Thursday Y&R Update 7/21/16

The Y&R Update Thursday 7/21/16


Written by Christine
Pictures by Juanita

At the Club, Nick told Luca that Summer made it clear that she wanted no part of Luca. Luca replied that they'd both made their feelings clear when he confessed to using her and she confessed to setting him up. Luca admitted that he wanted a job at Newman, and he said he was willing to do anything to get it except hurt Summer, whom he loved. Nick said that if Luca really loved Summer, he should pack his bags and leave town before she got hurt. Nick revealed that Victor's hearing was tomorrow. Nick predicted that Victor would go after Luca for what he'd done to Summer and Victoria. Luca decided to take his chances with Victor. Nick called him a fool. Luca thought that Victor would come around once he realized how much Luca meant to Summer. Nick told him to ask Billy how that logic worked. Nick predicted that Victor would lose respect for Summer once he found out how deeply she'd fallen for Luca. Nick asked if Luca wanted to prove his love for Summer by destroying her relationship with her grandfather. Nick walked away.

Lily was in the lobby of the Club when Cane walked up and held her in his arms. Lily wished they could stay like this forever. They kissed. Cane knew Lily was still worried that Hilary would fire her. Cane was optimistic that Devon and Hilary would stay together, since Devon had been spending so much time at the hospital. Cane teased that he had a surprise for Lily that he'd give her after he came back from renovating Katherine's house.

At Dive Bar, Summer was shocked when Phyllis told her she'd moved out of the Abbott house. Summer didn't understand since Jack and Phyllis were amazing together. Phyllis replied that no one could really know what was going on in a relationship except the people in it. Summer asked if this meant Phyllis wasn't going to give her advice about Luca. Phyllis didn't think Summer could compare her relationship with Luca to Phyllis and Jack taking a break. Summer didn't understand why Phyllis would do that. She asked what Jack did, and Phyllis admitted that Phyllis was the one who'd done something. Summer wondered if it had something to do with Pass Key. Phyllis stated that it had a lot to do with Victor. Phyllis knew Summer loved Victor, but Phyllis couldn't forget what he'd done. Summer urged her to tell Jack that. Phyllis said that she had, and Jack had been understanding. Phyllis admitted that it would have been easier if he'd been insensitive. Phyllis stated that sometimes love wasn't enough, if two people wanted different things.

Summer thought it was weird that she was giving her mother relationship advice. Phyllis thought Summer was more wise than she gave herself credit for. Summer didn't feel wise after what happened with Luca, but she admitted that she was glad she and Luca had gotten all of their issues out on the table. Phyllis stated that Summer was only 21, yet she was more grounded than Phyllis was. Phyllis announced that she hoped she could learn from Summer before it was too late, then she abruptly left. Summer flashed back to Luca confessing and begging for forgiveness.

Luca arrived and told Summer they needed to talk. Summer replied that she needed more time, but Luca said he'd made a decision for both of them. He stated that as a Newman, she was entitled to her birthright, so he'd come to say goodbye. Summer argued that he couldn't just leave if there was a chance that they could work things out. Luca was concerned that Victor would turn against Summer if he got out of prison and discovered that she was living with Luca. Summer insisted that Victor loved her, so that wouldn't happen. Luca mentioned that Nick planted this idea in his head. Summer was about to argue against it, but Luca felt that Nick was right. Luca stated that Summer was just starting to carve out her place in the family business, but as long as she was with Luca, her family would be skeptical of all of her decisions. Luca said he loved Summer too much to let that happen. He revealed that he was moving into the Club until he could to go back to Madrid. He left.

Nick intercepted his tearful daughter as she tried to go after Luca. Summer was angry with Nick. She felt like he didn't trust her to handle Luca, because he'd gone behind her back and told Luca to leave town. Nick insisted that he did trust Summer, but he refused to apologize for telling Luca to do the honorable thing. Nick felt that Luca had just played on Summer's feelings again in another attempt to manipulate her. Summer argued that Luca had tried to live up to Nick's standards, and he'd confessed to tipping off the reporters to make Victoria look bad. Nick assumed that Luca realized Summer had figured things out, so he'd confessed before she could accuse him. “Smart play,” Nick conceded. Summer grumbled that Nick had an answer for everything. Nick thought Summer should realize that Luca was using her to get into Newman. Summer announced that she and Luca were willing to walk away from Newman for each other. “I don't need Grandpa's approval. Or yours. Luca loves me and that's enough. So thank you for making that clear to me.” Summer left without giving Nick a chance to respond.

Summer showed up at Luca's suite and begged him to come home. She declared that she loved Luca and that both of them could get other jobs. Luca didn't think Summer understood the gravity of what she was saying. He asked if she was really prepared to give up everything for him. Summer took Luca's hands and told him he had it wrong. “I am not giving up anything. I'm getting the one thing I want most, and that is you,” Summer said. Luca felt that someone had to think for the both of them. He noted that Victor might be coming back. Summer interjected that Victor couldn't do anything. Summer stated that her family loved her and she'd still have all the skills she picked up at Newman – unless Luca had been flattering her when he called her a natural. Luca assured Summer that she was very talented. Summer said that wherever they ended up, she could learn on the job and make her own way, no matter what Victor did or said to try and stop her. Luca asked if she'd be happy, and Summer said yes, as long as they were together. They hugged.

At Jabot, Jack made some phone calls to find out why Phyllis' business trip to Canada wasn't listed on the flight summary. He learned that she never got on the plane. Jack ended the call and sat open-mouthed with shock. Ashley walked in and asked what was wrong. Jack explained that Phyllis never went to Montreal. He wasn't sure what to think. Ashley flippantly asked if he thought Phyllis had robbed a bank or had an affair while she pretended to be on a business trip. Ashley noticed how serious Jack was, and she assured him that she was joking. Jack admitted he did suspect that Phyllis had an affair. Ashley didn't think Phyllis would cheat on Jack. Jack came to agree with Ashley, and he said that he trusted Phyllis implicitly. Jack hated feeling suspicious, but he noted that Phyllis moved out for a reason. Jack wondered if she wasn't happy with him anymore and she was looking for someone else. Ashley urged him not to do this to himself. She advised him to give Phyllis time and not to broach this topic with Phyllis.

Phyllis walked in and asked what Ashley was telling him not to bring up. Ashley tried to cover, but Jack said he could take care of it. Ashley left. Jack told Phyllis that he knew she never took the Abbott jet to Montreal. Jack said he didn't know what to think anymore. He felt like nothing had been right since she left, and that even though he tried to give her space and understanding, it still felt like she was keeping something from him. He asked why the pilot said she never got on the plane. Phyllis said she flew commercial, because it was cheaper than taking the jet, since money was tight these days. Jack felt bad for doubting her and apologized. Phyllis felt that it was clear that they couldn't have a relationship because they didn't have trust. Jack insisted that he could trust Phyllis, then he asked if she could trust him and tell him why she moved out. Phyllis wanted Jack to stop pressing her, so he gave up and went to a meeting.

Devon visited Hilary in the hospital and he entertained her by reading her some tabloid gossip about a celebrity couple who was splitting up. Hilary laughed, then she cringed when Devon got to the part about the man destroying his wife's expensive shoe collection. Hilary felt that the woman had it coming since she hadn't appreciated the good man in her life. Hilary's words struck a chord in her, and in Devon. Simon walked in to check on his patient, and Devon snapped that he'd hired someone else and that Simon was off the case. Simon had received that message from Ashley, but he was concerned that he was Hilary's only hope. Hilary still suspected that Simon wanted her dead, and she refused to give him the chance to finish her off. Devon threatened to call security. Simon was adamant that all he'd done since he'd met Hilary was try to restore her health. “Do I look healthy to you?,” Hilary snapped. Simon noted that this was the experimental phase and that he could adjust the protocol. Dr. Barton Shelby walked in and assured Hilary and Devon that Simon wouldn't be treating her or anyone else, since he didn't have privileges at the hospital. Simon started to protest, but he quietly left after Barton threatened to throw him out.

At the Chancellor Mansion, Billy swore to Victoria that he didn't sell Brash and Sassy. She ordered him not to lie – the insiders who reported the sale were never wrong. Billy said that if it the company had been sold, it must have been a hostile takeover. Billy said he knew exactly who to blame. Victoria didn't want to hear it since the company was gone, and it was too late to do anything about it. Billy implored her not to say that. He insisted that it was never too late. Victoria still thought Billy was lying. She wondered if he'd sold the company to get back at her for trying to help Victor get out of prison. She snapped that if that were the case, she felt sorry for him. Victoria was about to storm out when Cane arrived. Cane was talking about how nicely the renovations were coming along, when Billy suddenly accused him of stealing his company. Billy punched Cane in the face. Cane punched Billy back. Billy fell and Victoria raced to his side.

Victoria blocked Billy as he rushed toward Cane. Billy ordered Cane to admit he stole Billy's company. Cane said that he didn't steal it; it was just business. “It's a hell of a lot more than that to me,” Victoria spat. Cane told Victoria to blame Billy. Cane continued that Billy took on too much debt and left the company ripe for the picking. Victoria asked Billy if that was true. Billy noted that he needed capital to build the company. Cane snapped that Billy took out too many loans. Cane explained that he saw an opportunity to consolidate Billy's debt, and he took it. Cane stated that Billy was a gambler, but he was the sort of gambler who liked to lose. Victoria stopped Billy from trying to attack Cane again. Victoria said that she created Brash and Sassy and she was the one who knew how to run it. Billy said that Cane wouldn't be running the company. Billy called Cane a “Mommy's boy” and accused him of taking the company for Jill. “Don't look so surprised. This is not the first time she's replaced you with me. So looks like you're out and I'm in,” Cane taunted. Cane strolled out of the house.

Billy tried to go after Cane again, but Victoria told him to stop, because Cane was right. Victoria thought that none of this would have happened if Billy had been paying attention to the company he stole from her. Frustrated, Billy asked how many times he had to tell Victoria that he bought Brash and Sassy to keep Victor from selling it to a stranger. Victoria was angry and confused about why Jill bought her company. Billy vowed to call his mother and get answers. Victoria didn't want to hear Billy or Jill's excuses, and she said that they could both go to Hell. Victoria rushed out, ignoring Billy's attempt to get her to wait. Billy left Jill a voice message; he threatened to burn the mansion down if she didn't call him back.

Cane returned to the Club. Lily was concerned when she saw the mark on Cane's face. Cane told Lily that Billy punched him. Lily got Cane some ice for his lip. She didn't understand why Billy was mad at Cane for supervising the renovations, since Jill asked him to. Cane cheerfully said that the renovations were just a cover so that he could buy up Billy's debt and Chancellor could acquire Brash and Sassy. “Surprise! I'm heading up the new line at Chancellor!” Cane announced. Lily was thrilled for Cane. Cane was excited because he was brimming with ideas for the line. Cane mentioned that he was even happy that Billy punched him since he got the chance to punch him back. Jack walked up. He'd overheard Cane, and he wanted an explanation. Cane said he won this deal fair and square, even if Billy disagreed, but he said that Jack could go ahead and punch him. Jack said that if he was going to knock sense into anyone, it was going to be Billy. Jack left.

Cane and Lily went up to Dive Bar for a drink. Lily apologized for not realizing Cane needed a challenge. She said she'd expected him to support her fight with Hilary over the Club, never realizing he might need her support to go after his dreams. Cane asked if she didn't mind him going back to Chancellor. Lily said no, if it made him happy. Cane said that she and the kids made him happy and that he did all of this for them. They kissed.

Jack walked into Billy's and heard him on the phone. Billy told someone to do whatever it took to get his company back. Billy was dismayed to see Jack and said that he did not want a lecture, especially since he'd just gotten one from Victoria. Jack admitted that he had come to lecture Billy, but he'd changed his mind after overhearing him on the phone. Jack admired Billy's drive to get his company back. Jack offered Billy a job and asked him to come work with Phyllis. Billy acknowledged that Jack meant well, but he turned down the offer. Jack felt that Billy and Phyllis were a great team. Jack added that now that Phyllis wanted time apart, he would be comforted to know that she had Billy to count on. Billy countered that if Phyllis were here, she'd say she knew what was best for herself. Jack marveled and said Billy was like a fly on the wall. Jack explained that Phyllis had just said those exact words when he visited her at the Club.

Billy said that getting punched in the face was a wake up call. He admitted Victoria was right when she accused him of losing his focus. All Billy wanted to do was work on getting his company back. He noted that you don't know what you have until it's gone. Jack confided that he was learning that lesson with Phyllis. Jack said he always thought he'd spend the rest of his life with Phyllis, but now she was living at the Club and... Jack paused until Billy asked what. Jack told Billy that Phyllis never got on the plane to Montreal. Billy asked how Phyllis explained that. Jack replied that she flew commercial. Jack admitted he'd started to think she might have never left town and that she might have been with another man in a secret hideaway. Jack now felt that even if Phyllis were having an affair, she would have told him. Billy told Jack not to worry. He assured Jack that Phyllis loved him and wouldn't try to hurt him. Jack thanked Billy and said he needed to hear that.

Back at Jabot, Phyllis remembered intimate moments with Billy – she recalled Billy opening up about wanting to be with her, then she flashed back to telling him she loved him. Next, she remembered getting through a rough spot in her relationship with Jack. Phyllis had suggested that she didn't love Jack , but he'd told her he was confident that she loved him and that she knew how much he loved her. Jack had been adamant that he'd never give up on her no matter how hard things got. Then Jack convinced her to put her engagement ring back on. Overwhelmed, Phyllis sank to the floor.

At Newman, Nick told Victoria that Summer still wanted Luca. Victoria noted that she and Summer had a handle on things until Nick came back. Nick asked if Victoria was saying he screwed things up, and Victoria said yes. Nick didn't know what to do. Victoria stated that Summer had dropped Luca before, and she thought they should have faith that she'd do it again. Nick agreed. Victoria told him about Brash and Sassy, and she noted that Chancellor was a player in consumer products again. Nick predicted that Victor would be itching for a fight with Jabot and Chancellor. Nick hoped that Summer wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Victoria said they had to stay strong, whether Victor got out or not, and defend the company against threats. Victoria noted that they'd already survived two oil spills. She felt like she and Nick were an unstoppable team. Nick stated that Victoria was just what the family needed.

At the hospital, Ashley asked why Simon was in the hallway instead of with his patient. He brought her up to speed. Ashley told Simon that he couldn't give up, but Simon said he didn't have a choice. Simon left. Ashley entered Hilary's room and overheard Barton say that he felt that her doctor should use a more traditional approach. Ashley reminded Hilary that Simon brought her out of a coma and saved her life. Barton tried to get Ashley to leave, but she refused to go. Ashley said that Simon saved her life too, and she thought the hospital should do everything it could to support him. Barton argued that when Simon allowed Ashley to defraud the FDA, he'd tarnished his reputation and put the patients at risk. Ashley admitted that Simon wasn't perfect, and she pointedly asked Hilary if she was perfect. Ashley defended Simon to Hilary, until Devon told her to leave.

Later, Barton returned with Hilary's test results – she was healthy enough to go home, and they were hopeful that she'd continue to respond to treatments. Barton left to handle the paperwork. Hilary told Devon that she guessed everything would go back to normal. Devon asked if she meant they'd be back at each others throats. Hilary wished it didn't have to be that way. Devon said that it didn't. He told Hilary that he wanted to take her home, but he quickly assured her that he understood if she wanted to go back to her own suite at the Club. Hilary asked Devon to do her a favor and stop being so understanding. She smiled and asked Devon to take her home.

Ashley ran into Simon in the hallway, and she was shocked when he revealed that he'd gone to the FDA and confessed to altering the tampering results. Simon felt that it was the least he could do for Ashley and Hilary. Simon said he couldn't let Ashley go down for something she didn't do. Ashley was touched, and she hugged him.

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