The Y&R Update Friday 8/28/15
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Pictures by Juanita
Ashley runs into Abby, in her swimsuit, at the Dive Bar. Not exactly business attire. Which side will Abby take at todays meeting about ownership of Chelseas clothing line? Abby resents her mothers manipulation.
Victoria confers with Victor in his office. How far is he willing to go to maintain control of Chelseas label, or more specifically, Chelseas son?
At Crimson Lights, Chelsea makes arrangements with a Realtor to sell her penthouse in town. Shortly after the agent leaves, Billy arrives and takes a seat. He has to ask: Why, after fleeing town to escape Gabriel (Adam), is she now setting up house with him in Paris? She explains that she was running from herself, not Gabe. Billy isnt convinced but respects her decision.
Simultaneously, Jack and Adam meet in the athletic club dining room. Adam cant believe Jack is willing to roll over for Victor. Jack fears Adams reason for caring. Although revenge would be tasty, Adam insists hes merely supporting Chelsea.
Nick and Sage stroll into the Underground the day after their wedding. Noah, Marisa, Summer, and Kyle are astounded. Sage claims not to need a honeymoon of any kind. Being Mrs. Nick Newman is enough for her. And for Nick, duty calls. He and Kyle dread the meeting at Newman.
At home, Sharon urges Mariah to keep her voice down about Sharons miscarriage. Dylan descends the stairs in time to hear Mariah urge her mother to be honest with him. About what? Sharon hems and haws and eventually says that she was afraid to ask Dylan for the day off, especially after she insisted on no special treatment. Nonsense. Sharons and the babys well-being are his top priority.
Ashley makes Victor out to be more a villain than any of the Abbotts in the tug-of-war over Chelsea and blames Abby for fueling the family rivalry. Abby objects. Its nothing more than business to her. She flounces off. Ben, who has been standing by quietly, scolds Ashley for valuing money over family.
Nick greets his dad and sister at the office. His assessment is similar to Victorias. He would suggest that Victor give up Chelseas lineits not worth the troublebut he knows the fight is really over Connor.
Marisa delivers a glass of OJ to Sagevitamins for the baby. Sage is cordial until Marisa comments on the difference between Sages marriage to Nick and the one to the late Adam Newman. Sage misinterprets the remark as a threat. Actually, Marisa is envious. She loves Noah but isnt sure its the real deal. Before Noah and Summer rush off on some secret errand, he plants a big kiss on Marisa, which looks real to Sage.
Victor doesnt take Nicks constructive criticism kindly. Victor cant understand why a Newman child would reject his legacy, which is Newman Enterprises, the way Nick has. The conversation ends when the Abbotts enter. Ashley, Billy, and Kyle line up beside Jack while Victoria and Nick and, later, Abby take their places by dear old Dad. Victor seems satisfied until Chelsea breezes in with Gabriel in tow.
Mariah prompts Sharon to come clean, but she doesnt. Dylan leaves for work. Mariah warns Sharon that no good will come of heaping lie upon lie. Sharon assures her all is under control. She intends to get pregnant again ASAP. Bad idea, Mariah says. It could be dangerous. Sharon wont listen to reason and begs Mariah to keep her secret, for Dylans sake. He said yesterday that he couldnt survive the loss of another child.
Nick calls for a truce between Gabriel and Victor. At Chelseas insistence, Gabe is permitted to remain. Shes eager to take care of business and return to Paris, from where she intends to work. Jabot is OK with that. Victor isnt. Victoria produces the original merger agreement to support him. In the case of dissolution, Chelseas fate is to be decided by her selection of an anonymous bid. Victors is already prepared. Jabot rushes to formulate one and soon Chelsea, with Adams help, is trying to determine which of the two is Jabots. Would Victors bid be the higher? Or the lower? Adam tries to put himself in Victors place.
Ben finds Dylan behind the coffee counter. They commiserate about their days so far. Sharon is off, and it could be because of her bipolar disorder. Ben encourages him to look out for her and their child.
Tensions rise in Victors office as everyone awaits Chelseas decision. When at last she delivers it, the Newmans gloat. Billy says the fight isnt over. Jack and Ashley agree, and the Abbotts file out. Victor requests a private meeting with his prize, Chelsea, but Gabriel wont budge. Gabriel vows to help Chelsea wiggle out of the deal. Impossible, says Victor. The argument escalates and Chelsea becomes nervous about what Gabriel might reveal. She attempts to defuse the situation, but Victor is undeterred. He owns Chelseas line. End of story.
Noah and Summer plan a surprise wedding party for Nick and Sage on the roof of the club. Summer takes the opportunity to ask Noahs intentions toward Marisa. Hes not sure. And how serious are Summer and Kyle? Its love, she says, and she wishes the same for her brother.
Sage is optimistic about Marisas future with Noah. Conversation then turns to their shared secret: that Noahs uncle, Adam, is alive. They agree that ones best kept between the two of them.
Sharon surprises Dylan at the coffeehouse. Pleased that business is slow today, she posts the closed sign in the door. She has plans for him, beginning with a kiss.
Sage and Nick meet at the rooftop, both having received a text invitation from Summer. Nearly all of the Newmans and Abbotts burst forth and yell Surprise!
Downstairs, over martinis, Ashley broods. Is she rigid in her ways? Jack, intending it as a compliment, says yes. Shes like their dad, which is why hes making her co-CEO.
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