Friday Y&R Update 2/16/18

The Y&R Update Friday 2/16/18


Written by Ellen
Pictures By Christine

At the penthouse, it’s official. Chelsea proposed, Nick accepted, he put a ring on it, and they sealed it with a kiss. Now to announce it to the family, but when? Tonight is Noah’s night.

At the apartment, Phyllis presents Billy with what she considers hard evidence of Chelsea’s theft from Fenmore’s. She considers how and when to expose her.

At Hamilton-Winters headquarters, Charlie is busy working on a project for Hilary, who hovers nearby. When Devon breezes in and invites Charlie to the studio to listen to Simone record a tune, Charlie jumps at the chance. Hilary puts up a fuss, but Devon overrides her.

At the club bar, Nikki follows up with Lily. Nikki made no headway with Victor. He likes the competition between Ashley and Victoria and encourages it. Lily thanks Nikki for trying and turns to a more pleasant subject. Lily and Cane took their cue from Nikki and Victor and renewed their wedding vows on Valentine’s Day. That’s nice, but in the future, Nikki suggests Lily look elsewhere for a role model.

At home, Chelsea and Nick are dressed and ready to go, but there’s still the question of the ring. Yes? Or no? Chelsea compromises by wearing it but turning the diamond inward so that it’s not visible. Let people draw their own conclusions.

At the Top of the Tower, Noah assures Victor he has no second thoughts, but he worries about the family’s reaction to his decision. Nikki arrives presently and Victor holds her chair for her.

At the apartment, Phyllis really is ready to blow the lid off. Billy thinks telling Hilary is a bad idea, especially considering Victor’s presumed involvement in Chelsea’s scheme. He encourages her to get all the facts before going public and shows compassion for Chelsea, who might have changed her evil ways. He knows whereof he speaks. He asks for a chance to talk to Chelsea before Phyllis goes further. Reluctantly, Phyllis concedes, but she insists on being present when he does.

Sharon arrives at the Tower and takes her place at the table. Mariah is genuinely sick; she’s not trying to avoid Noah, as he suspects. Nick and Chelsea arrive next. Victoria and J.T. are otherwise occupied and won’t be attending. All eyes are on Noah.

Charlie and Devon return from the studio. Charlie is so pumped up about the experience that he completely forgot about hockey practice, which Lily has been trying to phone him about and now waits to drive him to. Charlie tries to weasel out of it, but Devon insists. He lectures Charlie about work ethic and keeping promises. Charlie throws it back at him. Devon let Charlie skip out on Hilary’s project to go to the studio. Devon and Lily get the last word, though, and Charlie goes to practice.

Noah reminds everyone of the year he's had. It’s been one disaster after another, both professionally and personally. He’s decided to take a bold step and be his own man. With a buildup like that, it’s a surprise that he’s accepted Grandpa’s job offer at Newman. To his credit, he will be working in the field in Mumbai, not jockeying for position in the Genoa City office. Nick isn’t shy about expressing his displeasure directly to Victor, but Victor defends Noah’s decision.

Phyllis aims to confront Chelsea at home, but when she and Billy arrive at the penthouse, the sitter tells them the Newmans have gathered at the Top of the Tower. Undaunted, Phyllis makes tracks, with Billy in tow.

Hilary lingers at the athletic club bar and attracts the attention of a man at the other end. He’s as subtle as a right hook and soon is seated next to her, chatting her up. He looks familiar to her . . . Eventually she determines that he’s the donor she chose for her in vitro treatment and is filled with regret. When Byron suggests they get a room and do things the old-fashioned way, to ensure success, she tells him to take a hike. Devon observes from afar and approaches to make sure Hilary is OK.

At the Tower, Victor forces Nikki to propose a toast. Before she begins, Sharon spots Chelsea’s ring and lets out a cry. It’s true, Chelsea and Nick are headed for the altar. Everyone seems pleased, although surprised. And there’s more: Nick and Chelsea will adopt each other’s sons and officially make Connor and Christian brothers. How about that? Chelsea shoots Victor a look.

Later, Sharon corners Chelsea and questions her about-face. Not long ago, Chelsea had been talking longingly about Adam. Chelsea becomes defensive and wishes Sharon could just accept her marriage to Nick and be happy for them. When Sharon is called away, Victor takes her place opposite Chelsea. She must think she’s pretty clever. Chelsea fears Victor will take her son from her and Victor expects Chelsea to keep him from seeing his grandsons. The fight is on. When Nick returns to Chelsea, she suggests they get married immediately. As she tries to sell him on the idea, she sees Phyllis and Billy in the doorway. Uh-oh.

Devon assuages Hilary’s fears about her child. Even if her child has Byron’s DNA, Hilary’s DNA and influence will overwhelm it. Devon is living proof that nurture can trump nature. Hilary feels better but turns down his invitation to come up to the office to listen to Simone’s song.

At the Tower, Chelsea takes the lead and approaches Phyllis, but Billy gets to Chelsea first. He gives her a chance to explain, which she interprets as his support. He sees her ring and she confirms the significance. If Nick believes Chelsea is innocent, then everyone should. Billy returns to Phyllis and hopes this is the end of the story, but no. Phyllis is just getting started.

Across the room, Sharon has a moment alone with Nick. The night is just full of surprises. She apologizes for her juvenile reaction to Chelsea’s ring. He shrugs it off and assures Sharon that he and Chelsea have worked out their trust issues. Sharon thinks it sounds more like a merger than a marriage, but to each his own.

Now Phyllis rises from her table and approaches Chelsea to tell her she won’t get away with a federal offense. Chelsea sets her jaw and listens to Phyllis rant; then she alludes to what might happen to Nick if Phyllis makes the matter public. Meanwhile, Billy runs interference, intercepting Victor before he can find out what Chelsea and Phyllis are discussing so animatedly. Phyllis pursues Chelsea to the elevator where Chelsea drops a bomb. If Phyllis shoots her mouth off, then everyone will learn Adam, not Nick, is Christian’s father. It will crush Nick, and that will be on Phyllis’s head.

Devon crosses paths with Lily on his way upstairs to his office. Lily continues into the dining room and asks a word with Hilary about Charlie. Hilary assumes Lily will give her grief about how hard she’s working the kid, but that’s not the case. Lily seeks advice about Charlie. Does Hilary think he’s overscheduled, with school and sports and his internship? Honestly, Hilary values Charlie’s contributions at work. With that matter settled, Lily heads to the gym but then returns to pay Hilary something approaching a compliment. She caught a few episodes of the Hilary Hour and they weren’t unwatchable.

Devon finds a flash drive on his desk and plugs it into his computer. It contains an interview in which Hilary tries to get Juliet to accuse Cane of sexual harassment. On the tape, Juliet vigorously denies it.

At the Tower, Sharon and Nick come to terms with Noah’s decision, although Nick blames himself for driving him away. Not true, Noah says. And he’ll be home for visits frequently, starting with Nick and Chelsea’s wedding. According to Nick, that will be sooner rather than later.

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