Monday Y&R Update 11/5/18

The Y&R Update Monday 11/5/18


Written by Christine

Kyle was irritated when Phyllis was late for their meeting, at Jabot, because he had plans with Lola. When Phyllis arrived, Kyle sniped about her tardiness. She informed him that they'd meet at her convenience, the same way it worked with other CEOs. Billy sarcastically said they served at the pleasure of the red queen. Phyllis liked the sound of that. She announced that they were in for a long night.

Nick and Nikki had dinner at the Club, and she told him about the pony Victor bought for Christian. Nick was in a mood because Sharon made it clear that she didn't want to reconcile. Nikki wanted to see Nick today because she knew how difficult this was for him. Nikki mentioned that she saw Sharon just after that conversation, and Sharon had been upset. Nick asked why Nikki and Sharon were together on Halloween. Nikki's phone rang – Arturo. He was at Chancellor Park and he let her know the repairs were going fine. After the call, Nick repeated his question. Nikki evaded the question by musing that Nick was asking because he was fixated on Sharon. She was sympathetic to his pain, but she urged him to embrace the wonderful new path in his life and move on. Nick noted that he and Sharon had gotten past things like this before, and he didn't understand what was different. Nikki suggested this lie was the final straw. After Nikki offered more sympathetic remarks, she hugged Nick and they parted ways.

At the park, Nikki paid Arturo, even though the job wouldn't be finished until tomorrow. It was dark, so he walked her to her car. Arturo returned and found a watch on the ground. It was inscribed with “Love Mac.”

At Crimson Lights, Mariah and Tessa showed off their tattoos to Lola, who loved them. Lola mentioned that she and Kyle were going to hang out at Rey's, while he was at work, and try out new recipes for her food truck. Lola didn't tell Rey that Kyle would be there, and she figured that what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

At the GCPD, Sharon teased Rey about his junk food habit. She thought they should have better food options at the station, and she suggested having Lola bring her food truck by twice a week. Rey mentioned that Lola was using his place to try out some new recipes. He decided to go home early so he could get a decent meal, and he invited Sharon along. Sharon was hesitant, because she thought Lola would be annoyed by the intrusion. Rey assured Sharon that Lola wouldn't mind, and she accepted.

Rey went to Crimson Lights and told Lola about the change in plans. She protested, saying that the recipes weren't ready. Rey told her that Sharon was nice and she wouldn't make her feel bad. Lola sighed and went off to text Kyle. Sharon arrived, and Mariah pulled her aside and asked Sharon what kind of message she was sending Rey by going to dinner at his apartment. Sharon assured Mariah that she and Rey established firm boundaries as colleagues and friends. Mariah thought that was good because he was married. Sharon said that was one of the reasons they set those boundaries. Mariah asked if Sharon would be interested if he was available. Sharon chuckled nervously and said she wasn't in the position to be interested in anyone right now, since everything that with Nick was so fresh. “Being 'in no position' is a weird way of saying you're not interested in a guy that a week ago was digging into your business,” Mariah noted. Sharon thought Mariah liked Rey. Mariah did like him, but she was worried. Sharon had second thoughts about accepting the invitation.

Sharon canceled with Rey because they'd agreed to keep things professional, and he understood. Rey went over to Lola and let her know that he and Sharon wouldn't be coming for dinner after all. She sent Kyle a text reversing the cancellation.

Back at Jabot, Phyllis said that as of this week, they'd have enough luxury skincare products from around the world to line their Jabotique shelves in time for launch. It would give Kerry time to develop her new signature Jabot series. Phyllis wanted a two-prong marketing attack – one that celebrated their products and the other about the customers. She said they had a diverse audience, and she wanted to show them that the Jabotiques would be their haven that would make their comfort a priority. Phyllis wanted to see proposals first thing in the morning, which meant she expected them to work through the night. Kyle said he had plans, but Phyllis told him to cancel, because Jabot was in crisis mode, and if this took all night, that was what it took. Kyle was willing to work nights and weekends, but he and Lola had plans. Billy said they'd work out a plan early in the morning. Phyllis nixed the idea, noting that they might not come up with something tomorrow. She wanted to get to work now and ensure that the stores were ready in time for the holiday rush, like they'd planned. Kyle said he gave Lola his word. Phyllis was unsympathetic, but Kyle left anyway, and he promised to come in at the crack of dawn. Phyllis said she should fire Kyle for that. Billy thought it'd be a bad idea to fire one of the last Abbotts standing. Phyllis noted that the one person willing to fight for the Abbott's business wasn't an actual Abbott. Billy said that Kyle was in the rosy part of a new love. Billy accused Phyllis of not knowing what love meant, then he left.

Phyllis called Summer, but it went to voicemail. Next, she stared at Billy's number in her phone for a bit. Then she called someone and asked if they'd like burgers and fries. Later, Phyllis met Nick at Dark Horse with takeout. They finished their meal, then they took in the view of the city from his office. She told him he did well. He thought she did too, now that she was in the CEO's seat. Phyllis felt like she was hitting her stride and that she could handle everything that came her way. Nick didn't doubt her. Phyllis said she had to get her troops to step it up, because all the employees left at sundown.

Phyllis weighed in on Sharon's opinion of Nick. Phyllis thought Sharon was complaining because Nick changed, but that if Nick were still the guy Sharon met in high school, she'd complain that he hadn't matured. Nick talked about ambition and making sacrifices. Phyllis suggested that Sharon never knew the real Nick and that she'd just created a fairy tale prince in her mind who'd fight her battles. Phyllis said that Nick always wanted his independence and that he had a fire inside of him. She said he was a force to be reckoned with – he took what he wanted and there was nothing better than that. Nick pulled Phyllis into a deep kiss. Nick stopped and said this was a bad idea – last time they did this, their lives blew up, and he respected her too much for the rebound. Phyllis said it was nice to be respected, and it was also nice to roll around naked with him for awhile. She told him she really wanted the burgers, and anything else would've been a fun bonus. She left and got into the elevator. Nick went after her, picked her up, carried her back to the office and they began to undress.

Sharon found the I heart you pumpkin and asked Mariah and Tessa about it. Mariah and Tessa joked about it, pretending that Mariah wasn't the one who made it for Tessa. Tessa went back to working. Sharon called Mariah and Tessa adorable. Mariah admitted that she usually hated cutesy couples like that, but she couldn't stop. Sharon didn't think Mariah should stop, since she'd waited so long to have someone in her life like this. Sharon had her reservations at first, but now she was convinced that Tessa was committed to Mariah. Billy came up to the counter and asked if Sharon had anything high-octane. Mariah stepped away. Billy admitted he really wanted bourbon, and Sharon asked if these were work issues or Phyllis issues. Billy said that it was both, because she ran his family company. Sharon thought Billy was doing very well, dealing with his addiction, and he was very brave. Billy said it was either deal with it or lose everything that meant something to him, which basically happened anyway. Sharon didn't think that was true. She said that the things that fell away from him were the things that were creating problems, which meant he was in a better place. Sharon noted that some people weren't brave enough to face their dark side, but Billy was. She called him decent, and he didn't think anyone had ever called him that before. She told him it was true – he was decent and brave.

Billy and Sharon got a table. She was curious what it was like at Jabot. He said Phyllis had an insatiable taste for power and control, and she constantly carped about being the only one who could run Jabot or who cared about it. Billy said he made mistakes and cheated before, but when he thought about what Phyllis did, it made him crazy. He said people were supposed to grow and know that you weren't supposed to fall into bed with your ex. He thought Sharon wouldn't want to hear this, but she told him that it made her feel better in a misery-loves-company way. Billy said Phyllis ruined their relationship, took the job he wanted, and now she was giving him orders. Sharon griped that Phyllis loved giving orders, even to people that had no reason to take them. She marveled about the ego it must take to dismiss everyone's ideas. Billy asked why Sharon didn't just leave the charity. Sharon said as much as Phyllis disgusted her, she wasn't going to let her drive her away from important charity work. Billy didn't understand why Phyllis volunteered, since she didn't care about other people. He used to believe she did, but he thought it was clear that he was a moron. Billy didn't know why Sharon was working with Nikki and Victoria either, since those were people he'd think Sharon would want to avoid. Sharon said she'd rather not think about what was going on in Phyllis's head. Billy said he'd rather talk about Sharon, who knew the difference between right and wrong. Sharon admitted she'd made her share of mistakes, including the one with Billy. He told her that was ancient history – they were both in a bad place, and it was the night before his wedding to someone he didn't want to spend the rest of his life with. Sharon said that in retrospect, she understood why she made some of those horrible choices, and she was a different person now.

At Rey's, Lola finished up a meal, then Kyle came in. Kyle asked about the series of texts she sent canceling, then uncancelling. Lola said that there was a glitch, but it all worked out. They turned to the food and she told him that he couldn't say he loved everything – she needed actual opinions. Kyle surprised Lola with a glittery apron, then he put it on her. They started to kiss, and Rey walked in, and things got awkward. Lola was too embarrassed to do introductions, so Kyle stepped up. Rey mentioned Kyle's grave-digging past. Lola noted that Rey could've told her he was coming back. He pointed out that it was his apartment. Kyle explained his motivations for digging up the grave, but he admitted it was an awful thing to do, and he regretted it. Rey asked if Kyle was the reason she didn't want him to come home. Lola didn't want Rey and Kyle to meet until the time was right. Kyle offered to go if Rey wanted him to, but he admitted he wanted to stay. Rey changed the subject to the food. Lola urged Rey to go back to work. Kyle suggested he and Rey hang out while Lola cooked, and Rey agreed.

In a stern tone, Rey asked Kyle if Newman and Jabot were the only places he worked. Lola changed the subject and gave Rey something to taste. Kyle said he had an internship on Wall Street. Rey asked if Kyle lived in the family home. Lola noted that she lived with Arturo, and she asked Rey what his point was. Rey asked if the staff took care of the chores at Kyle's place. Rey asked if Kyle liked spicy food. He said yes, so Rey told Lola to give him a hot pepper. Lola disapproved, but Kyle jumped to the challenge. He confidently bit into the pepper, then he started to cough. Lola brought him some milk. Kyle went over to do the dishes while Lola cooked. She told him he didn't need to, but he whispered that it was either do this or pass out, and he didn't want to pass out in front of Rey. Rey got a call from the chief and left.

Lola told Kyle that he didn't have to commit suicide by pepper to make Rey like him. Kyle confessed that his misery over the pepper was all an act. He revealed that he won bets at frat parties because of his asbestos tongue, then he bit into another one of the peppers, and it didn't faze him. Lola was impressed, but she told him it wasn't a well thought out plan, because while it made Rey tolerate him, she was afraid to kiss him. She suggested after dessert, but he told her he had to leave because he had to go to work early. She thanked him for coming and for the apron. Lola gave Kyle a quick kiss before the heat got to her, then she kissed him on the cheek instead. He teased her by pretending he'd kiss her again, then he left.

Back downstairs, Mariah told Tessa that while she didn't want a full body tattoo of their love song, it was because she didn't want the tattoos, it had nothing to do with their relationship. Tessa understood that. Tessa said they were writing their love song together, and she didn't want it to stop.

Billy was grateful to Sharon for cluing him in. He raised a toast to a wedding of misery and saving him one of his own. He noted that they had their own little broken-heart society. Rey walked in and announced that the commission wanted to close the JT investigation. Billy ranted about JT going free after what he did to Victoria. Rey said the case was going to be closed unless he found JT by next week. Sharon pretended to be upset.

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