Tuesday Y&R Update 5/5/15

The Y&R Update Tuesday 5/5/15


Written by Carole
Pictures by Juanita

Kyle, Marco/Jack and Phyllis are having dinner at the GCAC. Kyle excitedly tells a story about driving his Dad's new Ferrari, when Summer shows up. Phyllis asks her to join them, but Summer says that she can't. She invites her to join them at the grand reopening of The Underground. She says that Nick would be happy to see her. She says that she just can't be around people. She takes off, and Phyllis asks Kyle what's going on with her. Kyle tells them that she's been acting like this for awhile now. He tells Marco/Jack and Phyllis about this elaborate dinner he setup for her. He says that he even gave her a beautiful necklace, which she gave back. She just rejected everything, and walked out on him. Marco/Jack says that his ego must've been bruised. Kyle makes a joke that he's an Abbott, and he doesn't bruise easily. He gets up from the table to go after Summer.  Phyllis suggests that maybe Kyle was trying too hard. Marco/Jack doesn't see anything wrong with that, and Phyllis agrees with that. Marco/Jack says that he's lucky to have a woman who appreciates who he is. Phyllis reaches across the table and holds his hand. 

Somewhere in the Caribbean, the real Jack is still being held prisoner by an increasingly insane Kelly. Kelly has left him alone for two days. She teases him with a glass of water, and he has to apologize to her. She is pleased and gives him a sip. Jack is obviously parched. She  tells him to say "Thank you." which he does. He can barely breathe.

Over at Sharon's, she's fussing over Michael, who's been busy working on her case. She gets Michael to agree to take a break by having some tea. She doesn't want to talk about her case, and mentions that The Underground is reopening tonight. She suggests that he take Lauren, but he says that he can't leave as long as she's under house arrest. She mentions that the judge let Dylan stay with her when Michael was in the hospital. He balks at the idea, and reminds her that he and Lauren are separated. And it has nothing to do wither case. Noah arrives, and says that he has news of Sharon's case.

Nick is showing Faith around the newly renovated Underground. She's not all that impressed, and is disappointed that everything looks the same. Nick says that it's supposed to be that way. Faith is worried that the club might falls down again, but Nick reassures her that won't happen. He tells her that the club is under "a cone of invincibility". Faith knows her father well, and asks if that's a real thing. Mariah and Kevin jump in, and Kevin tells her that he has one around his house, his car and his pet iguana! Faith knows that he doesn't have a pet iguana. Faith is enjoying herself, until Sage shows up.

Phyllis and Marco/Jack are talking about Summer, not wanting to go to the re- opening of Nick's club. Phyllis is nervous about going, and shares Faith's fears of another collapse. He tells her to have a couple of martinis to keep her mind off of it. Of course, Marco/Jack thinks it wasn't that bad. As Phyllis goes on and on about how it felt, Marco/Jack notices Victor arrive at the club.

Noah excitedly tells Sharon that Paul is dropping the charges. Michael is surprised at this, but Sharon says that it must because of the latex found on the tire iron. She thinks that it proves that someone is setting her up. Noah says that's part of it, then explains what Kevin found on the security footage. It does show going into Austin and Summer's building, which Sharon thinks is going to make her look guilty. Noah tells her that the time stamp was doctored. Michael says that Dylan was supposed to take the photo to Paul. Sharon is upset that Michael didn't tell her that, and Michael tells her that there was nothing to tell. Sharon gets excited and ahead of herself, and thinks that she's finally free.

Sharon's mini-me is being snotty to Daddy's new girlfriend Sage. Nick tells Faith to apologize to Sage. which she does half-heartedly. Sage tries to be nice to her, but Faith just wants to leave. Even bribes of a chocolate can't cheer her up, as Sage tries to make conversation with her. Faith asks her what she's doing there, as Nick tries to caution her. Faith says that she thought Nick wasn't seeing Sage anymore. Nick tells her that Sage is working there, and Faith wonders if that's all.

At Crimson Lights, Abby and Stitch are talking over his recent admission of feelings for her. She doesn't think that she's good enough for him, but he disagrees.

Kelly is again teasing Jack with food. Jack gets upset, and says that she's trying to break him. He calls her demented which, of course, she disagrees with him, and threatens to leave him alone. 

Marco/Jack is taken aback about what Phyllis asks him. He claims to remember what they said when they were buried in the rubble. Victor sees that he's in trouble, and comes to the rescue. Phyllis says that it's going to be bittersweet going back to The Underground. She tells Victor that Jack doesn't seem to feel the same way. Victor says that we don't all have different ways of dealing with things.  Marco/Jack  apologizes to Phyllis for being insensitive to her feelings. He takes his cue from Victor, and says that he prefers to focus on the future. Phyllis accepts that and laughs, saying that what's Nick's club opening is about. That's the spirit, says Victor. Phyllis asks him if he's going to be there, and he says of course. Phyllis leaves to get ready for the party.

As soon as she leaves, he takes Marco/Jack to task for not being at work. Marco/Jack makes a joke, but Victor is not happy. He doesn't like his puppet improvising. As he tells Marco/Jack to do what he's told to do, Kyle overhears him. "Where do you get off talking to my Dad like that, he asks? Marco/Jack tries to smooth over things by saying that they were just trying to work out the kinks. Kyle doesn't buy that cause he's worked for Victor, and knows that there's only one boss. Victor concedes that he was treating his father with disrespect.

If Victor means the "real" Jack, then yes, he is. Poor Jack is still living in this nightmare with Kelly, who wants him to profess his love and commitment to her.

Back at Crimson Light, Abby and Stitch continue to talk about their new-found status as a couple. They are pointing out their good and bad qualities. They decide they are pretty much even. Jack tells her that it's not his fault, and he apologies for all the nasty things he said. Kelly thinks that they're just going through a "rough patch" in their relationship. Kelly wants to him do it, the "old-fashioned way". She has Jack worried, and laughs. Luckily for him, she means for him to write a love letter.

Stitch tells Abby that he's made as many mistakes as she's made. She reminds him that he was in a committed relationship for years, and didn't cheat on his wife. To her that means that he's dedicated and devoted, loyal and true blue.  Stitch says that he lied to his wife about killing his dad, until Kelly told Jenna about it. Abby wonders what would of happened if Jenna had known the truth. Stitch says that it was his fault that his marriage broke up. He says he screed up worse when he got drunk and slept with Victoria, who was fighting for her family. Abby says that Billy screwed up his own marriage. Stitch goes on to say that he has to take responsibility of his tryst with Ashley, and then five minutes after breaking up with Victoria, he's with Abby. Abby jokes that it was more like an hour. He says he's been with three women in a year. He says that he's not the good guy that she thinks that he is. Abby relents and jokingly calls him a "man whore."

Back at The Underground, Nick has bribed Faith with a chocolate milkshake. He asks her if she knows the secret ingredient, and she guesses peanut butter. Faith is still not deterred and asks him if Sage is working there, is this the only place that he'll be seeing Sage? Mariah jumps in, and reminds Faith that her ride should be there. Nick is thankful for the support, and says that her ride Amy should be outside, and offers to take her. Again Mariah jumps in and offers to take her. Nick tells Faith that he'll see her later. Mariah teases Faith by saying, "It's a good thing you're not driving cause that peanut butter will go to your head." Faith giggles on the way out. Nick apologizes to Sage for Faith's attitude, and tells her she looks beautiful. Sage understands that Faith is afraid of losing her mother. Nick apologizes for Sage being hurt, and they have a moment. Of course, that's when Kevin asks if he's the news. He hasn't, so Kevin tells him it's about Sharon. So much for that moment!

Back at the ranch, Michael tries to calm Sharon down, saying that it's not a done deal. Noah says that Paul can't ignore the evidence that someone is framing his Mom. Noah tells her that the hard drive that the photo was on was stolen. As well as Austin's laptop. This gives Sharon hope, and wonders how much more evidence Paul needs to prove that she's innocent. Noah says that he's close, and Michael wonders where he got his information.  Noah says a reliable source, and Michael guesses Kevin. Noah doesn't admit anything, and Michael tells Sharon, this is the reason he didn't want to tell her anything. He didn't want to get her hopes up. He goes to call Paul for any updates. while Sharon wants to celebrate. Noah takes this time to apologize to his Mother for believing she could kill Courtney. Sharon gratefully accepts, and wonders if Nick knows the news yet.

Back at The Underground, Kevin is telling Nick that the hard drive and Austin's computer have been stolen. Nick asks what Paul has to say, but Kevin doesn't know. He tells him that Paul is thinking about dropping the charges, and re-opening both cases. "So Sharon might be innocent," ponders Nick, just as Mariah returns. She's none too pleased with his response, or his attitude. Nick says that the charges haven't been dropped yet, Mariah goes on a rant against the Newman's being ready to lock Sharon up. Kevin tries to calms her down by saying that no one wants Sharon in jail. Mariah reminds them that while they're all pointing the finger at Sharon, the real killer is still out there.

Summer and Phyllis have arrived at the rooftop restaurant at the GCAC. Summer is upset that her mother pulled her out of Yoga class. Phyllis wants to know what's going on between her and Kyle. She senses that all is not well, between her and Kyle. Summer says that Kyle has changed since the last time she saw him. She tells her mother that he was great right after Austin died, but now things are different.  She proceeds to tell her about this big day that didn't end well. Phyllis tells her that she's been feeling that way about Jack. Phyllis and Summer compare notes about their Abbott men. Phyllis tells her that Summer will just have to learn to deal with the changes. Summer wonders if she can, but Phyllis tells the wait is worth it.

Kelly is reading the love letter that Jack wrote for her. He manages to hide the pen away from her. Jack quotes the letter, but he's not thinking of Kelly. Kelly is pleased, and Jack says that he meant every word. She is thrilled with the passion, and throws herself at him. As she kisses him, he pulls out the knife, and stabs her in the neck. Jack tells her that he's in love with Phyllis not her. Jack tells her that has to be insane to think he loves. Suddenly she starts laughing, and tells him that they're both screwed. She's the only one who knows where they are. You kill me, you kills us both, she says, before she passes out.

In the dining room of the GCAC. Victor apologizes to Kyle for his behavior earlier. Victor continues singing Marco/Jack's praises in going ahead with the merger. Kyle understands now why Billy and Ashley were against it. Marco/Jack accepts Victor's apology, as Victor leaves for the office. Kyle still can't believe what just happened between his "Dad" and Victor. Marco/Jack wants to here about Kyle and Summer's date. Kyle tells him his tale of woe. Marco/Jack tells Kyle that if Summer isn't interested, there will be plenty of women at The Underground who are. Marco/Jack says that he'll be there to help. Kyle doesn't want his father for a wingman. Marco/Jack offers him his brand new Ferrari instead. Marco/Jack  says he'll be riding along to make sure he's safe. Kyle asks him to duck should they drive by any gorgeous  women. Marco/Jack agrees.

Back at Crimson Lights, Stitch and Abby have decided to bite the bullet. They are going to out themselves as a couple at the re-opening of The Underground.

At the rooftop restaurant, Phyllis receives a text from Marco/Jack that he and Kyle re headed to The Underground. Summer thinks that Marc/Jack's note "See ya there, beautiful!" is cute. She says that Marco/Jack may have changed, but he still loves her very much. Phyllis wants her to come with her, but Summer isn't sure. Phyllis bribes her with a new dress, and Summer is reluctant.

Jack is trying to get a wounded Kelly to give a key to unlock the cuffs. Kelly refuses, because she thinks that he'll leave her. He pleads with her that he'll get help and come back for her. Jack sees her bag on the bed, and desperately reaches for it with the same pen that he wounded her with.

Back at Sharon's, she's still convinced that she'll be freed soon. She's optimistic about the future of her family. Noah is more cautious, but has to leave to go the re-opening. Sharon wishes she could go, and tells Noah to send his father her best. Sharon asks him to let her know if hears anything more about her case. Noah reminds her that they are still in danger, before he leaves. Sharon believes they are close, and kisses him goodbye.

Michael tells Sharon that he couldn't reach Paul and plops down on her couch. Sharon says that he looks tired, and suggests that he take a nap. She says that she'll be upstairs taking one, too. Michael falls asleep almost immediately.

At The Underground, Nick and Sage are discussing the news about Sharon. They also talk about Faith, and Nick asks Sage if she'll wait, and she tells him that she's not going anywhere.

Jack finally gets a hold of Kelly's bag, and doesn't find any keys. But there is a cell phone..

Kyle and Marco/Jack are driving when Kyle's cell phone rings. He wants to answer, thinking it's Summer, but Marco/Jack won't let him.   Both the imposter and the real Jack are stunned to hear the other on the end of the line.

Sage and Nick are ready to re-open The Underground. Noah is the first to arrive and is greeted warmly by his father. Abby and Stitch arrive next . giving Mariah a chance to take a pot shot at her. Abby refuses to react, but it doesn't last long when Mariah keeps taking digs at her. Kevin says "Drinks and a show!" But Nick tries to put an end to it, but Mariah can't help herself. She asks Abby if she wants a screwdriver, just as Victor walks in. Abby apologizes, and Stitch takes her out of the line of fire.

Michael wakes up and realizes Sharon has flown the coop.

Noah and Victor are arguing over who's buying the drinks, when Phyllis arrives looking for Jack. She says that Jack is one his way with Kyle, and that Summer sends her love. She tells him that the place looks great, and notices Victor. Nick guesses that he's looking a good photo-op with Jack. She tells him that he'll be arriving in his new Ferrari. Nick is surprised, but all conversation stops when Sharon enters, dressed to the nines.

The real Jack wants to know where Kyle is, but the imposter doesn't say anything. He wants to know who's calling, and gets upset. The real Jack hears Kyle's voice and tries to call out to him. The imposter is trying to hold the phone away from Kyle, who loses control of the wheel. They crash.

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