The Y&R Update Monday 11/19/18
Written by Christine
Nick finished a phone call at Dark Horse. Abby arrived with some photos from the Jabot party for a press release. Nick asked if Abby was alright and if it was a problem for Arturo to work there. Abby said she was fine. Abby asked about Nick and Phyllis. He said he and Phyllis had a lot of history and they were a good fit. Abby thought it was kind of fast after what he and Sharon just went through. Nick brusque response was that there was no him and Sharon. Abby dropped it and left. Nick flipped through the photos and stopped at a picture of him and Phyllis dancing. He flashed back to dancing with Phyllis after the party, then he daydreamed that he'd been dancing with Sharon instead. Then he thought about dancing with Phyllis again. Nick texted Phyllis that it was an excellent launch party and asked how she was feeling about things. Afterward, he wondered to himself whether she'd agree to move in with him.
Phyllis was in her office when she received Nick's message. Just then, Jack arrived and congratulated her on the successful launch party. Jack felt bad for Abby after Mia's revelation. Phyllis admitted she was floored that Jack distracted her to give Billy the chance to tell the reporter that Jabotiques were his idea. Jack was impressed that Phyllis stepped up and gave him credit. Phyllis said now came the hard part rolling out the stores and making them profitable. Jack noted that they needed to stock them with innovative products. Phyllis said she'd been wondering when he'd bring up Kerry, and she asked if he stopped by because he hoped to bump into her. He asked how Phyllis would feel if he said yes. She asked if it mattered, then she asked if he was planning to pursue Kerry. He didn't know if it was in the realm of possibilities. It had been a long time if he had any interest in anyone. If he did start seeing Kerry, he didn't want things to be awkward between him and Phyllis. Phyllis thought she and Jack were past that. Jack said he wanted Phyllis to be happy.
Phyllis asked what Jack thought about her and Nick. He didn't think there was any harm in Phyllis and Nick having agenda-free fun. She revealed that Nick asked her to move in with him. Jack thought that was quick, and he wondered if she was sure Sharon wouldn't take Nick back. Phyllis didn't think Sharon and Nick would get back together, since Sharon didn't want to be with the man Nick had become someone strong and decisive who could make good choices and dream big. Jack thought that sounded a lot like Billy. Phyllis said that Billy was an arrested development and self destructive. Jack noted that Faith and Christian had been through a lot this year, and Phyllis moving in with Nick would be another major change for them. Phyllis said she wasn't taking this lightly. Jack asked if Phyllis was over Billy. She didn't think the dynamic she had with Billy was healthy they had several issues that never seemed to be resolved, and ever since their split, she'd taken charge of her career and her life, and she was where she wanted to be. According to Phyllis, Nick was in the same position, and she thought that they both wanted to live their lives without apologizing to anyone. Jack reiterated that he wanted Phyllis to be happy but he thought she needed to be sure. Phyllis wondered what made him think she wasn't sure. Jack told her that she never answered the question about being over Billy.
At the cottage, Mariah told Sharon that they needed to talk. Sharon thought Mariah wanted to discuss her breakup, and she apologetically said it'd have to wait because she was running late. Mariah insisted that they talk now. Mariah struggled to find the words. Sharon told her that whatever it was would be alright. Mariah disagreed, then she revealed that she knew what Sharon, Victoria, Phyllis and Nikki did to JT. Sharon pretended not to know what Mariah was talking about. Mariah yelled that the four of them rolled JT up in a rug and drove him to Chancellor Park and buried him under the sculpture. Sharon froze and her eyes widened in alarm. Mariah continued that this was the true reason behind the charity meetings. Mariah and Sharon were both on the verge of tears. Mariah said she she loved Sharon, but she was scared and on the verge of freaking out. Mariah asked Sharon to tell her the truth. Sharon explained that JT broke in and beat Victoria, and Nikki hit him with a fireplace poker to stop the attack. Mariah asked why they didn't call the police. Sharon said she wanted to, and they argued about it, but they were afraid Nikki would go to jail, since the DA had been trying to pin a crime on a Newman for a long time. Sharon cried that this had been horrible for all of them, especially JT's children.
Sharon hated that Mariah knew, but part of her was relieved she didn't have to keep hiding the secret. Mariah wished she'd never found out. Sharon asked how she did. Mariah revealed that Tessa was the blackmailer. Later, Phyllis, Victoria and Nikki arrived, and all three were annoyed about being summoned. Sharon turned the floor over to Mariah, who told them that Tessa was doing some work for Nick and stumbled onto some surveillance footage from Victoria's garage that showed them moving JT's body. Victoria realized JT had to be the one who put up the spy cams, but she recalled that the police swept the house for bugs and cameras. Sharon noted that they missed one. Phyllis realized that Tessa was the blackmailer. Nikki demanded to know how long Mariah had been hiding this. Mariah said Tessa just told her this last night. Sharon added that Mariah came straight to her. Phyllis asked how Sharon could know Mariah was telling the truth about just finding out. Sharon warned Phyllis not to start. Mariah said she found out after she moved in with Tessa and found a bag of the hush money. Nikki regretted letting Tessa into their lives. Phyllis decided to go put the fear of God into Tessa. Sharon thought they should get Nikki's money back, too. Victoria feared that Nick saw footage, but Sharon was sure that he would've come to them if he had. Phyllis thought that if Nick had known he had the videos, he would've watched them himself instead of having Tessa delete them.
Victoria vowed to take the camera out of the garage and check the house for any others. Sharon hated that Mariah was part of this. Nikki told Mariah that she didn't intend to kill JT. Sharon said she would've done the same thing Nikki did to protect Mariah or Faith. Phyllis and Victoria both said they would've done the same for their kids. Nikki said that if Mariah ever had kids, she'd understand. Victoria didn't want JT dead, because his kids didn't deserve that, but she didn't want Nikki to go to prison either. Sharon said they made a pact to stand by each other. Mariah said that Nikki didn't deserve to go to prison, and she promised she wouldn't tell the secret. Nikki asked where Mariah left things with Tessa. Mariah said something broke when she found out Tessa was blackmailing them, and she didn't think their relationship could come back from that. Nikki said they were going to need Mariah's help dealing with this. Mariah didn't know how she could help now that the police found JT's body. The others explained that they went to move the body, but it wasn't there, and there was no smell and nothing out of the ordinary. Nikki wanted Mariah to win back Tessa's trust so they could find out where she took the body. Mariah couldn't fathom Tessa moving the body, especially on her own. Phyllis suggested that she hired someone else to do it. Mariah said that Tessa wouldn't go to the cops because Tessa would be in trouble too. The others said that they couldn't trust Tessa. Sharon was adamant that Mariah had to find the footage so they could destroy it. Phyllis added that they had to find out if Tessa moved the body and where. Mariah was overwhelmed by what they were asking. Sharon knew it would be difficult, but she said it was crucial. Victoria offered to get on her knees and beg if need be. Sharon gently said it wouldn't be forever. Mariah agreed to do it. Nikki told Mariah to let them know if there was anything they could do to help. Mariah went to find Tessa.
Nikki and Victoria were going to leave, but Phyllis told them that the meeting wasn't over. She felt that they were all acting blind. Phyllis said that as long as Tessa had the video, she had all the leverage. Sharon noted that Mariah was going to help. Phyllis didn't want to leave this to Mariah. Phyllis was adamant that Tessa had to be stopped. Nikki asked what that meant, and Phyllis asked what she thought it meant. Sharon seemed to be shocked. Victoria said Phyllis was right they couldn't leave this up to anyone else. Victoria said that she brought JT into her life and put up with the abuse she'd gotten them all into this mess, and she vowed to get them out.
Arturo came into the conference room at Dark Horse, and Abby gave him the cold shoulder. He sensed that she didn't believe him when he said he wanted her and not Mia. He told her that he left Miami so Mia and Rey could fix their marriage. She asked if he didn't think it could happen while he was there. He said it was complicated. Abby noted that the complication was now in Genoa City, and she felt that it changed things. Arturo said he'd never felt this way about anyone. Abby asked if that included Mia. Arturo said he and Mia were young, and it was intense, but he wasn't ready to make a big commitment. Abby surmised that Mia turned to Rey, and then married him, but clearly she and Arturo weren't finished. Arturo said he deeply regretted that. Abby asked if he avoided relationships because no one could compare to his high school sweetheart his one true love. Arturo said that wasn't even close he'd seen the pain that relationships caused he'd watched it happen to his parents, and he decided to never put himself in that position again, then he met Abby, and it all changed. Arturo said he connected with Abby in a way he didn't think was possible, and he hadn't given Mia a thought in months. Arturo didn't want anything to do with Rey and Mia's problems. Abby told him that he was the reason they had problems. Arturo maintained that Rey and Mia had problems long before that, since happy people didn't cheat on their spouse. Abby suggested that Mia might be hoping Arturo would sleep with her again. Arturo was adamant that he would not, because he'd learned from his mistakes. Arturo took Abby's hand and said she was all he cared about, and Mia was out of his life. Abby teared up and said she wanted to believe that. He vowed to prove it to her.
Mia was waiting for Arturo in the hallway outside her place. She was wearing a revealing nightie. When he arrived, she smiled and followed him inside. Arturo said he'd wait while she got dressed, but she told him she was comfortable in what she was wearing. He noted that she hadn't changed one bit. He said he came to town for a fresh start and to leave his mistakes behind. She assumed that meant her. He was irritated that she'd aired their dirty laundry in front of people who were his friends and colleagues. He told her she'd embarrassed him, Rey and herself. An unapologetic Mia blamed Rey for her outburst last night. She felt that if Arturo's friends pretended to be scandalized, he was better off without them. Arturo said he should've known she'd do something like that, since stirring up trouble was her favorite pastime. Mia clarified that it was one of her favorites. Arturo said he was proud of what he'd built and he wasn't going to let her mess with that. Mia said she was only telling the truth. Mia felt that she'd them all a service by getting the truth out in the open, because now she and Rey and Rey and Arturo could reconcile. She stated that Arturo should be thanking her.
Arturo argued that Mia wouldn't have shamed Arturo and Rey in public if she really wanted them to get along. She thought he only cared because his rich girlfriend found out. He said he and Abby had something great, and he wondered why she'd want to interfere, unless all her talk about wanting to fix her marriage was another game. Mia felt that Arturo was the reason her games stopped working. He noted that she was blaming everyone else for her bad choices again. Mia flirted with Arturo, and he made it clear that he was not attracted to her, then he left.
At the Abbott house, Jack was curious about why Abby had decided to work from home. Abby knew he was alluding to what happened at the party, and she told him that Mia's outburst would not affect her work. Jack didn't think it would, because Abby was tough and professional. He asked how she really felt. She started to tear up. Abby knew that the affair happened long before she met Arturo, but it bothered her that he didn't trust her enough to tell her why he and Rey were always at each others throats. She noted that Arturo stood by and watched while Mia gave her phony compliments and while Abby talked about experiences she and Arturo shared in Miami things that Mia must've also shared with him. Jack understood why Abby would be loath to get involved in another family's drama, but he thought she and Arturo were good together. Jack mused that there was a person he wished he'd fought harder for, and he didn't want to see Abby have those same regrets one day. She thanked him for listening, letting her vent and not judging her. Abby missed her mom. Jack missed Ashley too, and he offered to be there for Abby. Abby hugged Jack, then she said she was going to go fight for what was hers.
Nick asked Arturo about a work project at Dark Horse. After that wrapped up, Arturo asked Nick if he'd seen Abby. Nick said she went home. Arturo said he wasn't proud of what he did, so he decided to get away from Mia, leave the past behind and come to Genoa City. Arturo said that he considered this city home now, he was grateful for the opportunities he'd been given, then Mia came and dropped a bomb on it all. Nick admitted he was in no position to judge, since he'd made a mistake that was publicly revealed, but he noted that Arturo had slept with his mother, and Abby was his sister. Nick said this didn't inspire a lot of confidence. Arturo said that after the disaster with Mia, he wasn't looking for anything permanent, but Abby changed him, and he planned to find a way to fix it. Nick hoped Arturo could. Nick said he tried with Sharon, and it didn't work, so he realized it was time to move forward.
Mia showed up in the Dark Horse conference room, where Arturo was. He told her to leave, but she refused because she had more to say. Mia wanted to talk about the way he'd looked at her during their conversation earlier. She asserted that it was the same way he used to look at her when they first met, and after she'd married Rey and he told her that he couldn't get her out of his mind. Mia felt that she and Arturo had a profound chemical attraction. He asked why she was saying these things and acting this way if she wanted Rey. Mia loved Rey, but she thought that she and Arturo still had something between them. He maintained that what they had was dead. She didn't believe him the Arturo she knew wouldn't be content living such a drab, ordinary life, working for someone else, and tethered to a cookie-cutter blonde. He said he'd changed, and he was happy. Mia still didn't buy it. She caressed his chest and told him that there was something between them, no matter how much claimed to care about his blonde girlfriend. Abby walked in and told Mia that Arturo wanted her to back the hell off. Arturo was going to say something to Abby, but she waved him off. Abby felt that it didn't take a genius to figure out who Mia was. Mia quipped that genius was the last word she'd use to describe Abby. Abby said that the scene Mia made at the event was cheap and tacky, just like she was. Abby told Mia that her act was going to get embarrassing really fast, and she told her to consider this a favor and a warning. Mia smirked.
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