The Y&R Update Wednesday 5/18/16
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Pictures by Juanita
Victor has a meeting with his father and confronts him about leaving him alone without anyone. Albert asks Victor what does he want from him now. Victor tells him that he doesn't want anything from him. Victor tells him that he is no longer Christian Miller that he is Victor Newman and he has made his own life and he is wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. Victor says good bye to his father. Albert tells him not to come back.
Dylan meets up with Nikki in the park with Sully. Nikki notices Dylan and tells Sully that there is his daddy. Dylan stops to see Sully. Dylan asks Sully if he is enjoying the sunshine. Nikki assures him that Sully is. Dylan inquires as to how was Nikki's morning. Nikki assures him that it was wonderful. Nikki tells Dylan all the things that she and Sully had done that morning and that she can't thank him and Sharon enough. Dylan asks her as to what for. Nikki tells him that spending time with Sully is healing since her split with Victor. Dylan looks at Sully and tells him that he is such a blessing.
Mariah tells Sharon to talk to her as to why she is so agitated. Sharon lies and tells her that she is just concerned over Nick. Mariah asks Sharon as to what she thinks that Nick will read in that journal. Sharon repeats that she is just concerned over Nick. Mariah tells her that she isn't just concerned that she is scared and she wants to know why. Sharon tells her that she doesn't have time for this and then asks Mariah to pick up Faith at school because I have errands to run. Mariah tells her that she is not going anywhere until she tells her what is going on. Mariah wants to know what is in that journal and what will Nick find out.
At the penthouse, there is a knock on the door. Chelsea yells that she is coming. Nick barges in and demands to know where Adam is. Chelsea tells him that Adam is not home and then wants to know what is wrong and what has happened. Nick hands Chelsea a letter and tells her that Sage had left that for Adam. Nick demands to know what is in it.
Adam visits Victor in prison and notices that Victor isn't too glad to see him. Adam realizes that things hadn't gone as Victor had planned with the good doctor. Victor stares at him and wants to know what he is talking about. Adam tells him that he is talking about Victor's new best friend, who just happens to be the daughter of a judge. Adam tells Victor that he is something else the way he can just reel people in and you read them the way you do. Adam tells him that it is really a gift. Victor tells him matter of factly if he didn't think it would work then why is Adam here. Adam warns him that whatever he tries to do to get out of here early that he is gonna block it. Victor tells him to just go ahead and try.
Lauren kisses Michael. Michael wonders what was that for. Lauren tells him that it was because he had married her. Michael replies that he is genius. Lauren tells him that she some very exciting news. Michael tells her that he can tell that by the way her eyes are sparkling. Lauren tells him that her eyes have been very busy. Michael wants to know doing what. Lauren shows Michael his law license. Michael sees that it is his suspended law license. Lauren tells him but he hasn't been disbarred and after a period of time he can file for reinstatement. Lauren tells him that she had been to the law library researching cases of other attorneys, who got their licenses suspended but then managed to get their licenses back. Michael stops her and tells her that he already all this. Lauren asks him as to why he hasn't done something about it.
Mariah keeps pressuring Sharon to tell her what is going on with her. Mariah tells her that when she mentioned moving back in that Sharon wasn't too thrilled with the idea. Mariah also tells her that Sharon didn't want her to find out what Sharon is hiding. Sharon denies her accusation by telling her that is not true. Mariah lets Sharon know that she is on her side and reminds her of the fact that she had kept her mouth shut about the miscarriage. Sharon reminds Mariah that she said that she would never bring that up again. Mariah asks Sharon had Sage found out about the miscarriage. Sharon tells her that isn't it at all. Mariah tells Sharon that Dylan loves her and he would understand. Sharon tells Mariah that it can never come out and makes Mariah promise that she will never tell Dylan. Mariah promises that she will never tell but Sharon cannot keep telling lies that they always come back to bite her. Mariah lets Sharon know that she is really worried about her. Mariah tells Sharon to talk to someone or she will have another breakdown. Mariah asks her if she had found another therapist but Sharon tells her that she hasn't yet. Mariah then tells her that leaves her and Dylan for her to talk to about this situation. Sharon tells Mariah that she cannot talk to Dylan. Mariah asks her as to why not. Sharon finally breaks down and tells Mariah that it is about Sully.
Dylan lets Nikki know that Sage being around Sully had helped her a lot. Dylan also tells Nikki that it had helped Sage to heal from losing Christian. Nikki replies, "yes" that Nick had mentioned that a couple of times. Nikki says that Nick was very grateful to him and Sharon for sharing Sully with them. Dylan tells Nikki that Sage was a different person around Sully. Nikki tells Dylan that Nick had lost so much, more than anyone could stand. Dylan tells Nikki that if it will make her feel better, Nick was in a little better shape when he had seen him earlier. Dylan tells Nikki that Nick had stopped by earlier. Nikki is surprised by this news. Dylan tells Nikki that Nick had come by to see Faith. Dylan thinks that it is a good sign that Nick wanted to see Faith. Nikki tells him that she hopes so.
Chelsea tells Nick that was Sage's private letter to Adam and she has no idea what it said. Nick cannot believe that Adam hadn't shown her the letter or told her what was inside. Chelsea tells Nick that Adam hadn't shown her the letter. Nick asked had they discussed the letter. Chelsea tells him that no, they didn't discuss it. Chelsea wants to know what has happened and why is he so upset. Nick confesses that it is Sage's journal. Chelsea hopes that reading it had helped him. Nick owns up that it had until Adam had become part of her life. Nick also tells her that Adam is capable of a lot of things but this is unforgivable.
Dylan and Nikki start to discuss Victor. Nikki tells him that it shouldn't bother her but it just upsets her. Nikki tells him that Victor is still manipulating everybody as if he hadn't left home. Dylan replies that Victor has a lot of time on his hands. Nikki tells him that Victor is using that time to plot revenge on everyone, who he feels had betrayed him, from making Adam lose that job in Chicago, to selling Newman cosmetics right out from under Victoria to having that lady doctor attend Sage's memorial service. Dylan feels that was a little strange. Nikki tells Dylan that the doctor is being manipulated by Victor. Dylan tells Nikki that he is using her to get an early release. Nikki tells Dylan that she talked to Dr. Gates and she became so rattled that she ordered a martini and almost drank it. Dylan tells her but you didn't. Nikki tells him that Jack was there to stop her from drinking it. Nikki is so upset at the thought that Victor may be coming home. Nikki tells Dylan that she bought a bottle of vodka and came here to the park to drink it but Katherine had stopped her. Dylan tells Nikki not to be hard on herself.
Victor accuses Adam of coming there to brag that you have won by going to Judge Russell Gates to tell him how reprehensible you think that I am and my family backs you. Victor tells Adam that he is not as confident as he thinks that he is. Victor accuses Adam of coming there to see what his reaction will be because you're worried about what I'll do to you and my family members who have shown disloyalty to me. Adam denies the accusation and then tells Victor that he is not worried because he knows that Victor will serve everyday of his ten years. Adam tells him that he will make sure of it. Adam also tells him to accept his fate. Victor tells him to just keep on thinking that. Adam tells Victor that he is at the point in his life where he needs to start thinking about the legacy and what he is gonna leave behind. Adam also tells Victor that it is killing him because all his family has rebelled against him and he doesn't have that power anymore. Adam also tells him that he doesn't have power over him anymore and he can try all day to ruin his day but Adam is moving on without him. Adam assures him he will be just fine.
Chelsea begs Nick to tell her what Adam has done. Nick tells her that it is unbelievable. Chelsea tells Nick to calm down and to tell her what Sage had said in her journal. Nick tells Chelsea to tell Adam that he was here and he would pay for what he has done.
Mariah orders Sharon to tell her what she has done. Sharon tells Mariah that Sully is not their baby. Mariah tells Sharon that she doesn't understand. Sharon tells Mariah about her time at Fairview and how she was drugged the whole time and she hadn't known the difference between what was real and what was fake. Dr. Anderson had ordered her not to have any visitors that she didn't anyone to see. Sharon tells Mariah that Sully is Nick and Sage's baby that he is Christian. Mariah asks her about Nurse Stephens taking Nick and Sage's baby and told them he died and then she gave him to Dr. Anderson, who in turn gave the baby to me. Mariah asks Sharon how could she not have known what was going on. Sharon explains that every time she had asked Dr. Anderson a question she was right there to stab me with another needle. Sharon tells Mariah the night that Dr. Anderson placed the baby in her arms it was like a dream come true. Mariah tells her but it was just a lie. Mariah asks Sharon how long has she known. Sharon explains that she had started having nightmares and that Sage had begun to put the pieces together, too. Sage had located Nurse Stephens and gotten a confession out of her. Mariah asks did Sage know. Sharon tells Mariah that she was on the way to tell Nick when she crashed her car. Mariah is amazed that Sharon would let this secret die with Sage. Sharon tells Mariah that she cannot destroy her husband's happiness.
Michael tells Lauren that she thinks that he is desperately unhappy without his law license but this situation had given him time to think about what else he may want to do with his life. Lauren tells him that she thought he would be disbarred after Victor's trial but he wasn't so now he has recourse. She tells Michael that he can go before the state bar and appeal to have his suspension lifted. Michael tells her that he could do that but he doesn't know whether or not he wants to. Lauren asks him as to what had changed. Michael tells her that he can be a brilliant something else for a change or maybe nothing at all. Michael tells her that he could retire early that they have plenty of money. Michael tells her that it would give them a chance to travel. Lauren wants to know where all this is coming from. Lauren tells him that he had a chance to take time off after the suspension but he hadn't taken it. Lauren tells him that tells her that he isn't ready to step back from his career. Lauren asks him what about her, she is the CEO of Fenmore's and she couldn't even take time off right now. Michael reminds her that she has a brilliant management team in place so she could ask off for a couple of weeks. Lauren tells him that she doesn't want to slow down. Lauren doesn't buy the things that Michael is saying and wants to know what is going on.
Dylan tells Nikki that people will go to hold on to a relationship. Nikki tells him that she cannot use that as an excuse that she needs to stay sober for herself. Dylan tells her that she does need to make some changes. Dylan tells her that she needs to get away from the things that keep dragging her down. Nikki remarks, "like Victor." Dylan tells her he knows how she has fought to save her marriage. Nikki thanks Dylan and tells him that she finally knows what to do.
Victor accuses Adam of antagonizing him and see how far that it gets him. Adam continues to rouse him that people are moving on and it is driving him insane. Victor threatens Adam to see what this kind of talk gets him. Adam tells Victor that he doesn't intimidate him anymore. Victor tells Adam to watch what he says and then calls for the guard. The guard asks him if everything is okay. Victor tells him to get Adam out of here.
Michael lets Lauren know that his practice was great for him but he reminds her of what it had cost her by him constantly living at the office and he had missed out on things that were important to her. Michael tells her that now is his chance to make things up to her. Lauren reminds him of the ballet he attended with her and the dessert that they had afterwards. Lauren tells him that spending time with him is very important. Michael tells Lauren that he loves spending time with her. Lauren tells him that she knows he does but he needs to get back to what he loves and that is practicing law. Lauren encourages him to go and get reinstated for both of them. Michael tells her how can he say no to that.
The guard asks Victor if he wants to go to the infirmary for his hand, but Victor declines the offer.
Adam is upset when he arrives home and he doesn't know why he had even gone and seen Victor since Victor gets under is skin so and Adam ends up saying more than he had intended. Chelsea tells him that she is sorry but they have bigger problems that Nick was just here and she thinks that he knows about Christian's paternity.
Sharon explains that she did not do this to Nick and Sage. Sharon tells her that she did not set out to steal another woman's child. Sharon tells Mariah that she was just as much a victim here of Dr. Anderson and her sick mind. Sharon tells her that she had been raising the baby as hers, believing that he was her own and she is the only mother Sully has ever known. Sharon tells Mariah that they have a bond, the kind of bond between a Mother and child. Sharon asks what was she supposed to do. Mariah reminds her that he is Nick and Sage's son and Sharon knew and just watched and she did nothing.
Adam explains to Chelsea that in this journal that Sage had wrote about him and according to Nick it must not have been too good. Chelsea tells Adam that after he switched the paternity results that Sage must have found out about it and written about it in her journal and now Nick knows about it. Chelsea tells Adam how mad Nick was about this whole matter. Chelsea tells Adam that after all Nick had been through he is just trying to find someone to blame.
Nick cries and mumbles how much he misses Sage.
Mariah asks Sharon how she can do this to Nick. Mariah also tells her that this is the reason why she wants Nick to spend time with Sully. Mariah asks her did it make her feel less guilty. Mariah tells Sharon that she doesn't know how she can live with herself. Sharon assures Mariah that the truth will come out because Sage wrote it all down in her diary and she is sure that Nick had read it by now. Sharon tells Mariah that she and Dylan will have to give up Sully to Nick. Mariah tells Sharon if she is right about this then she will have to find Dylan fast. Sharon tells Mariah that she isn't sure she can. Mariah tells Sharon that she has to.
Nikki interrupts Michael and Lauren to talk to Michael. Nikki explains to Michael that she wants a divorce from Victor. Michael is surprised by this news. Lauren mentions to Nikki that after she had testified against Victor that she was full of regret. Nikki tells Michael that she went to see Victor but he was so horrible to her. Nikki also tells them that Victor had brought up her proxy. Victor asked her to give her proxy to another board member and this was his way of punishing Victoria. Nikki tells him that she is tired of living like everything is her fault and letting alcohol help her to deal with it. Nikki tells him that she cannot live like this anymore. Lauren tells her that of course she can't. Michael promises to help her whatever way he can.
Chelsea worries if Victor finds out about this then what will happen. Victor will reach out to Nick and he's gonna fan the flames which will make him go after Adam. Adam tells her that is just what Victor does. Adam tells Chelsea that Sage didn't want Nick to find out that he wasn't Christian's father and she wrote it in the letter.
Sharon catches up to Dylan. She is hesitant to tell him the truth. Nick interrupts them. Nick tells Dylan that Sage had kept a journal. Sharon begs Nick to stop. Nick tells her to listen to him. Nick tells Dylan to arrest Adam on the charge of murder.
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