Tuesday Y&R Update 10/9/18

The Y&R Update Tuesday 10/9/18


Written by Christine

Ashley told Ted, Gloria's temporary replacement, that she wanted to meet with all the department heads, Phyllis included. Neil arrived, and Ted left. Neil gave Ashley an embroidered pillow that said “I'm the boss.” It made her laugh and she joked about using it to send a message to the people at the meeting. She expected to face opposition, and she planned to confront her haters head on. Neil asked her to tell him about the meeting over dinner tonight, and they kissed.

Lola came into Crimson Lights, and Tessa gave her a bag of power tools that Rey left for her. Lola ordered a coffee, and Kyle walked over and paid for it. Lola smiled and told him not to start springing for stuff already since she couldn't start their date until tonight. Kyle noticed the bag of tools. Lola explained that she was doing some repairs in her truck. At their table, Kyle mentioned that he'd been up since four, writing something for work. He thought he might get his promotion soon, since there was a lot of upheaval at the office. Lola wondered if tamales would help him get the promotion. Kyle was starving and was excited about the tamales, but Lola told him she was suggesting giving them to Ashley. Kyle brought her up to speed on his family drama. Lola shared that most of her relatives back in Miami were doing the same shady things to each other. “You and I are on the same hideous page. Cool,” Kyle replied.

Lola grumbled about feuding relatives asking you to take their side. At that moment, Kyle got the email about Ashley's meeting. Lola told Kyle that she liked his mindset. She noted that he was proactive, determined and ready to crush his obstacles. Kyle asked what she wanted to do on the date. Lola chose going to the movies, and she suggested they meet around 6'ish. Kyle changed it to 5:30 sharp. “You said it. Determined, proactive. High expectations. I added a third one,” Kyle said, with a smile. He left for his meeting. Tessa brought Lola a refill and asked how she and Kyle met. Lola explained that she met Kyle at her food truck, and he annoyed her more than any guy she'd ever met. Lola kept bumping into Kyle and wanting to hate him, but she didn't, and after seeing him today, she was looking forward to their date. Tessa noted that Lola was an upgrade over Kyle's nightmare ex. Lola asked who the ex was, and Tessa revealed that it was Summer Newman. Lola recognized the last name.

Lola and Tessa chatted, and Lola mentioned that Rey taught her how to do vehicle repairs. Tessa called Lola the anti-Summer. Lola asked what Summer did. Tessa said that Phyllis gave Summer a cushy office job, plus she had a massive trust fund. Lola agreed that Tessa was right - she and Summer were nothing alike.

Nikki took Summer to breakfast at the Club. Nikki was concerned for Summer since Summer had just watched both of her parents' relationships implode. Summer hated to see Nick be miserable, but she never thought he and Sharon were a recipe for eternal bliss. Nikki agreed, but she knew Summer liked Billy, and she assumed they'd gotten close while working at Jabot. Summer stated that she liked his energy and enthusiasm. Summer asked if she should have to give up her friendship with Billy because he broke up with Phyllis. Nikki didn't think so, since Phyllis was the one who cheated. Nikki thought that it was possible that Phyllis and Billy would reconcile, but Summer said that according to Phyllis, he'd already moved on. Nikki thought Phyllis was probably better off, since Billy was gambling again. Victoria had brought Nikki up to speed, and Nikki thought it was terrible to watch the gambling ruin Billy's life again. Nikki was glad that Victoria wouldn't have to pick up the pieces this time. Summer asked what if Billy addressed his problems – wouldn't Nikki want him to find someone new who made him happy? Nikki asked if Summer had someone in mind to fix him up with. Summer swore she'd never do that.

Summer had to go to Ashley's first staff meeting, but she wasn't looking forward to seeing Ashley try to scrub every trace of Billy out of Jabot. Nikki wondered what Billy did to turn people against him. Summer didn't know. Nikki was sure Billy was ashamed of whatever it was, but Summer hoped he wasn't. Nikki said that Billy could grow and leave all his poor decisions behind him.

At the meeting, Ashley asked Summer if Phyllis was on her way. Summer had no idea. Lauren said she'd catch Phyllis up later. While Ashley talked about using John Abbott's vision as a guiding light for the company, Summer texted Billy some well wishes and said Jabot missed him. Ashley was returning the focus and funding to R&D. She planned to either scale back the Jabotiques or eradicate them completely. She knew the next few quarters might be tricky, but it'd be worth their hard work. She pledged to be available to them every day. Most of the department heads left the room. Summer, Kyle and Lauren were left. Kyle had assumed Ashley would want to put the Jabotiques on the chopping block, so last night, he put together an in depth review of the leases, suppliers, shipping contracts and the allocated ad budget for the launch. Ashley asked if he'd reached any conclusions. Kyle had, but he didn't think Ashley would like them.

Ashley read Kyle's review, alone in her office. Kyle returned. Ashley was very impressed, and she couldn't believe he put this together all in one night. She also thanked him for the tamales. Kyle was confused, and Ashley said they were delivered and the note said they were from him. Kyle picked up the card – they were from La Vida Lola. Kyle let Ashley think he ordered her lunch from his favorite food truck. Ashley asked if Kyle had considered the possibility that Nick would lower the penalty for canceling the leases on the boutiques. Kyle had anticipated the question and included a cost analysis on it in the report. Ashley noted that Kyle really did think of everything. According to Kyle, it'd cost more to cancel the entire project than to go ahead with the Jabotique launch. Ashley thought that settled it – they were going to go ahead with the launch. Kyle told her that his board vote yesterday wasn't a comment on her vision for Jabot. Ashley wasn't angry with Kyle for supporting his father. Relieved, Kyle told Ashley that he was excited to build Jabot with her.

Kyle told Ashley that they could maximize harmony and effectiveness if he was the COO. Ashley wanted to leave the spot vacant for now. She noted that she needed to trust her COO implicitly, and she wasn't comfortable with the tactics he used against Billy. Kyle reminded her that he got Billy out, like she wanted. Ashley was adamant that she never wanted Kyle to push a recovering gambling addict back into it. Kyle angrily reminded Ashley that she promised to reward him for his loyalty. Ashley noted that he still had a job. She felt that anyone else would've fired him for what he did to his uncle. Kyle argued that Billy did it to himself. Ashley reminded Kyle that she told him not to use Billy's gambling against him. Kyle thought it was at that time that she'd decided not to make him COO, but she'd kept that information from him until after she secured Billy's job. Ashley was adamant that she deserved this job because she did everything by the book. Kyle argued that Ashley kept her hands clean because she used Kyle as her henchman. He called her sneaky and opportunistic. Ashley warned him that he was being insubordinate. Kyle hissed that she'd taken so much care with her image of being heroic and full of integrity, and the world was buying it – for now. Kyle was fine with being a vanguard, but he warned her that the world always caught up. Ashley showed Kyle the door. Kyle couldn't wait until everyone saw Ashley's true colors.

At the Club, Neil told Ashley that power looked hot on her. She told him that she was channeling everything her father taught her. Neil hoped that one day his kids talked about him the way she talked about John. Ashley was sure they already did. Ashley wasn't sure her younger teammates understood her legacy spiel. She admitted she wasn't 100% proud of all the steps she took to achieve this milestone. After she said this, Andrew, who was sitting at the bar, looked over at Ashley and Neil's table. Andrew went over and said hello. Ashley reintroduced Neil and Andrew, reminding them that they met each other a few weeks ago. Neil remembered that Andrew was doing some consulting work for Ashley at Jabot. Andrew congratulated Ashley on her promotion. She told him that they just sat down to celebrate. He apologized for the interruption, but he told her that he had to discuss a small, but urgent matter with her.

Ashley stepped away with Andrew. Andrew was pleased that everything was going Ashley's way, and he expected to be rewarded for making that happen. Ashley noted that they'd been working together for months, and he'd already been generously rewarded. Andrew wanted to double his monthly salary. Not only did Ashley refuse to do that, she told him she was cutting him off since his services were no longer required. Andrew threatened to tell Neil the secret. He started over, but Ashley grabbed his arm. Andrew grinned and noted that Ashley still wanted to keep her secret. He said he'd be in touch.

Lola and Kyle went to Crimson Lights after the movie, which they loved. Kyle told her how sweet it was that she sent the tamales to Ashley. Lola said it was so easy – Ted, the assistant, zoomed right down and picked them up. Lola hoped Kyle was richly rewarded. Kyle said that Ashley rewarded him with a knife in the back. Kyle wanted to hear about Lola instead. Lola said her truck was having a killer first few months. He next step was to get more trucks, hire staff and eventually open La Vida Lola, the restaurant. Kyle noted that her dreams weren't too big. Lola told him that was why they weren't dreams. They were plans. Kyle asked about her love life. Lola didn't think it was as colorful as his, since he had Summer Newman on his resume. Kyle paused, then he announced that he was going to get dessert. After he came back with the food, he realized Tessa must've told Lola about Summer. He explained that they dated briefly, years ago and moved back separately. He said there was nothing intense or dramatic – they both moved on. Lola noted that if Abby and Arturo got married, Lola would technically be Summer's aunt.

Lola mentioned what Tessa said about Summer losing their mind over Lola and Kyle being together. Lola asked Kyle to pledge that they wouldn't get sucked into any drama Summer created. They pinky-swore on it. Lola had to be up by sunrise, so she got up to go. Kyle was going to walk her to her car, but she declined because it was right out front. Summer was inside, and she glanced out on the patio and saw Kyle with Lola. Lola and Kyle shared an awkward, but friendly, platonic goodbye. Lola left. Kyle noticed Summer staring at him and sighed in exasperation. Summer was about to go up to Kyle, but she sat back down when she saw Lola return. Lola pulled Kyle into a passionate kiss, then she left again. The kiss made Kyle smile, and it made Summer look rattled.

Victoria walked into her office, and it was clear that she was nervous. She opened her drawer and retrieved the note that stated “I know what you did, and I'm going to make you pay.” Nikki arrived and told Victoria that she was on her way to pick up the kids for grandparents' night. Victoria was glad because the kids were disappointed that they weren't going to get to spend the night with Billy for awhile. Nikki invited Victoria to dinner, but she declined because she was swamped at work. Nikki sensed that something was bothering Victoria. Nikki blanched when Victoria showed her the note. Nikki thought about hiring a discreet PI to look into the note, but Victoria didn't want to take the risk. She didn't think anyone was discreet enough for a murder confession. Nikki promised not to hire anyone.

Nikki suggested that the letter wasn't about JT – maybe it was just a prank or from a disgruntled employee. Nikki said even if the letter was about JT, why would they target Victoria, when Nikki was the one who killed him. Victoria noted that JT left Nikki no choice. Nikki felt that they could ignore the note, since the sentence said nothing and proved nothing. Victoria agreed, and they hugged. Victoria asked if Nikki had gone through her mail – she had, and there were no anonymous letters. Nikki urged Victoria to resist the urge to obsess over this. Victoria promised to try, and Nikki left.

Later, Nikki returned. She'd taken Johnny and Katie to the ranch and left them with Victor. Her office had sent a package to the ranch – and it contained a note identical to Victoria's. Victoria realized this had to be about JT. Nikki and Victoria didn't think Sharon or Phyllis sent the notes. Nikki suggested that someone may have overheard Rey and Paul speculating about the case. Victoria didn't think two officers would be that indiscreet. Victoria thought that someone must've recently stumbled across some new evidence against them. Nikki knew she and Victoria hadn't slipped up and told anyone about what they did, so they had no idea who was taunting them. Victoria was more interested in the why – what did they hope to gain?

Victoria admitted the letter had consumed her thoughts. Nikki suggested that Victoria take the kids and leave for a week or two. Nikki offered to come up with an excuse for Victor. Victoria coldn't because work was piling up. She also saw no point, since she'd be looking over her shoulder no matter what. Nikki didn't think the letter writer would know where she went. Victoria snapped that they didn't know what the person was capable of, then she apologized. Victoria wasn't sure she'd be able to sleep tonight, but she thought that was better than fighting off the constant nightmares. She felt that they were living in a nightmare now.

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