The Y&R Update Friday 6/10/16
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Pictures by Juanita
Paul was at Dylan's, and they were investigating the suicide of Alan James, the lab tech suspected of getting paid to frame Adam. They were surprised that Hilary, not Victor, was the one who'd given Alan a large sum of money. Paul discovered that Alan also worked on the drug trial for the treatment Ashley and Simon were developing. Dylan noted that Hilary worked there too; in fact she'd just done a press release stating that the medication would be available to the public in a few months. Paul was surprised because drug trials usually took years, not months. Paul and Dylan theorized that Hilary bribed Alan to speed up the process.
Ashley and Simon were at Crimson Lights. Ashley was on edge because she knew that the drug wouldn't be ready to go on the market by autumn, like Hilary promised the press. Ashley grumbled that Hilary was putting her ego ahead of people's lives. Ashley decided to put out another press release that backtracked on everything Hilary said. Simon noted that they had bigger problems two of the patients who received the treatment had relapsed and Hilary would be next. Simon was sure Hilary was in trouble because of the way her hand had shaken when he saw her earlier. Simon was distressed because Hilary had ignored him when he tried to warn her. According to Simon, Hilary thought he was just trying to scare her. Ashley didn't like Hilary, but she didn't want her to slip back into a coma. Simon decided to give it another try. He called Hilary again, and she asked if he fixed the drug. Simon admitted that he hadn't, and Hilary hung up on him before he got the chance to convince her that her health was at risk. Ashley noted that it wouldn't look good if the face of the drug landed in the hospital. Simon vowed to help Hilary, and Ashley said she liked his conviction. She stated that it saved her life. Simon countered that he couldn't have succeeded without Ashley's courage. They decided that Ashley would talk to Hilary, while Simon went to the lab to work on the drug.
At the Club, Hilary noticed her hand tremor as she ended the call with Simon, but she didn't pay it any mind. She spotted Lily and Cane and made a beeline toward them. Cane and Lily discussed Alan's suicide. Lily was shocked because Alan appeared to have been in good spirits; he'd been so excited about his first suite at the Club. Hilary walked over and stated that this was a PR nightmare first Abby's fall and now a suicide. Cane bristled because he didn't think Hilary was being respectful of the tragedy. Lily planned to handle things, because public relations was her job, but Hilary announced that she was taking over. Hilary claimed it was up to her to protect her husband's good name. Cane snapped that Hilary was only interested in helping her own reputation. Lily decided to call Devon, but Hilary said Devon was out of town and he'd left Hilary in charge. Lily snarled that she wouldn't let Hilary tell her how to do her job. Hilary spat that Lily would follow orders or else. Dylan and Paul arrived to ask questions about Alan. Lily tried to take them aside to talk, but they revealed that they wanted to speak to Hilary.
Lily and Cane observed Hilary chatting with the police, across the room. Lily hoped that Hilary was about to get arrested, so she would go to jail and be out of their lives. Meanwhile, Paul and Dylan told Hilary that she'd transferred several large deposits into Alan's account. Hilary said that was impossible. Dylan suggested that she'd paid Alan to rush the drug through trials. Hilary swore she'd never do something like that. Hilary said she was in charge of distributing salaries and bonuses. Paul and Dylan were skeptical because it was quite a large sum of money. Hilary paused for a second, then she said that Simon was the one who told her how much to give Alan. She suggested they talk to him about this supposed payoff. Just then, Ashley walked in. Paul and Dylan wanted to know where to find Simon, and Ashley told them he was at the lab. They left. Ashley asked what was going on, and Hilary told her about the questioning. Ashley realized that Hilary had bribed Alan to get FDA approval. Hilary owned up, and she was unapologetic because she said that people needed the drug. Ashley surmised that Hilary had also shifted the blame to Simon. Hilary started to say something, but Ashley blasted her and said that if Simon went to jail, Hilary would have signed her own death warrant. Ashley rushed toward the door. She called Simon and warned him to leave the lab as soon as possible.
Dylan and Paul returned to Dylan's. Simon wasn't at the lab when they'd arrived and his phone was turned off. Dylan and Paul wondered if Simon skipped town. They noted that he'd done something similar before when Dylan went to Simon's room to look for Hilary, awhile back, Simon had drugged Dylan and took off. Paul put out an APB on the doctor, and it worked. Dylan went to see Simon.
Ashley and Simon met up at Crimson Lights. Ashley brought him up to speed, and Simon started panicking. Ashley encouraged him to go to the police and turn Hilary in. Simon admitted that he couldn't because she was blackmailing him. Simon confessed that he'd lied to Ashley when he said he didn't know who the kidnapper was. Ashley felt betrayed and was furious. Simon apologized, but it didn't help. Ashley said that she used to think she had to protect the project from Hilary, but it turned out that Simon was the threat. Ashley ordered him to tell her everything. Simon thought it was best if Ashley didn't know the whole story, but Ashley said the cops could be there any minute, and she wasn't going to let their hard work on the drug go down the drain. Simon explained that the kidnapper didn't mean any harm and that he was trying to help Hilary. Ashley told Simon not to make a monster into a saint. Simon added that he couldn't tell the truth because there were other people involved. Dylan walked in and approached Simon.
Phyllis and Jack were at Dive Bar. Phyllis was angry about Luca dating Summer, but she said she and Nick had agreed to kill Luca with kindness. Phyllis said she was going to forget about Luca from this moment on, it was just going to be her and Jack. They kissed. Phyllis and Jack's evening was interrupted by a woman's loud giggle. They glanced over and saw Bethany and Billy, fresh from a dip in the pool. Billy suggested that Bethany tone down the over the top laughter, but she said that he was paying her $10,000 for this, so she was going to play the part. Bethany noticed Phyllis and Jack looking at them, so she pulled Billy into a kiss, then whispered that they had an audience. Bethany said they should go say hi. Billy didn't want to, but Bethany walked over anyway, so he followed. Phyllis noted that they were having fun. Beats falling off of a motorcycle, doesn't it? Bethany chirped. Phyllis tried not to show any irritation. Billy kissed Bethany, and Phyllis frowned. Billy told Bethany that they should go, but Bethany said they should spend the evening getting to know each other. Jack asked how Billy was feeling. Billy was fine; he just had bumps and bruises. Jack noted that the bikini-clad Bethany didn't seem worse for the wear. Bethany agreed and added that it was almost like the accident never happened. Billy and Phyllis shot Bethany a look. Bethany noted the awkwardness, and suggested mojitos to loosen everyone up. Billy told her that Jack didn't drink. Bethany said she felt sorry for Jack, having to live without mojitos, margaritas and champagne. Everyone was speechless, and Bethany regretted what she'd said. Jack smoothed things over by offering to buy Bethany a mojito to thank her for getting Billy medical attention. Bethany agreed and went to change clothes. Billy said that they didn't have to do this, but Jack was eager to spend time with Billy, since things had been strained. Billy said that things were tense because Jack didn't like the way Billy chose to live his life. Jack hoped they could put that aside for one night.
Bethany, Billy, Jack and Phyllis sat at a table, while Bethany asked all about how Jack and Phyllis met and fell in love. Jack and Phyllis answered her questions, while Billy squirmed. Bethany turned to Phyllis and pointedly said she was so lucky to have something real with Jack and that she shouldn't let him go. Phyllis said she wouldn't. Bethany told Billy not to worry because she knew they weren't getting married. She added that she was fine with being a rebound chick. Jack was surprised to hear Bethany describe herself that way. Bethany cheerfully said she knew that Billy was only dating her because he was trying to get over the love of his life. Billy continued to look uneasy. What's her name again?, Bethany asked Billy. Victoria, Billy replied, then he said it was time to go. Billy and Bethany stood up, but Bethany kept going on and on about how much fun she'd had tonight until Billy wrapped his arm around her and guided her out of the bar. Jack told Phyllis there was something off about Bethany. Jack thought Bethany was playing games in order to make Billy want her. Phyllis didn't think Bethany was that smart, but Jack thought Bethany sensed that Billy liked a challenge and she was giving him one. Jack had to talk to Hilary, so he and Phyllis kissed goodbye. After Jack left, another couple arrived. The woman burst out laughing, just as Bethany had earlier. Phyllis thought back to Billy trying to convince her to leave Jack, then she remembered trying to repair her marriage with a date at the Club, then she remembered Billy telling her that her attempt to salvage her marriage wouldn't work. Billy had said that he knew what Phyllis really needed. In the present, Phyllis headed to Billy's place.
Dylan went into the Club and talked to Hilary about foundation business. She'd already gotten a head start on the things he wanted to do, and he was impressed. Jack also complimented Hilary for not letting Jill get under her skin at the ceremony, and he thanked her. Hilary said she didn't need thanks because she loved working at the foundation. Lily and Cane watched the pair from across the room. Lily seethed as she saw Hilary touch Jack's arm. She's practically drooling on him. It's disgusting, Lily complained. Cane told her to let it go, but Lily said someone needed to open Jack's eyes. She went over to Jack and Hilary, and Cane followed. Lily asked Jack how he couldn't see what Hilary was. Jack suggested he and Hilary talk tomorrow, but Hilary suggested they go up to his suite. Lily snapped that Hilary said that because Devon was out of town. Hilary was offended. Lily said that Hilary only pretended to care about the foundation because she wanted to endear herself to Jack, just in case Devon dumped her. Hilary said she loved her husband. Cane tried to stop the argument, to no avail. Lily accused Hilary of driving Neil to drink again. Hilary defended herself, but she suddenly grabbed her head, as she struggled to find words. Lily kept tearing into Hilary. Hilary suddenly went limp, but Jack caught her before she fell. He cradled her in his arms and tried to bring her out of it. Hilary's eyelids fluttered for a second, then she passed out. Lily rolled her eyes and accused Hilary of faking. Jack ordered them to call 911.
At Billy's, Bethany gushed about how much fun she had tonight, until Billy snapped that she'd almost blown the secret out of the water. Bethany admitted she'd gone too far when she quizzed Billy about the name of the love of his life, but she felt that everything was fine, since Jack didn't suspect a thing. Bethany told Billy that he was the one who almost gave the truth away, with his clear discomfort earlier. She was surprised a gambler like Billy didn't have a better poker face. Billy thought this plan was a bad idea, but Bethany thought that it was genius of Phyllis to push Bethany toward Billy. Billy glumly agreed that Phyllis was great at keeping him away from her. Bethany assured Billy that Phyllis was so good at it because she wanted Billy badly.
Phyllis arrived and confronted Bethany about her antics earlier. Bethany laughed and noted that Billy just said the same thing. Phyllis said that Bethany could have ruined everything. Bethany told Phyllis to relax. Phyllis handed Bethany some money and told her to leave. After Bethany was gone, Phyllis said that they had a problem. Billy agreed and said Phyllis made it worse by bringing Bethany into it. Billy was afraid that Bethany would tell Jack about them, but Phyllis thought Bethany was in it for the cash, not to start drama. Billy asked why Phyllis really came. Phyllis maintained that she was there to deal with Bethany. Billy accused Phyllis of being jealous when he and Bethany kissed. Phyllis denied it, but Billy insisted that they loved each other. Phyllis looked torn. She said she couldn't leave Jack and mess up the family. She argued that there were other people to think about, but Billy was adamant that it was only about the two of them. I want you. I want us, Billy said, and he added that he didn't care if that was selfish. Phyllis moaned that this was impossible. She asked what they were supposed to do. Billy said that they had to tell Jack.
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