The Y&R Update Monday 1/4/16
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Pictures by Juanita
Jill and Victoria sit at Billys hospital bedside. It seems to Jill that everyone else, including Victoria, has given up on him. Privately, she begs him to wake up. In the hallway, Phyllis blames Jack for pushing Billy to the brink by berating him in front of Victoria and denying him a business loan. Victoria approaches. She too is sick with regret, but Billy has been his own worst enemy.
Nikki barges into Victors office and scolds him for not supporting his daughter.
Marisa is questioned by Paul at the police station. He guarantees anonymity and protection, but she claims no memory about the car or driver that ran over Billy in the parking deck. In reality, she does: It was Noah. Paul eventually dismisses her.
On the Crimson Lights patio, Kevin dwells on his and Mariahs New Years Eve kiss. She takes a seat across from him and dismisses its significance. Talk turns to concern about Billy, both professionally and personally.
Ashley is short with Dr. Neville at the lab. She doesnt want to ruin Abby and Bens honeymoon. He thinks its better Abby hear about her uncle from her mother than from anyone elseor, God forbid, from the Internet. At that moment, Dr. and Mrs. Rayburn wake in a tropical paradise.
Billy made bad choicessimple as that, Victoria says. Phyllis thinks Victor poisoned her against Billy, and, should the worst happen, Victoria and Jack will be sorry.
Victor is unmoved. Billy Boy tried to destroy Victors family legacy, ergo he deserves whatevers coming to him. Hes a drunk and a compulsive gambler, to boot. He was beaten up in the garage over a debt. Nikki gasps. She hadnt realized.
Noah slumps at a table at Crimson Lights. Kevin and Mariah join him and they talk aboutwhat elseBilly. The police report showed that Billy suffered other injuries before he was run over with a car. He was roughed up by a bookie trying to collect. Noah picks up on the fact that Billy was trying to make fast cash and wonders why, but it really doesnt matter. The guilty party is the hit-and-run driver.
Abby and Ben return from a romp on the beach to a breakfast of fruit and champagne in their hotel room.
Kevin and Mariah mention their secret project to Noah but clam up when Marisa appears. Shes just come from questioning at the police station. She couldnt offer much. Even so, Kevin commends her for saving Billy. After Kevin and Mariah leave, Marisa reveals, to Noahs surprise, that he was the driver. She saw him.
Victor is not welcome at the hospital. Jill is especially hostile. Victoria and Nikki assure the Abbotts that he means no harm.
Abby is stunned by the news. Ashley encourages her and Ben to remain where they are and to have a good time. They hang up. Abby thinks her mom is holding back information about Billys condition and debates going home early.
Phyllis takes Jill for coffee. Victoria cant imagine who might be responsible for Billys mishap. Jack rolls his eyes when Victor says he has someone on the case.
Marisa explains. She followed Noah to the parking lot and saw him drive away from the scene. At first Noah denies the possibility but then recalls backing over a bump. Then hes distraught and determined to do the right thing. No, says Marisa, he mustnt be naïve. In light of the animosity between the Newmans and Abbotts, it will look bad, and she refuses to let him go to prison. But Noah is a good boy and cant remain silent, as Marisas husband might do in the same situation.
Back at the station, Paul tells Kevin and Mariah that the Newman security cameras havent been replaced since the fire, so the police have only one eyewitness, Marisa, who isnt much help. Kevin lets it slip that Billy owed big debt. Paul suspects that Kevin knows more.
Jack and Victor squabble in the hospital corridor. Jack storms off, telling Victor to be gone when he returns. Victoria appreciates her parents support, but Victors presence is making things worse for the Abbotts. Perhaps he should go. He agrees, but Nikki remains.
In the meantime, Ashley and Dr. Neville arrive. While Ashley goes to her family, Dr. Neville takes a gander at Billys chart and surreptitiously uses his phone to fax images of it to the lab. As he does so, Jill approaches and, thinking hes the doctor in charge, peppers him with questions. He answers with a stream of jargon, including a recommended course of treatment. The conversation ends abruptly when Dr. Shelby announces that Neville has no hospital privileges.
Abby and Ben try to focus on sailing and snorkeling but cant. Ben calls Dr. Shelby to get the straight dope and puts him on speaker so that Abby can hear too: coma, possible paralysis, brain swelling, and so on. They hang up. So is Uncle Billy dying?
Jill wants to hear more about the treatment Dr. Neville has in mind, but Dr. Shelby orders him out. Neville thanks Ashley for standing up for him, apologizes for the disturbance, and leaves.
Noah arrives at the hospital with Marisa in tow. He has something to tell Aunt Victoria. Before he can say another word, alarms go off in Billys room. Hes not oxygenating (breathing). Amid the commotion, Victor, having noted Marisas effort to silence Noah, tells him privately to take her advice.
Back at the lab, Dr. Neville retrieves the fax he sent and shakes his head. The hospital will kill Billy.
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