Tuesday Y&R Update 2/13/18

The Y&R Update Tuesday 2/13/18


Written by Ellen
Pictures By Christine

In her office, Victoria reads the article about Jabot’s new chemist aloud to her dad. Victor doesn’t think Helen Wallace is such hot stuff. Ashley is better, and Jack was a fool to let her go. Victoria wonders whether it’s all above board. Jack could have planned this all along, planting Ashley as a spy at Newman. Victor thinks Victoria is off base. Ashley really is angry with Jack. Still, Victoria thinks they should proceed with caution and not trust her with any company secrets.

At home, Jack talks to Helen on the phone. Her lab is outfitted with all the latest equipment and he looks forward to seeing her. Ashley enters the room as he hangs up. Was that Traci? No, it was Ashley’s replacement. Of course Ashley is familiar with Helen Wallace. She knows everyone who’s anyone in her field. Helen is good, but she hasn't won Innovator of the Year. Yet, Jack says. He predicts a bright future for Jabot. Ashley slaps him on the back and bets he’s glad Helen isn’t an Abbott capable of stealing his job.

At the penthouse, Nick agonizes over what to write in Chelsea’s Valentine’s Day card. She bounds down the stairs and presents a couple of options to celebrate tomorrow. Faith will be elsewhere, so they could do something with the boys. With little emotion, Nick says sure. She tries again. Or they could get a sitter and make it just the two of them. Yeah, whatever. He says he needs to get to the work site, but she says Arturo can wait and makes a convincing argument. Although he resists at first, he gives in to passion. Eventually, though, he really must see Arturo. Chelsea tells him to hurry back.

At Crimson Lights, Phyllis and Billy discuss Lauren’s deal with Victor. Lauren agreed to take the money and say nothing more, not Phyllis. Billy fears for Phyllis's safety and tries to get her to drop the matter. She won’t.

At Hamilton-Winters Group, Hilary talks by phone to Mariah, who is at home sick. Hilary has big plans for the Hilary Hour and shares them. Devon overhears and objects to her me, me, me approach.

Ashley joins Victor and Victoria at Newman. She took the liberty of finishing a deal that Victoria initiated, which is to purchase a company on the cutting edge of sunblock products. When the company heard Ashley was part of the deal, it couldn’t refuse. Victoria attempts to assert her authority by saying she must authorize the purchase and will get the paperwork started. No need. Ashley has already done it. Victor is pleased with what he terms healthy competition among his employees, but Victoria obviously feels otherwise.

Gloria mopes at her desk. She read online about the new hire, and although she’s peeved about being the last to know, she supposes anyone will be better than Ashley. Tongue in cheek, Jack says he’s glad she approves. One thing that concerns Gloria is Helen’s appearance. She’s pretty and could be a distraction. No time to address that one. Helen arrives and Jack makes the introductions. Gloria takes Helen’s elaborate coffee order before Helen and Jack retreat to his office.

Devon wants the Hilary Hour to follow a magazine format and feature HWG talent. In fact, he has Simone booked for today’s show. She’s going to big, like Tessa was. Hilary disapproves right out of the gate, but there’s more. Devon wants Mariah to handle the music segments. Hilary explodes. Mariah isn’t experienced enough. Devon insists.

On the Crimson Lights patio, Nick pleads with Phyllis to stop planting doubts about Chelsea. Phyllis has no solid evidence. True, but Phyllis is sure she can come up with some in two days. If she can’t, she’ll back off. Deal? Sharon approaches and Nick bolts.

Again in Victoria’s office: Victor tries to convince Victoria that Ashley’s coup is good for everyone at Newman. He has confidence in Victoria too and hopes she’ll learn from Ashley’s experience.

In Jack’s office: Helen has plans to erase all traces of Ashley from the company, but that wasn’t really what Jack had in mind. He wants Helen to build on what Ashley created. Helen can do that.

At the Crimson Lights counter, Sharon says forty-eight hours isn’t much time. What’s Phyllis’s plan? In the course of the conversation, Sharon mentions that Nick took the money he found to the police to be sure it wasn’t dirty. Phyllis gets an idea and leaves.

Billy ducks into Victoria’s office to say hi. He’s looking for Ashley. She invites him in and tries to get him to dish about why Ashley left Jabot. It’s clear to Billy that Victoria would like nothing more than for Ashley to go back where she came from. Jack would like that too, but that’s all Billy will say. Even so, it gives Victoria hope.

Lauren finds Gloria languishing at her desk. When she learns the reason for Gloria’s sour mood, she laughs and teases her. Did Gloria think she had another chance with Jack? Jack and Helen emerge from his office and Lauren is introduced. Helen is a devoted Fenmore’s shopper, so she and Lauren get off to a good start. Gloria offers to put in a lunch order for the boss, but he and Helen are going to the Top of the Tower to celebrate.

Chelsea chats with Sharon at Crimson Lights and learns that Nick was there with Phyllis, not with Arturo at the work site. She leaves abruptly.

At HWG: Hilary is outraged. Did Devon buy her show and then downgrade her position out of revenge? Devon half smiles at her overreaction and insinuates it’s due to hormones. Big mistake. Hilary’s tirade escalates. She had plenty of other offers but chose to sell to Hamilton-Winters because she trusted Devon not to dismantle everything she built. Devon apologizes for the hormone joke and says he does respect her opinions. He hopes she respects his too. He has some ideas for her show that he wants her to review objectively. He thinks she’ll like them.

Ashley meets Billy at the entrance to Top of the Tower. Billy spies Jack and Helen at a table and offers to go elsewhere. Ashley waves him off and marches up to the table. Helen is cordial and respectful of Ashley’s work. Ashley congratulates Helen and wishes her luck with her new boss and then walks away. Jack grimaces.

Phyllis catches Lauren in the Jabot corridor. In whispers, Lauren tells her she hasn’t deposited the money yet but plans to later today. Phyllis asks to take it to the police for examination. She might be able to implicate Chelsea through the serial numbers. Lauren objects. She made a promise to Victor. In desperation, Phyllis asks for just portion of it. They continue the discussion in the elevator, where Phyllis calls J.T. for a favor.

Nick comes home and sticks to his story about meeting Arturo, but Chelsea knows better. He scolded her for lying and then turned around and lied himself. She’s so disappointed! Why would he go to Phyllis of all people? He knows she has it in for Chelsea. Nick shrugs. He wants to trust Chelsea, but . . . She says if there’s no trust then maybe they should part ways.

Devon returns to the office and Hilary admits she doesn't hate his ideas. Devon asks what she’s afraid of. Losing it all. He guarantees that won’t happen. He’ll protect her creation and help her improve it.

Victoria finds Jack nursing a drink at the Tower bar. She takes a seat next to him, orders what he’s having, and suggests they team up to get what they both want.

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