelseas biological son, Johnny, was being raised by his father. She said that was different she gave Johnny up for adoption. Calvin felt that this is what was best for Connor, and he added that itd give him and Chelsea space to have their own child. Hed always wanted a boy of his own. She was appalled and said she wouldnt have married him if shed known he didnt care about Connor. He said he did care, which is why he was willing to make the sacrifice.
Victoria was at work. She glanced up at Victors portrait. Billy walked in and commented on the mountain of files on the desk. She realized that theyd made plans for his birthday dinner, and she forgot. She felt bad, but he said it was alright. She lost track of time because she was caught up in a project. He looked at her laptop, and she told him this is what power looked like. It was an empty lot now, but a building that was partially owned by Dark Horse used to be there. Victoria convinced the flagship tenant to rent elsewhere, then she talked the buildings primary owners into tearing the building down. They kissed, and he said ruthless never looked so good. He took her to the carnival. Billy and Victoria went up to the shooting gallery, and he remembered taking a gun out of a lock box at the Abbott house, then he thought about his recent confrontations with Adam. While she had a great time shooting targets, he was laser focused and serious.
Adam went home and found Phyllis eating an entire sheet cake and drinking directly from a champagne bottle. He thought she must be a terrible host. She said that things wouldve been more festive if she didnt invite people who they pissed off. He asked who that would be. She preferred to think about the brand new hotel Dark Horse was opening. She was on top of the world, even if she was there alone. He noted that she wasnt entirely alone. He grabbed another bottle of wine, and they toasted to the outcasts. He said she was the only other person he knew who saw the humor in being the pariah. Adam asked if Nick came to the party. Phyllis said Nick blamed her for forcing Chelsea out of town. Adam wanted Phyllis to elaborate on that, but she declined, as it was a long and boring story. Her focus was on running Dark Horse and making them both rich. She planned to stop there on her way home. She left. Adam got a text from Kevin saying hed tailed Chelsea and some older guy all over town, then another text stating that the man was Chelseas husband.
Adam went to the carnival at the same time Billy and Victoria were doing target practice. He got a text from Kevin saying that the EMTs had been called to the Club. Adam left. Victoria noticed that Billys mind was elsewhere. She got his attention, and he told her he felt sick from eating too much junk food.
Summer brought takeout home for Nick as a thanks for letting her stay at his place. She mentioned being disgusted that Phyllis had signed off on Adam waging war on Nick as part of a plan to take Christian. Summer thought that Phyllis was in a place where she didnt care what people thought or who she hurt. Nick didnt want Summer to feel like she had to choose sides. Summer had plenty of her own reasons to be angry with Phyllis, and the only time she could be sort of civil was when she was drunk. She planned to stick to club soda for now after her hangover though. He wondered if that was why she wasnt with Theo tonight, and she explained that he left for his business trip a day early because shed been wallowing about Kyle and Lola. Now Theos texts were vague, and she didnt know what he was thinking. He advised her to have a real conversation with Theo. He commented on how hard it was to know what someone was thinking sometimes, then he shared that Chelsea was back. Nick opened his fortune cookie, and it said an old love would come back to him. He thought Summer planted it, but she denied it. She asked if Chelsea gave him the impression that she wanted to rekindle their relationship. He said Chelsea was married, but it felt good to see her again and get some closure. Summer knew what it was like to have someone you love want to spend their life with someone else. She raised a toast to the single life, and he joined in. Summer noticed that Theo posted a bunch of pictures of himself at Society on social media. She didnt realize he was back. Nick asked if she was upset Theo didnt tell her he was back. She didnt know. She wasnt looking for anything serious right now. She didnt want Theo to think she was clingy, but she decided to go to Society and show him that she was an amazing person who anyone would be lucky to have. After Summer left, a distraught Chelsea called Nick and told him that Calvin was dead.
At the penthouse, Ana Devon and Elena watched Tessas video. Elena liked it, and Devon did too, but he also had constructive criticism for Ana. Devon wondered if Ana had posted the video hoping hed be too distracted to know what she was up to. She explained that she wanted to release it on a peak holiday weekend. This reinforced his idea that she wasn't ready to do this on her own. Elena and Devon went to Society. Elena thought that Devon shouldve given Ana more time to explain herself. Devon stated that Ana was young and ambitious, but she wasnt ready to run LP on her own. He thought that it was partially his fault for throwing Ana into the deep end so soon. Elena liked the way Devon looked at things. They held hands. He was grateful she didnt give up on him, and she said that wasnt an option. He wished he didnt have to leave town tonight on business. She put a positive spin in it and said they could look forward to his return. Theo walked over and said hed gotten the message from Devons office requesting a meeting. Theo assumed this was about Tessas music video and the Jabot tie in, but Devon said it was about something completely different.
Devon told Elena that Theo used to be in the music business, and he and Devon had crossed paths a couple of times. Devon was surprised that a talented guy like Theo got out of music and into being an agent. Theo said music was his first love, but he decided to branch out. Theo asked what Devon thought of Tessas music video, but Devon wanted to hear Theos thoughts. Theo echoed the same points that Devon made to Ana. Devon admitted he wasnt a plan of the product placement. Theo understood, but he said there was a right way to do it so that it enhanced the artist. Theo was a huge fan of Devons, and hed love to work with him directly at some point. Devon was interested in that, and he said theyd discuss it later, because he wanted to focus on Elena right now. Later, Devon and Elena kissed goodbye, and she left for work. Ana came in, and she started to explain that she posted the video without letting Devon see it first because he was dealing with a lot at the time. He told her that this wasnt the only reason he made the decision to hire someone to oversee her. He stated that he was doing this because she had so much potential, not to disrespect her. He thought she could be great with the proper mentoring. She glumly nodded. He told her he already found the perfect person, and he pointed Theo out. She was offended that he thought someone who tweeted all day was more capable that she was.
Ana, Theo and Devon sat down together. Devon told Ana that Theo would be an asset because hed worked with the best of the best, and he was on the cutting edge of the social media scene. Devon thought Theo could create new synergy between artists and marketers. Anas impression was that Theo left the industry for reasons unknown, became a professional partier, and now hed managed to wheedle his way into a sweet job deal. She suggested Theo might learn something. Theo said the day he thought he knew everything was the day his career was over. Devon liked that answer. He told them to get to know each other, and he left for his business trip. Theo smiled at Ana, who glared back at him. He noted that she didnt seem to like him very much. She liked him just fine until a half an hour ago. She told him to view it from her perspective he wasnt even in the music industry, and then overnight of a sudden he was practically her boss. She didnt think Devon realized how capable and competent she was. Devon didnt owe her the job, but he did give it to her, and now hed shoved her aside at the first sign of creative disagreement. She was humiliated. Theo said if it wasnt him, it would be someone else. He wanted to be her biggest ally, help her succeed in record time, and if she embraced the change, Devon would be impressed, his confidence in her would build, and hed give her all the responsibility she wanted. She didnt like the idea of having to wait, but she knew he was right resistance wouldnt help her get where she wanted to be. They toasted to the beginning of their working relationship. Summer saw them together.
At the Club, Nick comforted Chelsea while Elena and her partner wheeled Calvins body out on a stretcher. Phyllis and Adam walked up, and Nick glared at them.
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