The Y&R Update Thursday 10/11/18
Written by Christine
At the Abbott house, Jack asked Kyle to refrain from giving Ashley a hard time at Jabot. Kyle was convinced that Andrew had something on Ashley and he refused to ignore it. Jack thought Andrew was a disgruntled employee, but Kyle thought he was a righteous whistle-blower. Kyle was felt that Ashley had a slick facade, and she was more than capable of playing playing dirty or paying someone to do it for her. Ashley walked in and asked what they were talking about. Kyle pretended he and Jack were talking about Dina. Jack backed him up and claimed he was concerned that the disruption at the house and at Jabot would affect Dina. Kyle added that Jack had asked him to spend a bit more time with Dina, because John would want the family to look out for each other, at work and at home. Ashley agreed, and she left. Kyle noted that Ashley was smooth. Jack argued that Kyle had no proof that Ashley crossed a line. He warned his son to tread lightly. Jack wished he was CEO, but it didn't work out that way. Jack didn't want Jabot to take another hit, and he urged Kyle to help Ashley succeed for all of their sakes.
At Jabot, Kyle presented his work to Ashley. She thought it was interesting to see him act like the model employee after all the ranting and raving he did after she wouldn't make him COO. Kyle wasn't a fan of being on the losing side, but he was sucking it up and doing his job as best he could. Ashley didn't trust Kyle entirely, but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. They talked about the boutiques, and Kyle had an idea for subscription boxes that intrigued Ashley. She sent him to run the numbers. Later, Kyle slipped back into the now empty office and looked through the files on the desk. Ashley returned, and Kyle had a pen and paper in hand and a story about getting ready to leave her a note. He gave her the numbers that she'd asked for earlier. Ashley acted like she believed Kyle, but as soon as he left, she looked suspicious and checked her files.
Kyle met Jack at the Club. Kyle announced that he waited until Ted took a lunch break and accessed some accounts on his computer. Jack was irritated that Kyle had disregarded the advice Jack gave him this morning. Undeterred by Jack's reaction, Kyle revealed that he'd contacted the bank and accounting departments, with a cover story about gathering information for Ashley. He discovered that some mysterious monthly payments were being sent to Type A Consulting, for the services of Andrew Lynford. Jack was startled when Kyle told him that the address for Type A Consulting was just a PO Box. The checks had been going out regularly for six months, then they stopped. Jack thought that the payments could really be for consulting work. Kyle didn't think Ashley would hire an unknown company that had no actual place of business, and no known service. Kyle was ready to confront Ashley, but Jack told Kyle to let him handle this.
Jack went to Ashley's office and enthused about what a strong, capable leader Ashley was. Jack asked about Type A Consulting. Ashley told them they were an R&D company. Kyle arrived and lurked outside the closed door. Back inside, Ashley thought Jack should be concerned about Dark Horse. Jack explained that he was overly conscious of these things after Billy's mismanagement. Kyle burst in and yelled that Type A was a shell company that didn't do R&D or anything else for Jabot. Ashley reminded Kyle that it was against company policy for an employee, even board members, to try and gain access to confidential files that were beyond their position. She announced that Kyle was in breach of contract. Kyle noted that Ashley was willing to bend the rules to access Billy's files. Ashley said she wouldn't take action, because the family had been through too much, but she warned Kyle not to do anything like this again. Kyle asked who Andrew was and why she was paying him off with company funds.
Ashley claimed her arrangement with Type A was cleaning up one of Billy's messy decisions. Kyle thought it was strange that Andrew never mentioned Billy's name when he came to Kyle to complain about Ashley shutting down the project. Kyle relayed Andrew's message that he had information that could destroy Ashley and Jabot. Ashley shrugged it off and said Andrew was mad about losing a paycheck. Jack recalled that Billy asked him about Type A Consulting a couple of weeks ago. Jack hoped Ashley would shed some light on it so they didn't have rumors and speculation plaguing his first week in charge. Ashley insisted that this was a non-issue. Jack asked if she was being blackmailed. He said they were family and wanted to help her. Ashley got defensive. She noted that she didn't answer to either of them because Kyle was her subordinate, and Jack didn't even work there. Kyle suggested having the conversation in front of the board. Ashley predicted that the board would think Kyle was being vindictive because he was upset that she was chosen as the new CEO. Ashley insisted that Andrew was her employee, that she hired to work on confidential projects, to ensure the future of the company. Kyle asked why Ashley cut Andrew loose if his work was so crucial. Jack asked why Ashley was hiding what Andrew did. Ashley snapped that she wasn't ready to share it, and it was her prerogative.
Kyle asked why Andrew claimed he had dirt on Ashley. Ashley spat that she didn't owe Kyle an explanation. She brought up the time he colluded with Victor, and stabbed Jack in the back, and said for all she knew, Kyle was still working with him. Ashley speculated that Kyle was the one who delivered Dina's confession about Jack's paternity to Victor. Kyle argued that Ashley didn't get to turn this around on him. Ashley noted that not to long ago, Kyle had pledged his loyalty to her. She asked if he was trying to play games to ruin her reputation, and she asked if Jack put him up to this. Jack yelled that they weren't trying to harm her they wanted to help her out of the situation with Andrew. Ashley bellowed that she didn't need Jack to save her, she needed him to leave so she could do her job. Ashley told Kyle that she was sick of him and if he couldn't support her, he should resign. She told Jack that he could resign from the board. Jack and Kyle just stared, so Ashley said goodbye. They left.
Ashley was in her car, in the parking garage. Andrew got in the passenger's side, and told her that he thought she needed a reminder that he was serious. Ashley announced that this was the last time he'd threaten her. She called him stupid. Andrew didn't come to be insulted. Ashley snapped that he came because she told him to come; because he was her employee. Andrew clarified that she let him go. Ashley said she had proof that he broke the law worse case scenario, he'd go to prison best case and he'd never work in his field again. Andrew had no problem taking her down with him. Ashley noted that she didn't break the law. Andrew replied that she broke the bonds of family trust. And when the Abbott clan finds out what you've been up to, no more family dinners for Ashley, Andrew predicted. Ashley said that Billy wouldn't believe Andrew her family thought they were protecting her from an extortionist. Ashley threatened to tell everyone that Andrew forced her into this. He laughed and reminded her that she came to him. She revealed that she'd recorded all of their meetings, which meant she controlled the narrative. She offered to give him one last generous payment, then they could go their separate ways.
In the Jabot lobby, Kyle said he'd never seen Ashley more on edge. Jack thought it was all about the blood Abbott clause. He said he made Ashley an outsider, and she still felt that way. Kyle was startled that Jack was sympathetic. Jack was acknowledging that he contributed to the situation. Kyle said Ashley wasn't licking old wounds she was being just as shady as Billy was and she was using her power to keep them from looking into what she did. Kyle said who knows how much trouble she could cause if she went unchecked. After the display they just saw, Jack wasn't sure they could stop Ashley.
At the Club, Victoria told Nikki that after everything they went through, with Nick pretending to be JT, she was tired of having her guard up. Victoria suggested that maybe the note writer was someone who was upset with Nick. Nikki thought it could be someone who was fishing for information.
At Crimson Lights, Tessa asked Sharon if she watched GC Buzz yesterday. She proceeded to gush about what a great job Mariah was doing. Sharon understood that Tessa was trying to take her mind off the wedding, and she thought it was very kind of her. Tessa thought Sharon was one of the most generous people she'd ever met, and she wished she could help. Sharon felt that Tessa already had, since Sharon had never seen Mariah happier. Sharon asked Tessa to cover her when Phyllis came to the coffeehouse. Tessa offered to make sure Phyllis never came by again. Sharon said that she and Phyllis had commitments, and they had to put up with each other for awhile longer. Phyllis arrived, and she and Sharon went out to the patio. Phyllis thought Sharon had called her there to tell her off about Nick. Sharon showed Phyllis the threatening note she received. Sharon wanted Phyllis to admit that she was wrong to accuse Sharon of sending the note. Phyllis didn't think that was important, but she apologized, then she asked if they could focus. Phyllis thought she and Sharon were the only ones who got the notes. Sharon thought someone was trying to scare them and it was working. Phyllis denied being scared.
Tessa checked on Phyllis and Sharon. Phyllis was dismissive, and Sharon commented on her lack of manners. Nikki and Victoria arrived with the cover story about meeting to discuss a charity event. When Tessa left, Victoria and Nikki admitted they were glad Phyllis and Sharon called. Nikki pulled out her copy of the note. Phyllis and Sharon revealed they got notes too. Sharon mentioned that Phyllis accused her of sending it. Phyllis explained that she thought the note was about something different. Oh, a drawback from crossing too many lines, Victoria stated, while glaring at Phyllis. We were on a break, Phyllis said, in her defense. Sharon got irritated. Nikki got everyone back on track.
Nikki thought it was obvious that someone was on to them. Victoria asked Sharon if Rey could have anything to do with this. Phyllis suggested that Sharon let something slip in front of Rey. Sharon snapped that Phyllis was the one who was waving the letter around when Rey walked into the squad room. Sharon asked Nikki if it could be Victor. Nikki didn't think Victor would do that, but Victoria noted that he did weird things. Phyllis asked if Nikki told Victor the truth. Nikki said she didn't confide in Victor, even though she hated keeping this from him. Victoria suggested that Phyllis slipped and confessed to Billy during one of their celebrations when they were gambling and getting drunk. Victoria wondered why someone suspected them. Sharon noted that both Rey and Dylan said that criminals always made mistakes. They discussed the possibility that Rey picked something up during his interactions with them. Nikki thought Sharon was too close to Rey and, given recent events, she'd probably get closer. Sharon was annoyed that she was getting the insults when it was Nikki's son who cheated. Victoria thought they had to stop sniping at each other and proceed with caution keep their guards up and be ready for the person's next move.
At Walworth, Lily and Cane shared a hug. She asked about the kids. They were great. The twins couldn't come because it was a school day. Cane was recording their television shows for him to watch with Lily after she got out. Cane sensed that Lily wasn't happy to see him. Lily said the kids weren't here, so she figured that she didn't have to act upbeat and cheerful and put on a show. Cane told her he knew what she was going through, but Lily told him that he only knew in theory. She mentioned that she cried herself to sleep at night, when she first arrived, and she drew attention from the other inmates. Cane asked if she need him to call someone. Sounding defeated, Lily told him there was nothing he could do or say this was her world now. Lily was too tired to put on a big smile and pretend. Cane told her that he didn't ask her to pretend. He changed the subject and told her that Sam was walking, Mattie had gone full activist and was fighting for her. Lily said that Mattie should stop Lily plead guilty to causing a death and now she was serving her time. Lily noted that there were inmates serving more time even though they weren't responsible for causing someone's death. She thought Mattie should focus her energy on people who couldn't afford a lawyer like Michael. Cane cared about that, but his focus was on getting Lily through this and home. Lily stated that she'd accepted her current situation, and Cane should too.
Lily told Cane about a single mother who committed check fraud because she was just trying to feed her kids. She had no family, so now the kids were in separate foster homes. Cane was worried that the inmates saw Lily in magazines and were trying to take advantage of her. He thought they should wait to help people until she got home. Lily noted that she'd be going to their beautiful house and to their children, and a lot of the other inmates would never get that. Cane offered to have Chancellor donate to charity, but Lily didn't think it was enough to write a check. She wanted to do something substantial for MiKayla. Lily explained that being in here had given her a new perspective. She realized that even in prison, because she had Cane, money and access, she could make a real difference for the women in here. Cane was worried that this MiKayla had ulterior motives. Lily just wanted to help her figure out the system and keep her kids together. Cane felt they had enough on their plate with their own family. Right, because of me, Lily sighed. Cane didn't mean to make it sound like that. He just missed her. Cane gave Lily a family photo to take with her. Lily started toward the door, but Cane stopped her, because he didn't want to leave while there was friction between them. Cane wished he could change places with Lily. He felt helpless. Lily missed Cane. Every night she tried to remember the sounds of her house and family life. Lily said their love got her through the day, but she wasn't the same person she was before the accident and before prison. Cane understood and he said he'd always love her no matter what.
Esther ran into Cane at the Club. She asked how things were. Cane knew Lily was strong and that she'd be fine, but it broke his heart to see her go through this. Esther believed Cane and Lily were strong enough to persevere. Cane agreed that she was right this would make his family stronger. Cane showed off pictures of the kids, and he promised to bring them by the Chancellor house to visit. Esther's friends arrived, and she had to go. Cane thanked her for the talk.
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