Monday Y&R Update 5/20/19

The Y&R Update Monday 5/20/19


Written by Christine

Sharon was at home when she heard the gunshot. She was immediately worried for Adam and rushed to his house. Adam was shot in the abdomen, and he collapsed in the doorway of the tack house, but he was conscious. Sharon found him. She told him not to talk and assured him that she’d get him some help. After calling an ambulance, she used a towel to put pressure on his wound. She implored him to stay with her, and he moaned that he couldn’t, but she urged him to hang on. She told him she wouldn’t let anyone take his life away just as he was about to get it back. Sharon accompanied Adam to the hospital, where she was met by Paul. He realized it was true – Adam was alive. She hoped he stayed that way. Victor arrived just as Nate and team were taking Adam to surgery. Victor told Adam not to die, because Victor couldn’t go through this again. “Listen to me. Don’t you die on me, do you understand. I can’t go through this again. Do you hear?,” Victor told the now unconscious Adam.

At their place, Nick played dinosaur fight with Christian again, and in the end, Nick said the bully won this time, but that didn’t always happen. “Speaking of which...,” Nick mumbled when he got a text from Victor saying to call him about Adam.

At Crimson Lights, Mia asked if Arturo was ready to do this. He was nervous, and she reassured him. Lola and Rey walked in, and Mia announced that they were leaving today. Lola was glad Arturo didn’t leave without saying goodbye. He said he didn’t want to leave on bad terms. Mia thanked Rey and Lola for not sending her to prison. Lola said they did it for the baby. Mia knew, and she didn’t expect forgiveness, but she swore she was sorry and she vowed to try and be a better person. Arturo did too, because he wanted the baby to have parents it could be proud of. Lola believed in them. Rey wished them a safe trip. Rey walked away, and Lola went over to him and commented on his stubbornness. He asked how she expected him to feel. She thought he was justified in being hurt and disappointed. He said that they screwed him over, and now they were walking away with everything. He didn’t think Arturo and Mia cared what he thought, but Lola disagreed. She said Arturo was going to be a father, and Rey was the only decent role model he’d ever had. Rey said Arturo always resented him playing dad. Lola said she and Arturo were lucky to have Rey, and Arturo needed him more than ever. She told Rey to be a bigger man and show Arturo what an amazing father looked like, the way he always had. Rey went over and told Arturo that he hoped he found what he was looking for in Miami and that he had a happy life. He told him to take care of the kid. “No TV, no computer and no staying up late,” Arturo stated. Everyone laughed because those were Rey’s rules for his siblings growing up. Rey said that all he ever wanted was for Arturo and Mia to be happy. She said they wanted that for him too. Rey extended a hand, and Arturo shook it, then they hugged.

In her suite, Phyllis designed a website for her company, named Jolie Chic Vision. Its logo was identical in layout to Jabot Collective’s – a capital J next to a lowercase C and V, but Phyllis used a different font. She read a press release and learned that Jabot Collective was launching in June. She put a note on her website announcing that Jolie Chic Vision was also starting in June. Summer dropped by, and Phyllis closed her laptop. Summer hated the tension between her and Phyllis. She felt bad that Jack was launching his own accessory line, and she asked how to make it up to Phyllis. Phyllis told her to quit her job and come work with Phyllis. Summer asked if Phyllis was high – asking her to leave Jabot to join a startup. Phyllis contended that Jabot was yesterday and that she and Summer could create a new and fresh legacy for future generations of their family. Summer noted that just last week, Phyllis told her not to let Kyle force her out of Jabot. Phyllis said Summer stood her ground, made her point and now she’d be acting from a position of strength. Summer thought it was clear that the Phyllis only wanted her to work at Jabot so Summer could spy for her. Phyllis said that if they built a company together, it would be Summer’s one day. Only an Abbott man would ever run Jabot – even Ashley couldn’t get the job, Phyllis said. Summer said she wasn’t Phyllis or Ashley. Phyllis argued that Jack, Kyle and Billy would hold Summer back from her true potential.

Summer wondered if Phyllis planned to spend her life seeking revenge on the Abbotts. Phyllis didn’t think that was unreasonable. Summer thought it was unhealthy. She understood where Phyllis was coming from, because she’d thought of numerous ways to inflict pain on Kyle. Phyllis contended that they all deserved to pay for what they did. Summer said the anger and bitterness wasn’t good for Phyllis, and she should let it go. “Why should I be the one to let it go?,” Phyllis challenged. She asked what she did that was any worse than what Jack, Billy and Kyle did. She said Kyle lured Billy into gambling, Billy embezzled from the company, Jack used his sister’s paternity against her. Summer agreed that the Abbotts had no right to judge her. Phyllis yelled that they fired her for hiring the same chemist Billy and Jack tried to hire. She felt that they’d treated her deplorably. “So maybe I am a little crazy for wanting to hit them where it hurts. At least I’d feel a little vindicated. Phyllis said she couldn’t carry that plan out now that Summer tipped Jack off.

Victoria and Billy were in bed at the Club, catching their breath. She mused that they should not get engaged more often. He told her he missed her. He wanted to stay at the Club, but she said she had to get to work before Victor gave Adam her office. She wished she didn’t have to deal with this. He didn’t think Adam would stay in town. She asked what if he did, and he told her that Adam wasn’t to be trusted. They got dressed, and he told her not to let Adam get to her. He said she was smarter, stronger, and she had one thing he’d never have – a soul. She said that might give Adam an edge in Victor’s eyes, at least when it came to business. He said if Victor valued Adam over her, he was a son of a bitch. Victoria got text from Victor, and she told Billy to go ahead. He kissed her goodbye. He left, and she called her dad, who brought her up to speed.

Back at the hospital, Victor asked Sharon who did this to his son. Paul questioned Sharon. He asked if Adam said anything, and she explained that she told him not to speak. Paul asked if she didn’t want to know who shot Adam. She said she was just concerned with keeping him alive. Paul asked if Sharon left anything out of her statement. Startled, she asked if he didn’t believe her. He noted that this wouldn’t be the first time she didn’t tell him the whole truth. Sharon insisted that this was nothing like what happened with JT. “I see one similarity,” he countered. She was adamant that she’d never hurt Adam. Victor told Paul to stop interrogating Sharon, because she had nothing to do with the shooting. Paul told Sharon not to leave town, then he left. Sharon thanked Victor. Victoria and Nick arrived. Nick called Nikki and brought her up to speed and told her it wasn’t necessary to come. According to Nick, Nikki was going to call Abby. Victoria wondered how the shooter got past the ranch security. Nick said Adam was already turning their lives upside down. Victoria wasn’t surprised. Victor chided his kids. Victoria clarified that they didn’t want Adam dead, and Nick agreed. Nick said they had to be realistic – who knows what Adam had been doing in Vegas, and he could’ve come across a number of shady people. Victoria added that there were plenty of people in town who hated Adam. “Lets be honest at one point or another, any one of us could have been suspects,” Sharon stated.

Nick found Sharon, by herself, and asked how she was. She was worried about Adam. He felt vindicated for being concerned about her getting involved with Adam. She said she wasn’t involved; she was just trying to help him. She said Adam needed a friend, and if she hadn’t been one, he may have died. He said that being around Adam could be dangerous. She refused to abandon Adam, because he’d saved he life. He said she returned the favor, now she should walk away before she was hurt or worse. Nate came out and informed everyone that he removed the bullet. Adam hadn’t sustained any major damage, and he’d be fine. Victor wanted to see him, but Nate said he was in recovery, so the family should go home. The hospital would call when Adam woke up. Victor refused to leave until he found out whether his son was alright.

At Jabot, Kyle and Jack observed a sign for Jabot Collective. Kyle said that between their marketing, concept, and the new logo, their competitors wouldn’t know what hit them. “Including Ashley,” Jack stated. Jack and Kyle were satisfied that Jack had succeeded in creating something completely new and unique. Kyle presented an idea he had for the influencers. Jack suggested that maybe they were squandering Kyle’s Harvard MBA by having him stalk people on social media. Kyle said that wasn’t what he was doing. Jack was going to say something. “No. Don’t bother, Dad. I know a Summer scheme when I see one,” Kyle interjected. Billy walked in and announced that “Adam Satan Newman” survived the explosion. Jack was in disbelief, but Billy said it was true. Jack was eager to see his friend, but Billy told him that the reunion wasn’t going to happen because Adam was claiming he had amnesia. “Lost memory? Not very original,” Kyle remarked. Billy thought Adam was faking.

Jack thought it was a miracle. Billy didn’t agree. Jack thought that surely Billy, of all people, wouldn’t begrudge someone a second chance in life. Billy asked if Jack didn’t remember the havoc Adam wreaked on Billy’s life, and on their family, on Victoria. Billy said Adam was picking up where he left off, bonding with Victor, pushing Victoria’s buttons, right as Billy and Victoria were getting closer. Jack understood what happened with Delia. Billy ordered Jack not to go there. He said that Jack had no idea what it was like to look in Adam’s eyes. Jack said Billy was right, but he had to believe being given a second chance at life could change a man. Billy said that there was a chance that Adam was a worse person than he was before. After Billy left, Kyle asked Jack if it was Summer’s idea to have him reassigned. Jack said Summer was concerned about Kyle’s commitment to immersing himself into influencer life. Kyle couldn’t believe Jack was letting Summer call the shots. Jack said she came to him with concerns about division of labor, and he agreed with her. Kyle was angry about being demoted. Jack said it wasn’t a demotion, it was a lateral move. He reminded Kyle that he’d said working with Summer was becoming difficult. Kyle thought that Jack would move Summer. Jack said that this would give Kyle more time with Lola.

Summer arrived at work. Kyle found her in the lobby. He told her what happened and snarled that she got what she wanted. She said she didn’t want any of this, but she guessed it was what was right. He agreed that it might be best, and he apologized for what he put her through. She conceded he never lied about his feelings for Lola, but Summer had stupidly believed she could get him to love her like that. He said she deserved to have that, and he assured her that she’d find her person. She said it’d happen in time, after she made a name for herself in the corporate world. He said he’d help if she ever needed anything.

Summer went to Jack’s office and thanked him for reassigning Kyle. Summer warned Jack that she thought Phyllis was likely up to something. H appreciated the heads up, but he said he wasn’t worried, because what was the worst Phyllis could do. “I don’t think that you want to find out,” Summer replied.

Back at her suite, Phyllis made her Jolie Chic Visions site public.

Sharon went home and told Rey what happened with Adam. She was still worried about him, despite his positive prognosis. She wondered who’d hurt Adam. Rey wished he was still on the force so he could work the case and give her some peace. She leaned against him and said he was doing that right now. They talked about Arturo and Mia leaving. She told him it was okay to be angry. He said he blamed them for blowing up his life, but they belonged together. He’d just filed for divorce because he was ready to start a new chapter with Sharon. They kissed.

Nick and Victoria went to Crimson Lights, because Victor asked them to leave. Victoria wished that they could’ve stayed to support Victor. Nick said that Victor didn’t think they were team Adam. Victoria said she didn’t want Adam to die. Nick didn’t either, but he wished Adam would move away and take the trouble that seemed to follow him with him. She asked if he could grant Victor’s request and give Adam a chance to prove he changed. He asked the same question of her. Billy arrived and Victoria told him Adam was shot. “I’m only surprised it took so long,” Billy said. Victoria didn’t approve of his response, but he told her that violence and trouble followed Adam. Victoria thanked God that Adam survived. “Yeah, I guess,” Billy replied. Nick asked Billy if he shot Adam. Billy said he wouldn’t waste a bullet on that dirt bag. Victoria said he was with her when it happened. Billy asked if Nick had an alibi. Nick said he was with Christian. Billy didn’t think a toddler’s word would hold up in court. Nick said no one would believe Billy’s – he paused because he wasn’t sure what Victoria was to Billy – his girlfriend – his ex with benefits? Victoria wondered how this conversation came to be about her and Billy. Nick said he’d just been reminded what a terrible brother in law Billy was. Billy thought Nick should focus on his real brother right now. Victoria wondered if they should give Adam a chance to prove himself, like Victor asked. Billy and Nick thought Adam was his same old self. Billy said things were only going to get worse.

Paul went to the tack house and talked to Eddie, the detective. Eddie said there were a lot of footprints outside, and a lot of fingerprints inside. Paul wasn’t surprised, considering the number of people who lived and worked there. Paul didn’t think they’d get a hit on the fingerprint analysis. He theorized that the shooter never entered the house. Paul was afraid that Adam was their best chance at nailing the shooter, if he made it. He looked around and asked if the police took the phone as evidence. He found Adam’s bag of money and showed it to Eddie, who mused that this ruled out robbery as a motive. Paul said that meant Adam was the target.

Back at the hospital, Victor sat at Adam’s bedside. Victor said Adam was a Newman – Victor’s flesh and blood – and they didn’t give up. Victor didn’t want to waste any more time arguing with Adam. He vowed to protect him. Adam woke up. “Dad?,” he said to Victor.

Back at Crimson Lights, Lola hugged Arturo and told him she’d miss him so much, but she wouldn’t miss Mia. Mia said she heard that. Lola said that if Mia pulled any crap on Arturo, she’d come kick her butt. Lola said she wanted constant updates on the baby. Mia promised to keep Lola informed. Lola hugged them both. Arturo said so long to Genoa City, and he told Lola that he loved her, then he and Mia left. Lola texted Kyle that she could use a hug if he wasn’t busy. He told her to turn around. When she did, she saw him, and she rushed over.

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