The Y&R Update Thursday 11/1/18
Written by Christine
At Jabot, Traci tallied the votes, and Jack, Billy and Phyllis had each received three. Traci opened the final ballot slip and was stunned to realize that Phyllis won. Jack and Billy looked equally shocked. Phyllis made a short speech welcoming everyone to the new era of Jabot. Lauren suggested she take Phyllis out to celebrate, while everyone absorbed the news. Phyllis and Lauren left, as did Kerry and the nameless board members. Kyle mused that the blood Abbott clause didn't look so bad, but Traci countered that it got them into this mess. Kyle blamed Billy for splitting the family vote and ruining Jack's chances. Kyle figured Billy regretted that now that he'd have to work for Phyllis. Across the room, Billy thanked Abby for her vote. Abby was concerned this would affect his recovery, and he assured her that he'd be fine. He said Phyllis won this round, but he was going to keep fighting.
At Chancellor Park, Jill was thrilled because Arturo's crew managed to move the sculpture without damaging it. In a suggestive tone, Jill noted that Arturo was very good with his hands and said she'd call him the next time she needed a job. Nikki watched with disdain and made a snide remark. Arturo announced that his crew was going to work on the pipes today, since they finished the previous job ahead of schedule, but Nikki was adamant that he couldn't. She suggested the crew go enjoy Halloween and take care of the job in the morning. Arturo left. Nikki wondered why Jill was still there. Jill hired some people who dealt with precious artwork to move the sculpture into storage. Nikki spat that it was a tacky piece of tin, not the Hope diamond. Nikki told to Jill go and let her wait for the movers. Jill wondered what her ulterior motive was. Nikki said that as the owner, it was her job to oversee the project. Jill still thought there was something more. Nikki suggested Jill go spend time with Cane, Billy or someone who liked her. Jill didn't want to spend any more time with Nikki, so she decided to leave. They took a parting shot at each other, and Jill left.
Phyllis and Lauren went to the Club and had champagne in the dining area. Jack and Billy arrived and headed toward the bar. They noticed the celebration, and Jack tried to convince Billy to go somewhere else, but Billy rushed over to the table just as Phyllis raised a toast to getting what you deserve. Billy spat that he could drink to that. Phyllis invited Billy to pull up a chair and celebrate. Billy told her that the celebration wouldn't last very long. Phyllis stated that she didn't intend to give up the job. Billy asked if she remembered what they said about the road to hell. Phyllis told Billy that he'd be spending a lot of time there during her tenure. Billy told her she wasn't going to scare him. He planned to have a front row seat to watch her implode since she wasn't qualified to do the job. Phyllis suggested that he was talking about himself. Jill walked in, and she was thrilled when she realized Billy broke up with Phyllis. Phyllis noted that Jill flew in on her broom, just in time for Halloween. Lauren greeted her sister. Jill was glad Billy came to his senses. Billy told her that Phyllis sleeping with Nick helped. Jill chuckled that Phyllis had destroyed another relationship and that she always reverted to type. Phyllis asked Billy if he'd like to discuss reverting to type. Billy whisked Jill away to get a drink. Lauren asked what that was about.
At Dark Horse, Faith was Tinker Bell, and Christian was Peter Pan. Faith asked if it was a good idea for Nick, Faith, Christian and Sharon to celebrate Halloween together. Nick assured her that it was and that the four of them would be the best dressed family at the event. Faith didn't feel like they were really a family anymore she lived with Sharon, and Christian lived with Nick. Nick was adamant that they were a family and nothing would change that. He promised that he wouldn't give up on getting them all back together. Faith hugged him.
Sharon drew Victoria's ire when she barged into her office, unannounced. Sharon asked for an update on things at the park. Victoria explained that Jill had unexpectedly shown up. Sharon was frightened by the idea of Nikki's nemesis snooping around, but Victoria believed Nikki could handle Jill. Victoria mentioned she was supposed to go trick or treating with Billy and the kids. Sharon replied that she was supposed to be meeting Nick and their kids at Crimson lights. She explained that Nick wanted them to spend the day as a family and she was almost as terrified about that as she was about moving the body. Victoria conceded that she was the last person who should give relationship advice, but she thought Nick and Sharon had something worth fighting for, and she'd hate to see them throw it away over a stupid mistake. Sharon said that Nick and Phyllis getting together was a horrible reminder of an unbearable loss. It made Sharon think about the phone call, the time spent in the hospital watching Cassie slip away, while being helpless to stop it. Sharon said Nick turned to Phyllis after that, and Sharon forgave him and gave him a pass after he hurt her in a way no one else had, then he threw it away for one night of meaningless sex. It made Sharon feel like what Nick and Sharon had was meaningless to him. Sharon thought Nick might be his true self when he was with Phyllis the man who pretended to be JT, who started Dark Horse to get back at Victor. Sharon felt that those were things Phyllis brought out in him. Sharon had hoped Nick would be the guy she fell in love with all those years ago. Victoria thought that boy was still inside Nick, but Sharon said she didn't see him. Victoria wanted Nick and Sharon to be happy. Sharon did too, but she didn't think they could find happiness together.
Mariah and Tessa returned to Crimson Lights after a trip to the tattoo parlor. The tattoo artist had offered to do a free tattoo for Tessa, and Mariah talked her into accepting the offer. Mariah had chosen set of tattoos that showed how they felt about each other. Standing side by side, they lifted their shirts and compared the musical notes tattoos they had just above their hips. Tessa had a treble clef and Mariah had a bass clef. When placed together, the tattoos formed a heart. Tessa said they were her two favorite things in the world music and Mariah. Tessa said Mariah was the most important thing in the world to her. Ditto, Mariah replied. They pushed their hips together to make the heart and laughed. Nick, dressed as Captain Hook, showed up with the kids in tow, and he asked where Sharon was. Faith suggested that Sharon changed her mind because it was too hard to be with Nick. Nick told Faith that Sharon knew how important this night was to Faith, and she wouldn't disappoint her.
Later, Mariah and Tessa put on their costumes. They were Sonny and Cher. Mariah hated being Sonny she thought she looked ridiculous and that it would've been cooler if they were Bonnie and Clyde instead. Tessa moaned that they were bank robbing murderers. Tessa thought everyone would love Mariah's costume after they sang a duet. Lola arrived, dressed as a warrior, and Tessa warned her that Kyle was coming. Lola revealed that they were back together. Mariah wanted details. Lola told them how Summer ran off fake-crying after Kyle told her that he wanted Lola and not her. Tessa admitted she felt kind of bad for Summer. Kyle showed up in his suit and tie and Lola joked that he was Clark Kent. Kyle wasn't in the mood for a costume after the day he had. He told them about the board vote. Lola asked who Phyllis was. Kyle told her it was Summer's mom. Lola asked if Phyllis was anything like daughter. Mariah said that everything Summer knew she learned from Phyllis. Lola said that she knew Kyle and knew there was no way he'd let someone else run his family's company. Lola was sure that Kyle would be CEO one day. Kyle leaned in for a kiss, but Lola said not until he put on a costume. Kyle didn't think he could find one this late. Mariah and Tessa had an idea, and with some trepidation, Kyle went off with them.
Abby and Arturo arrived dressed in 50s clothing. Arturo mentioned that he hadn't worn a costume since he was a kid. Abby thought he would've made a handsome Prince Charming, but Arturo knew the guys would tease him if he wore tights. Arturo told her that she was the only person he'd dress up for. Abby sighed about the board meeting, but Arturo reminded her no shop-talk. They kissed. Lola came over, and Arturo took some ribbing from his sister because he'd refused to dress up in the past. Lola told him to admit it Abby had major influence over him. Arturo said a guy would do a lot for a girl he was crazy about.
Kyle returned in a tee shirt with an S drawn on it, and a red cloth draped around him, as a makeshift Superman. Lola remarked that Kyle wasn't afraid to make a fool out of himself. Kyle insisted that he looked great and flexed his muscles. Kyle's boasting made Mariah regret making him Superman, but Lola said she could handle him and his ego, then she pulled him into a hug. While Tessa and Mariah were off somewhere else, Kyle entertained Lola with the story of the Halloween when he got drunk, lost his pants and subsequently spent the night in a NYC jail. She kissed him and he was surprised. She asked why, and he said he wasn't prepared. He suggested they do it again, and they did.
Mariah and Tessa watched Kyle and Lola, from across the room. Mariah thought it must be nice to be able to express your feelings like that. Mariah had something she'd been wanting to say, but she couldn't get the words out. She pulled out a pumpkin that said I heart you, and said she decided to let it do the talking for her. Tessa got choked up. Mariah said they'd come a long way since Halloween. They kissed.
Out on the patio, Faith had become resigned to the idea that Sharon wasn't coming. At that moment, Sharon arrived and Faith hugged her. Sharon had gifts for the kids a necklace for Faith and a stuffed bear for Christian. Nick revealed that he had a costume for Sharon. She already had her own, but he told her that the one he brought would match the rest of the family.
Abby and Arturo were feeding each other when Faith, Nick and Christian walked in. Nick said Sharon was going to be Wendy, to complete the Peter Pan theme. Faith said Nick was hoping that if they trick or treated as a family, Sharon would want to be one again. Sharon returned, and Faith commented that she wasn't wearing a costume. Sharon said it didn't fit, then she asked Nick to go to the patio with her. They did, and Sharon told him she couldn't wear the costume. Nick thought they could spend time together as a family. Sharon said that they weren't a family, and she wasn't going to let him manipulate the kids into believing they were. Nick reminded Sharon that they agreed to spend the evening together. Sharon was annoyed that Nick didn't keep it simple, so she told him she wasn't going trick or treating. Nick asked if she knew how much that would disappoint the kids. Sharon said not as much as if they thought Nick and Sharon were getting back together, because that wasn't going to happen. Sharon said she had to go. Nick conceded that she had a right to be upset, but he told her she didn't mean they were through. Sharon said that she did. Nick admitted he made a stupid mistake with Phyllis. Sharon told him their problems went beyond Phyllis, and Nick said they could get past it together. Sharon told him to stop fighting for them, because it was exhausting and pointless
Sharon said she told herself that if they got married, they could recapture the magic, but they were different people now. Nick argued that their hearts were the same, but Sharon said that was where he changed the most. She maintained that the man she fell in love with would never have posed as JT or tried to make himself in his father's image while trying to destroy his father. She said the Nick she knew wouldn't have wanted a business empire or huge mansion and would've never thought she would be okay with that. Nick asked what was wrong with giving a good life to his wife and kids. Sharon said nothing, if that was what his wife wanted too. She didn't want the things that had become important to him. Sharon just wanted a good, honest, decent man, and it turned out Nick was none of those. She said it was time for her to move on. Nick spat that Rey was married. Sharon replied that it had nothing to do with Rey it had to do with the love she and Nick once shared. Nick said they still shared it, but Sharon firmly told him it was over and he needed to accept that.
Nick reminded Sharon that, not long ago, she was ready to marry him, and she said she loved him, the night before the wedding. Sharon said the man she was in love with didn't exist. Nick said he was right here. Sharon told him that he was a part of her past and that if he couldn't accept it, it was his problem. She insisted that he stop dragging their kids into his mess and stop trying to tell her that she felt something that she didn't. He told her she was throwing away what could be an amazing life. I'm still gonna have an amazing life. Just not with you, Sharon replied, then she walked out. Back inside, Faith wondered what was keeping her parents.
It was dark at the park now, so Nikki called Victoria and said they could get to work. Victoria couldn't, because Billy was late, and Johnny and Katie were still at Newman. Nikki told her to come whenever she could. Victoria dreaded the gruesome task ahead, and Nikki understood, but she noted that they had no choice.
Back at the Club bar, Billy and Jill talked Phyllis. Jill hoped Billy learned his lesson to listen to his mother. Billy admitted Jill was right and asked if she was happy. She was glad he wasn't dating Phyllis, but not that he was hurting. Billy told her that she didn't have to worry, but she replied that it was her job. He felt sorry she had such a bad job, but she told him that being his mom was the best job she ever had and she'd never quit, no matter what he did. Jill sensed that he'd done something, and she asked what it was. Billy got a text from Victoria. He left, even though Jill insisted that they weren't finished.
Billy arrived at Victoria's office and asked about the kids. They were in the break room with Hannah. He was ready to go trick or treating, but Victoria said he was over an hour late, so she already took the kids out. She told Billy he could take over. Billy couldn't believe she was bailing. She told him she had a meeting and that this wouldn't have been an issue if he'd shown up on time. She asked where he was. He told her about the board meeting and Phyllis winning. Billy asked if Victoria could take pity on him and go trick or treating with him and the kids. She said she couldn't there was too much at stake. He pleaded and apologized, but she left.
Back at the Club, Lauren was surprised by how well Jack was taking the loss. He said it was just business. He had no hard feelings toward Lauren for voting against him, since he knew she was trying to protect her company, and the best way to do that was to elect Phyllis. Lauren said she had a lot of respect for Jack. He told her that went both ways. Lauren went to meet Michael for dinner. Phyllis wondered if Jack was upset at the stunt she pulled with Kerry. Jack said Kerry was an excellent chemist, that he tried to hire. He assumed Phyllis knew that. Phyllis said that Kerry met with Jack and Billy out of courtesy. Well played, Jack told Phyllis. Phyllis wanted to know Jack's real feelings about her being CEO. She thought he must think, or hope she'd fail. Jack still thought he was the right person to run his family's company, which brought up the biggest irony in this. Phyllis finished his thought and noted that the blood Abbott clause was created to stop her. Jack said he did it to stop cheating spouses, vindictive exes and potentially hostile entities from taking over a company his dad started. And I'm all three rolled into one, Phyllis replied. Jack couldn't help wonder if this was karmic payback for using the blood Abbott clause against Ashley. He had a mountain of regrets, but he was moving forward. He told Phyllis that this was her time, so enjoy it, and he wished her luck. Phyllis got a text from Nikki It's time. She left.
Jack wanted to buy Jill a drink, but she'd just ended a call with Cane and she was on her way to visit him and the kids. She explained that they were having a rough time after Lily's transfer. Jill told Jack to hang in there, because Phyllis would self destruct, as always. She left. Jack ordered a double for himself.
Phyllis, Victoria and Nikki were in the park, which was all cordoned off, because of the future construction work, keeping passersby out. The trio were dressed all in black and each wore a black eye mask too. Nikki thought they should wait for Sharon, but Victoria wanted to get it over with, so they started to dig.
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