The Y&R Update Friday 5/29/15
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Pictures by Juanita
At the lab, Ashley bristles at Imposter Jacks method of rewarding Chelsea and Gabriels bad behavior while her pet project founders. She wants to support her brother, but hes not making it easy. He begs her to continue to play along and to sit in on his meeting with Chelsea today. Trust him; he knows what hes doing. Is that so? Victor asks from the doorway.
The real Jack Abbott wakes up in the hold of a cargo ship. Kelly appears. Shes not dead after all, and shes angry with Jack for betraying her.
Ben surprises Abby, poolside. Shes a little jumpy knowing the killer is still on the loose. Kevin says so. This is unwelcome news to Ben, although not all bad because it means Abby will require a round-the-clock body guard again.
Gabriel catches Chelsea at her apartment door. Is she avoiding him? She demurs. No, shes just been busy. Is she sure her uneasiness doesnt have something to do with his declaration that Adam might not be the only love of her life? If she gives Gabe the opportunity, hell prove it. Inside, she gives him two minutes for his sales pitch. He says it was love at first sight for him; they have a connection, which he can feel even now; theyre great friends and even better lovers; and he wants to be her life partner and to be available to Connor. Shes impressed and rewards him with more than just a kiss.
Ashley, Victor, and Jack briefly discuss their distrust of Gabriel. In order to get him to lower his guard, Jack is giving him and Chelsea everything they want. Victor is in agreement, so Ashley throws infor now. But make no mistake, shell fight Jack if necessary to save their fathers company. She leaves to call Chelsea for the meeting. Victor is exasperated with Jack for again deviating from the script.
Back on the ship, the real Jack admits he toyed with Kelly, but its time to end the games. Never, she says. With a demonic laugh, his vision of her vanishes into thin air. He struggles to get his bearings and hides quickly when a man enters. He watches as the man pries open a crate and extracts a bag of white powder.
After lovemaking, Gabriel awaits Chelseas postgame analysis. Not bad, but not Adam. He understands her reluctance to let go, but hes a solid man and, as a bonus, he has no family to meddle in their business. With a gasp she realizes shes late for a meeting and flies upstairs to prepare. Gabriel, shirtless, answers a knock at the door: Ashley.
Ben proposes an evening out. Abby is shocked. Is he asking her on a date? Hes been remote lately. At first she feared it was because of her mother. Well . . . , he says, Ashley did confess having feelings for him. Have? Or had? Ben tries to convince Abby that its strictly past tense, but she thinks otherwise. Even so, Ben has no qualms about moving forward with Abby. She does.
Ashley warns Gabriel against mixing business with pleasure, specifically messy office romances. But then again, Gabriel and Chelsea were an item before they became coworkerswhile Chelsea was with Billy. They spar verbally until Chelsea descends the stairs. Gabriel exits while the women hash things out.
Jack thought he was brilliant at the intervention. But then he has experience with that sort of thing. A user? Victor asks. No, but his lover was. He helped her get clean and then fled his enemies. He abandoned her? Where is she now? Jack has no idea.
After the man reseals the container and leaves, Jack emerges and opens it to have a look. He looks up to see the mans fist in his face. When he comes to, hes in shackles.
Abby has played the part of the home wrecker a couple of times and she refuses to hurt her mother. He persists. If it feels goodand it doesthen it cant be wrong. Typical male point of view, Abby says. But hes just too darn cute for her to resist. Time for work. Itll be tough to face her mom.
Ashley has accepted the budget allocations, but shell have her eye on Chelsea. Waiting for her to fail, Chelsea supposes. Talk turns to Billy and then to Gabriel. Ashley trusts Chelsea to keep her personal life separate from her professional life. Of course.
At the lab, Jack and Gabriel have a similar conversation. Everyone seems to be ready to play nice. One more thing, though: Jack asks Gabriel to make peace with Billy. Impossible. Gabriel has been defending Adam, Billys mortal enemy. Imagine what would happen if Billy found out Gabriels true identity (hes Adam). Jack has an a-ha moment. Gabriel continues: He and Jack are in the same boat. Both would like nothing better than to see Victor go down. Jack prods him slightly and gets him to mention starting over and pursuing Chelsea as Gabriel Bingham. He then pledges his loyalty to Jack.
Victor sits at a secluded table at the Athletic Club and gets a phone update from his island contact. Jack is thought to be on a drug-running ship bound for Peru, which tickles Victor.
Another man, bald and muscle-bound, enters the ships hold and speaks Spanish to the other one. He interrogates Jack, who claims to be a cosmetics executive. He came to the island to marry but things went awry. Hell pay this thug handsomely to return him to the States. The bald man calls him Marco and knows hes good for the moneybecause it belongs to the bald man. He slaps Jack and says theyll soon find out whether hes worth more dead or alive.
Ashley is hard at work on Hex when Ben and Abby enter the lab. She attempts small talk with them about their day, but Abby cant stand it. She knows her mother carries a torch for Ben. Ashley is mortified and asks a moment alone with Ben. Before she can lay into him, she drops a prescription bottle on the floor. Ben retrieves it and is stunned. Its powerful stuff. Ashley says only that shes been having headaches lately and invites no further discussion.
Gabriel returns to Chelseas. Shes not to worry about Ashley or Victor or Billy interfering with her work. Jack is on her side. Chelsea is grateful for his going to bat for her. No problem. He and Jack are buddies. Jack understands him. Something in his delivery reminds her of Adam.
Jack seats himself across from Victor at the club and says the mystery is solved. He knows Gabriels identity.
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