Tuesday Y&R Update 12/25/18

The Y&R Update Tuesday 12/25/18


Written by Christine

At the Abbott house, Jack told Billy that he appreciated having him back in his life. Billy noted that the family had a rough time this year. Jack predicted that difficult times were behind them. Billy wondered if there was any reason Jack was so filled with holiday spirit. Just then, Kerry came downstairs in her robe, surprising Billy. Later, Kerry came downstairs again, and this time she was dressed. She asked about Billy, and Jack said the coast was clear. He invited her to Sharon's party, and she accepted. She recalled meeting Sharon at the Jabotique launch – Billy's date. Jack clarified that Sharon and Billy were just friends. Kerry thought Sharon was gorgeous, and she hoped that Sharon and Jack were just friends. Jack stated that they were friends, and former spouses. Kerry was taken aback, and Jack clarified that it was a decade ago. Kerry noted that he had a lot of exes, but she assumed it spoke well of him that he was on good terms with all of them. Jack said Kerry was the only one he wanted to be with, she was the only one he invited to Bora Bora, and he hoped it was just the beginning. He said that it'd been a long time since someone had made him as happy as she did. He hoped that helped. She said it did, and they kissed.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon prepared for a pop-up Christmas party. She placed the ornament Rey gave her on a small Christmas tree. Mariah disapproved of Sharon's married coworker giving her a gift. Sharon said it was an ornament, not lingerie, and she felt that it was simply a token of their friendship. Mariah asked if Sharon was sure it was only about friendship. Sharon said she was, then she changed the subject. Sharon spoke with Faith on the phone. Faith opted to decorate cookies with Christian and the nanny instead of coming to the party. Sharon didn't mind.

At Nikki's bedside, Victoria reminisced about past Christmas celebrations and recalled how much Nikki loved the holiday. Although Nate had told the family to prepare for the worst, Nikki's condition was the same. Victoria reasoned that Nikki was still fighting, and she vowed to keep hoping that her mother would improve. Someone walked in, and Victoria asked what they were doing here.

Nick and Phyllis walked into the hospital. He noted that Nate made the situation sound dire, but she urged him to hold out for a Christmas miracle. She told him that if she couldn't do that, he should hold onto her. Noah walked out of Nikki's room, and he hugged his dad. Nick was surprised and pleased Noah came. Nick admitted things had been rough, especially with Victor pulling another disappearing act. Nick admitted he didn't know what he would've done without Phyllis and Sharon's support. Noah noted that his mom always took the high road in a crisis. Victoria walked out. Billy arrived. Billy suggested Victoria go to Sharon's party, then go see the kids. She hated to leave Nikki, but at Nick's encouraging, she agreed to go. Victoria asked Noah to come too, and see his mom, but he said he'd see her later. He asked them not to tell Sharon that he was in town, because he wanted to do that himself. Victoria and Billy left. Phyllis went to go sit with Nikki so Noah and Nick could talk.

Phyllis told Nikki that she should be home with her family. She implored Nikki to channel her anger at the person who ran her down and use it to wake up. “I, personally, would not have a problem with Victor going down for JT's murder, but I know that you were determined to prove that Victor is being framed. But you cannot do that from this bed. So wake the hell up, or things may not go the way you want them to,” Phyllis urged.

In the waiting area, Nick said he was grateful that Noah came. Noah said he'd talked to Summer, but she thought it was best to stay in Dubai in case Victor returned. Nick didn't know what was worse – thinking that something terrible happened to Victor or thinking that he murdered Reed's father, and he was hiding underground. Nick said that two sets of P.I.s had looked and no one heard anything. He was adamant that Victor needed to come home for Nikki. Nate was passing through, and Nick introduced him to Noah. Nick got choked up, and asked what Nate would think about Nikki's prognosis if she were his mother. Nate recommended that the rest of the family come to the hospital, ASAP.

Rey and Mia cuddled in bed, after sex, and she told him she felt like she got her Christmas present early. He teased that he'd return the gifts under the tree, and she jokingly threatened to kill him if he did. He noted that she was the only one who could say that to them. She stated that being close to him again, they way they used to be, was everything she'd ever wanted. They kissed and went for round two.

Mia and Rey went downstairs for Sharon's party. Mia offered to be Mariah's GC Buzz stylist. Mariah said there weren't any staff openings, but Mia insisted that a woman should have a fresh look for the holidays, and she took Mariah aside to talk. Sharon commented that Rey and Mia seemed to be in a good place. Rey noted that Mia was the happiest she'd been since they were newlyweds. Sharon asked if Rey was happy. Rey said he'd let go of his anger and reconnected with Mia, so he guessed that he was. Sharon said that that was all she wanted for him.

Tessa arrived at the party, but she wasn't sure about staying, because she didn't want to make Sharon mad. Mariah said she and Sharon came to an understanding. Sharon walked over. Mariah said she invited Tessa because she wanted to be with the two people who meant the most to her on Christmas Eve. Sharon greeted Kerry and Jack. Mariah got Sharon alone and chided her about ignoring Tessa. Sharon said she'd been busy. Mariah felt that Sharon could at least make Tessa feel welcome. Billy and Victoria arrived, and Sharon went to welcome them. Jack and Kerry joined them, and Victoria gave Jack an update on Nikki's condition – no change. Kerry said that it was good for Victoria to take breaks and decompress. Sharon mentioned that Rey was there. Victoria tensed, but Sharon said he was just there to unwind, like everyone else. Billy told Victoria that they'd just ignore Rey.

On the patio, Tessa told Mariah that she got a text from Crystal. Crystal was lonely in Canada, so Tessa decided to go spend Christmas with her. Skeptical, Mariah demanded to see the text. There was no text – Tessa knew Sharon would never accept her, and she thought the best gift she could give Mariah was to leave. Mariah insisted that she loved Tessa and would be miserable without her. Tessa believed that, if she stayed, Mariah would eventually resent her for coming between her and Sharon. Sharon stepped out onto the patio and overheard Mariah say that she'd find a way to split her life between Sharon and Tessa, because she refused to lose either one of them.

Kerry and Jack sat with Billy and Victoria on the patio. Billy shared that Johnny and Katie had searched the house for the gifts, which Victoria was hiding in a spare refrigerator. Victoria laughed. Billy mentioned that he missed that smile, and she thanked him for helping her get it back.

Inside, Sharon asked Rey to give Victoria some breathing room. Rey understood. He was glad Nikki was holding on. Kerry came inside and hugged Mia, then they started talking makeup. Sharon went out to the patio and brought apple cider to Mariah and Tessa. Tessa apologized to Sharon. Sharon said she wouldn't forgive and forget, no matter how much Tessa apologized, but she couldn't bear the thought of making her daughter unhappy on Christmas. Sharon promised to be civil, and she hoped they could coexist for Mariah's sake. Mariah and Sharon hugged, and Sharon went inside. Mariah said no more talk of Tessa leaving. Tessa promised she wasn't going anywhere, and they kissed.

Victoria and Sharon went inside to get some cookies for Johnny and Katie to leave for Santa. Once they were alone, Jack told Billy that he was taking Kerry to Bora Bora. Billy thought that was a bold move for someone Jack didn't know all that well. Jack said that the situation with Nikki was a reminder of how quickly things could change. Jack liked Kerry, and he was ready to go for it.

Nick called Victoria and told her that Nate said it was time to come say their goodbyes. The others came in from the patio and saw Victoria react to the news. “My mom might be dying and you still don't know who was driving the car that hit her,” Victoria snapped at Rey. Billy told Victoria there was no time for this, and they left. Mia announced that she and Rey were going to get going, and she wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Rey vowed to do everything in his power to find the driver. Sharon wanted to go to the hospital, but she didn't want to intrude. Mariah assured Sharon that she was family and that Nick and Victoria would appreciate her coming. Kerry encouraged Jack to go too and told him not to worry about her getting home or their trip. Mariah was going to close up, but Tessa said she'd do it, so Mariah could be there for Sharon. “It can't end now. Not – not on Christmas Eve,” Jack said to Sharon.

Back at the hospital, Nick wondered how Nikki had gone from no change to no hope. Noah was glad he got here when he did. Phyllis thought that Nate was right – the Newmans should be there, pulling for Nikki. However, Phyllis didn't recall Nate saying that Nikki would die tonight. Noah reminded Phyllis that she wasn't there when they talked to Nate. Phyllis said there could've been a misunderstanding. Noah didn't agree that they'd misconstrued what Nate said, but Nick decided to follow Phyllis' lead and be positive, Billy and Victoria arrived, and they brought all three kids. Katie was dressed as an angel. Billy took the little kids to the cafeteria. Victoria hugged Nick. She was upset because Victor wasn't there. Reed asked if Nikki was in pain, and Nick said that she wasn't, according to Nate. Jack, Mariah and Sharon arrived. Sharon hugged Noah, and he said hi to Mariah. Sharon and Nick talked and decided that Faith should be there. Phyllis went to get her. Jack said that Nikki would be proud that they were all there. Sharon hoped it gave her strength.

Reed was alarmed when Rey showed up. Victoria snapped that it was family only. Rey came because he wanted to interview Nate again and find out if he'd remembered anything that might help find the driver. Nick accused Rey of coming to wait for Victor so he could arrest him once he showed up. Rey denied that. Nick ordered Rey to get the hell out. Nate showed up and reminded everyone that this was an ICU. He allowed them to visit Nikki in small groups. Rey and Nate left. At Victoria's suggestion, everyone bowed their heads and prayed for a miracle.

Victoria, Reed, Billy and the kids went in first and spent a little time with Nikki. Afterward, Reed texted Charlie that Nikki was dying, and he was going to confess. Next, Jack visited Nikki and reminisced about the weekend they spent at the cabin during their first year of marriage. He got choked up when he remembered it. He admitted he felt like he let her down, in the end, because he knew she was struggling, but he didn't know how bad it was. He wished that he'd insisted on taking her to more meetings. “You can't leave. You have to let me make it up to you. Please, Nick. Don't go,” he said.

Sharon, Nick and Noah visited Nikki next. Noah hoped that he and Nikki would have many more Christmases to come. Nick told Nikki that she was the heart and soul of the family. Nikki squeezed Noah's hand, and everyone exchanged hopeful looks. The rest of Nikki's loved ones were in the parking lot and Mariah lead them in a candlelit vigil. Tessa sang Silent Night, while playing the guitar.

Reed went back inside and approached Rey. Charlie showed up and told Reed not to do this. Rey asked what was going on. Charlie lied and said that Reed was messed up about what happened to his dad. Charlie told Reed that he needed to be focused on his family instead of trying to cause a scene with Rey. He urged Reed to think about what this would do to his family. Reed took the out that Charlie gave him. Rey walked away. Charlie was glad that he stopped Reed from confessing. Reed admitted that he wasn't sure how much longer he could live with this.

Nick told Nate about the hand squeeze. Nate examined Nikki, then he broke the news to her family that it was likely an involuntary reflex. Nick needed some air. He, Noah and Sharon went outside and joined the vigil. Phyllis hugged Nick.

Victor went to Nikki's room and held her hand. “Merry Christmas, my darling,” he said.

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