The Y&R Update Thursday 3/24/16
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Pictures by Juanita
Michael delivers a suit to the jail for Victor to wear to court. Victor isnt sure there will be a trial. Perhaps his fate is sealed. Adam is the key. Michael shakes his head. Whatever that means. . . . It means Michael might be off the hook. Michael is stunned that Victor would take a plea. He asks for details but doesnt get them.
At home, Adam is distressed about the future of the Newman family. He tells Chelsea about Victors proposition. Is he crazy? Agreeing to take over Newman Enterprises at Victors request in exchange for Victors guilty plea is a deal with the devil. Theyll never be free of that man. She reminds Adam that he, not the system, would be responsible for his fathers imprisonment. Is he ready for that? Theyll discuss it in the car.
Victoria, Nikki, and Nick wait at Top of the Tower for Abby and Noah. They appear after stopping at Victors office to gaze on his portrait. Nikki gets the wrong idea. Abby isnt angling to move into Victors office. Noah and and some of the others become sentimental. Nikki rallies the troops. Noah changes the subject: Has anyone spoken to or seen Adam?
Luca appears at Marisas suite with a gift: signed divorce papers. Marisa, although happy, waits for the other shoe to drop. What does Luca want? He wants only her happiness but tells her to beware of the Newmans.
In the club dining room, Phyllis is keyed up about the trial. Justice at last. Summer arrives and scolds her, Jack, and Billy for gloating. And how can Phyllis be so sure of the outcome? Phyllis doesnt address that but admits shes happy. Facts are facts and Victor must suffer the consequences of his actions. Since Summer has a soft spot for her grandfather, perhaps she should avoid the courtroom today. She cant. Shes to testify in Victors behalf, not voluntarily. She was subpoenaed. Of course, she was. Phyllis will get her out of it. Summer refuses. Shell tell the truthher truth. Phyllis scoffs, thinking Summer is under Victors thumb. She leaves Summer with this: Dear old Grandad put another man in Phylliss bed.
Outside the courtroom, Paul tells Chris to go get em. Lauren seconds that. She hopes that Michaels representing Victor wont affect their friendship. It wont. Chris wonders aloud about Michaels state of mind, though. One minute hes against Victor, the next hes defending him.
Michael finds the Newmans at the Tower and tells them about the new wrinkle. Adam appears with Chelsea and fills in the particulars. What is Victor up to? Even more puzzling is Adams asking input from the rest of the family. Hell do whatever they decide. Adam cant get any love. They suspect and ulterior motive until Victoria realizes that Adam wants to spare Victor public humiliation. Correct. Victoria tells Adam to do as Victor asks. Even Chelsea is willing to go along, but the others disapprove. Majority rules.
Paul, as chief of police, is to transport Victor from the jail. Victor is inscrutable.
Luca finds Summer, forlorn, in the club dining room. Hes touched by her compassion. In fairness, Victor deserves punishment, but he shouldnt have to face it alone. He tells her his news. He granted Marisa a divorce. Summer inspired him. He behaved despicably and knew that she wouldnt approve. Summer is proud of him and envisions a brighter future.
The Newmans scatter, leaving Nick alone with Victoria. She blames herself for the mess. Nick understands, having once turned their father over to the law. Unlike Nick, though, Victoria doesnt expect forgiveness.
Lauren and Michael compare notes outside the courtroom about Victors strange behavior and Chriss suspicions about Michaels loyalty. Theres no turning back now. Michael will proceed as planned. He enters the courtroom to find Victor not in his fancy suit but in his orange jumpsuit. When Victor hears of Adams decision, he doesnt flinch. Good thing he has the Great Michael Baldwin on his side.
Marisa catches Noah before he enters the courtroom and tells him the good news. Theyre free to marry. His initial reaction is similar to hers. Whats in it for Luca? When Summer arrives with Luca, they have their answer. Noah laughs. Who on earth would want to marry into the Newman family now?
In opening arguments, Chris vows to prove that Victor Newman -- titan of industry, family man, and pillar of the community -- is a criminal. Michael counters. Victors company was under threat from the Paragon virus and acted in self-defense. Phyllis jumps up and proclaims it a lie.
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