Thursday Y&R Update 1/9/14

The Y&R Update Thursday 1/9/14


Written by Ellen
Pictures by Juanita

Jack and Hilary chat about Devon’s purchase of the athletic club as they for Jill at a table. Jack then gets a text telling him that Jill is out of town and won’t be coming, even though she was the one who called the meeting.

Noah arrives at Sharon’s and overhears her talking to herself about Nick not forgiving her. For what? he asks.

Victor finds Nick at the Underground and teases him about being with Sharon on New Year’s Eve. Nick has a feeling Victor is there for some other reason, and he’s right.

At the Chancellor mansion, Chelsea and Chloe prepare for Connor’s christening. Chloe casually mentions that Kevin won’t be there; they broke up. Chelsea is stunned.

At the police station, Kevin rants to Alex about Chloe. Alex suggests that a break in Delia’s case might help. Chris is ready to make a deal with the felon-witness.

Avery meets Adam at the church with paperwork naming Jack as Connor’s legal guardian in Adam’s absence. Adam insists Victor is to have no contact with Connor. Avery is concerned. Why does Adam think he won’t be around to raise Connor?

Hilary remarks that being kind and understanding won’t get Jack far in business. One has to be ruthless. No, that’s Victor’s style, not Jack’s. A photographer approaches and asks for a picture. They oblige and cozy up for the camera. Hilary jokes they were standing so close that people might think they’re a couple.

Noah is concerned about Sharon, but she assures him that she’s improving and getting stronger each day. So where does Nick’s forgiveness fit in? Well, if she were to backslide, she would be disappoint Nick—one of her greatest supporters—and he wouldn’t forgive her. Noah doesn’t buy it entirely and gets her to admit that she’s been seeing visions of Cassie again and talking with her.

Victor is maudlin having just come from Cassie’s grave. He rambles about the tragedy of losing a child, either by death or loss of love. Nick concludes he’s talking about Adam.

Adam flippantly says anything could happen to him—a slip in the tub, for example. Seriously, though, Victor’s determination is legendary and he must be kept from Connor. Avery tries to persuade Adam to trust her, as his friend and as his attorney, and tell him what’s really motivating him. She produces the video he asked her to hold and asks what’s on it, not realizing it’s his confession to the hit-and-run.

Kevin was hovering, so Chloe ended it. Chelsea doesn’t believe it’s over and preaches forgiveness. Chloe rolls her eyes and changes the subject.

Alex is ready to talk with the witness but won’t allow Kevin to sit in. Instead, Kevin listens at the door, which is slightly ajar.

Sharon is sure she’s seen the last of Cassie, not that she didn’t enjoy her visits with her. Noah asks questions such as what Cassie looks like and whether Sharon has told Nick about her visions. No, she hasn’t and doesn’t intend to. Noah encourages her to expand her social circle. She will—eventually.

Nick advises Victor to keep Adam at arm’s length. Victor seems deeply troubled. Does he want to talk about it? Noah arrives just then, and they greet him. Victor lectures him about the importance of family, which leads Noah to think he’s attacking Sharon again.

Sharon arrives late to the club and finds only Hilary. Jack had to leave for Connor’s christening. The two women chat about Jack and about Delia and what a shame it is that the killer hasn’t been found and brought to justice.

George, the eyewitness, gives Alex a sketchy description of the driver. Alex becomes impatient and leans on him for more information than just a thin-faced man driving an SUV with a Wisconsin plate beginning with “G.” George claims not to know much more and he doesn’t want to lie. Eventually, though, he lets on that he’s interested in the details of his reward.

Chelsea arrives at the church with Connor. Although she agrees with Adam about keeping Victor from Connor, she sees no reason to sign the papers today. Anita, Jack, and Chloe arrive, temporarily diverting the conversation, but Adam interrupts to announce Jack’s dual role as godfather and legal guardian. Chloe is astounded. Privately, she questions Chelsea about the wisdom of marrying Adam, Victor’s son. Across the room, Adam urges Jack to sign the paper immediately.

Sharon is a non-issue, Nick says, more for Victor’s benefit than for Noah’s. Victor praises his son and grandson for their strong character, tells them he’s proud of them, and makes his exit. Noah wonders why grandpa was so emotional.

Sharon and Hilary discuss what brand of justice would be acceptable in Delia’s case. A confession would be ideal, certainly not vigilante justice. It would help just to identify the guilty party, Sharon decides.

After the interview, Kevin badgers Alex to keep after George. Chloe needs closure. He’s frustrated and desperately wants to help with the case. Turns out, he can. Alex explained to the chief of police that Kevin is no longer romantically involved with the mother of the victim, so Kevin is back on the case and should get to work.

Nick and Noah puzzle over Victor’s state of mind, and Noah tells his dad about Sharon’s noticeable improvement.

Meanwhile, Sharon and Hilary share mimosas—one of the perks Devon offered to keep Hilary at the club. Sharon remembers living at there after her breakup with Jack. They were once married, but they’re friends now. Hilary is curious whether Sharon ever wishes for more than friendship. Not with Jack, but it’s natural to long for the past. Hilary declares the past should be left in the past, and they drink to that.

Jack signs in Chelsea’s presence and assures her that this is merely a safety net; he has no intention of overstepping. Chelsea understands and signs too. Then there’s the document officially changing Connor’s surname to Newman, and Avery is off to file the papers. Before they proceed with the baptism, Adam announces his and Chelsea’s intent to wed, and everyone except Chloe is happy. Anita is particularly so, and scolds her daughter for not getting a big ring from Adam. Chelsea glances at Adam and says she doesn’t need one.

Nick wants Noah to stop worrying about his mother. Together they speculate about Victor’s mood. Nick seems more certain now that it has to do with Adam.

After Connor’s ceremony, everyone celebrates in the church entryway with sparkling cider. Adam is flying high until Victor looms in the doorway, crowing about his youngest family member.

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