The Y&R Update Friday 9/21/18
Written by Christine
At the cottage, Sharon told Nick that she changed her mind about taking the job. Nick didn't understand why. He suggested that she might just have first day jitters. Sharon admitted she didn't trust Rey. Nick didn't think she should hold a grudge against Rey for doing his job and investigating a case. Nick thought it was a good thing that Rey was trying to locate JT. Nick noted that Rey was just the mesesgener, and Paul would be her boss. Sharon confessed that she was scared about working with crime victims what if she said the wrong thing and made a terrible situation worse? Nick told her that she could save people's lives. Sharon protested that, other than Crimson Lights, she hadn't had a real job in awhile. Nick asked her, the certified counselor, what advice she'd give herself. Sharon realized she'd encourage herself to take the job. She decided to do it. They kissed, and he wished her luck.
Rey asked someone to make sure Sharon gets the desk near him. Sharon arrived and found a balloon and plant at her new desk. Rey told her he sent the balloon. She opened the card on the plant, and it was from Phyllis, Nikki and Victoria, wishing her best of luck in her new endeavor. Rey asked who it was from, and Sharon said Nick. Rey and Sharon returned from HR after she got her photo ID. Sharon told him he didn't have to go with him to HR or buy the balloon. Rey said he did, because she was mad at him, and he was trying to form a happy and conducive work environment. Sharon told him he had a long way to go. Sharon said she could always go back to the coffeehouse if this job tanked. Rey assured her it'd be fine, because she was a natural.
A woman, Ivy, showed up, and Rey directed her to Paul's office. He told Sharon that Ivy had ties to a gang. Sharon was surprised because Ivy looked like a victim, not a criminal. Rey noted that you could be both. Rey wanted Ivy to turn state's evidence and testify against the gang. Sharon thought Rey was only there to solve JT's case. Rey explained that Paul had assigned him some local cases, because Paul was determined to get his money's worth from Rey. Rey gave Sharon a file and told her to get caught up fast. Sharon studied the file, then she headed into the office. Rey began to make introductions, but Sharon took the lead and confidently explained who she was and what a victim's liaison did. Rey was caught offguard when Sharon told Ivy that she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to do, including testifying.
Sharon acknowled that Ivy was scared. Rey assured Ivy that the police department would protect her. Sharon told them that she knew someone in witness protection, and there was no word that he'd ever been found, so he must be safe. Sharon understand that it must be hard to let go of fear after years of being terrorized. Ivy asked if it happened to Sharon too. Sharon explained that she had a friend who survived abuse. Rey promised that he wouldn't let Ivy get hurt. Ivy brought up her family. Sharon reviewed the case and she noted that Ivy didn't get hooked on opiods by choice it happened after a car accident. Ivy talked about her husband. He stood by her while she went through rehab, but he took the children and left after she stared using again and broke his trust. Ivy wanted her family to be proud of her. Sharon told her she could have that by helping the police department and making sure the dealers never did this to another family.
Later, in the squad room, Rey told Sharon that Ivy agreed to testify, thanks to Sharon. Sharon felt that she only asked some questions, but Rey said that Sharon heard Ivy, and spoke her language, and gave her the chance to examine her experience. Rey thought it was rare to see the depth of empathy Sharon showed. Sharon noted that Rey didn't like it at first. He admitted he almost lost it when Sharon told Ivy that she didn't have to tesitfy. Rey said he was able to get Ivy to agree because Sharon was so understanding. Sharon admitted that Rey wasn't so bad either, because he was respectful and nice to Ivy. Rey jokingly told her not to say that too loud. He shared an anecdote about a time he took a witness home with him and gave him a place to stay. Sharon admitted she did the same thing and took in a homeless woman. Rey noted that they had something in common, and he suggested that maybe this working relationship would work out. Sharon thought that it might. Sharon went back to the office to keep Ivy company. Rey texted Paul that he built trust with Sharon and everything with Sharon was going according to plan.
Sharon got home and she told Nick about her day and a family that had been broken apart by lies. Both Nick and Sharon seemed tense.
At the Abbott house, Kyle sent Ashley an urgent text saying that they needed to talk. Billy came downstairs. He was looking for Ashley too. Ashley came home, and Billy was pleasantly surprised because Traci was with her. Traci talked about her book tour. Billy asked why she left the tour early. Traci said Ashley called her and they had a long talk. Billy asked what about. Traci said she was back because of Dina's decline. Billy decided not to leave for work right now, since Traci was there. Billy and Traci went to the kitchen. A skeptical Kyle asked Ashley if she just happened to call Traci about Dina or because she wanted Traci to help get Billy out at Jabot. Ashley refused to have this conversation. Kyle asked why Ashley was sidelining him did she still think he had something to do with Billy's gambling? Ashley asked Kyle why she'd doubt him after he said he wasn't involved? She said the real question was why was Kyle forcing it.
Billy made a private phone call. He was livid because the gambling syndicate had his money less than 48 hours and he was already $50,000 down. He snapped that this better not happen again. The others joined Billy in the living room. Kyle asked if everything was okay. Billy made up a story about having a problem with Jabot suppliers. Billy left for the office. Traci decided to go upstairs and visit Dina. Ashley offered to go with her, but Traci was sure she'd be fine. She noted that Dina always seemed to like her, even if she didn't remember her. Traci went upstairs, and Kyle suggested that Billy was lying earlier. Ashley insinuated that Kyle manipulated Billy's addiction. Kyle denied it again. Kyle said that thanks to Kyle, they knew Billy was gambling again and stealing from their company. Ashley said she didn't want to hurt Billy, but she had an obligation to Jabot. Kyle asked if that was the real reason Ashley called Traci. Ashley said she always put Jabot first, and she told Kyle that he could draw his own conclusions. Kyle assured Ashley that he was in her corner.
Billy went to work and he called the gambling syndicate back and warned them that what happened last night had better be a one time thing. Kyle came in and offered to help Billy deal with the suppliers. Billy declined. Kyle advised Billy to take the help when he was in over his head instead of cutting out his trusted lieutenants. Billy asked who said he was in over his head and who said Kyle was trusted. Kyle noted that CEO was a demanding job and to pretend otherwise was to roll the dice with the company. Billy mentioned that Kyle reminded him of some of the stories he used to hear about Smilin' Jack Abbott, cocky, calculated, even a little ruthless because there was no check on his ambition. Kyle smirked and asked what was wrong with being ambtitious. Billy noted that Jack got a lot of pain and disappointment for his trouble and now he was working as a subordinate of a Newman. Billy told Kyle to be careful or he'd end up the same way on the outside looking in. Kyle argued that Billy was the one who was blindly ambtitious he'd screwed over his own brother to take over Jabot. Billy argued that Jack screwed himself over. Kyle maintained that Jack wouldn't be working for Nick if Billy didn't change his mind about repealing the blood-Abbott clause. Kyle said actions like that have consequences. Billy asked what that meant, but Kyle left without responding.
Back at the Abbott house, Traci told Ashley that she sat with Dina for a long time, holding her hand, and she wasn't sure if Dina was even aware of her presence. Ashley admitted that they had another very difficult topic to discuss Billy. Traci assumed that Phyllis had hurt Billy like she hurt Jack. Ashley told Traci that she had proof that Billy bought into a very high price gambling syndicate. Ashley brought up the issue of Jabot and the blood-Abbott clause. Traci protested that she was not qualified to run Jabot. Ashley said Traci would only need to step in long enough to get rid of the blood-Abbott clause. Traci was grateful that Ashley told her about Billy. Traci said that helping their brother was paramount. Ashley asked if Traci would help Jabot. Traci felt that she had no place running Jabot, even temporarily, and she worried that taking Billy's job might make things worse. Traci thought it'd be better if they staged an intervention for Billy.
Abby tracked Victor down at the Newman breakroom and asked how he was doing, with regards to Jack. Victor didn't want anything to do with that, and he thought Jack should drop it. Abby warned Victor that Jack wasn't going to do that. Abby was worried that this would stress Victor out and make him have a health setback. Victor invited her to come see him excel at his PT session. He told her that working out took his mind off all the nonsense, including Jack searching for his DNA. Victor left. Abby picked up his coffee mug, but in the end, she decided not to take it. Abby sat in on Victor's appointment with Nate, and it went well. Abby left. Nate sensed that Victor was dealing with some new stress that he hadn't shared with Abby.
Jack was pleased when Matt met him at the Club, but Matt said he wasn't there to give Jack what he wanted. Jack assumed that Victor got to Matt, but Matt clarified that Victor was avoiding him. Jack didn't want to cause a rift between Matt and Victor, but Jack needed answers, and Matt was his last resort. Matt was sympathetic, but he refused to give Jack a DNA sample. Matt wanted to know if Jack was his brother, but he didn't want to betray Victor. Matt said he and Victor might not be close, but he was still his brother. Matt continued that whatever brotherly connection he and Jack may have was hypothetical. Nick came up, and Jack realized Nick didn't know Matt. Jack introduced Nick to his uncle and invited him to join them. They chatted and Matt mentioned that he lived in Oregon. Jack filled Nick in on the whole story. Matt said he wasn't willing to go behind Victor's back. Nick commented that Matt wasn't like his brother. Nick offered to give a DNA sample, but Jack felt that a definitive sample needed to come from Matt or Victor. Matt decided to go to Victor and see if they could reach a compromise. Nick didn't think it'd work, and he told Jack to be careful what he wished for.
Matt went to Victoria's office. Nate left. Matt apologized for causing so much tension with his arrival. Victor conceded that he and Matt weren't close, but he thought the could rely on Matt's understanding and loyalty. Matt assured Victor that he could. Victor admitted that he honestly thought he'd never talk about Albert again. Matt asked if it was feasible to pretend that Jack's questions about his paternity didn't exist. Victor said Matt was the only brother he wanted. Matt felt bad that he was in Madison and it never occurred to him to drop by and visit Victor. Victor noted that a relationship took two people to work on it. Matt suggested that if Victor helped Jack, it might help Jack and Victor's relationship. Victor wasn't interested in establishing a relationship with Jack. He felt that Jack was spineless. Matt felt that it took a strong man to search out his origins, overcome his past and look toward an uncertain future. Matt noted that Victor did this when he dropped the Christian Miller name and built a new life. Victor insisted that there was no comparison between Jack and Victor. Later, Jack arrived at Victor's request. Nate returned to take DNA samples from both men. Victor said he was only agreeing to do this to prove that they were not related.
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