Tuesday Y&R Update 7/10/18

The Y&R Update Tuesday 7/10/18


Written by Christine
Pictures By Christine

In his office, Billy stared at a photo of the yacht. When Summer arrived, he confided that he planned to win Jaboat back before anyone knew he lost it. Incredulous, Summer pointed out that this was how Billy lost the boat in the first place, but Billy was confident that he would win. Summer noted that Billy sounded like an addict, but he told her not to go there. She felt guilty for drawing him back into the gambling world. Billy said he'd need Summer's help to fix things, but Ashley arrived for her first day at work before he could elaborate.

Ashley had been keeping tabs on Jabot from a distance, and now she wanted all the details. Billy brought Ashley up to speed, and she was pleased to hear that he'd reinstated vendor reviews, a practice that Jack had dropped for some reason. Summer began to commend Billy's ideas until Ashley interjected that she'd rather hear from Billy. Summer realized Ashley wanted her to leave. Ashley explained that this meeting was for the upper echelon. After Summer left, Ashley asked Billy why Summer would think a person of her level should be in this meeting. Billy explained that he had an open door policy and encouraged the open exchange of ideas with all staff members, including those from Fenmore's. Ashley conceded that it sounded great in theory. Billy replied that it was great in practice too. He illustrated his point by telling her about a dock worker who came up with a better way to handle shipments. The supervisor brought the idea to Billy, and both employees had received a bonus. Billy was very proud of his new policy. Ashley assured Billy that a lot of his ideas were fantastic, and she wanted a chance to share some of her own. She didn't think this should be an issue, given Billy's embrace of open dialogues. Billy said it wouldn't be a problem as long as she remembered that she was COO and he was CEO. Billy felt that it would be better to go over the rest of the list tomorrow. Ashley decided to clear the air before she left. She acknowledged that he was reluctant to bring her back, but she noted that they had the same goal, even though they had different styles. Ashley predicted that the company would benefit from having the two of them there. She assured him that she accepted his authority, and he appreciated that.

In the hallway, Ashley told Summer that she hoped she understood why Ashley wanted to speak to Billy alone. In a polite tone, Summer said that she did. Ashley asked Summer to write up a short summary of her role and responsibilities at work. Summer questioned the need for formality, since that wasn't the tone Billy set. Ashley stated that she had a slightly different approach, and she asked Summer to deliver the statement by the end of the say. Summer agreed.

At the penthouse, Neil scrambled to get ready for work, because he'd overslept. Nate suggested Neil have some coffee, since he was the boss and could set his own hours. Neil declined because he wanted to set a good example for his employees, and arriving late sent the wrong message. Nate had hoped to meet Victor this morning, but the latter wasn't able to come until tonight. More negative op-eds had been released recently, and Nate was concerned about the toll it was taking on Victor. Nate was also concerned that Victor's crisis was consuming Neil's life. Nate inquired about the last time Neil did something for the Foundation or Hamilton-Winters. Neil admitted that it had been awhile.

Jack arrived at the Abbott house. Kyle hoped that after a good night's sleep, Jack had decided to take the bone fragment to a lab. Jack clarified that he didn't sleep at all last night thanks to the appalling thing Kyle did. Kyle insisted that he'd done this for Jack and for himself. Jack noted that any information that came from the illegally obtained bone sample would be inadmissible. Jack doubted that Phillip III or Chance would be willing to provide a DNA sample to Jack after they found out what Kyle did. Someone incessantly rang the doorbell, and Kyle was dismayed to find Cane at the door. Cane had talked to Esther, and he'd come to confront Kyle. Jack noted that Esther forgave Kyle and agreed to work on Jill. Unfazed, Cane stated that Kyle disrespected Katherine, Phillip II and Jill. Kyle countered that Cane had deceived Katherine and Jill for over a year while he was passing himself off as a Chancellor. They started to argue, and Kyle advanced on Cane, but Jack pulled him back. Jack conceded that Kyle went too far yesterday. Cane said that even if the DNA proved Jack was a Chancellor, he wouldn't be entitled to Chancellor Industries because Katherine, who owned the company outright, bequeathed it to Victor, who sold it to Jill. Jack argued that he could contest the will on the grounds that Katherine divided her estate based on incomplete information and that she would've included Jack had she known he was a Chancellor. Cane was adamant that the only thing that mattered were the facts, and the fact was Jack had no proof that he was Phillip's son. Cane left. Kyle wondered if Jack was serious about contesting the will. Jack admitted that he only said that to shut Cane up and that he didn't think any judge worth his salt would buy that argument. Jack felt that his argument was nullified by the fact that Katherine left Chancellor to Victor, not any of her blood relatives.

Phyllis walked into the cottage as soon as Sharon answered the door, without waiting for an invitation. Phyllis said she was there to discuss the bombshell of a voicemail Sharon had left for her. Sharon confirmed that JT came there last night and stared at her through the window. Phyllis didn't buy it and suggested that Sharon was drunk. Insulted, Sharon said she was sober and Nikki saw him too. Phyllis was adamant that it didn't make sense. Just as Phyllis wondered what Victoria had to say, Victoria texted Sharon and Phyllis.

Sharon and Phyllis arrived at Victoria's office. Victoria was rattled by the news that JT was alive. Phyllis searched for a more rational explanation. Sharon was adamant that she and Nikki knew what they saw, and she insisted that they couldn't live in denial. Sharon thought that JT had come to her place to send a signal that he was coming for the four of them. Nick arrived and asked why the three of them were together again. They spun a story about Sharon and Phyllis running into each other at the coffeehouse and deciding to check on Victoria. Phyllis got a text about work, and she left after offering some reassuring words to Victoria. Nick was also there to check on Victoria. She admitted she was worried about JT. Nick assured her that he'd hired his own security team, in addition to Victor's. Nick's team was patrolling the family's homes and providing security for the children and their nannies. Nick predicted JT's luck would run out, and Nick planned to be ready when it happened. Nick asked Victoria to leave the office with him and Sharon, but she said she had too much to do. Victoria explained that JT's attacks had severe ramifications for Newman; deals were falling through daily and things were far worse than the public knew. Nick felt for Victoria, but he found it difficult to muster up any sympathy for Victor. Nick contended that Victor brought a lot of this on himself by concealing his medical condition from people who had a right to know. Nick asserted that by acting untouchable, Victor provided JT with ammo, and now everyone at Newman was paying for it.

Nick stepped out to take a call. He returned and told Sharon that the social worker had finished her report and was going to send it to the arbitrator. The arbitrator would make her final decision on Christian's custody by the end of the day.

At Dive Bar, an apologetic Neil told Ashley he was late because the Newman fallout had trashed his calendar. Ashley was sure her departure from Newman didn't help things. However, she was thrilled to be back at Jabot. She said that she didn't realize how much constantly battling Victoria or having to justify her every move to Victor was taking out of her. Neil didn't blame Ashley for running from the stress. Ashley clarified that she was running toward something wonderful. Jack walked up and overheard Ashley say that Jabot was where her heart is. Jack congratulated Ashley on her return to Jabot. Ashley gave Jack credit for convincing Billy to bring her back. Jack thought it must be weird to work there without Jack. Ashley reminded Jack that Billy had repeatedly asked him to return. Jack said his life had taken a different direction and he could never go back. Neil understood Jack's need to find his own path and figure out where he belonged. That struck a chord with Jack; he apologized for interrupting and excused himself.

Neil said there was a dark cloud over Jack. Ashley sensed that he'd given up on his quest to find out if he was a Chancellor. Neil was glad because he was concerned by the aggressive way Jack had been seeking the truth. Ashley agreed, stating that no one wanted a war with Jill. Ashley talked of having to twist Billy's arm to get back into Jabot. Neil heard that profits were up under Billy. Ashley said that history showed that Billy's winning streaks didn't last long, but this time she'd be there to pick up the pieces. Neil knew Ashley wouldn't be content to play second fiddle and mop up after Billy. He recalled her saying she wanted to remove the blood Abbott clause. Ashley said her current goal was to reestablish her chops as COO, do what was best for Jabot and set a good example for the rest of the company. Neil felt that Ashley had left Newman at the perfect time, since the chaos would only get worse. Ashley wondered if Neil had considered cutting ties with Newman. Neil said he wouldn't abandon Victor, but Ashley mused that Victor wouldn't be so devoted if the tables were turned.

Ashley was grateful that Neil warned her about the storm coming at Newman and she wanted to repay him by giving him a confidential tip. She confided that Digi-reel, the data storage company, was cutting ties with Newman. Ashley was sure that the company would be eager to replace the business that they lost with Newman, and she thought Hamilton-Winters's streaming service would be a good fit. Ashley suggested that Neil contact the other CEO, mention Ashley's name and offer to slide into Newman's spot at the same favorable rate Newman was getting. Neil thought that would be a a huge win for Hamilton-Winters.

Inside the Club, Kyle warily asked if Jack summoned him there to yell at him again. After assuring Kyle that he did not, Jack relayed what Neil had said about finding out where you belonged. Jack wanted to know where he fit in, so he'd decided to run the DNA test on the bone fragment. Kyle noted that Jack said the results would be inadmissible. Jack said he didn't need Chancellor; he needed to know who he was.

Cane ran into Nate at Crimson Lights. Cane was sorry he missed Nate's welcome home party, and he started to explain that he'd been busy because of some curve balls that were thrown at him. Cane decided not to dump that on Nate, given what he'd been through. Nate assured Cane that he was alright now, but he admitted it had taken some time to get back on his feet after Carolyn's death. Nate explained that he'd left Boston because it was filled with painful memories, but he looked forward to creating new ones in Genoa City with his family. Cane suggested that he, Nate and Lily have dinner, and he offered to bring a single woman along if Nate was interested. Nate wanted to keep things simple, so he wasn't interested in being fixed up. Cane said it would be dinner for three, then.

Summer ran into Phyllis in the hallway of Jabot, and they griped about Ashley, who Phyllis predicted would be a major nuisance. Summer felt that Ashley had been dismissive and condescending toward her earlier. Phyllis asked Summer to make some calls and track down a missing shipment for Fenmore's. Phyllis was concerned because Billy had recently spent half the night trying to clean up a mess caused by the same shipping company. Phyllis instructed Summer to say that Jabot and Fenmore's would take their business elsewhere if this kept up. Phyllis was sure that Billy would back her up.

Summer relayed her conversation with the shipment company to Billy and explained that the guy acted like she was nuts when she told him about Jabot's shipment problems. Billy revealed that Jabot never had a late shipment and that he'd told Phyllis that as a cover story on the night he went to help Summer at the poker game. Phyllis walked into Billy's office, and Summer informed her that Fenmore's shipment would arrive by the end of the day. Phyllis was curious how they reacted when Summer threatened to take the business elsewhere. Billy clarified that the shipping problems the other day was caused by a different company he'd tried, not the regular one.

Phyllis asked Summer about her initial thoughts on Ashley. Summer admitted she didn't love being kicked out of the office earlier. Billy was cautiously optimistic about Ashley's return. He believed it would take time to gel, but he intended to run the company as he saw fit, and Ashley could get on board or not. Phyllis left. Billy told Summer that the lies stopped now. Summer clarified that they'd stop after the poker game. Billy asked Summer to keep Phyllis occupied while he was at the game. Summer suggested that Billy just buy the boat back. Billy said he didn't have that kind of money at his immediate disposal. He was confident that he'd buy the boat back tonight and everything would go back to normal.

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