The Y&R Update Monday 12/7/15
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Pictures by Juanita
Victoria happens upon her dad at the athletic club. Over the phone he assures an associate that despite the computer virus and fire, Newman Enterprises is open for business. He hangs up and informs Victoria that they are no longer operating out of Jabot. Shes pleased and has a surprise for him.
Jack enters Ashleys office, recently arrived from Switzerland and hopping mad. Billy sent him on a bogus mission, and in his absence, Phyllis acted as bait to catch Ian Ward. Thats not the half of it, Ashley says. Phyllis teamed up with Billy against Victor.
Phyllis is disgusted to find Billy hung-over in a club suite. DUI? Really?
Dylan, the proud poppa, is giving away coffee at Crimson Lights rather than cigars. Mariah partakes; shes had it with Sages mood swings at work. As they chat, Dr. Anderson appears with a baby gift.
Adam prepares to report for duty. Chelsea wishes for a little more time together before he begins serving his sentence under Victor. Nick appears at their door, demanding to see Sage, whom Adam invited to spend the night in the guest room. Adam refuses. Sage descends the stairs and confronts Nick. Does he still love her?
Dylan is gracious and offers an update. Mariah casts a suspicious eye as they head for the patio. Kevin is back! She admits she kind of missed him. How did it go in Geneva? It was a fools errand, orchestrated by Billy, but Kevin did meet female hacker who knocked his socks off.
Courtesy of Victoria, the Newman offices are restored and nearly ready for occupantsincluding Victors lair, right down to a bottle of his favorite tequila and his portrait.
Billy isnt up to a lecture and turns the tables. Phyllis encouraged him to attend Sullivans christening, which is where the trouble began, first with Victoria and then with her father. Phyllis wont allow Billy to self-destruct and proposes they face Jack together. He refuses.
Jack is horrified that Billy would compromise Jabots security for a shot a Victor. Ashley has come to terms with Billys motive, but what about Phylliss? She mentioned something about Victor ruining her honeymoon. Jack confirms it and explains.
Of course Nick loves Sage and wants to take her home, where they can grieve their son together. She cant. Nick is concerned, and with good reason. He shut out Sharon when Cassie died and ended up in the arms of another woman. When things threaten to boil over, Chelsea escorts Sage from the room. Adam apologizes for his part in their conflict and offers to help Nick in whatever way he can. Short of bringing back his dead child, theres nothing to be done.
Although shes pleased to get a good report about Sharon, Dr. Anderson doesnt share Dylans rosy outlook regarding Sage and Nick. In fact, given Sages level of grief, the doctor recommends she have no contact with Sullivan. Dylan is taken aback.
Victoria tries to dissuade Victor from prosecuting Billy but to no avail. Adam arrives and lends support to Victor.
Jack couldnt divulge the business about Marcos masquerading as Jack because of Jacks pact with Victor. Phyllis arrives and flies into his arms to welcome him home. He wastes no time calling her out for scheming behind his back. Now for her accomplice . . . Phyllis tells him where to find Billy and wishes him luck.
Billy approaches the club bar, orders coffee, and scolds the bartender for allowing him to drink and drive yesterday. After a moments thought, he changes his order to a Bloody Mary and tosses his keys across the bar.
Adam regrets the collateral damage (i.e., Jack and Ashley), but he has a solid plan for revenge against Jabot, or more specifically, Billy. Victor approves. Victoria can find no fault with it; its fair and legal. Victor tells them to get to work.
Kevin is cagey about the woman in question and takes a call from Natalie. On the patio, Nick overhears Dr. Anderson discussing Sage with Dylan and tells her to butt out. She pursues him inside and apologizes. Would he like to vent over a cup of coffee? Incredibly, he does so. She insists he call her Sandy.
Adam senses hesitation. Is Victoria having second thoughts? Naturally she isnt eager to put the screws to the father of her children. And what about Adam? Why the sudden commitment to dear old Dad? Regardless, she concludes that Adam cant be trusted.
In the lab, Phyllis tries to smooth things over with Ashley, whom she respects. No need to grovel. Jack explained everything. Phyllis elaborates: Like Billy, she was consumed with rage and a thirst for vengeance. Irrational as it may sound, she felt empowered through her destructive acts. Victor walks in, unannounced and uninvited. He denigrates Ashleys authority and issues a warning, even though she doesnt deserve one.
Nick has other children, but Sage is unable to bear any more. Tragic, Sandy agrees, but Nick needs to look after himself too. She recommends they heal separately.
Mariah is peeved by Kevins ongoing phone conversation. Its not that shes jealous, as Kevin supposes. She just wants him to stay out of trouble.
Sage vents while she helps Chelsea with Christmas decorations. Although Sage has little hope for a future with Nick, Chelsea is optimistic. Their relationship doesnt depend on a child. Sage thinks otherwise; she saw Adam fight with everything he had to return to his wife and child. Chelsea notices a gleam in Sages eye. Clearly she and Adam share a bond. Sage openly admires some of his qualities, but Chelsea thinks theres more to it. Adam enters in time to hear Chelsea accuse Sage of loving Adam.
Jack finds Billy at the bar, drinking and placing bets by phone. They argue and nearly come to blows.
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