The Y&R Update Friday 3/13/15
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Pictures by Juanita
At Crimson Lights, Summer watches Austins video. He spews venom about Genoa Citys most powerful familiesthe Abbotts and the Newmans. Kevin, who unearthed the file, and Kyle stand by.
Kelly confessed, letting Phyllis off the hook, and Billy and Chelsea are engaged, so its party time at the Abbotts.
At the athletic club, Adam meets with the builder doing the post-fire repairs and slips him an incentive to slow down.
Victoria praises Bens talent for healing. It was a great idea to invite Abby to stay with them while she recovers. Victoria jumps up and leaves the room when she receives a text from her dad. Abby descends the stairs, looking like death warmed over. Ben asks about her word choice yesterday. She said Austin was killed. Exasperated, she explains: Austin was killedin a car accident. Ben thinks theres more to it, but Victoria returns, ending the conversation.
Kyle frets about Summers state of mind. Not Mariah, who, newly arrived and having seen the video, tells Summer she sure knows how to pick em. They argue. Kevin and Kyle refocus: They need to identify the murderer, and Austins videos may contain clues. Victor gets Mariahs vote. Not Grandpa! Summer says. And they argue again. The group continues to brainstorm, considering and rejecting suspects. Eventually, Kyle breaks up the gathering to attend Billy and Chelseas engagement party. Kevin is happy to get back to his file cracking.
Ashley joins the crowd in the Abbott living room and they talk weddings. Chelsea is willing to defer to Jack and Phyllis if theyd like to set their date first. Jack is surprised when Phyllis declines.
Sage takes a seat across from Adam and isnt surprised to hear that they wont return to their apartment anytime soon. In fact, she took the liberty of booking a club suite so that they can get out of the Abbott house, and more to the point, to separate Adam from Chelsea. When he balks, she offers divorce as the only other option and dials up Mr. Tipton.
Abby was impressed with Victorias and Ashleys civility toward each other in the wake of the attack. They did it for Abbys sake, but she shouldnt expect anything more. Theyre still business competitors. While Victoria tends to the baby, Ben resumes his interrogation until Abby says enough!
Billy and Chelsea arent in a hurry to set a date either. They evade further questions and leave the room. Ashley jokes about her ability to kill a romance then leaves Jack and Phyllis to talk. He thought they were back on track. Is that not true? It is true. Well, in that case, Jack proposes they wed one month from today. How uninspired. She still has doubts, despite his declared mission to love her and pursue her to the ends of the earth. In the dining room, Chelsea and Billy have a similar conversation with a better outcome. For them, its all systems go.
Ben tries to help Abby, but she doesnt cooperate. Is she in danger? Maybe. . . . Finally, under duress, she blurts out that Austin was murdered. Ben vows to protect her.
Adam seizes Sage's phone. They have a deal, and to get their inheritance, they must honor it. But its not working for Sage, who wants Nick. Nor is it working for Adam, who pines for Chelsea. Why doesnt he just reveal his identity to her and let the chips fall where they may. Chelsea strolls by their table, sees them, and approaches. Theyre all looking forward to the party, especially Gabriel (Adam). As best man, he cant imagine being anywhere else. This is news to the girls. Theyre puzzled about Billys choice, but he arrives and confirms it.
Ultimately, Jack convinces Phyllis that she can trust him, and she agrees to marry him. She demands he replace the ring on her finger and says she wants a big wedding, nothing slapdash. OK then. By the end of April shell be his wife.
Abby resists telling the police and orders Ben to say nothing. When Victoria returns, Abby excuses herself to prepare for the party. What party would that be? Billy and Chelseas engagement party. Its an awkward moment, especially for Victoria. She recovers and insists that Abby not go alone. Whos going to accompany her? Surely not Victoria. Ben offers to drive her. Problem solved. Victoria gets another message from Victor telling her to call ASAP and again she leaves the room without explanation. Abby thanks Ben for keeping mum. He squirms a bit then orders her not to do any amateur sleuthing.
Adam gulps drinks at the party, to Sages dismay. Jack eventually makes his way to them and worries aloud about Gabriel. Sage assures Jack that she can handle him, but Jack thinks shes over her head.
Ben phones Victoria from the coffeehouse after delivering Abby to the party. She tells him shes heading to the office and taking the kids, so she wont be home when he gets there. OK by him. He spots Kevin on the patio and confronts him. Whats he up to? Abby told him the whole story.
Kyle and Abby meet at the party and talk briefly before Jack calls for everyones attention. He makes a toast to the happy couple as Adam (Gabriel) swigs champagne from a bottle. Gabriel then asks for the floor. Sages heart is in her mouth.
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