Friday Y&R Update 7/27/18

The Y&R Update Friday 7/27/18


Written by Ellen
Pictures By Christine

Devon sits by Hilary’s hospital bedside. She still wears her wedding gown and thanks him for the perfect day.

Phyllis sits at home alone with a glass of wine, feeling melancholy about Hilary. Lauren’s arrival snaps her out of her stupor. Billy blew off a business meeting about Fenmore’s. She notices Phyllis wipe away a tear and apologizes for her insensitivity. She then proposes they go to the club rooftop for drinks, and she won’t take no for an answer.

Kyle finds Billy in the Abbott living room, alone and drinking a beer. Billy invites Kyle out to blow off some steam.

At Crimson Lights, Tessa orders two brownies to go. Sharon, knowing they are Mariah’s favorite, takes the opportunity to lecture Tessa about breaking Mariah’s heart again. Tessa’s life was complicated the first time around, but now she’s committed to Mariah.

Mariah comes home from Hilary and Devon’s wedding. Nick is there, all dressed up in a business suit, and sees that she is shaken. He expresses sympathy and pledges his support. Nick is devoted to his family, which includes Mariah. He hugs her and leaves.

In the athletic club dining room, Victoria presents her ideas to beef up Newman security. Victor approves. Nick did tremendous damage to the company.

On the rooftop, Nick meets with his new team members, Jack and Abby, but Hilary is everyone’s mind. Jack has just come from the wedding and is eager to throw himself into work. Nick gives an update. He tried to get Neil to handle PR for Dark Horse, but he refused. Abby volunteers. She admits she’s not as seasoned as Neil, but she has some public relations experience and offers to assemble a proposal for Nick. Nick says it’s unnecessary and promotes her on the spot.

Victor and Victoria find the group huddled together. Billy shows up while Victor talks trash to Nick, Jack, and Abby and taunts them all. He makes a scene by announcing a round of drinks for the house, on Jabot, to toast the downfall of the Newmans. Jack takes Billy aside and scolds him for his lack of class and specifically for deserting Phyllis in her hour of need. Billy tells him to butt out of his personal life. Lauren and Phyllis arrive in time to witness the exchange.

At the hospital, Devon pours champagne into the flutes that Shauna bought for Devon and Hilary’s wedding and anniversaries to come. He helps Hilary take a sip and then takes one himself. They fantasize about traveling the world together and fending off their adoring fans and about their future children. They both shed tears, knowing these things will never be.

Sharon comes home to Mariah and tells her about her conversation with Tessa. Sharon is delighted for them and would like to ask Tessa to be a bridesmaid for her wedding to Nick. Mariah says she’s happy, but it’s obvious she’s troubled about something. When Sharon heads upstairs to check the baby, Mariah grabs her bag and slips out the door.

On the rooftop, Billy swaggers up the bar and demands a refill. Lauren and Phyllis are seated there and shake their heads at his obnoxious behavior. Lauren goes a step further and lists her grievances against him, including his abandonment of Phyllis and his failure to honor his partnership with Fenmore’s.

At a nearby table, Victor nominates Nikki to assume management of Newman’s real estate division. She is eminently qualified. Nikki is skeptical and asks Victoria’s opinion. Victoria thinks it’s a perfect fit and a show of Newman family solidarity. But it’s not, Nikki points out. She would be in direct competition with her son, who is also her current business partner. So the truth: Is Victor motivated by her skills or by spite for their son?

Nick overhears them talking, including Nikki’s acceptance of the position, but she plans to do the job without instigating a family war.

Across the room, at the bar, Phyllis reams out Billy for going after Fenmore’s in order to hurt Phyllis. Nick jumps to Phyllis’s defense and publicly offers Lauren a partnership with his new company. Summer gets in on the act and accuses Nick of stealing business from Jabot.

Devon continues his vigil at Hilary’s bedside. They talk about what made them fall in love. For her it was his ability to make seven-layer bars, taught to him by his grandmother. He recalls Hilary’s teaching him about the constellations and dancing with him under the stars. Hilary gets serious: She wants her service to be a celebration of life, not a sad occasion. After that, she needs Devon to move on, find another woman, and become the great dad she knows he will be. More tears flow, but she declares she’s led a blessed life.

Mariah slides into the passenger seat of Tessa’s car, but she doesn’t have her bag with her. Tessa realizes what that means. Mariah isn’t leaving town with her---she can’t, although it wasn’t an easy decision. The problem is their relationship has made Mariah feel and care for others in a way she never thought possible. She can’t desert her mom---the best in the world---or Nick or her little sister or brother or friends, such as Devon. Mariah promised Hilary she’d look after him and carry on the TV show. Mariah leaves the door open, though. Maybe after Tessa finds her sister, the two of them can return to Genoa City and Mariah and Tessa can pick up where they left off. Tessa shakes her head. Crystal is mixed up with some dangerous people and Tessa won’t put Mariah at risk. Instead, she encourages Mariah to find someone else deserving of her love. As a parting gift, Mariah hands over her journal and kisses Tessa goodbye before leaping out of the car. Tessa drives off.

On the roof, Nick has no use for Billy and doesn’t hold back. Summer attempts to defend Billy by saying he’s a good CEO, but Nick isn’t convinced. Further, he doesn’t like the influence Billy has over his daughter Summer. The argument escalates and a brief scuffle draws the attention of other bar patrons. Kyle takes pictures with his phone.

At the hospital, Hilary makes a few last requests of Devon, including that he look after Shauna. He promises. She tells him he’s all she ever wanted and needed, and he says she has him forever. A few more tears and memories follow and then she dies in his arms.

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