The Y&R Update Wednesday 8/29/18
Written by Christine
Victoria collided with Rey on her way out of Dive Bar. He apologized and called her by name. When she asked if he knew her, he explained that he'd heard of her from the media. He introduced himself. Rey mentioned that he met her parents and they were nice people. Victoria agreed, then she politely excused herself and left.
At the Club, Nikki attempted to discuss business with Victor, but he cut her off and asked where Victoria was. Victoria arrived right after that. She apologized for being late, but Victor lightly chided her for it anyway. Victoria replied that she just came from a meeting with a client who was about to pull out of the lucrative deal that he'd agreed to, before Nick took a sledgehammer to Newman. Victoria said she'd talked him out of it, just as she'd convinced about a half dozen other partners not to sever ties with Newman. She felt that it would be nice if Victor appreciated her efforts instead of giving her grief for being a few minutes late. Victor told Victoria that they'd all been under stress, but he was interrupted by Victoria's phone. She noted that it was another fire that needed to be put out, and she sharply said she hoped it wasn't too inconvenient for Victor. Victoria left the table. Victor asked Nikki what caused this outburst. Nikki said she didn't think Victoria meant to be rude. Victor didn't care about that; he was worried about his daughter. Nikki said that Katie had been having a rough time sleeping, and Victoria had been up with her. Victor didn't buy that explanation since Victoria had been balancing work and motherhood for years. Nikki suspected Victor didn't realize how hard Victoria was working to get Newman back on track. Victor contended that Victoria was like him she enjoyed the challenge. Nikki said Victoria wanted his approval. Victor insisted that she already had it, which was why he made her COO. Victor wondered if he should reiterate that he believed in Victoria. Nikki suggested that he give Victoria some slack, but Victor didn't like Victoria to be in a bad mood, so he decided to fix this.
Victor went over to Victoria, took her in his arms, and apologized. Victoria apologized for snapping at him. Victor noted that Newman was in better shape now than it was before Nick damaged it, and he gave Victoria a lot of the credit for Newman's success. Victor asked Victoria to have dinner with him and Nikki instead of going into the office. Victoria was caught off guard when Victor mentioned inviting Abby. Victor said that while he had been upset that Abby went to work for Nick, she was his daughter, and he wanted their family to heal. Victoria agreed to the dinner. Victor went to call Abby. Victoria went back to the table, and Nikki revealed that she covered for Victoria with Victor. Victoria was adamant that she could deal with Victor without any help from Nikki. Noting that Victoria had stopped seeing her therapist, Nikki suggested that Victoria find someone else to talk to. Victoria regretted confiding that in Nikki, and she firmly told Nikki to back off. Victoria left the table.
Nate told Devon that running was good for the body and the mind. Devon wasn't interested in going for a run, since he had a lot of work to do. Abby dropped by Devon's, and Nate left. Devon asked if Lily asked her to come. Abby said no, but she was worried about Lily. Devon noted that Lily had the support of her family, which was more than he had. Abby noted that Lily's family couldn't affect the outcome of her hearing, unlike Devon. Devon revealed that he was working on his statement; he wanted it to be just right, since he was speaking for his wife and child. Abby asked if Devon wanted Lily to be treated fairly or if he wanted her to get the maximum sentence. Abby read the first draft of Devon's statement, and she was appalled because she felt it went too far. Devon, however, felt that it didn't go far enough. Abby was adamant that this wasn't Devon. Devon said that a lot had changed. Abby couldn't believe how vengeful and bitter he'd become. She told him that Lily loved him, and she knew he loved her too. Devon said that love wouldn't bring his wife and child back. Abby said she was sorry he lost Hilary, but if he read this in court, he might lose Lily and the rest of her family too. Devon asked her to think about how he'd feel if he didn't read it. He maintained that he was thinking about his wife and child because no one else was.
Devon thought that his family would love it if he forgot about what Lily did, and about Hilary, and the family that he and Hilary would never get to have. Abby didn't think that was true; she insisted that his relatives wanted to help him. She warned him that if he did this he might push them away forever, and what if he wanted them to be in his life some day? Devon wished that people would stop telling him how to feel. Victor called Abby and invited her to dinner. Abby was thrown, but she accepted. Abby told Devon that things had been strained between her and her dad, but they were making an effort because family was important. Abby stressed that Lily was his family, and she asked if he really wanted to hurt her. Devon said he wasn't doing this to hurt Lily; he was doing it because it was what Hilary and their baby deserved.
Nate returned from his run and found out Devon took his advice and got some exercise. They met up in the hallway of their building. Nate asked about the conversation with Abby. Devon said that Abby was only interested in one side of the situation. Nate thought the same thing applied to Devon. Devon said Abby was Lily's friend. Nate sensed that she was Devon's friend as well, and he imagined that it was hard for her to come talk to him, since she was torn between him and Lily. Devon said Abby was trying to help Lily. Nate thought she was trying to help both of them. Devon said he didn't need any help, but Nate disagreed. Nate compared losing his girlfriend, Carolyn, to Devon losing Hilary. Devon argued that he didn't lose Hilary she was taken from him. Nate hoped Devon wasn't still harboring the belief that Lily ran the red light on purpose. Devon snapped that Lily cost Hilary her life, and he didn't think he should feel guilty for wanting justice. Nate asked if Devon would feel better if Lily spent twenty years in jail. Devon said no, but he'd feel like he let down his wife and child, if no one was held accountable.
And if Lily hadn't been driving that car if it was anybody else, everyone would be supporting me encouraging me to go into that courtroom and stand up for my wife, Devon said. Nate noted that it was Lily. Devon said that wasn't going to stop him. Nate wished there was a solution for both Devon and Lily. Devon said this wasn't about him or Lily, it was about Hilary and what she deserved. Nate asked how Devon would feel if he made a statement that sent Lily to prison for twenty years, then he had to watch the pain that it caused Mattie, Charlie, Neil and Cane. Devon wasn't sure how he'd feel, because he hadn't thought that far ahead. He was just focused on getting justice for Hilary because that was the last thing he could do for her. Nate said it wasn't true that the first year was the hardest; they were all hard and it was even harder when you had to face them alone.
Abby arrived for dinner, and she admitted she wasn't Victor's favorite person. He told her that was nonsense she was family, and he enjoyed spending time with her. Victoria thought most of the tension between her and Abby came from working together, so it should no longer be a problem. Victoria admitted she'd been under a lot of stress at home and at work, and she apologized for taking her frustrations out on Abby. Abby said she was worried that she'd done something to upset Victoria. Victoria took full responsibility, and Abby accepted her apology. Rey walked up and greeted Abby. Abby introduced him as Arturo's brother, and things got a bit tense for Nikki. Rey asked if Nikki knew his brother. Abby mentioned the remodeling Arturo did for Nikki. Victoria was surprised Rey didn't mention knowing her sister. Rey said that he didn't because she was in a rush. Victor asked what brought him to town. Rey said he was here for work, and that he was in financial services. Rey left.
Nikki complimented Victoria for doing an excellent job as COO, while dealing with difficult personal problems. Victor agreed. Victoria said they didn't have to say that, but Victor said he just wanted her to know he was appreciative of her efforts. Abby thought that Victor was also trying to make Abby regret leaving Newman. Victor told Abby that she was welcome to return. Abby said she was happy with her new job. Victor asked about her relationship with Arturo. Abby said she was happy with that too. Victor assumed things must be going very well if he introduced her to the family. Abby clarified that Rey ran into her and Arturo, and Arturo didn't even know Rey was in town. Abby said she and Arturo were taking things slow. Victor breathed a sigh of relief. Victoria decided to head into work, and she started out. Nikki followed her and asked where she was going. Victoria had decided to do her work at Crimson Lights. Nikki offered to join Victoria and brought up the affect JT was having on her. Victoria reiterated that she didn't want nor need Nikki's help. Nikki recalled saying that same thing every time Nikki was drowning. Victoria stormed off. Back at the table, Victor and Abby wondered what was going on with Nikki and Victoria.
Abby admitted she enjoyed having Victor to herself. Victor said he missed Abby. She mused that he didn't miss her much at Newman, since Victoria was doing so well. Victor said Victoria was doing a great job, but he didn't want to make Abby feel guilty. He didn't want his issues with Nick to affect his relationship with Abby. Abby thought this could be good for them now he could just be her dad instead of her boss. Victor smiled, but he told Abby that was still going to hold her to the Newman standard. She promised not to let him down. Victor had all the confidence in the world in Abby. He asked what she was enjoying about Dark Horse. Abby said that it was rewarding, but she joked that she wasn't going to reveal company secrets. Victor assured Abby that there was always a place for her at Newman.
Phyllis came into Crimson Lights for coffee, and Sharon mentioned that she was trying to contact Summer to discuss the wedding, but Summer wasn't returning her calls. Phyllis stated that Summer went on a last minute vacation. Sharon wished Phyllis had taken her advice and gone on a mother-daughter vacation with Summer. Phyllis said it turned out that she and Summer needed a vacation from each other. Phyllis mentioned that she and Billy moved out of the apartment and into the Abbott house. Sharon understood why Phyllis wasn't in a rush to get home. Phyllis said it was kind of weird living in the place she and Jack once shared, but now that she and Summer weren't butting heads, she and Billy could focus on themselves and get back to where they were before. Phyllis mentioned that she and Billy had been kind of thrown off track, and Sharon could relate, because she was still processing the news that Nick impersonated JT. Phyllis said she was blown away when Nick told her. Sharon was confused, because she thought Phyllis found out when Victoria told her about it. Phyllis tried to say she didn't remember who told her first, but Sharon didn't believe the cover story. Sharon realized that Phyllis wasn't freaked out when Victoria told her about it because Nick had already told her the whole story. Phyllis admitted that Sharon was right.
Sharon asked why Nick confided in Phyllis. Phyllis felt that Sharon was blowing this out of proportion, but Sharon thought it was significant that Nick told Phyllis something that he wanted to be kept secret. Sharon noted that Nick could be arrested for what he did. Phyllis asked if Sharon thought she would turn Nick in. Sharon felt that she had to trust Phyllis, since they were in the JT thing together, but she noted that Phyllis could hold this over Nick's head. Phyllis said that Nick knew she'd never do that to him. Sharon demanded to know why Phyllis and Nick were together. Phyllis noted that she and Nick had a daughter who was going through a rough patch. Phyllis said that Nick knew she was at Victoria's the night JT disappeared, and he wanted to assure her that JT wasn't back. Sharon asked when this happened. Phyllis pretended that she didn't remember. Sharon thought it was odd that Nick never told her that he'd confided in Phyllis. Phyllis said he probably didn't think it was a big deal. Sharon noted that Nick had been going through a lot lately, and she conceded that she might be blowing this out of proportion.
Phyllis warned Sharon that the secret was getting to Victoria. Phyllis thought it was a matter of time before Victoria cracked. Sharon noted that Phyllis's problems with Summer gave her something else to focus on, besides you know who. Sharon asked what caused the problem. Phyllis griped about the grand theft auto, blowing through her trust fund and bad attitude. Sharon joked that Summer had spoiled brat syndrome. Then Sharon regretted joking, because Cassie's rebellious stage had terrible consequences. Phyllis said Cassie wanted to grow up too fast, but Summer's problem was that she was acting like a child and wanting what she couldn't have. Rey arrived, and Phyllis and Sharon commended him for fixing Phyllis's flat tire and Sharon's plumbing. Sharon got him another free coffee. Sharon told Rey that if his job in financial services didn't work out, she'd talk to Nick and see if there was a place for him at Dark Horse. Phyllis said she'd also ask Lauren and Billy to help. Rey said they didn't have to thank him he was just a guy who did a couple repairs. Sharon didn't think it seemed right to thank him in coffee. Rey appreciated the coffee and the friendship. Nikki and Victoria arrived, and they spotted Rey with the others.
After Rey left, Nikki and Victoria asked about him. Phyllis called him the hot handyman. Sharon and Phyllis mentioned how helpful he was. Sharon was glad Nick introduced him to her. Victoria thought it was odd that Rey just happened to keep popping up. Sharon thought it made sense for someone new in town to hang out at the coffeehouse. She liked him. Phyllis thought he seemed nice. Abby walked in, and Victoria brought up Rey. Abby thought Victoria was romantically interested in him, and she said that he was seeing someone. Sharon clarified that he was married. Victoria said that wasn't why she was asking. Abby mentioned that she and Rey talked about the Rosales brothers' childhood the other day. Victoria asked if Arturo asked about Abby's life. Abby said that Rey asked her what it was like to work for Victor and what she saw in Arturo. The others looked alarmed when Abby mentioned that Rey said he was worried about JT coming after her. Abby didn't think it was a big deal, since JT was all over the news.
Abby revealed that she set Rey straight and told him that JT wasn't the one who hacked into the Newman server. Victoria disapproved, but Abby didn't see the problem, since she didn't out Nick. Abby got her order and left. The four huddled in a booth to discuss Rey. Victoria noted that Rey repaired Sharon's plumbing, fixed Phyllis's tire and bumped into Victoria and her parents at the Club. Sharon said it wasn't like he was stalking them in a dark alley. Victoria was suspicious because Rey seemed so curious, but Nikki thought she was overreacting. Nikki felt that Rey was just trying to navigate through a new city. Victoria noted that Rey had asked questions about JT, and he'd gone out of his way to meet all of them. Rey hovered outside and stared in at the foursome.
Victor ran into Devon at Dive Bar. Devon explained that he'd been spending a lot of time alone, and he needed to get outside. He added that Hilary loved this place. Victor gave his condolences. Devon thought coming here would make him feel better, but he saw everyone walking around acting like nothing was wrong. Devon didn't know how to act like nothing had changed. Victor knew Devon was speaking at the hearing tomorrow. Devon said his family thought he was doing this to punish Lily, but he wasn't. Devon said that if he did want to punish Lily, it wouldn't be for the accident, but for the way Lily treated Hilary. Victor recalled that Hilary gave as good as she got. Devon agreed, but he pointed out that Lily never took the time to get to know who Hilary was and understand how she grew up and why she did what she did. Victor thought that was forgivable since Lily was constantly under attack.
Devon said that Lily grew up with every advantage, while Hilary had to fight for everything she had. Devon said that if that wasn't enough reason for Lily to cut Hilary some slack, she could've done it for Devon. Devon said Lily could've reached out one time, but she never did, and in the end, her pettiness got his wife killed. He asked how he was supposed to forgive that. Victor knew how it felt to be betrayed by his own family. Devon asked if Victor thought he was going too far. Victor couldn't answer that, since he didn't know Lily well, but he thought she seemed like a good person who made a tragic mistake. Devon never in a million years expected to feel this way about Lily, he was amazed how quickly your feelings could change about someone you love. This prompted Victor to bring up his relationship with Nick. He said he and Nick always reconciled after their fights, but this time Nick crossed a line, dramatically, and Victor didn't ever think they'd come back from that. Devon wondered if Victor thought Devon was doing the right thing. Victor said it was Devon's choice if he couldn't forgive Lily, and it he shouldn't let anyone talk him out of it.
Abby took the coffees to Nate's place and they talked about Devon. Abby thought there had to be someone who could get through to Devon and change his mind. Nate didn't know who would be able to do that.
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