The Y&R Update Friday 5/11/18
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Ashley, Traci, and Abby gather at the Abbott home to honor Dina on Mothers Day. Ashley gives the gift of a custom-made fragrance. Dina basks in the attention until Jack comes home, oozing sarcasm about his paternity. Hes arranged for a DNA test to cross-check him with Billy.
At home, Nick spoils Sharon by bringing her coffee. Shes about to reveal the one thing she wants for Mothers Day, but clams up when Mariah comes downstairs. Mariah asks what she interrupted. They say nothing, and Nick asks her to make a grocery run in order to get rid of her.
The Ashbys, including Sam, have brunch at the athletic club. Devon stops by to pay his respects too.
At the ranch, Nikki is unable to reach Victoria by phone. Shes startled when Kyle appears on her doorstep, looking for Victor, who isnt home. Obviously Kyle has no use for Nikki. No wonder Kyles grandmother, Dina dislikes her as well. Nikki has done nothing but purposely ruin others lives, including Kyles mothersDiane is dead. Thanks to Nikki, this day is especially painful. She tries to say shes sorry, but he wont hear it. He leaves.
After Mariah runs off to buy sassafras for the gumbo Nick plans to cook for dinner, Sharon dissolves into giggles. Its sweet how he fibbed to steal a moment with her.
Traci, Ashley, and Abby try to keep a lid on Jack to no avail. When Kyle walks in with a gift for Dina, Jack becomes more obnoxious and upsets Dina. Traci hustles Dina to the kitchen to occupy her. Abby corners Kyle and tells him she and Ashley are onto him. They know he persuaded Ravi to doctor that video tape of Dina saying Jack is not John Abbotts son. Kyle denies it. Why would he do such a thing? He stood to lose if the world found out he wasnt an Abbott.
Sharon and Nicks make-out session on the couch is interrupted by Nikki, who phones from Sharons doorstep and then knocks. Sharon composes herself and invites her in. Nikki announces she canceled the garden-planting ceremony in Chancellor Park, which surprises Nick.
Hilary arrives at the club, fuming over the wasted trip to the park to cover the planting. Its been canceled! Devon is at her side in a heartbeat, telling her not to stress. Its bad for the baby. Hilary spots the Ashbys across the room and passes on saying hello until she notices Sam is with them. She makes a beeline for their table and cuddles Sam briefly. Shes even cordial to Lily and wishes her Happy Mothers Day.
Nikki cites the promoters backing out of the project as her reason for canceling the planting, but Sharon senses theres more to it when Nikki insists she and Sharon discuss their joint charity project. Now. At the main house. They take off before Nick can get a word out.
More gifts for Dina at the Abbotts. She carries on about past Mothers Day celebrations while Jack stews and drinks whiskey. When Dina calls Jack, John, as she often does, Jack points to it as proof hes an Abbott. He even looks like John, for goodness sake. The filmed confession was bunk. He then talks about his mother disparaginglyreferencing her many affairs. Kyle can stand no more and tells Jack to show some respect.
At the ranch, Sharon attempts to calm Nikki, who was so shaken by Kyles visit and accusations about her treatment of his mother that she began thinking about killing J.T. The guilt is overwhelming. Sharon assures her that she acted with good reason. She killed J.T. to protect her daughter, and Victoria loves her for her devotion. Theres proof right there on the coffee table: a beautiful bouquet and a sentimental greeting card. Nikki is so moved that she embraces Sharon. Nick walks in on them, and now hes *really* suspicious. Whats up?
While Hilary waits for her lunch order to be delivered to Devons office, they chat about recent events, specifically the prospect of becoming parents and Devons broken romance with Simone. He shrugs it off and says hes not looking to get into another relationship anytime soon. It would just complicate his life after the baby is born. Hilary agrees.
Nick isnt sure he buys Nikki and Sharons explanation. They got emotional over Mothers Day? Oh, well. Nick would like to present his gift to his mom now. He wanted to do it at the ceremony. Its a plaque commemorating Chancellor Garden and Nikkis love for Katherine, for whom the garden is named. Nikki is touched, of course.
Traci leads Dina from the living room to spare her Jacks continuing tirade. Dina is grateful but still refers to Traci as a kind stranger. Kyle and Jack argue some more until Jack speaks ill of Kyles mother. Kyle storms out, and Abby goes after him. Jack is immediately remorseful. Traci returns and lays into Jack. This could be their last Mothers Day with Dina, and hes chosen to waste it by spreading misery and wallowing in self-pity. Dina comes back into the room, gushing about the scarf Traci gave her. She addresses Traci as her daughter, which brings tears to Tracis eyes. The moment is fleeting, though, and Dina again refers to her as one of the hired help. It doesnt matter to Traci, though. For one perfect moment she had her mother back. She hugs Ashley and shoots Jack disapproving look.
At the club, Lily reflects on her mother. She sure misses her. No one can replace ones mom. Mattie and Charlie feel sorry for little Sam, forever deprived of that bond.
In Devons office, Hilary becomes emotional about her departed mother. Oh, how she wishes she could share this exciting time with her. Devon comforts her and looks forward to being a dad. Hilary is reluctant to announce her due date for fear of jinxing it, but Devon is confident that their effort was successful this time.
Downstairs again, Lily cradles Sam and tells him how happy she is that hes part of their family. She loves him as if he were her own.
Mariah returns home and again walks in on Nick and Sharon. She not only brought the sassafras; she brought Sharons gift. Now or later? Now! Sharon says. Its a Supermom t-shirt, befitting the superhero she is to Mariah and to everyone else she helps. Mariah says, I love you Mom.
Abby catches up with Kyle at Crimson Lights and tries to soothe him. Jack was out of line. Kyle isnt so much bothered by that as by Abby and Ashleys belief that Kyle sabotaged the video of Dina. Abby has redirected her focus somewhat, more toward her dad and Kyles good buddy Victor.
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