The Y&R Update Tuesday 8/12/14
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Pictures by Juanita
At the cabin, Nikki thanks Paul and Chris for their understanding. Paul is glad to help; Chris not so much. Nikki crashed their honeymoon. Nikki attempts to justify it by citing the trauma she suffered when her journal was made public. Chris suggests Nikki turn to her own husband for support.
Victor meets Phylliss doctor in the rehab facility hallway while Jack is inside Phylliss room preparing to say goodbye to her. Hes been drifting since Phylliss accident, and, frankly, hes lost hope for her recovery, even though he knows shes still in there.
Kevin helps Chelsea and Connor get ready for Connors birthday party. Chelsea wishes his daddy could see him, not realizing that theyre being watched via computer camera. Kevin asks whether Billy will be at the party too. Chelsea ignores his snide remarks.
Billy finds Dylan hard at work at Crimson Lights. They talk about Ian Ward and Stitchtwo miserable characters. Avery walks in and overhears. At least Stitch paid for his crimes. Billy isnt forgiving. Stitch is responsible for his losing Victoria. As for Dylan, he was disappointed time and again by people he trusted. Chelsea walks in and assumes shes one of those people. She reminds him of Connors birthday today and invites him and Avery to the party. He declines, politely.
Victoria waits for her ultrasound appointment. Ben appears, all dressed up. Hes defending himself against the hospital board today. Hes a wonderful doctor, and she sincerely wishes him good luck. Abby arrives, casts a disapproving glance at Ben, and reminds Victoria to mind her stress level.
A manwho viewers are led to think is Adamis told to maintain a low profile. Its too soon to appear in public.
Victor tries to finagle a position for Phyllis in a cutting-edge drug trial, but the doctor insists on her familys permission. Victor promises it.
Nikki senses Chriss hostility and apologizes for bothering them. Paul stops her as she tries to leave. She shouldnt drive in her condition. Whom can they call to pick her up? Not their son, she protests, hes been through enough. But thats exactly who Paul summons.
Avery knows Dylan could have accepted the party invitation instead of making up an excuse. She broaches the subject of returning to therapy. He needs to talk to someone. Hes talking to her now. She means someone who can help him manage his anger. Hes saved by Pauls call.
Billy and Chelsea set up for the party in the park. They talk about Dylan versus Adam as a father for Connor. Guess which one Billy prefers? Chelsea declares the subject off limits. Kevin, Jeff, and Connor arrive.
Jack catches Dr. Burnett in the hallway and asks once and for all whether theres anything more to be done for Phyllis. No. Theyve exhausted all conventional methods of bringing her out of her coma.
Dylan arrives at the cabin, full of concern for Nikki. Is it her MS? Just a small flare-up, but shes fine now. Victor returns her call, finally, and hears about Ians leaking her journal to the press. Hes on his way.
Stitch shuffles into the coffeehouse and tells Avery, the only other person there, that hes been kicked out of the residency program. Hell probably lose his license too. She proposes a deal: Shell provide legal assistance if hell give advice on dealing with PTSD. Specifically, what kinds of triggers should be avoided? Because they vary and are unpredictable, Stitch recommends professional therapy. Agreed, but Dylan wont cooperate, and Ian Ward has aggravated the situation. Stitch is sure that he has as well.
This is Victorias final trimester, meaning she needs to file a birth plan. The doctor hands her a questionnaire. She hesitates about having the father present. Abby thinks Billy deserves the honor. Victoria protests. She doesnt even know which man, Billy or Ben, is the father, and she doesnt want both of them in the room.
Jeff gives Connor a stuffed horse for a present. It reminds everyone of a similar toy that Delia cherished. The somber mood is broken when a garish clown appears with a handful of balloons. Billy offers to get one for Connor. When Connor calls Billy Dada, Chelsea falls all over herself explaining that he uses that word to refer to many things. Kevin notes its no wonder the kid is confused; Chelsea and Billy have been spending a lot of time together. The clown was a nice touch. Who hired him? No one confesses, and the clown is gone.
Abby pushes for the DNA test, but Victoria stands firm. She doesnt need the stress. Abby agrees not to mention it again. Victoria agonizes over whom to choose for a birth partner. Then finally she asks how about Abby? Abby tries to disqualify herself but ends up accepting the honor.
Jack returns to Phylliss side. Its time to face reality, and hell make sure Summer does too. Outside the room, the doctor regrets not telling Jack the whole truth. Victor rationalizes the lie of omission.
Chris has had it up to here with Nikki. Paul seems puzzled. He just wants to help a friend. Chris shakes her head. Even a good guy like him must have limits. Nikki deprived him of his son, for crying out loud. Paul is incapable of turning his back on Nikki. Chris becomes teary. Her concern is for Paul, whom she nearly lost. He assures her hes not going anywhere.
At Crimson Lights, Avery fetches tea for Nikki while Dylan asks about her dizzy spell. Stitch overhears and shows concern. Nikki chalks it up to stress. Certainly Stitch knows about that. Shes sorry to hear he was ousted from his position at the hospital. Before leaving, Stitch tells her to avoid stress. He turns to Dylan and offers the same advice. Nikki had assumed that Dylan would want to distance himself from her after hearing the nasty things she wrote in her journal, but he doesnt. Tea is served. Nikki looks at the cup forlornly. Just what she needs.
Kevin asks Billy whether he used the information that Kevin collected. Indeed. It landed in the hands of Stitch’s boss. Billy seems remorseful. He’s no closer to Victoria than he was before the disclosure. Is that what Billy still wants? Always, Billy says
Victoria and Abby gaze at the perfect baby on the ultrasound. Abby is thinking pink. Shed love another niece.
Back at the penthouse, Billy finds a gift near the door. Seeing that its a soccer ball, Chelsea assumes its from Victor. Billy tells her to beware of strings attached.
Jack never intended to fall in love with anyone else, but he did. Phyllis will always have a place in his heart. He kisses her goodbye and leaves. Her hand moves, and her eyelids flutter.
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