The Y&R Update Wednesday 11/28/18
Written by Christine
Surprise!, Charlie and Mattie yelled in unison when Devon opened his door. A cheerful Cane soon joined them, and they all carried trays of food into the penthouse. Nate arrived and explained that they were holding a proper Thanksgiving. Devon noted that they didn't tell him in advance. Nate explained that Cane wanted to, but Nate decided that they shouldn't because they didn't want Devon to make up an excuse to skip the celebration.
Devon took Cane aside and said he would've made sure Shauna was home if he'd been given a heads up. An apologetic Cane said that Charlie asked him to invite Shauna, but it slipped his mind because he was emotionally spent from after celebrating Thanksgiving in a prison. Cane said they tried hard to make things nice for Lily, but they were screaming on the inside. Cane mentioned the long road ahead, and Devon countered that at least Cane's road had an end and he'd get his wife back. Cane asked Devon not to be like this. Devon apologized and said he had a rough week. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol, and Cane discreetly took it away and told him that he didn't need this. Cane told Devon that they were all here because they loved him, and he asked that Devon not ruin things. The doorbell rang, and Nate insisted that they let Devon answer it. Devon was stunned to see his younger sister, Ana, and they shared a long hug.
Devon asked Ana why she came. Nate explained that he came up with the idea, and Neil called Ana and asked her to come, so that Devon would have more family around. Ana caught everyone up on her life. She'd given up professional singing, because she wasn't making enough to live on. Devon mentioned that Ana was signed to the label he had before LP, and they had a few decent hits. Ana noted that it was a competitive business. Ana got a degree in arts administration, but she was still looking for a job. Nate explained that Neil thought Ana would be a good fit to replace Tessa at Hamilton-Winters. Devon was thrilled that Ana was willing to move back to Genoa City, and he hired her on the spot.
Devon talked to Ana alone. He told her he'd enjoy having her around the office since it had been lonely after Neil's departure. Ana asked how Devon was, noting that they'd only talked about a dozen times since Hilary's death. Devon admitted things had been tough at times, and he didn't always do the best job handling things, but life went on. Ana hoped her presence could help. Devon thought it would.
Across the room, Cane and Nate noticed that Ana's arrival had lifted Devon's spirits and they hoped it lasted. Later, Ana ran into Nate in the hallway. He told her that Neil was grateful that she dropped everything and moved to Genoa City. Ana thought she should be thanking him because this was her dream job learning music behind the scenes. Ana noted that Devon didn't seem as depressed as Neil made it sound. Nate thought Devon was in good spirits today because he had his family around. Nate stated that Devon thought the world of Ana, even though they weren't raised together. Nate cautioned that Devon was struggling, and tomorrow, he could be in a bad place. Nate said he and Neil thought it was a good idea for Ana to come back and discreetly keep an eye on Devon. Nate promised to help. Ana thought that they had to be careful, because Devon was smart enough to realize what they were up to. Nate said Devon was in a downward spiral and Ana's presence might be the only thing to keep things from ending badly.
At Crimson Lights, on the patio, Sharon asked Mariah how she and Tessa left things. Mariah admitted she didn't know, and she felt numb right now. Sharon had fired Tessa, and Mariah understood why, given the circumstances. Mariah confided that she wasn't sure if she wanted to be with Tessa or not, and she asked Sharon to tell her what to do. Sharon assured Mariah that her heart knew what it wanted and he head would tell her if it was worth the battle. Sharon walked Mariah to the door, and she stopped short when she saw Mia caressing Rey outside. Mia leaned in for a kiss, but Rey saw Sharon and he tensed. Mia looked back and spotted Sharon too. Mia and Rey went inside, and Mia made a big show of greeting Sharon warmly, then she told Mariah that she and Rey were fans of GC Buzz. Mariah was gracious, then she said she had to go, but Mia bombarded her with questions about working in television. Rey interjected that he had to go to work, and Mariah and Sharon seized the opportunity to leave. Sharon lingered around the corner and overheard Mia ask Rey to go dinner and dancing. Rey suggested a pizza place he'd heard about, then he left.
Sharon went inside Crimson Lights and found Mariah waiting to offer her a shoulder to cry on. Sharon asked if she was that obvious, and Mariah said that Mia was. Sharon admitted that she messed up and let her judgment be clouded. She revealed that she and Rey both admitted they had feelings for each other, but she maintained that it couldn't go anywhere, nor should it. Mariah knew from experience that you couldn't turn off your feelings. Sharon said that Mariah could go back to Tessa if she wanted to, but Sharon's only option was to give Rey the time and space to heal his marriage.
At the GCPD, Rey apologized to Sharon about the way Mia acted at the coffeehouse. Sharon felt that Rey and Mia had nothing to apologize for. Sharon knew that both of them wanted to save their marriage. Sharon felt that she was the one who should apologize for eavesdropping on Rey and Mia's talk about date night. Rey said it was pizza, not a big deal. Sharon thought that Rey should do something more special for the woman he loved, and she gave him her old gift card for Top of the Tower. Rey declined, but Sharon insisted that he take it and have a wonderful time with his wife. Rey protested that he'd look out of place, and Sharon told him to wear the suit he kept in the office for court. Rey asked if Sharon wanted to talk about this. She noted that they already did, and she said that if he thought she still wanted to talk, then he didn't understand the point of her giving him the card. He assumed she was sending him a message, and she clarified that she was trying to send one to herself. Sharon told Rey to make the reservation, and she assured him that Mia would love him for it. Sharon stepped out of the room, and she looked hurt. Later, Mia arrived at the station. Sharon watched from afar as Mia showed Rey her red dress and noted that it was his favorite color. Mia was excited about going to the Top of the Tower and she told Rey that he'd upped his game.
Mia and Rey went to the restaurant, and Mia marveled at how nice it was, but she got nervous when she saw the meal prices and she asked if they could afford it. Rey told her not to worry about that. Mia wondered what made him change his mind about the pizza, and he told her he heard someone mention this place and thought she might want to try it. She noted that they didn't go anywhere this fancy, even when things were good between them. He said he was sending himself a message that if they wanted to make things better, it was time to start putting in the work. They agreed that they'd work together. The station called, and Rey stepped away to answer. The waitress arrived with the check and addressed Mia as Mrs. Newman. Mia was confused, and the waitress noted that it was the name on the gift card. Mia took it in stride and signed the check. Rey returned and Mia fed him dessert.
Kyle was in Phyllis's office on a tense business call. A shipment of Jabot's products had been delayed for weeks, and Kyle was upset because the customers were unable to buy their favorite products. After the call, Lola stopped by with some lunch delivery orders, and she brought some food for Kyle, as as surprise. Kyle had to take another call and Lola looked disappointed. She left to make the rest of her deliveries. Meanwhile, Kyle's business caller insisted that they meet over lunch. Kyle hesitated, then he put the uneaten sandwich on the reception desk and left. Later, Lola returned and looked hurt when she saw the food. She left and took it with her.
In the Dark Horse conference room. Abby was delighted by a phone conversation. She kissed Arturo, and he asked what was going on. Abby told Arturo about Summer's new job in Dubai. Abby didn't want the job, but she was irritated that Victor didn't consider offering it to her. She thought it spoke volumes about how she was perceived. Arturo countered that it spoke volumes about Victor's perception of her, and he noted that Nick valued her. Abby said she didn't want to be valued she wanted to be a superstar, and she was sure her idea was going to put her on the road to that. There was an empty building in an up and coming area that was selling for a great price. The developer ran out of money so they were trying to sell it fast. Arturo noted that it was only an excellent price if the neighborhood took off like she expected it to. Abby thought that the property could drive the change. Abby planned to suggest that Dark Horse buy it. She said that if she could fill the building with the right commercial mix, it could be a big win for Dark Horse. Arturo said that after this took off, no one would ever underestimate her again. They kissed.
Lola went to Dark Horse to drop off lunch for Arturo, but he wasn't there. Abby noticed that Lola was tense and asked if everything was okay. Lola mentioned that her friend had guy trouble. Abby announced that she was great at solving issues like this. Lola stated that her friend was sexually inexperienced. Abby asked if her friend was a virgin and she noted that most guy she knew wouldn't know how to handle that. Lola asked why. Abby explained that men assumed there might be something wrong, since who didn't love sex? Abby listed off some issues, like the person was a prude, or socially inept or really religious. Abby noticed Lola's uncomfortable expression and it dawned on her that there was no friend.
Lola was rushing toward the elevator when Abby caught up to her. Lola didn't want to talk anymore, but Abby insisted on saying that she wasn't talking about her own feelings or Kyle's, but guys in general. Abby asked if this was about Lola's faith. Lola explained that it wasn't. Lola was waiting until she was in a committed relationship with the guy who might be the one for her. She reasoned that you could only give that gift once, so you needed to be sure that the guy was the right one. She had seen sex mess things up when the people who were involved shouldn't be. Abby mentioned Arturo and Mia. Lola thought that was the perfect example and she said that sometimes she felt like the fallout from that disaster would never end. Abby said it had better end soon. Lola was also waiting because sex seemed to complicate things. She wanted to own a restaurant some day, and she couldn't afford to waste time getting caught up in ridiculous drama.
Lola had been too busy focusing on getting her food truck up and running to look for the right guy. Abby said she was impressed by Lola's position, and she thought it made sense, but she wondered where Kyle fit into this. Lola liked Kyle, but she was confused due to his reaction. Abby asked how the subject came up. Lola explained that it was sparked by his invitation to the Abbott Cabin. Lola felt like Kyle was trying to avoid her earlier today, but she wasn't sure if she was being paranoid. Abby advised Lola to talk to Kyle. Abby added that Lola deserved to be with someone who would back her up and be proud of her for the strong choice she made. Abby thought that choice was Kyle, but she believed he'd need some time to process things. Abby noted that Lola wasn't like most girls and she definitely wasn't like the girls Kyle dated before. Lola appreciated the talk. You were attracted to Kyle for a reason. Not just his looks and his superficial charm. There was a vibe you got from him, yes?, Abby asked. Lola nodded. Give him the chance to show you that your instincts were right, Abby advised. They hugged, then Lola left.
When Arturo returned, Abby was ranting to herself because Nick shot down her idea to buy the building. She wondered why she even tried. According to Abby, Nick had let her talk for five minutes before telling her that she was thinking too small and that Dark Horse was only interested in projects that would make millions of dollars. Abby told Arturo that Nick made her feel small and stupid. Arturo went to comfort her, but she waved him off and yelled that she was upset and that was okay it was better than burying the negativity for the sake of the team. Well you know what, screw the team!, Abby bellowed, as her voice broke. She said this reminded her of the way Victor would pat her head and say she was on the wrong track. She noted that, meanwhile, Victor gave the green and immature Summer the opportunity of a lifetime to prove herself. Abby said she was done. Arturo didn't blame her, but he reminded her that she didn't need Nick or Victor's permission to bring her ideas to life. He said she had resources, connections and confidence in her ability. He told her to prove the doubters wrong and buy the property on her own. Arturo told her to stop thinking of Nick and Victor as gatekeepers and start playing the game like they would. She asked if he really thought she could do it on her own. He conceded it might not be easy, but he thought she should go after what she wanted. Abby admitted she really did want this, and she strongly believed this was an incredible opportunity. She wished more people believed in her, but she had Arturo for that, and that was enough. They kissed.
Back at Crimson Lights, Kyle told Mariah that he had to apologize to Lola for inadvertently blowing her off. Mariah thought Lola would understand that Kyle had to deal with a work emergency. Kyle admitted that there was more to it, because things got a bit awkward between him and Lola yesterday. He revealed that Lola was a virgin. Mariah hoped Kyle wasn't going to be the type of guy who'd overreact. Kyle said he wasn't trying to, but it caught him off guard. He didn't understand how a smart, sexy confident woman be so... he wasn't sure how to finish, and he thought of calling her naive. Mariah gasped and asked how he could be this shallow, then she told him to lighten up. He said he was trying. Kyle said Lola left in a hurry after she told him, so they hadn't discussed things much. Mariah told Kyle to go find Lola and find out her reasons.
Mariah assumed Kyle had hit the panic button when he found out instead of acting like a caring boyfriend. Mariah suggested that Lola was saving herself for marriage, or it was for religious reasons and she asked if that was so crazy. Kyle said of course not, but he was worried that it was something else. Oh no, you don't think it's like a personal choice?, Mariah asked, in mock horror. Kyle told Mariah that being the first put a lot of pressure on a guy. Mariah was unsympathetic and suggested that Lola might be saving herself for someone better than Kyle. Kyle decided not to reach out to Lola, because his talk with Mariah had convinced him that whatever he said would be the wrong thing. Mariah apologized for giving him a hard time, and she told him that the only way to find out how Lola felt was to talk to her.
Sharon returned to Crimson Lights and Mariah asked how the Rey situation went. Sharon said it was fine and that she meant it when she said she wanted Rey and Mia to work things out. Mia and Rey walked in, and Sharon didn't notice. Mia asked Rey to go upstairs, and he agreed, but he glanced back at Sharon before he walked out.
In their home, Rey and Mia kissed. She leaned against him and noted that it was the best night in a long time. He agreed. He reminded her that they agreed to take this one step at a time, and he told her that it was best if he let her know when he was ready. He walked away.
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