Tuesday Y&R Update 9/4/18

The Y&R Update Tuesday 9/4/18


Written by Christine

“I can't let this happen!,” Devon exclaimed, as the judge was about to impose a sentence on Lily. The judge informed Devon that he'd already made his ruling. Michael felt that Devon should be allowed to be heard. Chris argued that he already had been heard, but the judge allowed Devon to come forward. Devon explained that it took him a long time to write his victim impact statement, because every time he got to the word “defendant,” he pictured his sister as he knew her to be – a strong girl who befriended a poor kid and gave him a family. By the time Devon finished writing, he'd began to picture the defendant as a faceless person who he was able to blame and hate, and that was why he was able to ask for the maximum sentence. Devon said he couldn't get his wife's voice out of his head and this isn't what she would want. He stated that he was so focused on getting justice for his wife and child that he blinded himself to the person who gave him a family in the first place and gave him the dream to have children of his own. Devon said he'd been there for Lily's children's whole lives, and he couldn't imagine being the reason that they didn't have their mother as they entered adulthood. Devon knew that Lily was grieving too and that she'd carry the guilt for the rest of her life. Devon believed, and he knew Hilary would agree, that this was punishment enough.

The judge asked if Devon had been pressured into changing his mind. Devon said no. The judge felt that Devon's initial statement was a waste of the court's time and he warned that Devon could be held in contempt. Devon explained that the problem with grief was that the truth constantly changed. He still felt that Lily was wrong to get behind the wheel and that the preceding years of hostility lead up to the accident, but he admitted that Lily and Hilary both had a habit of provoking each other. He noted that Hilary could've gotten behind the wheel and Lily could've died. Devon conceded that Lily made a fatal mistake, but he thought that putting her behind bars would be another wrong done. Devon wanted to be free to mourn his wife and child and to honor Hilary by leaving the sort of mark on the world that she would have; if Lily was sent to prison for twenty years, there would be no freedom for him. Lily looked at Devon with a sad smile on her face. The judge left the bench to reconsider his verdict.

Chris asked Devon if his family put him up to this. Nate rushed over and said that Devon made it clear that those were his words, and no one else's. Chris wasn't so sure. Nate told Devon that his new statement took courage and a lot of heart. Devon wasn't sure it made a difference since the judge didn't seem impressed. Nate stated that it made a difference to the family. Nate acknowledged that Devon and Lily were suffering, and he said everyone in the family wanted it to stop. Devon said it hadn't. Nate felt that the process had started.

Across the aisle, Charlie and Mattie were optimistic that Devon had swayed the judge, but Michael warned everyone that the revised statement might not change the judge's mind. Lily said that Devon's change of heart might not mean anything to the judge, but to Lily it was everything. Cane hugged Lily. Charlie walked over and sat with Shauna. Lily approached Devon and thanked him. Devon told her that he didn't forgive her and he didn't think they'd ever come back from this. Lily said that she'd accept whatever he gave her, but she'd never stop loving him or trying to make amends. Devon suddenly felt compelled to leave, and he rushed out, telling Shauna to catch a ride home with Nate. Cane went after Devon. Charlie privately asked Michael if he made things worse by not telling Lily that she ran the red light. Michael said it was impossible to say whether or not that was true. Lily told Mattie that she kept wishing the judge would hurry up, then she realized that she didn't want to wish away what could be her last few minutes with the family. Mattie was confident that the judge would be swayed by Devon's speech. Lily said she needed to hear Devon say those things. Mattie felt that they all did.

Downstairs at the cottage, Sharon and Mariah discussed Tessa's living arrangement in hushed tones. Sharon noted that Nick would be home tomorrow, and Tessa couldn't stay. Mariah was stunned that Sharon wanted to kick Tessa out after everything she'd been through to get her sister out of the country. Sharon was sympathetic, but she didn't want Tessa to stay. Mariah argued that Tessa risked everything to make sure her sister was safe; she had no job, no money, no apartment. Mariah stressed that Tessa even came back to be with her. Sharon told Mariah not to say that like she wasn't worthy, because anyone in their right mind would move mountains to be with her. Mariah didn't understand why Sharon was extending compassion toward Mariah and not Tessa. Sharon stated that Mariah was her daughter and her priority, and she didn't want Tessa taking advantage. Mariah replied that Tessa made her happy, and Tessa risked everything to come back, because she said Mariah made her happy too. Sharon's brow furrowed, and she asked what Tessa risked to come back here. Mariah said she meant the people that Tessa was dealing with who helped get Crystal out of the country. Sharon remembered Tessa saying that she was finished with those people. Sharon said she didn't really believe Tessa's story about what happened while she was away, which made her reluctant to have Tessa stay. At that point, Tessa came downstairs.

Tessa thanked Sharon for letting her stay and announced that she was leaving today. She felt grateful that they let her stay after she showed up and scared them. Mariah countered that Tessa was the one who had a gun on her. Sharon apologized for Rey's overreaction. Mariah asked where Tessa would go. Tessa said she was considering a few different options. Mariah contended that Tessa was only doing this because she overheard them talking. Tessa said she came back to see Mariah, and she never expected to move in. Mariah argued that Tessa should stay for a little while, but Tessa noted that it wasn't Mariah's house. Tessa understood why Sharon didn't trust her. Mariah said she believed in Tessa. Tessa said she was lucky to have Mariah's support. Sharon agreed and noted that it wasn't often that someone got a second chance to make things right. Sharon left for work.

Mariah asked if Tessa was sure that she'd come back to be with Mariah. Tessa said yes. Mariah asked if Tessa would stay. Tessa wanted to, but she owed a lot of money. Mariah was worried that Tessa wouldn't be able to pay. Tessa vowed to find a way because she never wanted to run away from Mariah again. They held hands. Tessa noted that her life was complicated, and she wondered if Mariah wanted to end things. Mariah said she grew up with a man who preached about love and people opening their hearts when all he wanted was for people to open their wallets. Tessa assumed Mariah had to have been close to someone back then. Mariah said not really – the woman who she thought was her mother made it clear that she wasn't attached to Mariah. Mariah found her adoptive mother's honesty refreshing, but she did want love, and she tried to find it, but she was ill-equipped because of her past. Mariah said she made jokes about it because it was easier to have people laugh at you than for them to find out there was a part of you that was missing.

Mariah said that in the past, she didn't put her heart out there because she didn't want people to really see her and go running in the opposite direction. Tessa noted that she ran toward Mariah. Mariah mentioned that Tessa was giving her an out. Tessa explained that she wanted Mariah to be sure that she wanted this, not to just tag along and get tangled in Tessa's mess. Mariah said she wanted Tessa, but she wanted to take a few steps back and go slow. Tessa was okay with that. They shifted gears and began to talk about getting Tessa settled in town. Tessa hoped to get her job back at Hamilton-Winters. Mariah didn't think that was an option, due to the way Tessa left and everything Devon had on his plate. Mariah thought the bigger issue was that Tessa had nowhere to live. Tessa said she'd been in that spot before, but this time she had Mariah. Mariah had an idea.

Cane found Devon at Crimson Lights and tried to convince him to return for the verdict. Devon said he didn't regret speaking up for Lily, but he didn't want to be there to hear the good news and see the celebration. Devon said he was here, looking at photos of his wife and of the baby's sonogram. Cane said they all missed Hilary. Cane was scared that the judge was going to rip his family apart, and he wanted Devon to be there to pray and provide moral support. Devon said he couldn't, and Cane left. Sharon came out onto the patio and joined Devon. He told her about the hearing. Devon figured that the judge would let Lily go home to her family, but his wife and child would still be gone. Devon felt that his family had already moved on and forgotten about his loss. “I can't even mourn. They keep pushing me to do what's best for them, when I'm the one who's lost my wife and child,” he stated. Sharon felt that Devon would be dishonoring Hilary and the baby if resentment and anger were the first things he felt when he thought of them. Sharon admitted that after her daughter, Cassie died, she felt like it was a betrayal to keep going on with her life. When Sharon got pregnant with Faith, it gave her a reason to act happy, and then eventually she felt happiness again. Devon asked if she was telling him to start a family. Sharon advised him to cherish the family he had left. Sharon felt that Lily would want a moment with Devon if she was sentenced to twenty years in prison, because he'd loved her longer than Cane and the children had. Sharon said that Devon had Lily's past and in a future where she couldn't care for her loved ones, she'd need to know that Devon would.

Mariah and Tessa arrived at Crimson Lights to talk to Sharon. Sharon surmised that they wanted her to help Tessa get back into Rainbow Gardens. Sharon said that Tessa's old unit had been filled, there weren't any open spaces and there was a long waiting list. Mariah wanted Nick to pull some strings. Tessa admitted that Nick didn't owe her anything because she took off and broke her lease. Mariah argued that she had a good reason. Mariah asked Tessa to give them a minute. Once alone, Mariah reminded Sharon what she always said about family helping each other out. Mariah said that she cared about Tessa more than she'd ever cared about anyone and by helping Tessa, Sharon would be helping Mariah. Sharon had reservations after everything Tessa did to Mariah and Noah. Mariah conceded that Tessa made some mistakes, but she noted that Tessa was in this position because she was trying to save her sister's life. Mariah admitted she had her doubts because she didn't trust anyone blindly, and because her feelings for Tessa were amazing and scary, but she said Sharon had convinced her that she shouldn't let her fear stop her. Mariah said she was doing this, and it would be nice to have Sharon cheer her on instead of saying it was going to crash and burn. Sharon didn't mean to be like that, but she was worried. Mariah asked Sharon to give Tessa a couple of shifts at Crimson Lights until she got back on her feet. Sharon reluctantly agreed. They spoke with Tessa, and she was grateful for the opportunity. Sharon went into the back. Tessa thanked Mariah and said she hoped she never let Mariah down. They hugged.

Cane went back to the courtroom, and Lily was disappointed when he told her that Devon wouldn't come. However, Devon walked in just before the judge returned. The judge noted that he'd carefully weighed the tragic repercussions of one moment of inattention – a woman and her child's life was lost, and a young man's life was put at risk, due to negligence. The judge said he'd come to conclusion, but he changed his mind after Devon revised his statement. The judge stated that the loss of life took precedence – justice had to be served for Hilary and the child. The judge noted that the maximum sentence was twenty years, but he'd factored in all he'd heard today, including Devon's moving words. Cane and the twins held hands. The judge fined Lily $50,000. Lily gave Michael a hopeful look. The judge continued that her license would be suspended for two years, and he sentenced her to one year in Walworth Penitentiary. Lily and the others looked crushed. The judge instructed the bailiff to take Lily into custody. At Michael's urging, Chris called off the bailiff long enough for Lily to say goodbye. Chris and Michael felt that Lily was lucky to get a short sentence. Devon looked across the aisle and watched the tearful goodbyes. Nate assured Lily that he'd do anything he could to help. Devon walked over and told Lily that he didn't want this to happen and he apologized for everything he said. Lily tearfully replied that he did more than she could've hoped for and more than she deserved. She broke down sobbing, and Cane hugged her, while Charlie hugged Mattie.

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