Tuesday Y&R Update 12/1/15

The Y&R Update Tuesday 12/1/15


Written by Ellen
Pictures by Juanita

Victor finds Phyllis in Ashley’s office. She's pleased that her video drew out Ian Ward. Victor thinks she and Billy are up to no good. Meanwhile, at the Genoa City Motor Arms, Patty Williams dotes on Ian. He’s grateful for her TLC, but now it’s time for her to go.

Chelsea deserves more than a quickie on the sofa, so Adam leads her upstairs to the bedroom.

Dylan and Sharon gush over their little boy, Sully, at Fairview. Dylan is eager to go home, but Sharon wants to follow doctor’s orders.

Nick finishes up a few chores at the Underground and then devotes himself to Faith. What would she like to do? Visit her new baby brother. Sage plasters a smile on her face and encourages it.

Regardless what Victor thinks he knows, Phyllis is hungry for payback. Ian responds to the video with one of his own and invites Phyllis to his motel, knowing full well that she’ll bring a friend.

Nick thanks Dr. Anderson for granting the visit. While Faith proceeds to Sharon’s room, Dr. Anderson shows inordinate concern for Nick, who with Sage grieves his infant son. Joint counseling just isn’t working for them, he confesses. Dr. Anderson offers to lend an ear. He initially refuses but reconsiders. He’s resentful and guilty. Sage is foundering too. Dr. Anderson urges him to take care of himself, first and foremost.

Sage and Mariah prepare the bar for a big football weekend. Sage is irritable and lashes out when Mariah questions the introduction of new menu items. Mariah apologizes; it’s just that she doesn’t expect a salmon canapé kind of crowd.

Is Adam happy? Absolutely. Before he and Chelsea can go another round, they hear Anita return with Connor. Adam can’t resist his son’s calls for “Dada.”

Ian presents Patty with a one-way ticket to Paris, a passport under a new identity, and a Swiss bank account number. She resists. He needs her. No, he says, revenge is a dirty business. He sold his soul to the devil long ago, but Patty still has a chance at salvation. Eventually, she kisses him goodbye and goes.

To disprove Victor’s suspicion of a double-cross, Phyllis offers to get the goods on Ian, alone, and then she and Victor can go to the police together. Not good enough. Victor tags along.

Dylan approaches Nick in the corridor at Fairview. Nick refuses his invitation to see the baby. Dylan understands. Nick puts on a brave face. He compliments the choice of name (Sullivan, for Dylan’s army buddy) and tells Dylan he’ll be a great dad. Dylan hopes he can measure up to Nick in that respect. Inside the room, Faith presents a gift: baby’s first Christmas ornament.

The Adam Newman family gathers in the living room. Time to trim the tree.

At the motel, Ian welcomes Phyllis. Assuming, correctly, that she’s not alone, he asks whether she intends to leave Victor outside. He chuckles when Victor enters and taunts him about his contentious relationship with his son Adam.

As Adam tackles a wad of tangled Christmas lights, he and Chelsea list the things Adam will teach his son. Don’t forget about schooling him in the stock market, Anita says. She takes Connor to the kitchen for a snack, leaving his parents to consider their future; specifically, Chelsea wants to know about the deal Adam struck with his father.

Sage apologizes to Mariah for snapping at her. She just needs to keep busy to keep her mind off her loss. Mariah accepts. All is well until Faith rushes in with news of Sully—how cute he is, and on and on. She intends to spend her holiday break with him at her mom’s house. Sage can’t keep silent. She scolds Faith for being selfish and for deserting her dad. Nick objects. Sage is remorseful, but the damage is done. Faith shrinks from her, making Sage feel even worse.

Sharon praises Dr. Anderson to Dylan but gets an unexpected reaction when she announces her intention to go home with her family today. The doctor leaves the room abruptly, which worries Sharon. She can’t afford to alienate Dr. Anderson. Dylan offers to smooth things over, but before he can, she returns with discharge papers. Sharon has proven herself worthy of release. She places the baby in Sharon’s arms, smiles, and wishes them well.

Ian tells Victor to beware of Adam. Unlike Victor’s other children, he’s smart and resilient—rather like Ian. Ian laughs, but Victor does not. He commands Ian to stop the Paragon Project immediately.

Against Nick’s advice, Sage forces the issue with Faith. Faith isn’t interested in Sage’s apology or the milkshake that Mariah prepares for her. She begs to leave with Mariah, and they do.

To be clear: Adam doesn’t trust Victor, but he’s willing to give their father-son relationship another try. Come what may, he has Chelsea and Connor. After Anita leaves, they finish their decorating. Adam places the star on top of the tree and, even though it’s early, proclaims it a Merry Christmas.

Victor takes up a fishing knife from Ian’s desk, hesitates a moment, and then seizes Phyllis in a headlock. If Ian doesn’t stop the computer virus, Victor will kill Ian’s “girlfriend.”

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