The Y&R Update Wednesday 5/30/18
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At the ranch, Nick and Victor's about tense discussion about Christian's paternity continued. Nick was appalled that Victor was using Christian's paternity to get back at him. Victor asked how long Nick had known the truth. Nick said that Chelsea let it slip before she left town. Victor noted that Nick kept this from Victor. Nick said he wasn't going to give Victor that kind of ammunition, and Victor asked what Nick was afraid of. Nick said they both knew Victor wasn't above using Christian as a pawn. Nick realized that Victor had used this information to pressure Chelsea into giving him access to the boys. Victor asked if Nick was protecting Chelsea; the woman who took Connor from the family. Nick asked when Victor learned the truth. Victor revealed that he'd known for some time and had confronted Adam about it. Nick thought that Victor had been holding this secret and waiting to drop it on him when it would cause maximum pain. Victor insisted that he kept the secret because he wanted to protect Nick and Christian. Nick thought that when Victor used the word protect, he really meant control. Victor stated that he had many opportunities to use this information against Nick, but he didn't, because he didn't want to hurt him.
Victor was willing to accept it if Nick didn't take the job, but he refused to allow Nick to cut him out off from his grandson the only one of Adam's sons who was still around. Victor proclaimed Christian the future of Newman Enterprises. Nick argued that Christian would get to choose his own future. Victor thought that Nick was underestimating Christian's genes; he hoped the boy would turn out to be as ruthless and strong as Adam was. Victor was adamant that Nick couldn't deprive Christian of his legacy. Victor didn't think Noah or Summer had the drive to run the company, and while Faith was smart as a whip, she was softhearted, like her parents. Nick didn't want any of his kids to turn out like Victor. He wanted them to be decent people who weren't fixated on money and destroying their enemies. Nick couldn't believe he almost went to work for Victor again. Nick said that Victor hadn't changed and never would, then he stormed out. Victor's eyes filled with tears and his lower lip began to quiver.
Devon ran into the twins at Crimson Lights, but Charlie was too occupied with his phone to greet his uncle. Mattie explained that Charlie was dying to hear from Shauna, but he refused to make the first move. Charlie wondered if it was a bad sign that Shauna hadn't reached out since the BBQ. Mattie and Devon both felt that Charlie should text her. Devon believed that relationships went a bit more smoothly when the man made the first move. The comment earned Devon a glare from Mattie, but he contended that it was just human biology. Charlie said he always knew what to say to other girls, but he was off his game with Shauna, and he didn't know why. Devon encouraged Charlie to just be himself and tell Shauna how he felt. Charlie sent a text hoping Shauna had a good day and asking if she'd like to go out with him again. Charlie started to second guess what he wrote after he didn't get an immediate response. Devon approved of what Charlie wrote. Exasperated, Mattie advised Charlie to put his phone away. Devon had somewhere to be, so he left. Charlie lamented sending the text. Mattie realized she needed to go home and start dinner, but Charlie opted to stay at and catch the bus home. Soon after Mattie left, a tearful Shauna appeared. She'd run away from home, and she wanted Charlie to hide her.
Mariah arrived at GC Buzz and tried to talk to Hilary about work, only to realize she wasn't there. Hilary arrived, and Mariah was on edge because they needed to plan the upcoming episodes. Hilary snapped that she was a busy woman who had more to do than hold Mariah's hand. Hilary went to make a call, leaving Mariah to complain. Hilary made a doctor's appointment. Afterward, Mariah commented on the way Hilary was staring off into the distance, and she asked if the date with Devon was a bust. Hilary said that it couldn't have gone better, then she announced that she was going to get her notes so that she could answer Mariah's dumb questions about work. Devon arrived and Mariah told him that Hilary was acting weird. She wondered if it was a good idea for them to trick Hilary into meeting Devon for the date. Devon thought that he and Hilary had a good time. He went to check on Hilary and told her what Mariah said. Hilary said that Mariah had no idea how to read people, and she told Devon not to listen to Mariah. Hilary said she had an errand to run, then she left. When Hilary returned, Mariah was annoyed because Hilary had been gone for so long that everyone else had left the studio. Hilary asked about Devon, and Mariah reiterated that everyone was gone. Hilary burst into tears and threw herself into the stunned Mariah's arms. Hilary said she just came from the OBGYN, and she was pregnant. Confused, Mariah noted that Hilary had been pregnant for awhile. Hilary explained that she'd been mistaken before. Hilary's wide smile made it clear that her tears were joyful.
Kyle was happy to see that Traci was back in town. He was on his way to work, but he suggested dinner later. Traci insisted that she and Kyle have a discussion right now. She'd heard some things that were a bit disturbing, and she wanted answers from the source. Traci asked where he stood with the family. Kyle explained that he wanted to prove himself and show Jack and everyone else that they shouldn't ship him off and forget he existed. Traci surmised that this was why Kyle struck a deal to get mentoring from Victor. Traci assured Kyle that she didn't blame him; she knew Victor's ways. Kyle swore he didn't mean for anyone to get hurt; he was just sick of feeling like an outsider in his own family, but now he was even more of an outsider than ever. He said he'd tried mending fences with Jack, but Jack kept spinning out. Traci urged Kyle not go give up on Jack. Kyle vowed to keep trying to get through to Jack, and Traci was hopeful that they might both be able to. Kyle called out for Jack, then Traci found a note that upset her it was from Jack and it simply said to forward his mail to the Club. Kyle was shocked that Jack had moved out.
Meanwhile, Jack ordered a drink at the Club bar and quipped that he was going to be there so often that the bartender would start to think of him as family. Jack added that they might actually be family, with the way Dina got around. Traci and Kyle arrived and confronted Jack about moving out. When Kyle mentioned that Jack was leaving his family home, Jack interjected that he wasn't family, and neither was Kyle for that matter. Traci firmly told Jack that she wouldn't stand for his self pity. She noted that the family had spent years caring for each other, and none of it had gone away. Jack conceded that that might be true in Traci's fantasy world, but he knew from recent experience how fleeting caring was. Kyle suspected that Jack was about to get on his case about staying at Jabot again. Jack stated that Kyle should be glad Jack moved out now there wouldn't be anyone to get on Kyle's case about anything, and Jack wouldn't have daily reminders of Kyle's betrayal. Jack said it was all part of his effort to move on and stop trying to make his father proud. Kyle urged Jack to focus on making himself proud, or his relatives. Kyle said he was trying to make up for his past mistakes, and he promised to help Jack in any way he could. Jack wasn't interested since he felt that Kyle's version of help was nothing more than talk. Jack suggested that Kyle and Traci toddle along. Kyle admitted he made mistakes, and he hated that Jack felt betrayed, but he said everything he did was to prove to Jack that he'd been paying attention and wanted to follow in Jack's footsteps. Kyle conceded that he shouldn't have gone to Victor, but he said he just wanted someone to take him seriously. Jack said that if Victor took Kyle seriously, he only did it to get back at Jack. Kyle said he was sorry, and he begged Jack not to turn his back on everything he cared about because of what Kyle did. Traci asked for a moment with Jack, so Kyle left.
Traci felt that it was harsh of Jack to blame Kyle for all of this. Jack considered Kyle's excuse to be feeble and he wasn't impressed with the apology either. Traci couldn't believe Jack couldn't see the parallel in a son doing everything he could, even something a bit reckless, to gain his father's approval. Like father, like son, she mused. Jack wanted to believe Kyle, but he noted that, even when Jack was at his worst, he didn't collude with John's sworn enemy. Traci pointed out that John didn't have any sworn enemies, but she noted that Jack found other ways to push his buttons. Jack was adamant that he and Kyle shouldn't be living under the same roof. Traci implored Jack to reconsider for Dina's sake. Traci was concerned about what an abrupt change like Jack leaving would have on Dina's delicate condition. Jack said he'd visit, and while Traci didn't think that was enough, Jack said it would have to be. Jack stated that he had a lot of issues to work though, several of which had to do with Dina. He said that if not for her reckless promiscuity... Traci conceded that Jack had some very good reasons to want some distance, but she noted that the mansion had been Jack's home for most of his life, even when he lived somewhere else. She told him not to give her any nonsense about them not being family Ashley was no less her sister because they only shared one parent, and Jack and Billy were no less her brothers. Near tears, Jack acknowledged that Traci's heart was in the right place, but he said things had changed for him. Traci accepted this, but she contended that the memories were still the same.
Traci reminisced about Jack playing hide and seek with her and Ashley; he knew all the best hiding places because he knew all the nooks and crannies of the house. Jack wiped away tears as Traci recalled how meaningful it was to have their big brother take time to entertain them. She said he'd made sure they didn't notice Dina's absence. Jack said he did it because he loved them, not out of obligation. He said John taught him the joy of seeing smiles on the girls' faces. Traci continued, reminding Jack of the cookies Mamie would bake. She told Jack that he was and always would be the heart and soul of the house, and the family needed him. Jack told Traci that he loved her and wasn't invalidating anything she was saying, but it was in his best interest to move. He felt like a stranger in his own home now, and he assured Traci that no one else made him feel that way. The nooks and crannies were a source of heartache, and he couldn't help that he felt that way. I'm about to start on a journey to the other side of the moon and back, but I have to do it alone, Jack said. Jack assured Traci that he was going to make it through, but he had to heal on his own terms, while living somewhere that wasn't filled with memories. He promised that the experience would make him stronger. I need to know who I am besides John Abbott's son and in that house, that's all I can be. Both siblings were openly weeping. Traci assured Jack that the door would always be open when he was ready to come home. They hugged.
At the cottage, Nick picked up a picture of Christian. He stated that Grandpa was out of their lives, and it was for the best, because he wanted Christian to grow up to be the person he was supposed to be, to live the life he was meant to live. Victor showed up, and Nick said that while it was Victor's ranch it was Sharon's house, and Victor wasn't welcome. Victor threatened to fight for custody of Christian, then he walked past Nick and entered the house. Nick snapped that his name was on the birth certificate, and he was the father legally and in every other way that mattered, and no one was going to change that. Victor thought Nick sounded defensive, and he suspected it was because Nick had doubts. Victor said Victor kept this secret because he was afraid this day would come, and now it had. Nick said it was a day when Victor sank lower than Nick ever thought possible. Victor argued that Nick was the one who was trying to rip his grandson away from him.
Victor accused Nick of preventing Christian from knowing who his real father was. Nick snapped that he was Christian's father. Adam is his father. You know it. You're insulting the memory of your brother. You're denying his existence, Victor bellowed. Nick felt that Victor sounded ridiculous. Nick revealed that Adam asked him to look after Connor when he thought he might be going to prison. Nick noted that Adam knew he was Christian's biological father, but he still let Nick raise him. Do you know what he was afraid of? You. He wanted me to prevent our boys from ever falling under your influence. So I will continue to honor my brother's memory and his wishes. I will fight any move you make for my son, Nick shot back. Nick vowed to dig up every scandal Victor was ever involved in and hand them to the judge on a platter. Nick stated that Victor was a convicted felon, multiple times over, and he was lucky he wasn't in jail. Nick thought that there was a possibility that the judge would deem Victor unfit to be around any of his grandchildren.
Victor argued that Nick was no match for him. He said Nick wasn't the saint he made himself out to be he lacked self-insight, and he was weak and arrogant. Victor vowed to beat Nick no matter what Nick threw at him. Victor predicted that Nick would regret taking him on. Who has the money, the clout, the power?, Victor stated. Nick found it hilarious that Victor was calling him arrogant. Victor said none of this was funny, including what my lawyer's going to do to your hapless girlfriend, should we take this case to court, he added. You took her to court to prove that she was not a fit mother. Now you're living with her. A woman who let you believe that Christian was dead, Victor said. Nick ordered Victor to leave Sharon out of this, but Victor felt like Nick left him no choice. Nick asked if Victor would really drag Faith's mother through the mud. Victor felt that Nick caused this when he threatened to cut Christian out of his life. Nick spat that he wouldn't be intimidated by Victor and he wouldn't put his son's fate in Victor's hands. Victor said they'd let the judge decide whether the uncle had more rights than the grandfather, then he left.
Traci got home, and Kyle was disappointed when he realized she didn't get through to Jack. Traci decided to view Jack's determination to find his own way as a good thing. Kyle hoped she was right, since John didn't have his job, his home or his family to fall back on.
Back at the Club, Devon struck up a conversation with Jack. Jack asked about Hilary and the pregnancy, and Devon said everything was going well. Jack advised Devon to enjoy those first few years since they went by fast. Jack figured he might not be the best person to ask about being the best father or son. Devon didn't think Jack should sell himself short. Jack said he'd made it his mission in life to forge a new path, and Devon might be the person to help him do that.
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