Wednesday Y&R Update 5/28/14

The Y&R Update Wednesday 5/28/14


Written by Ellen
Pictures by Juanita

After Ben and Victoria share a meal at her house, she announces that she wants to call Billy and tell him about her pregnancy. Meanwhile, Billy is at Chelsea’s penthouse. He questions her about her conversation with Victoria. Chelsea says there’s something Billy needs to know, but Victoria is the one to tell him. He becomes angry and suspects that Victoria’s revelation has something to do with Stitch. Chelsea won’t divulge anything but offers a sympathetic ear if he needs to talk later.

Jill gushes over Katherine’s necklace. Colin reminds her it’s communal property. They argue but stop when they notice a note near the necklace. They both grab for it and tear it. Bigger problems are brewing, though. The Genoa City police are at the door.

At the cemetery, Nick and Sharon lay flowers on Cassie’s grave. It never gets any easier. The silver lining is that the two of them found each other again. Sharon isn’t surprised. She hopes Cassie knows and that she’s pleased. Victor arrives with a bouquet of forget-me-nots. Of all the nerve! Nick says. Victor disgraced Cassie’s memory by hiring that look-alike to torture Sharon. Victor uncharacteristically apologizes for intruding. He thought they’d be gone from the grave site by now.

Ben offers his support, although he’s ambivalent about Victoria’s telling Billy about the baby. It might mean a reunion for her and Billy.

The cop recognizes Colin as the missing person he’s been called to find. Cane follows the policeman and apologizes for wasting his time. Cane is disgusted by his father’s appearance and has lots of questions. Jill attempts to help Colin with a cover story about his going to Canada on gas and oil business. Cane doesn’t buy it.

Nick praises Sharon for her graciousness toward Victor after what he did to her. She tries to explain that her encounters with Mariah helped her by giving her a glimpse of Cassie all grown up. Nick protests that Mariah is nothing like their sweet daughter. Sharon points out that both Mariah and Victor are paying for their scandalous behavior. She’s in prison, and he’s being shunned by his family. Suddenly, something dawns on her.

Chelsea invites Victor in, but now isn’t a good time to visit. Connor is sleeping. Victor senses a change in her attitude toward him. She admits she’s put off by what Victor did to Sharon, all in the name of protecting Nick. Well, he says, wouldn’t she do anything to protect Connor?

Ben and Victoria admit they like being together, but she must tell Billy. Gosh, she’s nervous! He offers a shoulder rub, as payback for the one she gave him. She removes her outer blouse and they sit on the sofa. On the other side of the door, Billy starts to insert his key but knocks instead. When Stitch answers, Billy blows past him and says he hopes he’s interrupting something.

Cane shoves the Bonaventure Industries business card in Colin’s face and demands to know whether Colin set him up. Colin readily admits it. He did it for Cane’s benefit. Colin was trying to do Cane a good turn, to get back in his good graces, but it didn’t turn out that way. Cane storms out.

Sharon attempts to capture an elusive memory. It involves something that happened right there, in the cemetery, and Nick was there too.

Chelsea mentions her concern about Billy. Victor turns up his nose at her friendship with him and advises her to avoid him. Thank God his daughter has moved on.

It’s an ugly scene at Victoria’s house. When she gets a word in, she announces that she has something to tell Billy. He knows; that’s why he’s here. More arguing between Stitch and Billy follows. Billy concludes that Victoria is throwing him over for Stitch.

Nick recalls being at the cemetery. He was distraught over Summer. Sharon remembers overhearing Nick talking about the paternity test he was going to have, which, weeks later, revealed Jack to be Summer’s father. Sharon is puzzled.

Cane goes to Victor’s office. Bad news: Victor will likely pay big fines for his role in the tainted supplement case and possibly face prison time. In graphic terms, Victor vows revenge on whoever set him up. Is there anything else Cane wanted to discuss? No. Why did Cane come in the first place? To find out how things went with the feds. He makes a quick exit.

Colin is determined to make things right with Cane and Jill. He can start by handing over the scraps of the note in his hand. It’s a loving note from Katherine, and Jill becomes emotional. Colin tries to horn in but she reminds him that the necklace is hers and hers alone.

No, Victoria says, she’s not taking up with Ben. Tensions still run high, though, and in striking out at Stitch, Billy breaks a treasured wedding gift. Victoria explodes and orders Billy to leave. He begs her pardon, but she says no, and the next time he wants to visit, he should call first.

Sharon questions the timing of the announcement of Jack’s being Summer’s father. She could have sworn she knew it earlier. Nick doesn’t dwell on it. They turn their attention back to Cassie.

Victoria thinks she overreacted to Billy’s breaking the item in order to avoid telling him about her pregnancy. Maybe she should just wait until the test results are available. Stitch suggests that Chelsea might tell him first.

At Chelsea’s, Billy pours himself a drink. Judging from his demeanor, Chelsea assumes that Victoria delivered the news. She slips and says maybe things will work out for Billy and Victoria now that she’s having his baby. Baby? he says.

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