The Y&R Update Monday 1/11/16
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Pictures by Juanita
Jill and Lauren were outside Billy's hospital room. Jill blamed herself for Billy's current state. She felt like she'd made a mistake authorizing the surgery, because Billy had gone into cardiac arrest during the operation. Lauren was adamant that Billy's condition was the fault of the person who ran him down and left the scene. Lauren thought Jill had been right to listen take Ben and Dr. Dellafield's advice and allow the operation. Jill countered that she should have listened to her gut and chosen Simon's treatment, since it helped Hilary. A distraught Jill cried that her baby was slipping away. She asked Lauren to watch over her boy and call her if anything happened. Jill said she was going to get Billy help, then she rushed out of the hospital.
At the lab, Simon told Ashley that he had great news – her body was absorbing the drug protocol. Simon was confused when Ashley barely reacted to his announcement. She explained that she was exhausted, so Simon said this meant they needed to slow down the protocol. Simon encouraged Ashley to tell her family about her illness, but she refused because the Abbotts were dealing with enough right now. Simon ranted about the decision to treat Billy with scalpels and hard-core sedatives, instead of using Simon's pharmaceutical protocol. Simon grumbled that Billy could have been part of the solution. Simon was glad that he would be able to treat Ashley. Ashley asked what would happen if the treatment didn't work. Simon admitted that it probably wouldn't work, the first time, but he'd try again, which was what science was all about. Ashley looked disturbed, and she said that she, Hilary and Billy were nothing but lab rats to Simon. Simon insisted that he cared about his patients, and while he didn't have the best bedside manner, he made up for it in other areas. Simon stated that he was good at his job, which was why Ashley had come to him. Ashley softened; it seemed that Simon had won her over again.
Jill ran in into the lab. She apologized for not listening to Simon earlier, and she asked what it would take for him to treat Billy. Simon said that Billy's condition had changed, and Simon wasn't sure the protocol would help anymore. Jill begged Simon to come with her and examine Billy, but Simon said that his project was too important to be put on hold. Jill was outraged; she wondered if the odds were to high or if Simon couldn't be bothered to help Billy. Ashley stated that it wasn't like that. Jill demanded to know why Ashley was defending the man who wouldn't save her brother. Ashley said she was doing this because Simon did care, and he wouldn't say he couldn't help Billy anymore unless it was true. Jill wasn't convinced; she thought Ashley was defending Simon because he was making money for Jabot. Simon snapped that Jill couldn't just berate his p... Simon caught himself, before he said patient, and said partner instead. Simon added that Jill made the best decision she could, by authorizing the surgery, and on a different day, it would have worked out. Simon said he was sorry, but he couldn't fix it. Jill spat that Simon meant he wouldn't fix it. Jill vowed to find someone else who could help, then she made a snide comment to Ashley, before storming out.
Simon told Ashley he was sorry about her brother. Simon was alarmed when he noticed Ashley was about to collapse. He grabbed her and said he had to get her out of there. Simon took Ashley to a hotel and checked her in under an assumed name. He got her into bed and said he'd give her a sedative so she could rest. Ashley drifted off to sleep, while Simon sat on the bed beside her. She woke up and called Simon's name. He assured her that he was still there. Ashley sleepily asked Simon to cure her. Simon said that was the plan and asked if she trusted him. Ashley said yes. Simon stroked Ashley's hair and told her to focus on getting better.
Victor was surprised to see Victoria working in her office. He encouraged her to go back to the hospital. Victoria countered that it was only 10 AM, and she had a lot of people to call. Victor was concerned that Victoria was overworking herself, and he asked why she didn't go back to the hospital. Victoria's eyes filled with tears. She noted that Billy was on life support, being kept in a limbo that Billy wouldn't want to be in, and the doctors would want his loved ones to make a decision soon. Victoria didn't want to have to make that decision. Victor comforted her. Victoria stated that the police didn't know who hit Billy and they might never find out. Victoria added that Billy had been trying to turn his life around, before the accident, even if he'd gone about it in the “dumbest possible way.” Victor said that Jack should have respected Billy enough to give him the money. Victoria didn't think Jack was to blame. Victor suggested that he (Victor) could finance the project, as a way to support Billy's dream. Victor changed the subject and told Victoria to go to the hospital. Victoria left.
Neil and Nikki had coffee at the Athletic Club and talked about their families. Nikki thought Victoria felt guilty because she'd turned Billy down when he asked for another chance, and now it might be too late. Neil mused that young people thought they had all the time in the world to fight and place blame and let the other person come crawling back. Nikki thought that older people often held the same mindset. Neil felt that Hilary belonged with Devon and that she still loved Devon, deep down inside. Neil asked if Nikki was still on board with helping him push Hilary back to Devon. Nikki said she went along with the NYE kiss, to help Neil out, but she warned Neil that this was a dangerous game. Nikki wanted assurances that she wouldn't come to regret getting involved.
Hilary walked into the Club, and Devon ran up and suggested that they go check out a new diner. Hilary sensed that Devon had an ulterior motive for wanting her to leave the Club. Devon admitted that he was trying to keep her from seeing Neil and Nikki, because he knew she saw them kissing on New Year's Eve. Hilary said she wasn't concerned about a kiss between friends. She entered the restaurant and spotted Nikki and Neil laughing and talking. Neil saw Hilary, and he whispered to Nikki that it was showtime. Hilary walked over to the table. Neil said he had to make a business call, and, he left Hilary alone with Nikki. Neil went over to Devon and brought him up to speed on the plan. Devon didn't think the plan was working, since Hilary had just said Neil and Nikki were only friends. Neil said he was going to give Hilary evidence to convince her otherwise, then he sent Nikki a text.
Back at the table, Nikki mentioned that she saw Hilary with Devon on NYE. Hilary smiled and noted that she saw Nikki with Neil. Nikki said that Victor found out about the kiss and was jealous. Nikki got the text – it said that Neil had booked their suite. Nikki “accidentally” put the phone on the table, near Hilary, so she could see it. Neil returned, then Nikki left. Hilary asked Neil to meet her at the lab to help her put the final touches on a project she was doing for Jack. Neil said he had plans, so it would have to be another time. Hilary said it had to be tonight – she wanted to give Jack something to be excited about, after all the bad news he'd been having. Neil agreed to help out, but he told Hilary that they'd have to work fast.
Jill met with Devon at Crimson Lights and brought him up to speed on Billy's condition. Devon offered to fly in a specialist for a second opinion. Jill explained that she wanted Simon to work on Billy's case, but he'd turned her down. Although Devon was funding Simon's research, he thought Simon was a maniac, and he didn't think Jill should put him on Billy's case. Jill asked why Devon was paying Simon, and Devon explained that he did it because Hilary asked him to. Jill begged Devon to threaten to pull Simon's funding if he didn't help Billy. Devon was sympathetic, but he said he couldn't do that. Jill noted that Devon's money came from Katherine, and Katherine would want Billy to have every chance.
Kevin and Mariah were at Crimson Lights. Kevin was stressed out because he couldn't come up with the funds for Natalie's project. Mariah asked if Kevin was thinking of moving forward with Victor. Michael walked up and asked what was going on. At Mariah's urging, Kevin told Michael about the project, Victor's interest and Kevin's intention to partner with Billy. Michael warned Kevin that Billy might never wake up. Michael also warned Kevin that if he partnered with Victor, Victor would take all the money and the accolades and leave Kevin with nothing.
Kevin got a mysterious message inviting him to come to Top of the Tower. He showed up, and Victor arrived a short time later. Kevin said he should have known Victor was behind this. Victor poured champagne and ordered food for the two of them. Kevin said he still couldn't partner up with Victor. Victor asked if Kevin really wanted to go into business with Billy – a man who drank and gambled? Victor plied Kevin with champagne. Kevin asked if Victor did this all day. Victor joked that he drank tequila sometimes. Victor said that if Kevin wanted to reach his full potential, he should partner up with someone who'd already reached theirs. Victor implored Kevin to think about what he wanted to be in life. Kevin daydreamed about being rich and successful. He had a large office, with a portrait of himself on the wall, just like Victor's. He and Mariah played foosball and drank champagne. Michael walked into Kevin's office and said Fen was very happy with the private island Kevin bought him.
Kevin snapped back to reality and said as enticing as Victor's offer was, he'd already made a deal with Billy. Victor pointed out that they had no idea what Billy would be like when he woke up, or if he even would wake up. Kevin asked what Victor's role would be if they became partners. “I'd control the whole damn thing,” Victor replied. Kevin said Victor would be the king and Kevin would be the peasant. Victor promised to give Kevin the crown some day. Kevin hesitated, but he still turned Victor down. Victor noted Kevin's hesitation and surmised that Kevin wanted to say yes. Kevin thanked Victor for lunch and left.
Victoria arrived at the hospital and talked with Lauren. Victoria agonized over how to show her love to Billy – should she let him go, or should she fight to keep him on life support, even though she knew that wasn't what he'd want? Lauren told Victoria she didn't have to decide now. Victoria explained that Dr. Dellafield said a decision had to be made. Victoria knew Billy wouldn't want to live like this, and she felt that he'd hate her if he knew it had gone this far. Michael arrived. He said he wasn't sure if this would be harder or easier for Victoria, but the decision wasn't hers to make. Michael explained that Billy had made Jack the power of attorney for decisions like this. “Not me?,” Victoria asked. Michael said that Billy had wanted to spare Victoria.
Jill arrived and announced that Devon was going to convince Simon to treat Billy. Michael gently told Jill that she'd gone through all that for nothing. Jill was adamant that they had to try everything. Victoria clarified that, while Jill was Billy's mother, she didn't have the right to decide what happened to him. Jill said she knew Victoria loved Billy, but they weren't married, so this wasn't Victoria's decision to make. Michael showed Jill the paperwork. She was crushed when she realized Jack was the one who had the right to decide whether Billy lived or died. Kevin walked in, but he didn't approach the group. Michael went over to his brother. Lauren told Jill that Billy set things up this way to keep the weight of the decision off of Victoria and Jill. Jill sobbed that she wanted the weight, because he was her son. Victoria stated that it was Billy's choice, and he chose Jack.
Kevin asked if there was news. Michael stated that Billy's condition hadn't changed, so there were end of life decisions to be made. Kevin was shocked, and Michael noted that he'd tried to tell Kevin that before. Kevin explained that he'd been thinking about business earlier. Kevin said he wasn't sure what to say, and Michael said everyone felt the same way. Kevin left.
Victor was back at his office. He called home and asked Bonnie if Nikki was there. Victor seemed displeased to hear that Nikki had a lunch date with Neil. Victor called Nikki, who was in a suite doing crossword puzzles, while waiting for Neil. Nikki assumed it was Neil calling, but when she realized it was Victor, she sent the call to voicemail. Later, Nikki came downstairs, just as Victor entered the Club. He demanded know what she'd been doing upstairs – had she been up there with Neil?
Neil met Hilary at the lab and looked over her proposal. Hilary had an ulterior motive for the meeting, and she did her best to be alluring. Neil stated that the proposal was good, but Hilary hadn't accounted for the fact that Jabot wasn't the company it was when she'd last worked there. According to Neil, Jabot didn't have the capital that it used to, so if Jack said yes to her, he'd have to say no to someone else. Hilary agreed that the proposal would have to so compelling that he wouldn't be able to say no. Hilary stared deeply into Neil's eyes and succeeded in drawing Neil in. They kissed. Later, Devon came to the lab and saw Neil and Hilary having sex on the couch in Ashley's office.
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