The Y&R Update Friday 11/9/18
Written by Christine
Nikki met with Sharon at the cottage. They thought Mariah was in her room, so Nikki asked what Rey found in Chancellor Park besides the watch. Mariah overheard, as she walked in and she joined the conversation. Mariah speculated that the police must've found compelling evidence that a murder took place. She thought it was only a matter of time before Rey made an arrest. Nikki and Sharon exchanged a concerned glance. Mariah thought it was karmic justice that one violent creep had been offed by another violent creep. Sharon offered Mariah a snack, and she declined because she was feeling a bit nervous, but she wouldn't go into detail on why. Mariah left to meet Tessa. If she only knew, Sharon said about Mariah. Nikki reasoned that the the police would've arrested the four of them if they were suspects. Sharon was worried that the police were just waiting to make their move. Nikki and Sharon fretted as they wondered what evidence the police had that JT was dead. Sharon wondered if the blackmailer moved the body and tipped the police off, or if thee police even had a body. Nikki was adamant that Sharon should go to work and find out what Rey knew. Sharon said she couldn't do that anymore. Nikki didn't understand why Sharon was suddenly refusing to do this. Sharon noted that this was a murder case now, and she was concerned that if she spent a lot of time with Rey, he'd be able to read her. She thought the smartest thing she could do is quit and put distance between them. Nikki ordered Sharon to get back to that station and do what needed to be done unless she wanted to spend the next twenty-five years in a cell.
Phyllis was in her office reading an article about JT's case. She lost track of time and was caught off guard when Kerry arrived for their meeting. Kerry noticed the article and said she heard JT was no prince. Kerry asked if Phyllis knew him well. Phyllis said they weren't close, but she used to consider him a friend. She said it turned out that she had no idea what he was capable of, like trying to murder Victor. Phyllis changed the subject and asked how things were at the lab. Kerry and the team were pulling all-nighters trying to replace some of the lines Ashley took with her. Kerry didn't plan to replace everything, because she felt that some of the lines had major bloat. Phyllis agreed that some lines needed to be streamlined. Phyllis only wanted relevant, state of the art products that were enriching the bottom line. Phyllis appreciated Kerry's enthusiasm and the way she'd taken on this nearly impossible task. Kerry said she thrived on the impossible. Phyllis said that they had thirty stores launching next week and they had to be a success. Kerry assured Phyllis that they had it under control. They discussed Jabot Classic, the flagship brand. Ashley owned a handful of the products and the rest were launched in the 60s, and they were outdated. Kerry thought they needed a complete overhaul, and Phyllis said to do it. As for the men's line, Kerry said that the trend was toward ambiguity and the market was evolving. Phyllis understood that Kerry wanted to build a brand new men's line or even a pangender line. This would be a radical departure from Jabot's image of conservative elegance, but Phyllis did think the company would have to reinvent itself to survive.
Nate ran into Victoria at the Club. He knew that Victoria and JT shared a son and must've had a good relationship at one time, so he gave her his condolences. Victoria pretended she was in shock about JT's death. Nate offered his support, and Victoria thanked him but she said she needed to be alone right now. She left, and Nate met with Jack. Jack had heard that Nate's family was having a hard time, due to Lily's transfer. Nate was proud of the way that his family had come together. Jack mentioned that he was fond of Nate's mom, Olivia and asked how she was. She was fine, and still with Doctors without Borders. Jack recalled that there was a time when Olivia and Ashley were inseparable. Jack thought it was a shame that Ashley moved away. He said she'd started her own company, and now Jabot was the competition. Jack assumed that once Ashley found out Phyllis was the CEO, she'd get even more fired up and come at them with everything she had. Jack told Nate that Dina had a moment of lucidity while watching the financial reports on the news, but it quickly passed, and she began to ask for the dog she'd owned during the FDR administration. Jack said the worst part was accepting that the sophisticated businesswoman with the sharp mind and tongue was no longer accessible. Nate told Jack to hang onto the good memories and the fact that he was by her side during the toughest part of the journey. Nate's sabbatical was up, and now he was working at Memorial Hospital. Jack was glad to hear it. Kerry walked up, and Jack made introductions. Nate left for work.
Jack was surprised to see Kerry outside the lab, since rumor had it she was practically living there. Kerry said every so often, she left for takeout. Jack asked if she'd like some company. She was surprised he'd want to spend time with her after their last encounter. He said he had a proposition for her. He felt that they got off on the wrong foot, and he wanted to fix things. He noted that she suggested he wasn't supportive of Jabot with Phyllis in charge, and he wanted to remedy that. He planned to attend the official opening of the Jabotiques next week, and there would be an after party. He asked Kerry to go with him. She was surprised. He felt he deserved a second chance to prove himself, and he hoped she was open-minded enough to agree. She promised to think about it.
Victoria was in her office, and she talked with Reed by phone. She told him that she didn't have any details on JT because the police weren't telling her anything. Nikki arrived. Victoria assured Reed that no one would make him do anything he didn't want to do. He ended the call. Victoria told Nikki that Reed was a wreck. Victoria called and told him the news last night. She felt guilty and ashamed, because Reed had been holding out hope of seeing his father again. She was worried that he'd find out she and Nikki were responsible and that htey'd covered up JT's death. Nikki comforted Victoria. Victoria worried about what would happen to her kids and to Sharon's kids if this all came out. Nikki told Victoria that they needed to stay calm and not make any assumptions. She said that if the police figured it out, they would've arrested them by now. She thought that if the four of them were careful, it was possible that the police would never find out.
Nikki and Victoria dropped by Phyllis's office. Kerry and Victoria made small-talk because Kerry knew of Brash and Sassy, and Victoria knew of Kerry's impressive resume. Kerry left. Phyllis didn't appreciate the unannounced visit she had a business to run, and she didn't have time to discuss JT or Rey. Phyllis had a meeting, so she left the office even though Nikki and Victoria were still there. When Phyllis returned, she was annoyed that they hadn't left. Victoria said she and Nikki had jobs too, but she thought they should touch base. Phyllis asked if Victoria and Nikki had any information that wasn't already on the news. They didn't. Phyllis felt that there was nothing to discuss because she wasn't interested in theory or speculation. Nikki agreed that they needed solid information. Phyllis barked that Victoria and Nikki should go out and get some. Victoria spat that they'd been trying to. Nikki said that Sharon threatened to quit her job, but Nikki was fairly sure she was able to change Sharon's mind. Victoria said the four of them needed to remain a united front. This cabal of ours is over. I am out, Phyllis snapped. She tried to leave, but Nikki stood in her way. Victoria stated that they were all in this together. Phyllis grudgingly admitted Victoria was right. Nikki hoped Phyllis didn't plan to flip on the rest of them. Phyllis said she didn't. Victoria asked how they knew Phyllis could be trusted. Phyllis noted that they had no choice but to trust her. Phyllis intended to look out for herself, and she thought they should do the same. She thought it was time to stop the charity meetings, because too many people found the cover story strange, including Rey, and the last thing they needed was to raise any more questions in his mind. She didn't think it would be hard to convince people that they got fed up with each other. She said they could communicate, but at a distance, and go on with their lives. She said that they had to make sure the cops didn't view them as a group, since individual targets were harder to hit. Nikki and Victoria agreed with everything Phyllis said.
Mariah went to Crimson Lights, and she was eager to hear Tessa's thoughts on whether it was a good idea to live together. Tessa said that she had an answer last night, and she noted that Mariah was the one who made her sleep on it. Mariah replied that it was a big decision. Tessa said of course she wanted to live together she loved Mariah and wanted to spend as much time together as possible. They kissed. Mariah asked if Tessa was absolutely sure about this. Tessa told Mariah not to make an excuse to run away because she was scared to be happy. Mariah said she wanted to do this, but she admitted she was scared. Mariah said she kept wondering how her life got so perfect. Tessa said she'd lived with other people before, but she'd never felt this way about anyone, so it was a big deal to her too. Mariah asked where Tessa wanted to live, and she said she'd cover the rent. Tessa insisted that she pay her share of the rent. Since Tessa was trying to save money, she suggested that Mariah move into her studio, and if it was too cramped, they could find another place. Mariah agreed.
At the GCPD, Rey thanked the commission for giving him a reprieve. Sharon walked in. A reporter called Rey, and he refused to comment. Sharon revealed that she was resigning. He urged her to reconsider because he knew she loved it there, and they made a great team. Sharon said that was the problem they were too good together. Rey didn't want her to leave because they almost crossed the line yesterday. She said she used to think they could keep things professional, but what would've happened if Rey didn't get that phone call yesterday and have to rush out? Rey said he did have to rush out and nothing happened. Sharon didn't think it was true that nothing happened. Mariah came to visit Sharon, and Rey stepped away. Mariah shared her news. Sharon asked if Mariah was ready for such a huge step. Mariah said she was ready, and she'd be moving today. Mariah promised to visit often. Sharon asked why the big rush. Mariah knew herself enough to know that if she didn't jump into this, she'd talk herself out of it, and she didn't want to because Tessa was one of the greatest things to ever happen to her. Sharon was fully supportive and proud of Mariah. They hugged.
After Mariah left, Rey pulled Sharon aside and apologized for confusing things between them. While he never intended for it to happen, he'd developed feelings for her. He knew it was wrong because he was married, and even though the relationship hadn't worked in some time, he felt obligated to honor his commitment to Mia. Rey said that Sharon was just trying to figure out the next step after leaving Nick. Rey felt bad that he'd come along at a time when Sharon felt vulnerable and made things more confusing for her. Rey said under different circumstances, he would've liked to see what would happen between them. Sharon said they couldn't control how they felt, but they could be responsible for their actions and they had to do the responsible thing. She admitted that she had feelings for him too, and she agreed that if things were different, she would want to explore it, but right now, he was a complication in her life that she couldn't afford. She was willing to quit her job to make sure that they did the right thing.
Rey finished up a call about the case. Sharon asked if everything was alright. Rey was stressed about the case. Sharon knew there was a lot of pressure on Rey because JT's family, friends and victims had questions. Rey asked if that included her. Sharon admitted she was curious, like anyone else. She asked what he found that made him call this a murder. Rey said he couldn't tell her because it was an active case. Sharon accepted this and said she asked how to tender her resignation. Rey had to go to a meeting, but he told Sharon not to do anything about the job until he got back, because they had some unfinished business.
Rey returned and told Sharon she couldn't leave, because he'd feel terrible about it. He said if it weren't for the new development in the case, he would've been the one to quit. Sharon was surprised he'd do that, and she called him a good man, but he told her not to compliment him since he wasn't going. He hoped they could move on, now that they'd cleared the air, and make sure there were no more confusing moments. He thought this was the perfect job for her, and he'd hate to be responsible for her leaving the community needed her skill and compassion. Sharon decided to stay.
At the cottage, Mariah finished packing, and Tessa was concerned that things would be cramped at the new place. Mariah said it'd be cozy, and they kissed. Mariah got emotional because the cottage was the first real home she ever had. Tessa suggested that Mariah stay one last night with Sharon and Faith, but Mariah said she was ready. The pair went to their apartment, and Tessa was apprehensive, because her place didn't compare to Sharon's. Tessa noted that visiting somewhere was different than living there. Mariah assured her that the apartment was perfect and it was home. Later, Mariah tried to make room for her stuff in an overstuffed closet. She wedged her bag into an open space and accidentally knocked down Tessa's duffle bag. Mariah asked what was with all the packed bags, and Tessa said she had to keep things packed when she lived in her car, and she hadn't gotten out of the habit. Mariah was going to pick the bag up, but Tessa said she could get it, then she sent Mariah to get the last bag from the car. Mariah left, and Tessa unzipped the bag, which was stuffed with $100 bills. She put the bag back in the closet. Mariah returned and thanked Tessa for letting her move in and for being who she was. They hugged.
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