The Y&R Update Monday 7/9/18
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Kyle continues to dig up Phillip Chancellors body. The noise awakens Esther, who calls to report an intruder at the Chancellor Estate.
Nikki and Sharon are in a panic after they look out Sharons window and see J.T. skulking. Nikki supposes he got past security the same way he did the night he attacked Victor. She becomes more distressed when she realizes Victor is home alone and may be J.T.s target.
At Hamilton-Winters Group, Mariah and Hilary make little progress planning the next episode of their show. Mariah suggests that Hilary go home and get some rest. With Devon out of town and Shauna occupied, she has the house to herself so it should be easy to do. Eventually Hilary agrees. She rises to leave and seizes up with a cramp. It passes quickly, but it felt different from the others shes had and shes worried. She dives for her computer to do some research. Mariah scoffs and tells her to pay no attention to the junk on the Internet but reconsiders when Hilary finds a site saying cramping is natural during pregnancy. Mariah calls up a chat-with-a-doctor site and turns it over to Hilary.
Jack finds Summer alone at the rooftop bar. He went to Billys birthday party hoping to run into her and Kyle there. Summer says its just as well he missed Kyle. Hes unfit for company . . . had a bit too much to drink. Hes upset about Jacks denied request to exhume Phillip Chancellor. Jack sighs and says he has accepted it.
Nikki tries desperately to reach Victor by phone to warn him but fails. She and Sharon are startled by a noise upstairs and recall how J.T. climbed through Victorias second-story window and then attacked her.
Mariah sees Hilary home and gets her settled. Hilary is grateful for the TLC, but given their usual antipathy, its awkward for both of them. They joke to break the tension. Mariah hopes Hilary will remember her good deed tomorrow at work. Hilary says dont count on it.
On the club roof: Jacks ace in the hole was Dina, but she proved to be an unreliable witness. Her good times are few and far between these days, and he refuses to put her through the trauma of a court trial. Summer admires him. Hes a good man and a good son. Jack demurs. He couldnt live up to John Abbotts high standards, but he knows John meant well. All parents want the best for their kids. After much acrimony, he and Kyle and in a good place, and that makes him happy. He alludes to Summers relationship with her mother, but she doesnt want to talk about it and changes the subject. She predicts Kyle will have a roaring hangover tomorrow. He was saying some pretty off-the-wall stuff before he left the party. Just then Jack gets a call. Kyle was arrested for digging up Phillip Chancellors grave. Summer feels awful for not mentioning it---she thought Kyle was joking---but she welcomes the excitement and tags along to the arraignment.
Nick, fresh from shower, joins Nikki and Sharon in the living room and gets the lowdown. Nikki finally gets through to leave a voice mail for Victor.
Hilary cant sleep. She tries to distract herself with a magazine but ends up pounding on Neils door. Nate, again naked to the waist, answers the door. Neil isnt available, but she doesnt want to see Neil. She needs a doctor.
Nikki assumes the worst: Either J.T. will finish off Victor, or Victor, in rage, might kill J.T. Sharon discourages Nick from going to the main house to investigate. The jiggling door handle gets their attention. Nick grabs a fire iron [again the weapon of choice] and approaches the door as Mariah walks through it. Naturally she wants to know what the hell is going on.
At the Abbotts, Kyle sheepishly thanks Jack for bailing him out. Summer taunts him about his criminal record, but she has no room to talk. Kyle assumes that Jack will handle the charges and smooth things over with Jill, but he is wrong. Its Kyles mess to clean up, starting with Esther, who is at the door. Jack shows her in and orders Kyle to apologize.
At Sharons: Mariah cant understand why no one has called the police. J.T. is a dangerous criminal. Nick and Nikki dont trust Paul, who is a good friend of J.T. The Newmans will handle the situation. Sharon cant prevent Nick from going out to search for J.T., so she kisses him and tells him to be careful.
At Neils: Nate tells Hilary to call 911, as any ordinary person would do. He thinks even less of Hilary when she tells him she consulted an online physician, and he wonders why she needs his advice. She wants a second opinion. This is her first pregnancy, and she is haunted by statistics about miscarriages. This baby is everything to her and Devon. Nate thinks it's is just another ploy for attention and suspects Devon left town to get a break from her. She threatens to tell Devon about Nates cavalier attitude toward their child, and Nate consents to give her a quick checkup.
At the Abbotts: Kyle stammers out an apology. Esther isnt terribly receptive at first, but then Kyle turns on the charm. He lays it on thick, provoking eye rolls from Jack and Summer but winning over Esther. She promises to speak to Jill on his behalf and shell have the gardeners repair the damage to the grave site. After she leaves, Jack tells Summer the show is over and dismisses her.
At Neils: Nate softens a bit toward Hilary and pronounces her fit but suggests she follow up with her ob-gyn tomorrow morning. She apologizes for overreacting and also for her boorish behavior at Neils party. She hadnt known about his girlfriends death. She should have stopped there, but she continues: It must have been hard being a doctor and unable to save her. Nate tells her his personal life is off limits, and he shows her the door.
At the Abbotts: Kyle just wanted to help his dad get answers. If they discover they are in fact Chancellors, doors will open for both of them. The truth is Kyle is peeved that Jack backed Ashley for COO of Jabot, just when Kyle was making inroads. Jabot is a family company, and he considers himself family---blood or no. Jack defends his decision. Having driven Ashley away and to Newman Enterprises of all places, he owes her. Kyle is young and has plenty of time to climb the ladder. Perhaps, but Kyle may have a quicker route to the top. He reveals a souvenir he managed to grab before his arrest: a bone fragment. Jack is intrigued but doesnt think a test done under these circumstances would be admissible in court. Kyle thinks its worth a try. The payoff could be Chancellor Industries.
Nick returns to Sharons and reports that Victor is not home. Christian is, but he is sleeping and with his nanny. Nick posted guards all over the property with instructions to call him if necessary. Nikki, Sharon, and Mariah consider the possibilities. Nick again refuses Mariahs suggestion to call the cops. Victor appears at the door and Nikki flies to him. Victor apologizes for his lack of communication. He was preoccupied with Ashleys resignation. Sharon ties it to J.T. Everything seems to lead to J.T. Mariah again proposes calling the police but gets no takers. Nikki and Victor leave for home but pause outside the door. Nikki is beside herself with worry and doesnt want to sleep alone tonight. She doesnt have to---tonight or any night.
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