The Y&R Update Friday 10/23/15
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Pictures by Juanita
Billy and Adam were in the courtroom, along with the officers of the court. The bailiff announced that the jury had reached a verdict. Adam had been affected by Billy forgiving him. Adam tried to say something to Billy about it, but Billy didn't want to hear it. Billy said he did it for himself and for Delia, not for Adam. Jack, Victoria and Chelsea walked in. Billy told everyone that the jury was on their way back. Chelsea hugged Adam.
Cane and Lily were at home, along with Neil. Cane thanked them for sticking by him. Cane noted that everyone else thought he was guilty, and he vowed to clear his name. Paul showed up with another officer and a search warrant. Paul left, and the officer searched the house. Cane was furious and felt like he was being harassed. Cane tried to stop the search but Lily and Neil held him back. Cane was humiliated and asked Lily to think of what it would be like if the kids were home. Lily pointed out that they weren't home and that Cindy was willing to watch them overnight. Cane ranted, and Neil warned him that if he kept it up, he was going to make the officer think he was guilty. Cane didn't care how it looked. He yelled that he was innocent.
Victor, Ashley, Phyllis, Chris, Michael, Kevin, Mariah and Esther were milling around the courthouse lobby. Ashley wanted to go back inside to make sure Billy and Jack didn't argue. Phyllis was sure that things between the brothers would be civil. Michael was pleasantly surprised when Lauren arrived. Jack popped outside and let everyone know the jury was back. Nikki came rushing into the lobby, and Victor told her the verdict was in. Nikki wondered what it meant that they'd reached a verdict so soon. Victor said it usually wasn't a good sign for the defendant. Everyone streamed inside. Chelsea told Adam not to forget that she loved him. Paul walked in. The verdict was read – Adam was found guilty of felony hit and run. The judge released the jury, then he called a recess, so the people who wanted to make impact statements could get prepared. Adam quietly talked with Chelsea and Michael. Adam was sure he was going to prison. Michael noted that the impact statements could sway the sentencing in Adam's favor. Billy left the room, and Victoria followed him. Kevin chased after Billy and caught up to him in the lobby. Kevin tried to persuade Billy to tell the judge that Adam needed to suffer. Billy refused and said it was out of his hands. Kevin vowed to give a statement if Billy wouldn't.
Kevin went back inside and took the stand. He fought back tears as he spoke. Kevin explained that he was Delia's parent, her step father, and he was speaking because Chloe had been too distraught to stay and Billy had left. “She was my daughter, and you killed her,” Kevin said to Adam. Kevin had committed crimes, so he understood wondering if a confession would do any good, but Kevin felt that Adam could have given Delia's family the answers they'd been desperate for. Kevin noted that Adam had opted to hide those answers, and now Adam was asking for the compassion that he hadn't shown to the people who loved Delia.
Next, Jack took the stand. Jack said that his family and friends wondered how he could defend a man who caused his niece's death. Jack said it was because Jack had also made monumental mistakes. Jack noted that Billy had asked for Adam to be forgiven. Jack said that leniency would memorialize Delia's kindness. Victor took the stand; he said that Delia's death was a terrible accident and that Adam's actions afterward were the result of fear and grief, not maliciousness.
Esther took the stand, next. Esther recalled that Delia had been wearing a scarf the night she died. After Delia was killed, Esther had gone back to the side of the road and searched for the scarf, because holding it would have been like holding Delia again. “But you burned it. To cover up what you did. You burned my baby's scarf like it was nothing. Like she was nothing,” Esther cried.
Chelsea took the stand. Chelsea couldn't defend what Adam did, but she said that Adam was a good person, which was why he confessed. Chelsea added that the judge's decision would affect Adam and all the people who cared about him. She begged the judge for mercy.
Next, Adam rose. He said he couldn't dispute the guilty verdict. Adam regretted the pain he caused and admitted he deserved to be punished, but Adam said that his son didn't. Adam said Connor deserved a real family – a mom and dad who were there for him and loved him unconditionally. “I never had that,” Adam said, as the camera panned toward a somber Victor. Adam said he wanted to give that to Connor. Adam sat down, and the judge went into chambers.
Mariah told Kevin and Esther that she wished she'd known Delia. Mariah admitted that she wasn't actually helping, but Esther assured her that her presence helped. Lauren and Michael walked over. Lauren said she was sorry Esther had to go through that on the stand. Michael asked if Kevin was okay, but Kevin spat that he didn't want Michael's sympathy and he hoped Adam went to prison for life. Michael noted that it wouldn't erase Kevin's pain over losing Delia and Chloe. Kevin thought a harsh sentence would help.
Adam told Chelsea that she made him sound like a good guy. Chelsea assured Adam that he was a good guy. Adam joked that Chelsea was just saying that, and if they went home, Chelsea would list all his flaws. Chelsea started crying and she said she wanted Adam to come home. Adam said he wanted to be home, too. The judge returned. Judge DeSantos explained that he'd taken everyone's statements into consideration, and he'd given special weight to Billy's thoughts. The judge decided not to impose the maximum penalty, due to Billy's statement, but the judge felt that justice needed to be served, so he sentenced Adam to ten years in prison.
Kevin and Esther were disgusted because they felt that Adam got off lightly. Esther noted that Adam took both Delia and Chloe away.
Adam told Chelsea to never stop telling Connor that Adam loved him. Chelsea asked what she should tell herself. “We'll always have Kansas,” Adam replied. The bailiff took Adam away. Victor was silent, but he was clearly upset.
Ashley approached Jack and Phyllis, and Jack braced himself because he thought Ashley was going to criticize his testimony. Ashley admitted that Jack's statement was heartfelt and sincere. Phyllis, on the other hand, thought Adam should pay. Phyllis said she'd never forgive or forget if that happened to her daughter.
Billy and Victoria went to the park. Billy said he wanted to be there, to talk to his daughter. “You finally got your day in court, Dee Dee,” Billy said, while noting that it took two years for it to happen. Billy told Delia that Adam had been found guilty, and she could finally rest. Victoria gently accused Billy of lying to Delia when he told her that the scores had been settled and she could rest in peace. Victoria didn't think that Billy had actually let go of his anger. A defensive Billy reminded Victoria that he'd forgiven Adam in open court. Victoria thought that Billy needed to forgive himself for leaving Delia in the car and for buying her the dog. Billy wept, and he insisted that it was his fault. He said he couldn't forgive himself for failing to protect his daughter. Victoria reminded Billy that he'd never told Delia that there was anything she couldn't do. Victoria said that if Delia was there, she'd be rolling her eyes and laughing at Billy. Victoria tearfully stated that Billy had already done the impossible – bury his child. She urged him to bury the guilt for Delia, Johnny and Katie. Billy sobbed that he was trying. Victoria told Billy to let the anger go. She urged him not to lie to Delia for the first time. Billy had a breakthrough, and he hugged Victoria. A soft breeze rustled the tree leaves. Billy smiled and said that was Delia sending them a message. Victoria thought Delia was finally at peace. Delia's spirit appeared and told Billy she loved him, then she faded away.
Back at the courthouse, everyone assembled outside to watch Adam be loaded into the prison transport van. Handcuffed, Adam stepped out into the crosswalk, and a car revved its engine, as it accelerated toward him. Adam turned to face the car, but he had no time to react. The car slammed into him, knocking him to the ground, then sped off, while the shocked crowd looked on.
At the Club, the cops served Devon with a search warrant for Cane's gym locker. Devon asked Dylan if he knew about this. Dylan didn't, but he wasn't surprised. Devon showed the officers to Cane's locker. Joe spotted the officers. Joe approached Dylan and asked if Cane was guilty (Joe had heard about Cane's arrest on the news). Dylan didn't think this was any of Joe's business. Joe stated that he cared about Cane, and Lily and wanted to make sure they were okay. Dylan said that Lily was standing by her husband, and he told Joe to stay out of it. Joe replied that Dylan couldn't tell him what to do.
Devon returned. The cops had found a hoodie like the one the man who picked up the ransom wore. Joe noted that lots of people wore hoodies, but Devon said he'd never seen Cane wear one. Devon noted that the evidence against Cane kept piling up. Devon thought the worse part of this was what Cane was putting Lily through.
Lily, Cane and Neil went to the club. Cane was still very upset, and Lily said that the good thing was that the cops didn't find anything. Devon walked up and told everyone about the hoodie. Devon wanted Cane to explain himself. Cane said that he hadn't even been to the gym recently, because she spent all his free time helping Devon look for Hilary. Cane argued that he wasn't stupid enough to leave incriminating evidence in his locker or home. Cane swore he was being set up. Dylan returned and said the surveillance footage showed Cane entering the locker room, carrying something, the day after the ransom drop off. Devon told Cane to just admit he did it. Cane still maintained his innocence and he said that sometimes he liked to store extra clothes in his locker. Cane asked Lily to back him up. Lily said Cane was right, and she asked if he remembered what he dropped off. Cane accused Lily of not believing him. Lily explained that she hadn't had time to process everything, because stuff kept happening, like Cane's arrest and the searches. Lily thought Cane should understand that all the evidence and the defensive way Cane was dealing with the questions would look suspicious to anyone. Cane felt like she was letting him down. “For someone who claims to love me...,” Cane said. Lily interjected that she did love Cane. Cane thought Lily's faith was easily rattled. Lily didn't see anything wrong with asking Cane to explain, but Cane felt that he already had. Lily countered that Cane had only said that he was innocent. Lily said she wanted to be behind Cane, 100%, but she needed Cane to help her understand. Cane refused to explain himself to Lily again. He felt that she was the one person who he shouldn't have to prove himself to. Cane pointed out that he took Lily back after she slept with Joe. Lily asked how many times she had to apologize for that. Cane said she didn't, because he'd forgiven her and given her his trust. Cane was angry because he felt that Lily wasn't trusting him in return.
Devon told Cane to back off of Lily. Cane told Devon to stay out of it. Devon refused, and he snapped that Cane's stunt had diverted the cops attention away from trying to find Hilary. Devon shoved Cane, and Cane shoved him back. Dylan and Joe broke up the fight. Dylan told Cane to go take a walk. “Are you giving me orders?” Cane spat. Dylan urged Cane to step away before Cane did something he'd later regret. Lily agreed with Dylan. “You can all go to Hell, Cane said, as he stormed out of the Club. Lily and Neil tried to reach Cane by phone, but he didn't answer. Lily was worried about what Cane would do, especially since he was still out on bail. Neil went to look for Cane. Lily was afraid that she might have had something to do with Hilary's disappearance, so she apologized to Devon. Devon assured her that she wasn't to blame. Devon wanted to stay with Lily, but Lily knew Devon had phone calls and emails to reply to, so she assured him that it was okay to go. Devon left, and a moment later, Joe walked up. Lily thanked Joe for breaking up the fight. Joe said he hated that there was a rift between Cane and Lily. Joe offered to be there for Lily if she needed a friend. Lily accepted, because she felt that she needed all the support she could get.
In Paul's office, Dylan noted that Cane maintained his innocence. Dylan wondered if Cane might be telling the truth. Paul decided to have the lab check the hoodie from Cane's locker for traces of Hilary's DNA.
Neil went to Cane's house and found him there, packing a bag. Cane said he could deal with the cops searching his house, but he found it intolerable that his wife didn't believe him. Cane decided to move out, since Lily didn't trust him.
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