The Y&R Update Friday 1/9/15
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Pictures by Juanita
Kevin walks into the Underground and sees Mariah kissing Austin. Shes defiant. Thats right. It was her idea and she liked it. Liked what? Summer asks, returning to the bar.
At home, Sharon is a nervous wreck over Mariahs reaction to her birthday gift. She meant no harm, but she cant dwell on it now. She needs to compose herself for her job interview. The judge must see that shes a responsible parent. Noah wishes it hadnt come to this, but he supports her and tells her to knock em dead.
Chelsea rummages under the sofa for Connors toy car. It was here yesterday. . . . Billy is on his way to meet Jack, but before he gets out the door, Chelseas assistant calls in sick. He cant conduct the interviews for dress-fitting model. Billy offers to sit with Connor while Chelsea takes care of business.
At Constances mansion, Adam fondles Connors toy car. Sage scolds him for going to Chelseas apartment and risking discovery. Chelsea is with another man, and he should get over it. More immediately, they have to plan Constances funeral. The minister is on his way, and he knows Gabriel very well, so Adam needs to get into character.
At Crimson Lights, Nick sees Constances obituary online and orders flowers, which he decides to deliver personally.
Kevin covers for Mariah, explaining that she walked out on her own party. Austin wishes her happy birthday and so does Summer, with little enthusiasm. Soon the girls are at each others throats, as usual, over nothing in particular. Mariah storms out. Kevin follows to make sure Mariah doesnt do anything else she regrets. Summer wonders what he means by that.
Sage is stunned to find Nick at the front door. He came to offer condolences to his old buddy Gabe. In an effort to keep the visit short, she says hes not home, but then he appears. They all remain standing there with the door wide openin January in Wisconsin. Nick asks to come in. Its cold and hed like to write a check to Constances favorite charity in her honor.
Austin comes clean with Summer. Kevin found Mariah kissing Austin, right there in the bar. Summer isnt amused and starts to take off after Mariah, but he wants to explain.
On the Crimson Lights patio, Mariah does her best to drive Kevin away, but he wont budge. He cares about her and lots of other people do too. Thats the thing. Shes overwhelmed by the attention. Kevin knows how hard it is to accept love after a lifetime of rejection. Has Kevin misread Mariah? No. He hasnt. Shes a little scared of intimacy. Love requires risk, but Kevin thinks its worth it. He leaves her to ponder that.
Jeff comes to the penthouse looking for Chelsea and finds Billy instead. Hell wait. The two men chat uneasily about Jeffs malpractice suit against Ben. Billy knows that Chelsea paid Jeff to drop it. Correct, and Jeff isnt ashamed. He stood to gain big if hed pressed charges. Billy discovers that Jeff is there to collect the other half of the money Chelsea promised him. He offers to settle up and be done with the matter. Jeff, not willing to leave well enough alone, reveals Chelseas motivation: She wanted Ben to keep Victoria occupied, thus leaving Billy available. Jeff then plays the protective dad and asks what Billys intentions are. Billy suspects Jeff sees a comfortable future for himself, his wealthy daughter marrying into another wealthy family.
Chelsea is surprised when Sharon arrives for her interview. Sharon was hoping to get her assistant instead, who might have paved the way for her. (She and Chelsea have an acrimonious past, having to do with Adam.) Chelsea doesnt think working together would be a good idea. Sharon begs and eventually wins Chelsea over by telling her the reason she needs the job: to keep from losing her daughter. This is something Chelsea understands firsthand. Adam tried to take Connor from her. Sharon is hired.
Nick observes the way Adam and Sage interact and suspects theyre more than just friends. Furthermore, he now recalls that Gabriel was with Sage when she rescued Nick in the woods. Why did he run away? The doorbell rings and Adam gets it. Nick continues to question Sage about Gabes behavior and their relationship.
Summer doesnt understand why Austin is so protective of Mariah. Hes just trying to keep the peace. He has absolutely no interest in Mariah, and the kiss meant nothing. Does Summer believe him? Yes, she does. A crash precedes Abbys entrance. She knocked over some drinking glasses on her way in. Where is everybody? When she hears why Summer cleared the room (to have private time with her husband), Abby apologizes for intruding. Thats OK. Mariah already ruined the moment. She kissed Austin. Abby, no fan of Mariahs, warns Austin and Summer to be on guard.
Chelsea comes home to Billy. They exchange stories about Sharon and Jeff, and then she runs upstairs to see Connor. She returns. Connor said Billy read him a book. Actually, he said, Daddy read book.
Adam (Gabriel) returns and explains the living arrangements. Sage was Constances live-in caregiver and Gabriel recently returned home. Nick half apologizes for being so nosy. He remembers how fondly Gabriel spoke of his grandmother. Was she the one who bailed him out of the Juliette incident? Adam attempts a response, saying that Juliette was quite a woman. What? Juliette was a sailboat. Gabriel Bingham wouldnt have forgotten that!
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