Friday Y&R Update 8/21/15

The Y&R Update Friday 8/21/15


Written by Carole
Pictures by Juanita

On Virgin Gorda, Devon asks the police officer, if there is any news about his wife. He tells him that he heard from Paradise Trails about a missing tourist. He says that his wife went off and never returned. Of course, Devon already knows this, but the officer continues. The concierge confirms that Devon called the front desk looking for Hilary. She says that she couldn't find her on the property. The officer asks to speak to Devon alone, and the concierge leaves. She says to let them know if there is anything they can do to help. Devon thanks her on her way out. Devon wants to know if he has any leads or if they've found Hilary. The officer tells him that he met a woman on Gorda Peak. She said that she heard a scream, and then he found a hotel key card. He tries it, and it turns out to be Hilary's. The police officer tells Devon that Hilary may have fallen.

At the cabin, Marco rails at Marisa, and tells her that people like Victor Newman looks after himself. Marisa says that she's no threat to Victor, but Marco tells her that he won't like her sleeping with his grandson. He tells her that she has a lot of dirt on him. Marco tries to scare Marisa about what Victor is capable of. Marisa refuses to believe him.

In Victor's office, Jack tells Victor that he knows where Marco is. He tells him that he's tied to a bed in his family's cabin. Victor wonders if he's escaped, but Jack says that he's well-guarded. He adds for now, and Victor wants to know what he intends to do. He asks if Jack is going to kill him, and Jack says for what he did to Phyllis, he deserves to die.

Paul and Christine are at the athletic club dining room, having dinner. Christine is impressed with the healthy choices that he's made. He jokes that the only thing left for him to eat is lettuce. It'll make him into Bugs Bunny. Christine relents and says that he can cheat once in awhile. She notices him checking his phone, and asks if there's something is up. Paul tells her that it's just father and son thing, but Christine knows better. She says that she saw Dylan earlier talking to Harding. So you're using him to keep track of things at work.

Dylan is at the coffeehouse questioning Summer, who insists that she's telling the truth. She says that she'll even take a polygraph. Mariah is desperately trying to tell them something, but they're focused on Summer. He says that they just can't go to Paul with suspicions. Kevin goes to ask Dylan something, and finally notices that Noah is missing. Mariah speaks up and says that Noah got tired of waiting, and went to see Harding himself. Dylan is upset and wonders what Noah was thinking. Summer says that he was thinking of her husband, Courtney and Tobias Gray. She tells him what she remembers again, and even Mariah backs her up. Summer says that they're wasting time, when they could be looking for Harding. Dylan says that's a job for the police. He worries about Noah tipping off Harding about what they know. Kevin says, not to mention poking an angry bear. Dylan rushes off, with Kevin right behind him. Sharon shows up, and wonders what's going on. Summer and Mariah try to distract her, but Sharon knows that they're both lying.

Noah arrives at the police station, where Harding is in Paul's office. Noah overhears him leaving a desperate message for his accomplice. Harding isn't happy to see Noah, and let's him know it. Noah tells him that he knows what Harding has done, who claims he doesn't know what Noah is talking about. Harding tries to leave, but Noah keeps blocking his way. Noah tells Harding that he knows that he killed Courtney and Austin. Harding tries to deny it, but Noah gets in his face, until Harding pulls out his gun, and points it at him.

Back in the Islands, Devon is frantic trying to find out information about Hilary. The officer tells him that Gorda Peak is near the top, and very dangerous. Devon already knows all of this, and wants to know whether Hilary has fallen or not. The officer asks if he's been there, and Devon says that he was already there looking for Hilary. Devon is fed up with the questioning, and wants to go and search for his wife. The officer says that he's not going anywhere.

Back in Genoa City, Mariah and Summer are still tag-teaming Sharon. Sharon knows that there is something up, and she's worried about Dylan. Mariah tries to tell her that it's nothing important. Summer says that she doesn't know where Dylan went either. Sharon tells Mariah to stop protecting her, but Mariah tells her she's not that considerate. Sharon knows better, and continues to badger Mariah for answers. Summer says that this doesn't involve her, which upsets Sharon even more. She reminds Summer that she was framed for one of the murders, and that the killer dragged her to her house, and left her fingerprints on the tire iron. She demands to now what's happening now. Mariah starts to lie to her, but Summer blurts out that they know who the killer is.

And at the police station, he has a gun pointed at Noah right now. He tells Noah that if he had put a hand on any other cop, he'd be in jail. Noah argues back that Harding was on Courtney, the minute she joined the force. Noah is all over him about his treatment of her. He asks him why he hated her so much. Harding tells Noah that he didn't hate her. He was just trying to toughen her up. Harding finally lowers the gun, and tells Noah that he's trying to get justice for Courtney. He asks another cop to keep an eye on Noah, and then leaves.

While Jack and Victor are still arguing, Phyllis shows up, but doesn't go in. She hears them arguing about what to do with Marco. Jack wants Victor to tell his people to take care of Marco. Phyllis leaves as quietly as she came.

At the coffee house, Summer and Mariah ate finally telling Sharon the truth. Sharon feels bad for Summer, after she tells her story to her. Summer feels guilty about not remembering what happened sooner. She recalls not being able to move, and Mariah reminds her that they were all drugged thanks to Fen. Sharon asks how Fen was involved, and they tell her that he was blackmailed into drugging the punch. As they're telling her the story of how Harding is involved, Sharon realizes that Harding is even more dangerous than they thought.

Paul and Christine are still at the athletic club. He's explaining how Dylan was interested in police work, so he's just doing him a favor. Christine questions his motives, but Paul says that if she wants him to work less, having Dylan at the station will help with that. Christine says that if he's going to monitor things from home, he may as well go to work. Paul is a happy man but Christine tells him that the only reason that she was hard on him is because she cares so much. As a cop, he can be taken away from her at any moment. She says that they have a new threat now. The doctor told them that if he has one heart attack then he could have another. Paul says that he's taking every precaution, but Christine is still worried about the stress at work. Paul tells her that Dylan is interested in becoming a cop. Christine tells him that he's crossing the line letting Dylan help the investigation. Paul says not officially, and Christine says that it's still wrong. Paul says that there are no lives at stake. They are interrupted by a frantic Harding, who tells Paul that there are too many amateurs interfering with the investigation. Christine says that Paul left him in charge, but Harding tells her that he didn't know how to handle Noah coming in and accused him of being a dirty cop. Paul wonders why Noah would do that, but Harding claims ignorance. Paul agrees to look in to it, before Harding takes off. Christine says that he better put a stop to this now.

At the police station, Noah asks if he can make a call, just as Dylan and Kevin arrive. Kevin is glad that Noah's alright. Dylan tells Noah that he heard that Noah went after Harding. Noah tells him that he told that Summer remembers him being at the cabin, and killing Austin. Noah says that this information rattled Harding so much that he took off. He tells Dylan that Harding denied everything. Kevin says that he's probably going to make a run for it. Dylan says that's what he would, so Kevin goes to check the CCTV. Noah wants to know what made Harding a killer, and Dylan intends to find that out.

At the cabin, it's Marco's turn to try and talk Marisa into leaving with him. Marisa says that they can't go back to their old life. Marco tells her that even though, he's been with a lot of women, she's always been the one that he needs. Marisa pretends to be jealous of Phyllis. He doesn't believe her denial, and tries to convince her to untie him. He says that there is only one man in her heart, and she says that it's Noah! Marco says that they don't have much time cause Jack will be back. She tells him that his time is up, and spits in his face. She takes great delight in telling him that Jack will be back, and kill him. She says that she will enjoy watching every minute. Phyllis arrives, and says "So will I."

In the Virgin Islands, Devon is still being treated more like a suspect, than a worried husband.

Back in the Genoa City Athletic Club, Christine is furious with Paul for sending Dylan out on an active investigation. She says that he's making anything found against Annicelli inadmissible in court. She says because it was found by a civilian not a cop. They are still arguing when Dylan calls Paul to let him know about Harding and Noah. Dylan tells him that they have an eyewitness that saw him at the cabin. He tells Paul that he thinks Harding is going to run. Paul wonders why Harding came to see him, and Dylan thinks it may have been to discredit him. Paul says that he'll join them at the station. He and Christine leave the restaurant.

At the police station, Dylan continues on with looking for Harding. He tells Kevin and Noah that he was last seen at the athletic club. Kevin has already pulled up the security cameras at the club. They can see Harding at the rooftop restaurant. Kevin wants to call Paul, but Dylan wants to handle it himself. He takes off.

Jack and Victor are still arguing over what to do about Marco. Jack says that the only way to get rid of Marco, is to deal with this tonight. He tells Victor to make the call, and leaves.

Marco pleads with Phyllis to help him, to no avail. He tries to pretend to be Jack, but Phyllis knows better. He says that he can't be blamed for trying, but Phyllis says that she can blame him for a lot of thing. He still thinks that they can work things out, but she says that she will make him pay today. She pulls out a knife, and duct tape, tapes up his mouth. Marisa thanks her for that. Phyllis tells Marco that he's manipulated so many people, and she wants him to know what it feels like. Marco isn't a happy camper. Marisa joins in, on torturing him, and tells him that he deserves what he gets for what he did to Phyllis. She says that if it were her, she'd be doing the same. Phyllis likes " an eye for an eye" but as she waves the knife around, that's not what area of his body, that they're looking at.

At the coffeehouse, Sharon wants to go after Dylan. Mariah and Summer both tell her that it's too dangerous, and she has to think of the baby. She leaves him a frantic message, to no avail. Sharon takes off, and Mariah and Summer follow her.

Paul and Christine arrive at the police station, where Harding's movements are being monitored by Kevin and Noah. Christine lectures Noah, who admits that he was wrong to confront Harding. Christine appreciate his grief, and wanted justice for Courtney, but he shouldn't have confronted Harding on his own. Kevin defends Noah and Dylan, by saying that Paul wasn't there to deal with it. Paul says that he's here now, but it's Christine who's called away. She warns Paul not to take any unnecessary chances. She leaves, and Paul asks where his son is. 

On the rooftop restaurant, Harding is making a frantic call for a false passport. Dylan shows up, and asks "Going on a trip?"

In the Virgin Islands, Devon is still defending himself, while trying to cooperate with the police. It's not looking too good for Devon, as he tells his story. He tells the skeptical officer that the concierge will confirm his story. He tells him how when he felt better, he went looking for Hilary . He says that he ran into the owner, who told him that the hike was cancelled. He says that Hilary was a no-show, so her guide went home. The officer asks if he looked for Hilary, but Devon tells him that on the advice of the tour owner, he came back to the hotel. Devon is fed up with the questioning, and just wants the police to find his wife.

Noah and Kevin are monitoring Dylan's progress, and are relieved that he found Harding. Kevin messes with the audio, so they hear Dylan talking to Harding. He tells Harding that he knows everything, and knows that Harding wasn't working on his own. Suddenly, Sharon, Summer and Mariah show up, and Kevin tries to hide his monitor from them. Sharon asks what they're watching, and Kevin tells her it's just surveillance. She's not fooled, and knows that it's Dylan, so Kevin has to show it to her.

Unfortunately, it's just when Harding pulls a gun on Dylan. Sharon freaks out, and nearly collapses. Dylan tries to talk Harding down, but Mark knows what he's doing. Dylan asks him if he was contracted to do the murders. Harding says that he was hired to keep secrets. He refuses to give up his secrets, but then Paul shows up, and things get heated.

Things are also heated at the cabin, where Phyllis and Marisa are threatening to cut Marco's balls off.......literally. Jack arrives and hears Phyllis finally unloading on Marco what she's been feeling all this time. She says that if she were a different kind of person, she would slit his throat, and not look back. But she's not ready to give him that satisfaction, and drops the knife. Jack comes in, and picks up the knife, and says that it won't stop him. But Marisa begs him to stop.

Devon learns that someone saw Hilary arguing with someone, before she disappeared. Devon asks who the man was, but it's clear the police office thinks that it's him.

Marisa and Phyllis beg Jack not to stoop to Marco's level. He reluctantly puts down the knife, just as Victor arrives. He tells Jack that he made the right decision.

Mark Harding isn't making the right decisions. It's the end of the road for him, and he has nothing to lose. Paul still tries to talk to him, but then Harding pulls a gun on Dylan. Paul attempts to put his gun down, but Dylan jumps Harding, when the opportunity arises. A shot rings out, and there's panic back at the station.

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