The Y&R Update Thursday 6/23/16
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Pictures by Juanita
Nick and Victoria discussed whether or not they thought Travis was involved in the oil spill. Victoria wasn't sure what to think. Nikki arrived, and she was convinced that Victor was behind the spill. Summer walked in and was upset to learn that her family was considering Victor as a possible culprit. Summer argued that Victor didn't do it. Nikki maintained that Victor was capable of a lot, and she brought up what he'd done to Phyllis. Summer countered that it was all Marco's fault and that Victor never intended for it to go that far. Summer theorized that Nikki wanted to think the worst of Victor so that she could justify divorcing him while he was in prison. Nikki was hurt, and Summer apologized. Summer said she handled security at the site of the spill, and a clean up crew was on the way.
Victoria told Nikki that they weren't ruling Victor out, but she wasn't sure that Victor could have engineered such a complex plot from prison. Nick added that eco-terrorism wasn't Victor's style. Nikki countered that Victor's style was revenge and that it would be easy for him to make this happen. Nikki decided to go confront Victor. After Nikki left, Summer said they all knew Travis was behind this. Victoria quietly noted that Travis had access to her laptop, which could be used to bypass the security measures on the oil rig. Nick was skeptical because he felt that he was a good judge of character, and he believed that Travis was ethical. Nick also noted that Travis had given up his big time job for a simpler life. Victoria stated that Travis might be working for Victor. She recalled that someone had paid off all of Travis's creditors. Travis had even been furious with Victoria, because he thought she'd paid off his loans.
At Hank's, Luca accused Travis of causing the oil spill. Travis laughed and said Luca was out of his mind. Travis decided to go see Victoria and make sure she wasn't buying this. Luca blocked his path and said that Victoria didn't want to see him so she sent Luca on her behalf. According to Luca, Victoria asked him to offer Travis money to leave town. Luca said that they wouldn't press charges if Travis left. Travis said Victoria would know that he'd never take her money. Travis tried to leave again, but Luca blocked him and said that Travis was a distraction to Victoria and now he'd become a liability.
Luca showed up at Newman with a bloody nose. Summer ran to him as he announced that Travis was the saboteur. Luca lied and said he'd told Travis that he was following up on all possible causes for the oil spill. Luca continued and said he told Travis that he had to ask if Travis had information about the tampering. Luca claimed that he noted that Travis had access to Victoria's laptop and ID, and Travis flew off the handle and punched him. Victoria didn't think that sounded like something Travis would do. Summer said that it sounded like Victoria didn't know him very well. Luca added that Travis had threatened to hit him again if he ever told anyone about his theory. Luca said he was sorry because he knew how much Victoria cared for him. Summer assured Victoria that she was better off without Travis. Summer and Luca left. A hurt Victoria admitted that she felt stupid. Nick noted that none of them realized the truth about Travis. Victoria pointed out that Luca did. Nick told her to forget about Luca. Victoria noted that she'd allowed a stranger to do damage to the family. Nick thought he was partially responsible too, because he'd encouraged her to give Travis a chance.
Travis walked in and overheard Nick grumbling about Travis using Victoria. Travis said that wasn't what happened. Nick ordered Travis to go, but a wary Victoria told Travis to tell them his version of the story and to make it quick. According to Travis's flashback, Luca had accused Victoria and Travis of using each other. Luca had stated that Victoria was so sick of her gambling, lying husband that she'd taken up with a warm body as a distraction. Who knew someone so prim and proper would be such a wildcat? Luca taunted. Travis punched him. After Victoria heard Travis's side of the story, she accused him of manipulating her. Travis said that if she really thought he would do something criminal and morally reprehensible and that he could fake every touch and kiss, then he'd been wrong about her. Travis asked Victoria to remember everything they'd shared. He swore that he was innocent.
At the Club, Meredith told Paul that she couldn't testify. Paul assumed that Victor had asked her to lie on Adam, and she'd changed her mind because she didn't want to commit perjury. Meredith clarified that she changed her mind because it wasn't her story to tell.
Jack stopped Neil from approaching Paul, then he revealed that he wouldn't turn Neil in. Shocked, Neil pointed out that he'd kidnapped Hilary and authorized an unproven medical treatment for her. Jack noted that Neil's actions helped Hilary recover from the coma. Jack felt that Neil was remorseful and that he deserved a second chance. Jack urged Neil to look at the bigger picture if it weren't for Neil, Ashley and Simon's other patients would have died.
Ian was pushing a food cart through the prison hallway when Victor appeared. Ian wondered if Victor's time in solitary had taught him to keep his hands to himself. Victor didn't regret what he'd done. Ian predicted that Victor would be sent back to solitary after Ian testified. Victor grabbed the cart and rattled it to scare Ian. Ian nervously wondered where the guards were, and Victor said that they were gone. Victor stated that Ian was making a grave mistake by interfering in Victor's life. Victor added that Ian couldn't hurt him. Ian thought Victor would change his mind after the trial. Victor vowed to testify too and set the record straight.
In the visiting room, Nikki told Victor that she was there to appeal to whatever was left of the man she fell in love with. Nikki warned Victor that he was close to walking out of prison with nothing. She clarified that she didn't care if he destroyed the company, though. Victor interjected that she was talking about a company that gave her a lifestyle envied by millions. Nikki snapped that the kids would be fine; they'd go on without him and survive. She told Victor that if he was intent on destroying Newman, he should find a more environmentally friendly way to do it. Victor denied having any involvement in the oil spill. He said that Newman was vulnerable to attack, with him in prison, just like he'd warned everyone. He asked if she expected him to be sad that his prediction was coming true.
Nikki assured Victor that it wasn't too late to fix this. She told him that the kids were devastated. Victor noted that she'd said differently earlier. Nikki said that the kids would be okay, eventually, after Victor broke them. Nikki didn't understand why he'd wish ill on his children. Victor argued that all of them wished ill on him, which was why he was in prison. Nikki said that Victor knew that they didn't act out of malice. Nikki said she couldn't lie for Victor anymore. She noted that she had for years because she thought it was for the good of the family that Victor had claimed to love. Victor snapped that he did love them, but he asked her how she expected him to still feel that way. Nikki said that Victor could still be a father even after the divorce. She told Victor that the divorce would be final in two weeks. Victor didn't react, and Nikki ordered him to stop acting like he didn't care, after the life they built. Victor spat that Nikki destroyed it. He noted that she filed for divorce without his input, and he told her to go be free and happy. Nikki yelled that she would be. She said her conscience was clear, unlike Victor's.
Ian walked into the infirmary and asked Meredith if the note she was writing was to her boyfriend. Meredith decided to find a guard. Ian warned her that Victor was using her. He revealed that Victor was currently visiting Nikki. Ian said that Victor was in love with Nikki and always would be. Ian said that he understood, since Nikki was an incredible woman.
Paul spotted Nikki sitting at the Club bar, and he joined her. Nikki told him about her impending divorce and her visit with Victor. Paul was concerned that Nikki was about to drink, but she assured him that she was only getting water. They talked about the prison visit, and Nikki said that seeing Victor only reinforced her decision to get a divorce. Nikki somberly noted that she'd been Mrs. Victor Newman for a long time. Paul gently said that it was just a name, and soon she'd be free to be who she wanted to and do what she wanted to. Paul was happy for Nikki. Nikki admitted she thought she was happy too. Nikki said she was so upset with Victor, and people would assume that would make it easier to cut ties. Paul understood that it still hurt. They hugged.
Victor went down to the infirmary after Ian left. Meredith said he had to stop claiming he was injured as an excuse to come there. She explained that the warden already talked to her about the amount of attention she gave Victor. Victor said he didn't give a damn about the warden. He said he needed to see Meredith. Meredith asked about his visit with his wife. Victor told her that Nikki had made baseless accusations, then she'd told him that the divorce was almost final. Victor said he'd be free in two weeks. He noted that he'd still be in prison, but he said he enjoyed the time he spent with Meredith. She smiled.
Now at home, Summer cleaned up Luca's bloody face and said she was sorry this happened. Luca said he just felt bad for Victoria, now that they knew the truth about Travis. Summer noted that Travis never admitted that he was guilty. Luca said that he pretty much did with his reaction. Summer thought it was odd that Travis had successfully conned Nick and Victoria only to immediately give himself away when Luca went to see him. Luca asked if Summer was accusing him of lying. Luca reminded Summer that he'd covered for Victoria and helped out during the crisis and not asked for anything in return. Summer apologized and said she was just surprised at how it played out. Summer felt bad for Victoria and said she (Summer) also knew what it was like when you didn't know who to trust. Luca assured Summer that she could trust him.
When Devon walked into the suite, he found Hilary packing her bags. She said she was moving out because she was done with all of them. Devon clarified that she meant she was finished with Devon. He said she couldn't bail on their marriage without explanation. Hilary thought he'd be relieved. She was sure nearly everyone else in town would be. Hilary said everyone would probably throw a parade to celebrate her departure. Devon accused Hilary of being ridiculous. Am I? Ambitious monster one day, social climbing my way to the top, and then gold-digging whore the next, chasing after Jack. Hilary noted that Devon bought into all of it, so there was no point in staying. She thought it was obvious that there was no love left. Devon didn't believe that. He reminded her that they promised to be together. Hilary replied that promises were made to be broken.
Devon wondered if Hilary was acting like this as a side effect of Simon's protocol. Hilary stated that she was the same person she'd always been and that they grew apart when Devon saw her for who she was. Devon argued that Hilary was pushing him away and he wanted to know why. Hilary noticed her hand trembling and she hid it behind her back. Hilary said she tried to be who Devon wanted her to be, but now she was tired. Devon argued that he loved Hilary for who she was and never tried to change her. He said that she was ambitious, smart and beautiful. Hilary noted that Devon didn't want her to be TOO ambitious and step on anyone's toes. Devon said that he'd tried to defend her, but she needed to acknowledge that she was hurting people. Hilary said she couldn't get over the guilt of falling in love with Devon while she was married to Neil. She said that her marriage with Devon wasn't going to last and that it was better to end it now. Hilary reminded Devon that he'd promised to let her go if she was honest with him, and she had been. Devon silently walked out.
Devon joined Neil and Jack downstairs and told them that Hilary was leaving town. Devon received sympathy from Neil, but Jack demanded to know why Devon wasn't upstairs talking her out if it. Jack grumbled that it was like Devon didn't give a damn what Hilary was going through. Devon countered that he was the one getting dumped, not her. Jack continued to defend Hilary, arguing that she was scared and felt deserted. Jack was about to elaborate when Hilary walked down and told him to stop because the marriage was over. Jack insisted that there was hope as long as Hilary was breathing. Hilary disagreed and said she was finished trying to justify her actions. She left the Club, suitcase in hand, and Jack went after her. Neil thought that Devon should be the one going after her. Devon sighed that someone should go after her, and Hilary didn't want him, so it might as well be Jack. Devon felt stupid for all the time he'd spend defending the indefensible things Hilary did. Neil said that Devon did that because he loved Hilary. Devon said that Hilary was right their marriage was over.
Jack followed Hilary to Crimson Lights and asked where she would go. Hilary didn't know, but she just wanted to find a place to live out whatever time she had left in peace. Jack urged Hilary to reconsider. Hilary said she'd made a lot of mistakes and she wouldn't make another by staying in a town full of people who hated her. Jack begged her to stay and he vowed to stand by her if she did.
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