The Y&R Update Wednesday 3/28/18
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JT met Paul at the GCPD, with the expectation that Paul would give him a job in exchange for the evidence he gathered against Victor. Paul informed JT that the documents were fake and didn't prove that Victor was guilty of anything. Paul wasn't sure if JT had been played or if JT was trying to play Paul. JT was adamant that he acted in good faith. Paul believed him, however, he thought it was time to end the investigation, since JT didn't have any other leads and Victor was in a coma that he might not recover from. JT began to complain about Victor skating once again, but he cut the rant short and said he hoped Victor would make a full recovery. JT asked about the job he'd been promised. Paul replied that there would be no job because JT had failed to hold up his end of the bargain. JT felt betrayed and like he'd wasted his time. He reminded Paul that this was supposed to be his chance to get his life back. He stormed out.
Nikki held Victor's hand and implored him to fight and come back to them. Victoria came in and asked about Victor's condition. According to Nikki, there was no change. Victoria revealed that she found Ashley acting as CEO at Newman. Victoria confided that Victor hadn't officially announced her demotion yet. She asked Nikki to keep it under wraps, in order to prevent Ashley from taking over the family business. Nikki glanced over at Victor. She admitted that she wasn't comfortable this, and she reminded Victoria that JT knew the truth. Victoria was confident that her fiance would be on her side. Nikki added that Abby also knew about the demotion. Victoria wasn't concerned. She assumed people would think Abby was just siding with Ashley because they were mother and daughter and because of Abby's fractious relationship with Victoria. Nikki didn't like it, but she understood, and she agreed to do as Victoria asked. They hugged.
Jill treated Lily, Cane, and Billy to dinner at the Club. Jill was pleased by how well Billy and Cane were getting along at Chancellor. She also took credit for reuniting Lily and Cane by forcing them to spend New Year's Eve together. Billy also felt responsible, since he'd told Cane not to give up on Lily, even though Billy thought Lily deserved better. Jill didn't think Billy should throw stones, given his relationship with Phyllis. Billy reminded Jill that she'd agreed not to disparage Phyllis tonight. Jill thought Phyllis was rude not to accept her dinner invitation. Cane and Lily left for the reunion. They wanted to get their early since the twins were volunteering.
Dina and Abby were also at the Club, where Abby asked for more information on the man from the inn. Dina noticed Phyllis walk in and referred to her as the hussy who stole Katherine's husband, Phillip. Abby realized that Dina mistook Phyllis for Jill, and it gave Abby an idea. Abby asked to hear more about the past. Dina mentioned that Katherine was talkative when she drank, and spilled all her secrets to Jill.
Phyllis greeted Billy with a kiss and explained that work ran late. Billy commented on Phyllis' lace dress, and she said that she wanted to make him proud tonight. A scornful Jill felt that Phyllis's dress was too much and accused her of trying to upstage Billy at his reunion. Billy spotted his old friends, Raul and Brittany, and he and Phyllis went over to greet them. Brittany assumed Phyllis just happened to be there, and she was surprised when Billy revealed that he and Phyllis were together. Meanwhile, JT walked in and approached the bar. He noticed the group and turned to leave, but Brittany ran over and gave him a hug. She asked about Mac, and JT admitted they were getting divorced. Brittany learned that JT wasn't going to the reunion, and she asked him to reconsider. She told him that Mac's name wasn't on the RSVP list. JT said he couldn't go. He went to the door and left after taking a last lingering look at the group.
Abby brought Dina over to Jill. Dina was snide with Jill, but Jill was understanding, due to Dina's condition. Abby told Jill about the interview project and asked if Jill would be willing to help fill in some gaps. Jill was hesitant, but Abby talked her into it.
At the Abbott house, Jack called Kyle again, but his son didn't answer. Jack threw the phone in frustration, just as Ashley walked in. She asked why he was upset, and he brought up Ashley's lawsuit and Dina's condition. Ashley warned Jack that Paul had doubts about his story, and she admitted that it was because of her. Jack was angry with Ashley when he found out she'd left Victor a message warning him that Jack might be coming to the ranch. She insisted that she'd been looking out for Jack and that she had no way of knowing that Victor would get attacked later. Jack asked if Ashley told Paul that he'd been no threat to Victor. Ashley said she told Paul that Jack was angry that night, but that he'd calmed down by the time he came home. Jack asked if Ashley told Paul that he was innocent. While Ashley hoped Jack was innocent, she wasn't positive that he was, given his feud with Victor. Jack pointed out that he wouldn't have called 911 and waited for the police if he'd been guilty. Ashley thought that was true. Jack hated the idea of the Newmans suspecting him, but he didn't think Ashley cared about that. He felt that she was only focused on her career at Newman Enterprises. Ashley confided that Victoria made a power play and was pretending she hadn't been demoted. Jack was unsympathetic, because Ashley chose to stay at Newman even though Jack begged her to come back to Jabot. He accused Ashley of being as untrustworthy as Victoria.
After Jack left, Abby, Dina and Jill arrived. Dina railed at Jill. Jill, who noted that Dina had been friendly before they came inside, was surprised at how quickly Dina's moods changed. Abby privately brought Ashley up to speed. Ashley and Abby questioned Jill about Dina's past while Dina was out of the room. Jill recalled Katherine saying that Dina bragged about having numerous affairs with men at the club.
JT went to the Centennial. Charlie and Matilda were working the door, and they were hesitant to let him in, because he wasn't on the list, but Lily vouched for him. JT hugged Raul and Brittany and bantered with Billy. Billy and Phyllis stepped away to let the others catch up. Brittany and Raul were married. He'd transferred to NY after the break up with Mac, and he worked in disaster relief. He and Brittany bumped into each other by chance in NY, and they got together. Brittany made partner at a law firm. JT was surprised she wasn't singing. Brittany replied that she sang to Raul and Joshua. Joshua was a freshman at Harvard. JT thought things sounded picture perfect for them. They asked about him, and he mentioned his engagement and that he was head of security at Newman.
Mac arrived and told Lily that she'd changed her mind at the last minute. She was happy to see the twins and told them she was glad she played a part in bringing them into the world. Concerned, Lily warned Mac that JT was there. Just then, JT came over and demanded to know where his kids were. Mac said she didn't bring them. Cane tried to calm things down. JT felt that Mac should've told him she was coming. Mac firmly told JT that she'd be in town for a few days and that they could talk then, but not here or now. She walked away. JT vented to Cane about missing his kids. Cane thought that the only way to get joint custody was to make peace with Mac.
Mac joined Billy and Phyllis and was surprised that they were together. Billy brought up Mac asking for full custody. Mac noted that she lived in D.C. and JT lived in Genoa City. Phyllis didn't think geography mattered. She asked why Mac would want to keep JT's kids from him. Mac said she had good reasons, and Billy believed her.
Jack dropped by Victoria's, and she asked if he was sincere about wanting Victor to be okay. Jack snapped that the only time he touched Victor was to check his pulse before calling for help. Jack calmed down and apologized for being on edge. Victoria understood, because they were all tense. She told him that Ashley was trying to grab control at Newman by claiming Victoria had been demoted. Jack revealed that he heard about the demotion days ago, but he wasn't going to take sides because he valued his friendship with Victoria. Jack asked if she was aware of any alliances Victor might have made outside Newman that might affect Jabot. Victoria didn't have any information.
Back at the centennial, Mac was happy to hear that Raul and Brittany were together. Mac confessed that she felt bad about the way she'd ended things with Raul, but he said he didn't have any regrets. JT walked over and admitted he shouldn't have snapped at Mac. Mac wasn't interested in talking to JT right now. Brittany reminded Mac how she used to pride herself on her maturity, and she suggested that Mac owed JT a conversation. Mac relented and had a private talk with JT. He asked why she wanted sole custody. Mac didn't want the kids exposed to dysfunction. She felt that a bad father was worse than no father. JT was surprised she thought of him that way. Across the room, Billy noticed that Mac looked tense. He called Victoria, brought her up to speed and suggested she come get JT.
JT argued that Mac was the one who couldn't function properly. He accused her of being judgmental and having impossible standards. Mac contended that JT was describing himself. She said that she finally felt good about herself now that he was gone and she wasn't bombarded by his constant criticism and need to control her every move. JT said that it wasn't his fault she had low self esteem. He snapped that her manufactured accusations didn't give her the right to take his kids. Mac was adamant that she had every right. JT vowed to fight and to win. Victoria walked in.
Paul came to the ranch to talk with Nikki about the night of Victor's attack. He asked where she was. Nikki said she'd rented a suite at the Club. She tried to lie about why, but Paul knew her well enough to see that she was hiding something. Nikki admitted that she'd been with a man. She explained that it wasn't cheating, because she and Victor had an understanding. Paul thought the reconciliation was a sham. Nikki clarified that it was real and that she and Victor were more of a team now than they'd been in months. Paul asked who she was with. Nikki didn't want to say, but Paul insisted because he needed to corroborate her story. Nikki revealed that it was Arturo Rosales. Paul asked if Victor knew. Nikki wasn't sure. She admitted that her relationship with Victor was unconventional, but she said they loved each other, and it worked. Paul asked about Jack and Victor's argument. Nikki thought it was one of their usual tiffs, and she believed that Jack really did come by to apologize to Victor. Paul asked who else had a motive to hurt Victor.
A mysterious person entered Victor's hospital room.
After Jill left the Abbott house, Abby opined that Jill had corroborated a lot of Dina's story. Ashley disagreed. She didn't think it was surprising that Dina had multiple affairs. Abby thought that it was just a matter of time before Dina told Jack that he wasn't John's son. Ashley wanted to debunk Dina's claims so that she could assure Jack it wasn't true. Abby thought that they'd have to test Jack's DNA.
Jill ran into Jack at the Club and told him about Ashley and Abby's questions. Jack didn't care if Dina had lots of affairs. He thought Ashley and Abby were taking the interviews too far and that Dina deserved peace. Jill thought Jack looked like he could use some peace too. Jack admitted he'd had a rough week. He loved Dina, but his life started to unravel the day he began to take care of her. He worried about how much worse it'd get.
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