Friday Y&R Update 1/16/15

The Y&R Update Friday 1/16/15


Written by Ellen
Pictures by Juanita

Gabriel (Adam) and Nick meet at the gym. Nick discovered that Gabe was expelled for the sinking of the Juliette. Why didn’t he say so?

Chelsea fits a dress on Sharon. Sharon apologizes for being late for work. She’s grateful for the job but has been frazzled with custody case pending. Chelsea is glad to help. They figure they have a few things in common. Adam tried to take Connor from Chelsea once upon a time. Sharon gets a call from her attorney. Her case goes to court next week.

Victoria runs into Sage at the athletic club door. They chat about Nick, whom Sage saw recently. Victoria is surprised to hear that he paid a condolence call at her house.

At the hospital, Michael learns that he’s to begin radiation treatment tomorrow.

Phyllis and Jack return to the living room after making up in the bedroom. Is Jack ready to admit that Kelly ordered the flowers and lured him to a club suite? Yes. He never figured her for that type. Although he doesn’t see it, he’s received a text from Kelly requesting a meeting.

Yes, Gabriel was expelled, and yes, Constance bailed him out. She enrolled him in a different school. It was so unpleasant that no one ever mentioned it again. Constance didn’t even tell Sage. Billy overhears. He’s had his share of those kinds of episodes. After Nick leaves, Billy apologizes for his shabby treatment of Gabriel.

Victoria and Nick meet at the club bar. She asks a few probing questions about Sage. She’s just a friend. He’s not prepared for romance; he’s in the throes of a custody battle. Victoria holds herself up as an example. She didn’t expect to fall in love with Ben, but she did and couldn’t be happier.

Jack shouldn’t feel too sorry for Kelly. At least he’s had his eyes opened. Phyllis hurries to a routine checkup with her neurologist. Jack sees Kelly’s message and goes to her office. He knows she ordered the roses for the suite. The florist confirmed that the customer was a blonde. Kelly is flabbergasted.

Sharon still loves Nick and would prefer to share custody. Sure, Chelsea understands, but as that isn’t an option, how far is Sharon willing to go to win full custody? Sharon doesn’t have anything to use against Nick, but Chelsea says one can always find leverage. Sharon is squeamish about burning bridges with Nick but thanks Chelsea for being her sounding board.

Billy and Gabriel talk about family life. Well, Billy does. Gabriel is reticent. Billy reveals that Connor is not his son and goes on to say that his dad was a real SOB—Adam Newman. He killed Billy’s daughter. Gabriel supposes it must have been hard on Adam too. Why is he defending a stranger? Billy demands.

Phyllis overhears the nurse tell Michael she’ll rush his test results to his oncologist. She gets him to admit that he has prostate cancer and is hurt that he didn’t confide in her, his best friend. She shouldn’t take it personally. He didn’t even want to tell his family, but Kevin forced him. He’s worried about the side effects of treatment, specifically his ability to perform sexually. Lauren might decide to leave him. Never! Phyllis says. Chin up and fight. She’s living proof that miracles happen. She emerged from a coma and she and Jack are solid, despite Kelly’s efforts to separate them. Michael wonders about that. Knowing Phyllis as he does, he asks what she did.

Adam apologizes. Billy does too. He gets emotional when he talks about Delia. Victoria appears for a boxing session with Billy. Mommy-and-me yoga wasn’t enough of a workout. After Gabriel is introduced to Victoria as Nick’s old school chum, he leaves. Billy grits his teeth. He’s making an effort, but there’s something about that guy. . . . Victoria throws a practice punch and accidentally hits Billy.

Obviously, it didn’t occur to Jack that there are other blondes in Genoa City besides Kelly, but it does to Kelly. Oh, the b**ch is good. Jack takes offense, and she apologizes. She begs him to believe that although she was hurt by his rejection, she’s no schemer. He concedes that Phyllis behaves outrageously sometimes, but he doesn’t think she staged Kelly’s seduction of Jack. He blames himself for Kelly’s desperation. Jack shouldn’t have started a relationship with her. He suggests she find someone to talk to, like a counselor. Kelly is humiliated.

Sage awaits Nick at the Underground. She needs his help in the form a lawyer recommendation. Avery, of course. She’s doing a bang-up job on his custody case.

Adam (as Gabriel) arrives for a meeting with Chelsea. Introductions are made. He looks familiar to Sharon. Yes, they met at the coffeehouse. She and her son recommended lodging at the Genoa City Athletic Club. He’s a recent hire at Jabot. She congratulates him and leaves. Gabriel would like to get a look at Chelsea's fall collection so that he can plot a marketing strategy. Of course. Connor coos in his playpen. She hopes he doesn't mind her son being there. Not at all.

Phyllis merely exposed the truth. Jack pities Kelly, but he’s through with her. Michael hopes so, but he knows how vindictive Phyllis can be. She might ruin things with Jack.

Victoria tends to Billy’s injury and notices, with obvious disappointment, that he had his wedding ring tattoo removed. Yes, it was time. She agrees and intends to remove hers too. Billy asks how things are going at home. Swell. The kids love Ben . . . although they know who their daddy is. Billy reveals that Connor is looking to him as a father figure. Does that mean a long-term relationship with Chelsea?

While Chelsea takes a phone call out of the room, Adam takes Connor in his arms, cuddles him, and shows him the toy car he pilfered from Chelsea’s apartment as a keepsake. Chelsea is unnerved when she returns.

Nick and Sage joke that they’re even now: She saved his live and he gave her an attorney recommendation and career counseling. They’ve also had some laughs. Sharon appears, wanting a word with Nick. She makes a last-ditch effort to avoid trial. Lots of dirt is likely to surface. Is that a threat? No, but perhaps they could work things out. She leaves.

Kelly holds out hope that Jack will discover Phyllis’s treachery, which might happen sooner than expected. Phyllis returns home to find Jack holding a blonde wig. He found it in her bag.

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