The Y&R Update Thursday 5/10/18
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Abby came by the Abbott house to visit Ashley. Both of them said they'd had a sleepless night. Abby understood why Jack was upset, but she didn't approve of him tearing into Dina. Ashley agreed, and she was glad Traci was able to take Dina back upstairs before things got any uglier. They mentioned that they'd burned the memory card, yet the video ended up in the movie despite their best efforts. Abby asked how Jack was doing. Ashley hadn't seen him yet, but she knew better than anyone how devastated he must be. They were taken aback when Jack cheerfully strolled into the room. Jack announced that he was going to work. Abby asked if he didn't want to take some time to process things. Jack said that he wasn't going to let the demented ramblings of his sick mother or a flawed DNA test ruin his day or his life. Ashley said she trusted the results because the test was conducted by a friend of hers.
Jack asked how they ran the test, and they explained that they collected hair samples from his hairbrush and Traci's. Scoffing, Jack noted that he was no stranger to DNA tests and how they could go awry. He suggested that someone else had used the brushes maybe they'd tested Mrs. Martinez's DNA. He pointed out that the test only said he and Traci didn't have the same father maybe none of Dina's kids were John's, given her swinging lifestyle. Ashley thought Jack was in denial, since it took her several years to accept the truth about her paternity. She told him that pretending it wasn't true wouldn't solve anything.
Jack speculated that Ashley and Abby had manufactured the whole thing, perhaps planting false stories in Dina's head, in order to pay him back for the blood Abbott clause. Ashley told Jack he was off base, and Abby asked why he was being such a jerk. She reminded him that the video clip wasn't in the copy of the movie Charlie showed them the other day. Jack thought that Ashley and Abby might have edited the footage in to embarrass him in front of everyone. Abby stated that she and Ashley had been in Jack's shoes, and they didn't come to him because they wanted to spare him the anguish. She explained that they mistakenly thought they destroyed the footage.
Jack theorized that Ashley secretly kept a copy of the clip and had Ravi edit it into the film. Ashley said she shouldn't be surprised by how little Jack thought of her. Abby jumped to Ashley's defense and said that Ashley never thought of getting revenge on him, even when he was using the blood Abbott clause against her. She was adamant that her mother would never try and inflict that sort of pain on him. Jack stated that he wasn't born yesterday. He left. Abby was stunned by Jack, but Ashley said he was just lashing out and he'd regret it later. Abby was desperate to find out how someone got hold of the video she'd checked the fireplace after burning the SD card and all that was left were ashes. Ashley thought there was a chance that they'd never know what really happened. Abby said it wasn't them, it wasn't Charlie, maybe it was someone at Hamilton-Winters? She wondered who'd benefit most from Jack's downfall.
At Hamilton-Winters, Tessa gave Lily a list of models that were coming in for a pre-audition. According to Lily, her client was looking for a pair of models who could believably play a couple in love. Hilary entered the office carrying a box full of baby gifts from her fans. Justin, a model, rushed to help her with the box. He turned on the charm, but Lily told him to calm down because Hilary was taken. Later, Justin apologized to Hilary for not realizing she wasn't single. Hilary assured him that it was okay, and he left. Lily came over to make sure Justin hadn't been bothering Hilary. Hilary said he wasn't, and she asked why Lily said she was taken. Lily said she was being considerate because Hilary was carrying Devon's baby. Hilary was surprised by how protective Lily sounded earlier. Lily admitted she was surprised by herself, but she thought it was a natural impulse; acceptance of the inevitable. Hilary theorized that Lily was a bit excited about being an aunt for the first time. Lily conceded that it would be nice for Sam to have a relative around the same age. Hilary predicted that if Lily kept it up, she might eventually throw Hilary a baby shower. Lily told her not to hold her breath.
Downstairs at the Club, Neil told Devon that someone tampered with the beautiful video Charlie made. Neil suspected Victor was behind it, since he just happened to show up for the screening and he hated Jack more than anyone. Neil hoped the claim wasn't true, for Jack's sake. Devon asked if Neil planned to confront Victor. Neil didn't plan to get involved, as he didn't want to be caught between two of his best friends. Devon realized it was almost time for him to meet Simone for lunch. Devon planned to tell Simone that he'd decided to commit to co-parenting with Hilary, and he didn't think Simone was going to take it well. Neil was pleased Devon took his advice.
Neil went up to Hamilton-Winters and commented on the pile of gifts Hilary was sorting through. Hilary said that she was going to give the things she didn't need to charity. Neil stated that regardless of how he felt about Hilary's involvement with Devon, he'd encouraged Devon to be a good parent. He mentioned Devon's lunch with Simone, and he wondered how Devon was going to juggle being a boyfriend and raising a baby. Neil hoped that Devon got his priorities straight before the baby arrived and did it for him. Neil walked away, and Hilary looked annoyed.
Back downstairs, Simone told Devon that she was glad he'd called since they hadn't seen each other in awhile. She revealed that she'd been approached by a large music label, but she had no intention of jumping ship and leaving Devon. Devon brought up their contract. Simone assured Devon that she wouldn't leave, because of the fabulous perks of working with him. Devon admitted they needed to talk. He explained that while he liked her, he was going to have to devote a lot of time to the baby. Simone noted that the last time they talked he'd been having second thoughts. Devon stated that he was a man of his word and he wanted to honor his agreement with Hilary. Simone had been doing a lot of thinking too, and she'd come to the conclusion that Devon was special to her. She wanted to pursue this relationship even if Hilary was pregnant.
Ravi arranged for Ashley to meet him at Crimson Lights. He thanked her for coming, and she confessed that she could use the distraction because her family was in turmoil. Ravi admitted that he knew. Ashley cautiously asked what he thought he knew. Ravi explained that the projectionist at the theater was related to someone in Jabot shipping. Everyone at Jabot was gossiping about Jack's paternity. Ashley felt that it was very sensitive of Ravi to reach out. Ravi admitted he'd called her there to take responsibility for his role in this. Ashley was confused. Ravi explained that someone approached him with a fire-damaged memory card and asked him to retrieve the files. Ravi was too busy to watch the video, so he'd simply handed over the recovered files. Ravi assured Ashley that if he'd watched the video he would've gone to her about it instead of handing it over to anyone. Ashley asked who gave him the card. Ravi revealed that it was Kyle.
Back at the Club, Neil saw Jack drinking at the bar and asked if he wanted to talk about it. Jack told Neil to have a seat. Jack explained that he'd driven to work but found himself walking over to the Club for a few stiff drinks. Neil began to express sympathy about the blow Jack suffered, but Jack firmly stated that Dina was wrong. He knew in his bones that he was John's son; end of story. Neil noted that biology meant very little, but Jack said no he was John's first-born. Jack recalled John taking him up to the cabin and making it clear that Jack would run Jabot and be the head of the family. It meant a lot to Jack that his father thought of him that way. Neil predicted that word would get out, and he was curious how Jack planned to handle it. Jack grumbled that Abby and knew weeks ago went straight to Ashley with it. He added that they ran a DNA test. Although the results said Jack wasn't John's son, Jack was sure the test was flawed. Perhaps they'd inadvertently tested someone else's hair, or maybe Traci was the one who wasn't the real Abbott.
Jack said that Dina's disease had progressed to the point that everything she said was fantasy. Jack was ashamed to admit he'd let Dina have it after she claimed she'd been the ideal wife. He acknowledged that Dina was a poor confused woman who had no idea who she was. Neil was sure that Jack's family forgave him for the outburst. Jack said it wasn't Dina's fault that her brain didn't function, but it didn't excuse her for being an unfaithful wife and absentee mother. Jack said he'd tried to forgive Dina, but he couldn't. Neil said that if Jack believed the test was wrong, what was the harm in getting another one. Jack felt that Abby should've come to him instead of running the test in the first place. Neil touched Jack's arm and told him to stop looking for answers in the bottom of a glass and to find out the truth for himself and for everyone who was counting on him. Jack realized Neil was right. He vowed to prove he was John Abbott Jr. once and for all.
Abby dropped by Hamilton-Winters and apologized to Lily about Charlie's big night not going as plan. Abby made it clear that the family didn't blame Charlie. Lily heard about Cane's visit to Jack's. Lily asked if Dina's confession was true, and Abby confirmed it. Lily felt bad for Jack, then she noted that Abby and Ashley had recently gone through the same thing. Abby said she'd spent her whole life feeling torn between the Newmans and the Abbotts, but it turned out that the latter didn't apply. Lily stated that family was so much more than strands of DNA. Abby sort of regretted doing the interview project. Hilary returned and asked what they were talking about, but she backed off after Lily said it was a private conversation.
Lily noted that Abby had no way of knowing that Dina would say something so explosive. Tessa returned and told Lily that the next pair of models were ready. Lily invited Abby to stay for the screening. It didn't go well, because the models didn't understand how to generate on screen chemistry. Devon walked in, and Abby asked him to help demonstrate. She began to flirt with him. Hilary returned and glared as she watched Abby rubbing her hands all over Devon. Hilary snapped that Abby made her point. The models went off to practice, and Tessa said she needed a glass of cold water after that display. Lily called Abby a natural. Abby had to get going. After she left, Lily went to check on the models. Hilary sarcastically called it her lucky day first Devon was with Simone, then she got to watch him with Abby.
Devon told Tessa to cancel Simone's upcoming press tour because she was no longer with the label. Hilary asked if Devon could sue Simone for breach of contract. Devon said he released her at her request. Hilary assumed Simone broke up with Devon. Devon clarified that Simone wanted to stay together, but he told her he didn't have time to nurture a new relationship while taking care of a baby. Hilary smiled and said he did this for them. Devon said he did it for the two of them and the baby. He made it clear that he didn't do this so that he and Hilary could get back together. Hilary said okay. Devon headed out, but he looked back at Hilary and they smiled at each other.
Abby returned to the Abbott house, and Ashley brought her up to speed about Kyle. Abby assumed that Kyle must've added the clip to the movie, but she didn't understand why, since he would've learned that he wasn't an Abbott either. Abby could see Kyle being vindictive enough to ruin Jack's life, but she didn't know why Kyle would blow up his own life.
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