Tuesday Y&R Update 6/25/19

The Y&R Update Tuesday 6/25/19


Written by Christine

Phyllis went to Nick’s house. He brusquely asked her what she wanted. She wanted to let him know she was back, since he’d been worried. He told her he didn’t notice she was gone, and he’d only been worried for Summer. She said it wasn’t her fault that Summer didn’t get her texts, and she claimed she left town to clear her head. He accused her of helping Adam steal his company. He thought that she knew Adam took Dark Horse as the first step toward taking Christian and that she didn’t care, because she didn’t give a damn about anyone but herself. She denied this, and she asserted that she’d bonded with Christian when she was dating Nick. He thought that made what she did even more disgusting. He swore he’d never believe another word she said, and he ordered her to get out.

Kevin went to Adam’s house, and he wondered if Adam was hiding Chloe in the secret passage he had built in the penthouse. Kevin wanted Chloe released now that he’d done what Adam wanted. Adam argued that Kevin failed to provide any useful information. He said he’d give Chloe back if Kevin found something that made Nick look like an unfit parent. Kevin refused to help take Nick’s kid away. Adam pointed out that Christian was his son. Kevin countered that Adam let Nick raise Christian for years. Adam regretted ever letting Christian go. Kevin thought this was sick – first Adam ripped Delia from Chloe, and now he wanted Kevin to help him take Nick’s son. Adam said that was the price for getting Chloe. Kevin was appalled – Adam destroyed Chloe’s life and now he wanted to use her to blow up Nick’s life. Adam spat that Chloe tried to kill him on several occasions for what was a tragic accident. Kevin argued that it wasn’t a tragic accident when you left someone to die. Adam was sorry about what happened to Delia, but there were limits to his patience. He asked if Kevin really wanted to test him. Kevin reluctantly agreed to help. Adam gave Kevin a list of passwords for all of Nick’s personal business accounts. He was sure that there was something that would prove Nick wasn’t the perfect father he pretended to be. After Kevin left, Phyllis showed up. Adam offered her coffee, and she asked if he was having some too, which made him ask if she was afraid of being poisoned. She noted that he did kidnap her after she helped him take Dark Horse. He said he paid her, plus she got the satisfcation of sticking it to Nick. She asked if he was worried about what she’d learned in Vegas about him and Chance Chancellor. He said Vegas was the past, and he was looking toward the future. He reminded her of his offer to let her run Dark Horse. When she didn’t give him an answer, he asked if she was worried about what people thought of her. She said she’d never been worried about what people thought about her. He approved of her not losing her edge. She told him she was taking the job, but she warned him that her edge cut both ways.

At the penthouse, Ana told Devon that she knew about his panic attack last night. He didn’t think it was a big deal, but she stated that Elena said differently. He wondered why Elena said anything to her. Ana explained that she saw the pills, and Elena confirmed her suspicions. He said that the panic attack was caused by Neil’s ceremony. She encouraged him to talk to the doctor, and he refused. He revealed that he stopped taking his medication, without speaking to his doctor, because while it helped his anxiety, it numbed all of his feelings. He felt that he owed it to Neil to feel the pain of his passing. She didn’t think that Neil, a big believer in admitting it when you needed help, would see taking medication as a sign of weakness. “Well, I do,” Devon stated. She argued that the doctor prescribed the pills for a reason. He didn’t think he could ever truly deal with Neil’s death if he was on drugs to cope with the grief. She told him there was no shame in getting help. He pointed out that Lily, Nate and the twins weren’t on medication. She countered that none of them lost their wife. He insisted that Hilary’s death had nothing to do with the panic attack last night, and he walked off.

After Ana left, Elena came home from work. Devon asked how she liked the job. She was happy to be using her skills again. She asked how he was doing. He replied that he was great, then he suggested that they take a vacation. She felt that they had to talk about last night. He insisted that the panic attack was a one time thing, and he was sorry she had to see it. She assured him that it was nothing to be embarrassed about, and she noted that he lost a lot of people. He maintained that his panic attack was brought on by Neil’s ceremony, but she didn’t think they could keep avoiding the truth that it was about Hilary. He said he’d opened up last night because he wanted to trust her. He asked her not to use that against him. She didn’t think she was doing that; she wanted him to be honest about his feelings for Hilary. His phone rang, and he jumped on the chance to end the conversation. Later, Elena gathered the dresses Devon gave her that used to belong to Hilary, and she brought them downstairs. She told him that she tried to convinced herself that it wasn’t weird for him to give her Hilary’s dresses. She pointed out that there were pictures of Hilary everywhere, and her personal items were still in the kitchen and bathroom. Elena had tried to convince herself that things were fine, because she cared about Devon, and she wanted things to work. He asked if she wanted him to get rid of his memories and photos. She didn’t. She wanted him to grieve the way he needed to and for as long as he needed to. She felt like she got caught up in her feelings instead of being more sensitive to him. He insisted that she was sensitive to him, and he told her that he felt the same way about her as she did for him. She thought that they’d had sex too soon, and she told him that he had a long way to go before he was finished grieving, and she couldn’t compete. He stated that Hilary was someone he loved, and that was all there was, but she yelled that he wasn’t over Hilary. She respected that, and she asked him to respect her feelings too. She went upstairs.

Nate visited Victor at his office, while Nikki listened in. According to Nate, Victor’s treatments had reached a plateau, and there had been no improvements for weeks. While Nikki trusted Nate, she’d reached out to other medical professionals looking for alternate treatments. Nate welcomed their opinion. Nate revealed that he’d learned of a new experimental treatment that was very aggressive. He thought it was Victor’s best hope, but there were significant side effects. After Nate left, Nick arrived at his parents’ request. They filled him in. He thought the rest of the family should be there, but Victor wanted to hold off on that until he decided whether or not to join the treatment trial. He wanted Nick’s advice. He revealed that a side effect of the treatment was diminished mental capacity. Victor didn’t relish losing control – he found it very difficult to have to rely on others. Nick noted that Victor beat the odds after he was attacked by JT and was told he’d never walk and talk again. Nick thought Victor should take the treatment, but he conceded that it was Victor’s decision. Nikki assured Victor that she’d be by his side. Nick added that Newman was in good hands with Victoria, and Christian needed Victor. Victor noted that some of his greatest successes had been accompanied by enormous risk. He decided to have the treatment.

Adam ran into Nate at Crimson Lights, and they chatted. Nate wanted to take his time looking for a new place, but he intended to make Genoa City his home. Adam thought Victor would be happy, since he’d roped Nate into acting as his personal doctor. Nate didn’t feel roped into it. Adam asked how Victor was doing, but Nate wasn’t able to say, due to confidentiality laws. Adam quipped about Victor’s immortality, but Nate excused himself to talk to Ana. Ana confided in Nate about Devon stopping his medication. Ana was worried that Devon was doing something that could be dangerous. Nate stated that Devon should’ve spoken with his doctor before stopping the pills. She revealed that Devon thought the pills numbed his feelings. He explained that the correct dosage and right pills would make Devon’s feelings manageable and less intense. Ana revealed that Elena said Devon brought up Hilary after the panic attack. It made Ana think that Devon wasn’t as over Hilary’s death as he claimed to be. She wished he’d admit what was going on. She didn’t think Devon would ever be ready to move on as long as Hilary was right there in the penthouse – her pictures were everywhere, her perfume was still in the bathroom etc. She felt that he had Elena living in a shrine to Hilary.

At his home, Victor worked out on the punching bag, but he was unsteady on his feet. Adam came in. Victor noted that he’d kicked Adam off the ranch. Adam assumed he was still free to visit. He said he came to check on Victor, and he asked if the treatments were working. Victor said it’d be a long road to recovery. Adam promised to keep checking in on Victor. Adam shifted gears and stated that Victoria earned her promotion at Newman, and he urged Victor not to micromanage her, but to give her a chance to prove what she could do. Victor did not believe Adam’s concern for the family was sincere. Adam argued that he was the only one who cared enough to face what was happening to Victor. Victor asserted that his other children were supportive. Adam argued that they pretended Victor was superman, even those this disease could kill him. Adam said that if Victor died, Nikki and Victor’s other kids would fall apart. Victor asked if Adam wouldn’t. Adam noted that he’d done just fine without Victor for most of his life. Victor told Adam to be useful and hold the punching bag. He did. Victor stated that Adam always let someone else do the heavy lifting, like the time he and Jack accused Victor of murder. Adam insisted that he called the shots now. Victor brought up Chance, and Adam looked shaken. Victor announced that he found out what happened, because he was always on top of things. Adam left, and Victor laughed and said Adam had a lot to learn. Victor unleashed a torrent of punches on the bag, then he staggered around.

Kevin met Michael at Crimson Lights, and without going into detail, he revealed that Adam had forced him to dig up dirt on someone. Kevin found something bad, and he thought Adam could use it to hurt a lot of people. He didn’t want that on his head, but he was worried that Adam wouldn’t give Chloe back. Michael theorized that Adam might refuse to give Chloe back even after Kevin handed him this damaging information. Michael decided that it was time to make good on his threat. Kevin disapproved – he didn’t want Michael getting in trouble over him. Michael refused to let Adam bully his little brother. Kevin didn’t care that he was being bullied, but he was adamant that Bella needed her mom. Michael asked Kevin to stall Adam as long as he could, while Michael created a plan.

Michael went to Dark Horse and was taken aback to see Phyllis sitting at the CEO’s desk. After thanking God for her return, he asked what she was doing there. She told him that Nick no longer owned the company. He stated that he was aware of Adam’s dirty dealings, and she countered that it was a legitimate business transaction. He asked how she was doing, and she claimed she left town for a little R&R, but unfinished business brought her back. He hoped it had nothing to do with her sitting in Adam’s office. She clarified that it was her office because Adam hired her to run the company. Appalled, he remarked that she’d reached a new low. She countered that she was the new CEO, and she was staying on top. He couldn’t believe she was doing this to Nick. She argued that Nick had been treating her like garbage since she testified for the prosecution at Nikki and Victoria’s trial. She didn’t think her testimony was a big deal since no one went to prison. She didn’t feel like she had to defend herself to Nick or Michael, and she didn’t see why she should turn down the business opportunity to spare Nick’s feelings. Michael thought it was the decent thing to do, and he reminded her that Adam took the company to steal Christian. Phyllis said that was between Nick and Adam, and she added that a good attorney could make the case that Christian belonged to Adam. She added that Nick had plenty of money to fight the custody battle. Michael advised Phyllis to take a good hard look at what she was doing. She replied that she had, and she liked the view. With that, she went to the window and stared out with a satisfied expression.

Nikki and Nick took a stroll through the park. She was happy that he and Victor had recaptured the relationship they had when Nick was a child. She remembered when Victor used to take Nick horseback riding, then carry him home in his arms. Nikki noted that Victor was leaning on Nick now. He told her how vulnerable Victor looked when he asked for forgiveness yesterday. He’d forgiven Victor, but it he worried that Victor was scared and putting his affairs in order. Nikki refused to think that way; she had faith in the new treatment. He thought they should be prepared for the worst. He noted that Victor was facing a long road ahead, even if the treatment cured the PNH. Nikki announced that she was planning to conceal Victor’s condition if the side effects were bad. She said he’d always protected her, and now it was her turn.

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