The Y&R Update Friday 7/6/18
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Summer finds Billy sulking at Jabot. She says he just made a mistake. He agrees---a huge one that Ashley, Jack, and even Traci wont be able to forgive. No one trusted him to run Jabot, and they were right. The only way to rectify the situation is to win back his yacht.
At Crimson Lights, Phyllis crafts an online invitation to a surprise belated birthday party for Billy aboard his own yacht. Sharon is invited too, but she declines. She doesnt feel safe out and about these days because of J.T. Phyllis thinks shes overreacting. J.T. is dead.
On the coffeehouse patio, Arturo learns that his card has been denied for lack of funds, so Abby wont get the flowers he ordered. Its not that he doesnt have the money; someone is playing dirty tricks again, and Abby intends to set her dad straight. Arturo protests, but she has the perfect idea for revenge. Theyll live it up in a luxury suite, courtesy of Victor Newman. Arturo gives in.
Nikki finds Victor at Newman Enterprises. He left for work so early this morning that she didnt get to say goodbye. He shows her the article that Scott Grainger wrote about J.T.s disappearance and Victors possible role in it. Nikki is outraged. Victor is sure J.T. himself is behind it, and he intends to deal with it. Nikki expresses regret, but he assures her its not her fault.
Moments later, Ashley catches up with Victor in Victorias office. Shes in a dither over the article, which is not just Victors problem. It reflects poorly on Ashley too, and shes ready to do damage control. Victor thanks her for her offer to help but refuses. Hell handle it.
From the office, Billy phones Sinead to request a rematch but has to leave a message. Summer gets Phylliss party invitation on her phone and shows Billy. Now what? Billy has an idea. He takes a deep breath and calls Phyllis. Summer spilled the beans about the party and its a good thing she did. The captain of the boat discovered a problem, so the yacht will be in dry dock for weeks. It was a sweet gesture, but their private celebration on his actual birthday, July 4, was enough for him. Phyllis insists on a party and changes the venue.
When Summer and Billy walk through their apartment door, they are surrounded by nautical décor and greeted by Phyllis in a captains hat, with one for each of them. She also has drinks in keeping with the theme. They feature rum mixed with rum. Kyle arrives solo. Jack is home with Dina. Everyone has heard of Jacks intent to drop the lawsuit to prove or disprove his paternity. Billy is glad, but Phyllis is disappointed for Jacks sake. Summer, having had enough of this dour conversation, reminds everyone that its a party, and she leads Kyle to the punch bowl. She casually asks about Tiffany. Kyle had to cut her loose. She proved to be too much to handle with her social media posts about marriage and children. He takes a sip of his drink and winces. Its strong, but not as strong as what he needed to get over Summer.
In the Newman break room, Ashley continues to pressure Victor. She asks point-blank whether he killed J.T. He is insulted and hurt. Ashley decides she must resign for her own protection and that of her family.
At the athletic club bar, Abby and Arturo reflect on their rendezvous. She feels vindicated but still intends to confront Dear old Dad. Arturo insists on going with her. They run into Nikki on their way out. Nikki scolds Abby for turning on her father in a time of crisis and for carrying on with Arturo against Nikkis advice. Abby tells Nikki that Victor deserves whatever he gets. Shame on him for harassing Arturo. Nikki surprises them both by revealing that she, not Victor, has been sabotaging Arturo. After Nikki issues a threat a la Victor Newman (No one messes with me. Got that?), she leaves. Arturo suggests going to Billys birthday bash to clear their heads.
Ashley arrives at the party and delivers her news. She quit Newman. Everyone is surprised and wonders what her next move will be. She expects to return to Jabot as COO. Neither Billy nor Kyle is happy about it. Abby and Arturo arrive in time to hear, and Abby is also distressed---about being left to fend for herself at Newman. Ashley thinks its for the best. It will give Abby room to maneuver around Victoria. Summer sees that Kyle is particularly upset. Hes been bumped out of position again.
Nikki goes to Sharons ostensibly to check on her, but really she wants to vent. Victor is in hot water because of Nikki.
Ashley forces the issue with Billy. Phyllis openly objects, but when Kyle gets in on the act and tensions escalate, Phyllis offers a birthday toast to distract everyone.
On the balcony, Kyle reflects on the lost opportunity to learn his family history. Summer understands. Shes been there. Kyle feels as though doors are slamming on him right and left, both personally and professionally. Summer advises him to sit tight and wait for it to blow over. He makes an offhand comment about digging up Phillip Chancellors grave himself.
Inside, Billy gets texts from Jack and Traci supporting Ashleys rehire. She admits prompting them but tries to spin it in his favor. Hiring the Innovator of the Year would make Billy look great. Or she could drag him into an ugly court battle. Its his choice. Billy huddles with Phyllis. If they can persuade Kyle to vote against Ashley, they stand a chance, but Kyle has left the party.
At Sharons, Nikki is wracked with guilt over Victors predicament. Not only that, she feels terrible for interfering with Abby and Arturo. Shes at a loss to explain her own behavior lately. Sharon gives her a pass. Shes been under a lot of stress. As for killing J.T., Nikki did what was necessary to protect her daughter, and theres no shame in that.
Kyle stands before Phillip Chancellors headstone. He takes a swig from a flask and starts digging.
At the party, Billy is forced to concede. Lauren texted her intent to vote in Ashleys favor. He welcomes Ashley back to the family company as COO.
Nikki is grateful for Sharons pep talk and is prepared to go home to Victor. They hear a noise outside the house and take a look. They see a man in a gray hoodie. He turns to face them, and they scream. He is J.T.
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