The Y&R Update Thursday 12/24/15
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Pictures by Juanita
Nikki greets family at the Top of the Tower, including most recent arrivals Dylan and Sharon with Sully. Mariah, Summer, and Faith eye the dessert table and decide to raid it. Sharon asks about Victor.
In Victors office, Billy declares them two of kind: pathetic and alone on Christmas Eve. The difference is Billy wants to be with his family; Victor chooses not to be. Victor becomes riled and issues a warning.
At home Lily and Cane prepare for Neils arrival. The twins help by shaking the gifts and guessing their contents. While Cane entertains the kids, Lily tells Neil not to misinterpret the situation. Cane will spend the night in the guest room. She expects no miracle and assumes their marriage is over.
Hilary, alone in her suite, contemplates her eternity band from Devon. Downstairs at the bar, Abby tries to cheer Devon to no avail. He leaves as soon as Ben arrives. Ben is a wet blanket too. Max, his son, who lives in Australia, refused to speak to him on the phone.
Phyllis and Jack have a moment alone. She praises him for making nice with Billy. Jack declares talk of family and business off limits for the rest of the evening. He wants to enjoy what is likely their last holiday in the Abbott cabin. Times are tough financially, and a lot of bad things happened there in the recent past. Phyllis reminds him that lots of good things happened there too. Shes unwilling to give it up so easily.
Dr. Neville and Ashley drink more lab-created gin. They hear a noise. Its not eight tiny reindeer; its Traci. Surprise! Shes there on a mission.
Billy agrees that his father, John Abbott, would be disappointed in some of his antics, but Billy is a good father. Victor scoffs. Drunk driving? Are you kidding me? Billy concedes: Maybe neither he nor Victor is cut out to be a parent.
Faith pouts. Nick and Sage are snowed in and cant make the party, and Grandpas not there either. Adam, Chelsea, Victoria, Dylan, and Sharon come up with a plan.
Devon stands outside Hilarys room, recalling the day he gave Hilary her eternity ring. She now stands behind him with it and her wedding band. She cant keep them. He wont take them back.
While Cane and Lily busy themselves, Neil asks the kids where Mommy stores the Christmas decorations. Something is missing.
Adam and Victoria try unsuccessfully to lure Victor from his desk. Even a bottle of his favorite tequila doesnt tempt him. He insults Victoria by denigrating Billy. She leaves in a huff. Adam doesnt escape unscathed either. He has no right to lecture Victor about family; Adam cant even look his wife in the eye.
Back at the party, Adam and Sharon have a moment alone. He admires Sully and offers Sharon a respite. He holds the boy and gazes at him, deep in thought.
Traci finds Abby and Ben at the club door and asks their help. Will they persuade Ashley to take the night off? She takes a deep breath and strides to the bar, where Billy stares into a highball and receives a text from his bookie. She chides him for wallowing in self-pity and demands he pull himself together. She had intended to include him in the Abbott family gathering, but hes needed elsewhere. While she steps away to take a call from Kyle, Victoria enters the club and sees Billy. It looks bad from where she stands, so she leaves.
Abby and Ben, wearing Santa hats and fake beards, collect Ashley from the lab, leaving Dr. Neville to carry on.
Faith enters Victors office and asks why hes not at the party. Hes seeing to the family legacy. Thanks to him, all of this will be hers one dayincluding his chair. She tests it and likes it. But shes not sure that sitting in it is better than attending parties.
Sharon supposes that Adam regrets lost time with his sonConnor. Adam stammers and hands Sully to Dylan. Before anything more can be said, Faith steals the show when she appears holding the hand of Grandpa Victor.
Jack and Phyllis loll in front of the fire in their robes and are surprised when Traci, Abby, Ben, Kyle, and Summer burst in, decked out in Christmas attire. Ashley will be there soon.
Devons feelings for Hilary havent changed, so he doesnt want the rings. She can donate them to charity if she likes. Hilary wonders why Devon isnt at Lilys; then she realizes that Neil used Lilys gathering as an excuse to avoid her.
Charlie and Mattie trick Cane and Lily into standing under the mistletoe. Neil kicks back with a mug of cider and says they shouldnt disappoint the kids. They agree to one quick kiss, but its more than just a peck and they seem to enjoy it.
At home, Victoria leads Johnny downstairs to prove that Santa hasnt been there yet, but it appears otherwise. Billy emerges from the next room. Victoria pulls him aside and scolds him for sneaking it. Having seen him at the bar, she assumes hes been drinking. He denies it. He ordered a drink but didnt take a sip. Hes ready to do whatever necessary to win her back. Shes in no mood and orders him to leave. Just then Johnny cries out and she changes her mind. Would he like to stay to open presents? Of course.
Faith is hailed as a great negotiator. Across the room, Chelsea talks to Adam about babies. She saw him cuddling Sully. Perhaps hes ready to have another child.
Devon tries to soothe Hilarys hurt feelings, which is awkward for both of them. They have laugh over it and the ice melts a little. Hilary would like to be friends.
Neil gets sentimental with his family as do Victor and Jack at their respective gatherings. All come to the same conclusion: Family is everything.
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