The Y&R Update Tuesday 1/1/19
Written by Christine
Cane woke up on Devon's couch, with a hangover. Am I dead?, Cane asked Devon. Devon handed Cane a cup of coffee and told him that he passed out before midnight. Cane tried to leap up because he wanted to get to Sam, but Devon said that the twins had the nanny sleep over. Devon didn't think Cane should feel bad about getting drunk on New Year's Eve, just like the rest of the world. Cane countered that he was a parent. Devon noted that Cane had been through a lot. Cane said he drank because he missed Lily and he wanted to forget about everything for one night. Devon said that Lily would come back, and she and Cane would pick up where they left off. Cane wasn't sure about that, because Lily wasn't the same person anymore. He said she looked at him, like he didn't get it. He thought she was right. He said they used to be a team, but now... Devon said that they could adjust and Cane could fall in love with the person that Lily had become. Cane said he'd always love Lily. Devon didn't know why Cane was stressing about something that hadn't happened. He assured Cane that Lily would always be in his life. Cane decided to leave.
Nikki was back in the hospital. She called for a nurse. A police officer came in and asked if she was okay. Nikki said she needed her husband and asked where the phone was. The officer explained that Rey ordered it to be removed. Nikki was stunned and asked if she was a prisoner.
Nate, Nick and Victor were all in separate holding cells. Out in the squad room, Chris told Rey that she wasn't sure this was their best shot. Rey thought it was a risk worth taking. Nate, Nick and Victor were brought in, while in handcuffs. Victor demanded to know where Nikki was. He wanted to be booked, so he could make bail, or released so he could go to his wife. Chris clarified that the police were allowed to hold people for 72 hours while an investigation was conducted. Nate said he had patients. Rey felt that Nate should've thought about that before he got himself arrested. Victor said that if anything happened to Nikki it'd be Rey's fault. Rey countered that Victor was the one who abducted a fragile woman and put her on a plane. Nikki wasn't under arrest, because the police felt that she was the victim.
Victor balked at being arrested for kidnapping his wife. Rey noted that removing a patient from a hospital without their, or the hospital's consent, was considered kidnapping, even if that person was your wife. Rey added that Victor chose classy accomplices a doctor and business leader. Nick said they wanted their lawyers. Victor didn't think that was necessary; he thought Rey was playing a game with them, and Victor refused to lower himself by joining in. Rey asked how Nate felt. Nate didn't want a lawyer either, so Rey took him to the interrogation room.
Rey offered Nate a coffee or food, but Nate preferred to get this over with. Rey knew that Nate didn't engineer this plot. Rey could understand how it was easy to get sucked into the rich and powerful Victor's plan. Rey told Nate that he was going to jail. Nate refused to apologize for looking after Nikki's health and safety by going with her on the trip. Rey asked if Nate thought it was a good idea to leave the country with Victor, who was a person of interest in a murder investigation and with Nikki, who'd just gotten out of surgery. Nate said that Victor was taking Nikki away to protect her from the driver. Nate went along because he wanted her to have medical supervision. Rey said that he didn't want to put Nate in jail. Nate knew that Rey was trying to use him as a pawn to get evidence against Victor. Nate noted that Rey was keeping him from his patient.
Victoria was frantic because she didn't know where Reed was. She called and left him voicemail. Billy arrived at the house, and Victoria asked him to watch the kids. She told him the whole story about Reed hitting Nikki with Charlie's car. She was afraid that he was on his way to the police station, and she wanted to stop him before he confessed. She rushed out.
In the squad room, Victor told Chris that badgering an upstanding doctor was a waste of taxpayer money. Chris decided to have Nick and Victor taken back to their cells. Nick thought it was ridiculous that they were being treated like common criminals. Chris said there was nothing common about a getaway jet. She noted that they'd put a very Newman spin on things. Victoria arrived just in time to see Nick and Victor being escorted to the holding cells. She asked Chris what was going on, but Chris didn't have time to answer the questions. Rey walked out and mentioned something to Chris about Nate. Victoria asked where her mother was. Rey said that Nikki was safe, and he tried to give Victoria the brush off. She threatened to go to the press to force him to answer her. He revealed that Nikki was back at Memorial. Victoria asked what Nate had been charged with. Rey said that Nate, Victor and Nick were found with Nikki, which amounted to kidnapping. The arrests hadn't been made public, so he asked Victoria what she was doing there. She explained that she was looking for Reed, and she pretended that she thought he might have come to the station to get an update on the search for Nikki. Victoria turned to go. Rey told her to stay, because he had questions. Victoria refused to stay unless Rey was putting her under arrest.
Victoria went to the hospital, but because Nikki was in protective custody, the police officer said that Victoria couldn't go in. Victoria stood in the doorway and yelled out to Nikki and asked if she was okay. Nikki was fine, but she wanted to know where Victor was. Victoria said Victor and Nick were at the station and they needed help. The officer closed the door. Victoria told the officer to tell her boss that he wouldn't get away with this, then Victoria stormed off.
Back in the squad room, Chris theorized that Nate didn't understand the seriousness of his situation. Nate said that waking up in a jail cell had made things clear, but he knew that this wasn't about him it was about Victor. Chris said that Rey was sympathetic to Nate and thought that he was only involved because he was upholding his oath. However, Chris said her job was to uphold the law, and the fact was that he was part of the kidnapping. She tried to convince him to think about his own well-being, but Nate interjected that his concern was for his patients. He asked her to consider the bad publicity that the GCPD and DA's office would get if something happened to Nikki. Chris decided to take Nate to see Nikki.
In the interrogation room, Nick made snippy comments to Rey. Rey thought that he and Nick were on the same page last night. Nick sarcastically wondered where they went wrong. Rey thought it was when Nick helped Victor kidnap Nikki. Rey didn't want to charge Nick with accessory to kidnapping; he'd rather Nick be a witness for the prosecution. Nick knew that this wasn't really about the kidnapping, and he refused to help Rey.
Victoria went home, and she brought Billy up to speed. She was upset about everything. He told her that the important thing was that Nikki was fine. He was sure that Victor and Nick could take care of themselves. Billy asked more questions about the car accident. Victoria said that Charlie was drinking, and Reed wasn't, and when they hit something, they panicked. Victoria said she thought about telling Rey the truth about the accident, but she didn't, because these were serious charges. Billy felt that Reed had to take responsibility for what he did. Victoria said that telling Rey would be ending Reed's life as he knew it. Billy didn't think Victoria should tell Reed to lie. Victoria contended that it wasn't a lie it was an inaction. He asked how she was justifying this, knowing what he went through with Delia. She thought that was different, since Delia died, and Adam knew what he did and he never said anything. She said that Reed was spinning out. Billy thought that he should be spinning out and that he should face the consequences. Victoria felt that Reed should do that from home, not jail. She thought he'd go to prison, since he already had a suspended license. She decided to talk to Cane. She wasn't sure that Cane knew about this, but she was going to be angry if he did know and he'd ketp it from her. Billy said he wouldn't defend Cane, but his wife was in prison because of a car accident. Billy wanted to go with Victoria, but she didn't want him to. He told her that he would always be there for her and he'd always be on her side.
Nate examined Nikki and declared that she was doing great, but she'd been through massive trauma, so he told her to take it easy. hen Nate mentioned that he was going to talk to Nikki's doctor, Nikki protested that he was her doctor. Nate explained that he was facing attempted kidnapping charges. Nikki thought that was ridiculous. Chris asked the officer to take Nate out. Nate realized Chris was going to question Nikki, and he was against it, because she needed her rest. Nikki said she'd be fine. Nate left. Nikki scoffed at the idea that she'd been kidnapped. Chris said she felt sorry for Nick and Nate because Victor was taking them down with him. Nikki said there was no kidnapping she begged Victor to take her out of the hospital, and she left of her own free will.
Nikki said that she was dying, and Victor willed her to live. She said that when she regained consciousness, she panicked, because it was no secret that Chris had made it her life's mission, for the past few years, to find something to pin on Victor. Chris denied it, but Nikki asked that she be allowed to speak. Nikki said she knew Chris and the police were desperate to blame Victor for JT's death and she couldn't bear to have her husband be in danger because he cared enough to come see her. She said she convinced Victor to leave the country so they could work to clear his name. Chris didn't buy the story and she didn't think anyone else would either. Nikki said she was no one's victim, certainly not her husband's. Nikki said that if Chris pursued this, she'd be sued for wrongful prosecution, and Nikki would be the lead witness against her. Chris turned to leave. Nikki wanted the guard removed. Chris said the guard was there for Nikki's safety.
Chris found Devon waiting for her in the hallway. According to Devon, Victoria called him and let him know that his cousin had been arrested. Devon wanted to know why Nate was with an armed guard in the hospital hallway. Nate noted that this was where he worked, with his colleagues walking by. Devon threatened to have GC Buzz come down. Chris said that she wasn't going to pursue charges against Nate. She walked away, clearly annoyed.
At the Ashby house, Cane didn't think it was any of Victoria's business if Charlie was drinking last week. Victoria said that if it involved Reed, it involved her. Cane realized Reed must've been the friend who drove Charlie home. Victoria accused Cane of knowing Reed was the driver all along. Cane said that Charlie had a couple of beers after a breakup, and he said he'd deal with his son. Victoria realized that Cane really didn't know about Reed's involvement. Do you pay attention to your children at all?, she asked. Victoria revealed that Reed and Charlie were the ones who hit Nikki. Cane was stunned. Victoria wasn't sure if he was really shocked or if he was pretending he didn't already know about this, the way he pretended to be surprised by the hockey video when he worked at Brash and Sassy. Cane snapped that this was the reason he didn't want Reed around his kids first he got a DUI, now he upgraded to a hit and run. He was irritated that she was pinning this on his family. Victoria asserted that Reed wouldn't have been driving if Charlie weren't drinking. She added that Reed wanted to come forward, and Charlie talked him out of it. Cane argued that Charlie was the passenger. Victoria said Charlie wanted to lie because he learned that from Cane.
Cane ordered Victoria not to come into his home and trash his son. Victoria thought Cane was a bad role model. She brought up the situation with Juliet and accused him of practically bankrupting Brash and Sassy. She also heard that he tried to get Lily to cover up the fact that she ran the red light in the accident that killed Hilary. She knew Charlie had been in the car, and she asked if he'd asked Charlie to lie too. She spat that her son might end up in jail because Cane had no clue how to parent. He yelled that her son was the one who had a DUI, and his daughter who told the truth when Reed tried to sneak them into Nick's club the night it burned down. Victoria snapped that Mattie told the truth, and so did Lily, and now those poor kids only had Cane for guidance. They continued to move closer as they screamed at each other. He accused her of being self-righteous, but she was adamant that she was right about him.
Victoria called Cane weak and cowardly. She asked how many people he'd nearly taken down with him, Billy, Victoria, the kids, an entire company, and Lily. Victoria thought that Lily was decent and loyal and it was sad that when she was finished serving her sentence, she'd have to come back to Cane. Victoria asked Cane how he could even stand himself, knowing that Lily deserved so much better than him. Victoria suspected that Lily prayed that Cane didn't screw up the family the way he screwed up his marriage so many times. Cane accused Victoria of being jealous of the Ashby's long marriage. He noted that Victoria had numerous husbands, boyfriends and fiance's, and he asserted that Billy had run away from her more than once. Cane snarled that JT probably wasn't dead he'd just gone off the grid because he couldn't stand Victoria. Victoria told Cane that he didn't know anything about JT. Cane said he knew JT wanted to make up with Victoria. Cane figured that Victoria had rebuffed JT because he didn't grovel enough for her. Victoria yelled that JT was a liar, which was probably the kind of guy Cane admired. Victoria wondered if Lily realized that she could do much better than Cane. Cane told Victoria that deep down, she thought everyone was as cold and empty and as lonely as she was. Victoria and Cane stared at each other, then they suddenly passionately kissed.
Back at the station, Rey and Chris lamented that their plan to get more evidence that tied Victor to JT's murder had failed. Chris thought that Nate, Nick and Victor all sensed what they were really after. Chris guessed it was too much to hope that Victor would implicate himself to save Nick from prosecution. Rey said that they had serious father/son issues. Rey thought they should just go ahead and charge Victor with murder. Chris needed more evidence. Rey noted that they had Victor's gun, JT's bloody shirt, and the video of Victor on GC Buzz threatening to kill JT. Chris said they didn't have a body. Rey noted that prosecutors had won cases without bodies. He thought they had to do this now, before Victor fled the country for good.
Rey told Nick that he was free to go. Nick thought he was owed an apology, but he didn't get one. Nick decided to stay and wait for Victor. Rey said no, so Nick reluctantly left. Rey and Chris went to the interrogation room. Victor said he didn't kidnap Nikki, and he wanted to go spend time with her. Chris revealed that Victor was being charged with JT's murder. Rey began to read Victor his rights. Victor told Rey to save it, but he continued anyway.
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