The Y&R Update Tuesday 5/28/19
Written by Christine
At their place, Lola joked that Kyle wanted to shower together because he wanted to conserve water. He said he had to make up for his lack of handyman skills and that he didnt know why she kept him around. She said it was because he believed in her and he loved her. He told her he was also good at this as he leaned in and kissed her.
At the Abbott house, Traci and Dina discussed fashion. It was going well at first, but then Dina got irritated that Traci insisted on making her wear the unfashionable tracking bracelet. Traci explained that itd help them find Dina if she got lost. Dina seemed thrown at the suggestion that shed get lost. Ashley came home, but Dina didnt recognize her. Traci explained that Ashley had come all the way from Paris. At the mention of Paris, Dina said she had to check in at her office. She mentioned that she was waiting for John. Traci suggested that Dina get a snack while she waited. Dina decided to go ask Mamie for a sandwich, and she went off. Traci told Ashley that when Dina was so sweet like this, she wondered if they could keep her a little longer. Ashley was sympathetic, but she thought it was time for Dina to move to a facility. Traci knew it was true. Ashley said that Dina wouldve had to leave a lot sooner if it werent for Jack and Traci. She was sorry she hadnt been there to help more often. Traci said Ashley was here now, and she thanked her for coming. Ashley said the timing worked out because they were reading Neils will today. Ashley was heartbroken, and Traci comforted her. Abby and Jack came home.
Ashley talked with Jack and Abby about Dina. Jack said that Dina had scolded him by name the other day. Ashley figured he had it coming. He said hed let Dina reprimand him every day if it meant she could stay. He felt like he let Dina down. Ashley said no one fought harder than him to keep Dina home. Abby said that Jack was an amazing son. Traci came in, and she agreed. They were about to discuss how to explain this to Dina when she walked in and said she already knew that they wanted to get rid of her. Kyle arrived as Dinas children were explaining that they didnt want her to go, but they wanted her to have the best care, and theyd visit her all the time. Dina recognized Kyle, and she rushed over to him and begged him to help her. She told him that the others were trying to make her leave, but she didnt want to go. She refused to go, and she rushed out of the room crying. Kyle demanded to know what was going on.
Abby knocked on the door to the den, where Dina was, but she wouldnt come out. Jack and Traci told Kyle why they were planning to place Dina in a facility. Kyle pointed out that Dina was upset, and he suggested that they were rushing into this. Ashley wondered if they shouldve told Dina about the move sooner, so shed understand. You dont even live here. How do you know whats best for Dina?, Kyle snapped. Jack stated that they all cared about Dina and they all wanted what was best. Kyle apologized, and Ashley accepted. Abby was concerned that Dina would give up on life if they put her in a home. Jack said he fought to keep Dina at home so she could be in familiar surroundings. Kyle suggested that Dina could stay. Jack said that Dina didnt remember them anymore. Kyle countered that she just recognized him. Jack said Dina was frightened and confused. Traci was concerned that Dina would be so scared shed run away and get hurt. Jack felt like he was breaking his promise to take care of Dina, but he couldnt let his guilt get in the way of what was best for her. Jack and Kyle implored Dina to open the door, but she didnt, so Kyle went outside to try the window. Traci felt terrible theyd removed the locks from the rooms upstairs, but she never thought that theyd need to take the locks off the doors downstairs. Jack and Ashley assured Traci it wasnt her fault. Kyle rushed out of the den holding Dinas tracking bracelet. Dina was gone.
Sharon and Rey cuddled on the couch at the cottage. She wished they could stay this way forever. He was eager to find a job so he could contribute. She understood, but shed miss the time they were spending together. They kissed, then someone knocked on the door. It was Mariah. She saw the welcome home sign and learned that Rey moved in. Sharon admitted that it happened really fast, but she said she and Rey didnt want to waste more time. Mariah understood. She thought of Devon and all hed been through. She thought it was a sign that when you found happiness, you should grab onto it. Sharon mentioned that Michael invited her to the reading of Neils will today. Mariah asked if Sharon wanted to grab lunch beforehand. Sharon started explaining that she had plans with Rey, but he told her to go so he could get started on his job search.
Michael and Cane met at Crimson Lights with the divorce papers. Cane accepted that the marriage was over, but he said hed always love Lily. Michael revealed that Cane was mentioned in Neils will. He assured Cane that he didnt have to come to the reading. Cane wanted to go to support Lily. Michael gave Cane a pen, and he signed the divorce agreement.
Nikki met Nick at his place. She gave Christian a toy dinosaur, then she asked Nick about the message he left her. He told her that Adam gave him and Victoria a list of demands, which included Christian. Nikki said that Adam had no legal claim to Christian. Nick wouldnt put it past Adam to kidnap the boy. Nikki wanted to ask Victor to talk some sense into Adam. Nick didnt want Nikki to get in the middle of the fight; he just wanted her to know Adam declared war and that it might get ugly. They went to Society and ran into Mariah and Sharon. Mariah revealed that she and Sharon were talking about Adam. Nick scowled, and Sharon told him to give Adam a chance. Nick said that Adam hadnt changed. Nikki said she brought Nick here to get his mind off Adam, and they went to their table. Sharon was glad that Adams shooter was in jail, so he couldnt come back to finish the job. Mariah thought Adam should keep looking over his shoulder, since Nick seemed to want to rip his head off. Sharon said that Nick was just concerned about what Adams return meant for Christian.
Nick asked Nikki why she stopped him before he could tell Sharon about Adams demands. She thought that he needed to be careful what he told Sharon, since she convinced Adam to come home without a thought about what itd mean for Christian and Nick. Nick said hed talked to Sharon about this and she didnt think Adam wanted custody of Christian. Nikki said Sharon never had the best judgment where Adam was concerned. Nick thought they could say the same about Victor. Nikki thought it was natural for a parent to want to believe the best in their child. Nick sensed that there was something else going on with Victor. Sharon came over to say goodbye, and she mentioned that Rey was living with her. Nick asked how Faith felt about it, and Sharon said it was Faiths idea. Nikki didnt think it was a good idea to play musical beds with a preteen in the house, but after the shooting, she was happy to have an ex cop at the ranch. Sharon suggested Nikki put Rey on the payroll. Nikki thought free room and board was payment enough. Sharon said Rey was paying his own way, and Nikki asked how he was doing that without a job. Sharon had no response, so she left. Nikki rolled her eyes and told Nick that Sharon had never been the sharpest tool. Nick said that Sharon actually gave him a great idea.
Tessa was singing at Chancellor Park when Jack arrived, searching for Dina. He found her enjoying the show. Ashley also appeared and joined them. After Tessas song, Jack asked if shed heard of Bright Tomorrows Home care Center. Tessa hadnt, and she asked if Dina lived there. Dina tensed and said no. Jack and Ashley predicted that Dina would like it. It was very peaceful, like the park. Tessa said shed love to visit Dina there and play for her and her friends. Dina was excited about it. Ashley took Dina away, while Jack thanked Tessa.
Cane visited Traci, and she told him that Dina climbed out of the window in the den. The rest of the family was out searching, and Traci was waiting to see if she came back. She was frantic, and Cane put his hands on her shoulders and comforted her. Jack called and let Traci know Dina was safe. Traci wished she could take Dina in her arms and tell her she wasnt alone. Cane compared Tracis situation to what he was going through with Lily. He quickly apologized, but she thought it was a fair comparison, since they were both being shut out by the people they loved. Cane said hed do anything for Lily, but she didnt trust him enough to let him in. Cane said he was going to the reading of the will, but he didnt want to make things difficult for Lily. Traci felt he had every right to be there because he was family. He said not anymore he signed the divorce papers. He knew he did the right thing, but he felt alone. She understood exactly how he felt. She got a text from her family saying they were on their way home. He decided to go. She told him it was nice to have someone to talk to, and they hugged. He told her to take care of herself because a lot of people were counting on her, him included.
After Cane left, Jack, Abby and Kyle talked. Jack said Tessa was so kind to Dina. He didnt think Dina would be willing to leave if it werent for Tessa. Ashley and Traci brought Dina downstairs. She asked if theyd packed her things. Everyone assured her that they had. Kyle told Dina that she could call anytime. Dina was scared that the people at the home wouldnt like her. Jack assured her that everyone would, and he reminded her that she made a new friend, Tessa. Dina started crying and saying Jackie, and he comforted her. Most of the family walked out, leaving the Abbott sisters alone. Traci started to cry because this could be the last time Dina ever walked through the door. Ashley held her.
Later, after Jack returned, he told Ashley that he was thinking about the first time Dina left, back when they were kids. Today, he felt like hed walked a kid out who didnt want to be taken away. Ashley was upset too, but she said they did it out of love. He thought it seemed cruel. She said Dina was better off. Yeah, shes better off. were not. Things will never be the same again, Ash. Never, he stated.
Rey visited Lola and picked up the rest of his stuff from the apartment. Lola said Arturo and Mia had settled into Miami, and Arturo found a job. Rey wished he could find one. Lola teased that Rey could be a busboy at Society. She turned serious and said she had faith in him.
Sharon arrived at Devons penthouse. Michael let her in. She wanted to come early to find out why shed been invited to the reading. He told her that Neil left her something in the will. Nikki and Cane arrived. She said she and Victor missed Neil terribly, so she could only imagine how Lily felt. Michael went upstairs to get Devon. Nikki asked how Cane how Lily was holding up. Cane revealed that he and Lily had separated.
At Society, Abby thanked Tessa for helping Dina. Tessa intended to visit Dina sometime. Abby suggested that they go together one morning when Tessa wasnt working with Ana. Tessa said there were creative differences, and things didnt work out. Lola walked up and overheard Tessa saying she could use more shifts. Lola suggested that Tessa earn some cash by performing at Society. Tessa wasnt sure Devon would go for that after she screwed things up with Ana. Abby said shed talk to Devon.
Nick went to the cottage. Rey let him in. Nick saw the banner. Rey said Faith made it. He said Faith liked to give him a hard time, but he was good with her. He said Faith reminded him of Lola at that age, and he added that he loved Faith. Nick said he wasnt here to give Rey a hard time. He offered Rey a job as head of the security at Dark Horse. He also wanted Rey to handle some personal matters from time to time. Rey asked if it had something to do with Adam.
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