The Y&R Update Wednesday 6/18/14
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Pictures by Juanita
At the hospital, Victor questions Stitch about Dylans suitability as a donor for Paul. Unfortunately, Dylans combat injuries disqualify him.
Kelly finds Victoria munching on toast at the coffeehouse. Victoria has a bone to pick with her about Ben.
In Melbourne, Australia, Chelsea and Billy prepare for their follow-up visit to Jenna. Billy is eager to find out why she ran from Stitch.
Nick, Jack, and Avery wait at the police station while Summer is questioned. When Austin is brought into the room, Nick confronts him. The attending officer says that Austin confessed to shooting the chief of police. Avery asks to speak to Austin privately. Summer emerges and immediately asks Jack and Nick whether Austin is OK.
Dylan meets Nikki in the athletic club foyer. He tells her about his inability to donate, and she tells him that Victor located Willa Ward and brought her to town. Just as theyd suspected, shes after money.
To Nick and Jacks relief, there are no charges against Summer. Shes too distraught about Austin to care.
Austin asks Avery about Pauls condition and seems genuinely concerned. He hates guns. . . . What does Avery want?
Victor tells Stitch hed move heaven and Earth to make his family happy, which is why he wants to save Pauls life. Its important to Nikki. Victor brags about what a great family man he is. He hopes his newest grandchild has a good father, hinting that he knows Stitch might be. Stitch is pleasantly surprised to have Victors support. Its more than that, really. Victor puts Stitch on a pedestal and trashes Billy.
Kelly is relieved that everything is out in the open, until she discovers it isnt. Victoria isnt talking about Bens sordid past; shes talking about Billys witch hunt in Australia. Ben told her about it. But she wonders why Kelly would have warned Ben about it. They dont seem to be on the best of terms.
Jenna busts Billy and Chelsea when they get to her apartment. She knows theyre not documentary filmmakers. They gave a bogus phone number on their business card. Chelsea tries a different tack, but no dice. Jenna is through with Bens lies and doesnt want anything more to do with him. Billy tries to soften her up by telling her that Max might have a half sibling, the mother being Billys wife. Then he outright begs her to reveal Bens offense.
Before Kelly can answer Victoria, Stitch appears. Kelly leaves. Stitch and Victoria talk about finding a donor for Paul and attempt to finish the conversation they began earlier. This time, Dylan interrupts. He needs to talk to Stitch immediately.
Victor is pleased to see Nikki at the ranch. Did she tell Dylan? No, she couldnt. It turns out Victorias child isnt the only one whose paternity is in question. Ian might not be Dylans father, but nothing is certain. Nikki now appreciates why Victor keeps some things secret from his children. Victor admires Dylans altruism. Hes willing to risk his life to save a virtual stranger. Nikki lights up. Does this mean Victor accepts her son? Well, not really, but he honors Dylans mother.
Dylan presses Stitch to allow him to donate his liver. Dylan has no spleen, so the answer is no. He reminds Dylan that Paul is not Sully. Speaking of do-overs, though, Stitch hopes to get one with the baby Victoria is carrying. Dylan is shocked that Stitch might be the father and angry that he didnt back away from Victoria when Dylan asked him to.
Summer refuses to leave the station until she sees Austin. Kelly calls to lend Jack her support. Meanwhile, Nick tries to talk sense to Summer. Austin is not a good guy. Thank God things didnt get out of hand between them. Even though hes not her biological father, he feels a need to protect her. Phyllis would insist on it.
Avery urges Austin to accept a public defender. Like Avery? he asks derisively. Question: Did Avery really think his mothers killer was innocent?
Stitch promises to finish his important talk with Victoria after his shift. They kiss goodbye in front of Dylan. Kelly catches Stitch on the patio and berates him for not telling Victoria about his past. Hes trying to, but something always interferes. Well hed better get to it before someone else does. Back inside, Dylan serves Victoria decaf. So he knows about her pregnancy. He must also know that Stitch might be the daddy. Dylan refuses to pass judgment. Hes excited about being an uncle to another Newman and thanks Victoria for accepting him into the family so readily.
Jenna wishes Victoria good luck with Ben and orders Billy and Chelsea out of her home. If she wont tell them about Ben, Billy asks, what can she tell them about Kelly? Jenna is surprised to hear that Kelly is in Genoa City too. Chelsea asks whether she was the reason for Ben and Jennas breakup. She says little except that while Kelly is no saint, Ben is worse, with all of his lies. She again tells them to leave and this time threatens to call the police. They leave.
As Ben and Kelly talk, he gets a call from Jenna. She divulged nothing to Billy and Chelsea. She thought Stitch was going to tell whatever needed to be told to whomever needed to be told. Shes had it up to here with his lies and threatens to move againthis time leaving no forwarding address.
Nikki has been thinking. She cant forgive Victor what he did to Sharon, but she loves him and wants to spend time with him. She wants to come home, if hell have her. Of course he will.
Yes, at the time, Avery thought her client was innocent. But her instincts arent always correct. She became a public defender because of someone she thought was wrongly accused. He turned out to be guilty, and that man was her father. She apologizes to Austin for what happened to his mother and encourages him to let go of his rage. Austin says he confessed to his crime, and so should Avery. Outside the room, Jack and Nick talk disparagingly about Austin (which they should know will only make him more attractive to her). Sure enough, Summer bursts into the interrogation room and says she needs to be there, against the protests of both Avery and Austin.
Dylan and Victoria have moved on to sharing milk and cookies at the Crimson Lights counter. They talk some more about Victorias predicament. Stitch is Dylans best buddy, but Dylan also thinks Billy is a good guy. He wants only whats best for Victoria. Come what may, she intends to protect her baby.
Back in their hotel, Billy and Chelsea are satisfied to learn that Kelly played a role whatever went down with Stitch and Jenna. Now to start digging into her past.
Summer agrees with Avery that Austin needs a good lawyer, and she nominates Avery. Avery is stunned.
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